




Planet of the Mexicans

     Well, the Mexicans of LA are angry again, and for the usual reason: Immigration. Last week half a million people marched through downtown Los Angeles to protest the suggestion that maybe there are enough uneducated busboys, dishwashers, domestic housekeepers and fender and body men to last for a while. Earlier this week there was rioting on school campuses over the same issue. I respect protest, civil and otherwise (I did my share of both during the Vietnam War), but I do have a couple of questions for my fellow Angelenos of Latin persuasion.

     One is why don't you organize 500,000 people to protest the War in Iraq? Why does the Latino agenda necessarily entail only parochial Latino concerns? A successful resolution of the immigration question benefits only immigrants and still leaves us with overcrowded public schools and a broken healthcare system. So how is that good for all Angelenos?

     But the war in Iraq is of concern to everyone, so why no angst over that? Your son is not going to die if his uncle cannot emigrate from Mexico, but he may if he's in the Marines right now. Mainstreaming into a culture means softening narrow interests so as to benefit the whole of society. This is not being done by Los Mexicanos, and for some reason it is insisted that it needn't be done.

     But the destruction visited upon us by George Bush's War is a far more significant issue to the country than immigration. So why not march against the war? If one is going to be in the boat, then why don't we all row in the same direction? Why the silence over issues that affect not just Latinos, but all Americans? Half a million people in the streets protesting would send a powerful message. I know, because it worked 35 years ago.

     Another question has to do with the Mexican mantra that "white people can't work". It used to be that we couldn't jump. Now we can't even survive. Our children would go uncared for, our homes would be filthy and all of us would starve if not for Third World intervention. As such, how did our society ever make it these last two centuries without the Mexicans? I ask you...

     The fact of the matter is, if we can land men on the moon, then we can mow our own lawns. We don't need anyone to do anything for us. No one helped us defeat the prevailing world power to win independence in the 18th Century; no one helped us resolve the tragedy of the Civil War in the 19th Century; nor the Great Depression and the two World Wars of the 20th Century. This may come as a shock, but we accomplished these feats without Mexicans, as politically incorrect a statement as that may be. We Euro-Americans can also work hard and be resourceful, believe it or not

     And insisting that there are jobs that would go unfulfilled is insulting rubbish. We would do them, and to suggest otherwise is an exercise in a fallacious premise. You want to help out? Fine. But don't tell me we're helpless without you. Our great history disproves that. The only thing we Americans need to surmount any obstacle is each other.

     And, pray tell, just what is the advantage to a society to be inundated with tens-of-millions of unskilled and uneducated people? The United States is of the First World precisely because we are not of the Third World. So how does changing that benefit us? The Statue of Liberty may exhort us to accept "your tired huddled masses", but that's just poetic license, and in any event, it surly has its limits. After all, a third of the worlds' population lives in abject poverty. That's almost two billion people! Should we encourage the migration of those huddled masses to our shores as well?

     I don't think so, because it's beginning to resemble a zero sum game. Those who win displace those who don't, and such shouldn’t determine ones destiny. It's dehumanizing, as well as destructive to a vibrant sophisticated culture. Working is not the only human endeavor, and really not even the most important, and maintaining that it is only justifies a very narrow perspective (unlimited immigration for employment purposes) that is neither rational nor constructive. (See my article "Work" in the April '05 issue of The Noyse).

     The politically correct would label me a racist, xenophobic, intolerant, nativist bigot, which is what the PC do when one disagrees with them, this despite the fact that not only am I a life-long voting Democrat, but am married to a Latina! So how intolerant could I be?

     But those same name callers more than likely send their children to private schools and maintain private health care. In otherwords, they're unaffected by the consequences of their efforts to rescue the world’s huddled masses who arrive en masse. With children in LA public schools, I am affected.

     My final question is, did we really need this? Did we need to upset the balance of the work place with cheap exploited labor so as to satisfy the bloated maw of the beast of business? Capitalist concerns should not be the determining factor in our sense of who we are. Those are false values. And damaging a society in pursuit of false values is a death knell.

Crushing Third World immigration contributes to this.

Do mail Keith and tell him what you think of his writings.

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