I Want Four Weeks
Page 2: "Is THIS What I'm Paying You to Do?"

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Todd: Is THIS what I'm paying you to do?

Sam: Todd, Todd, wait a minute, come on! YOu didn't have to wear a suit!
Todd: Well what the hell else do you wear when you have a meeting with your attorney? An attorney who's standing here like a...like a soft boiled egg! You've been on this case for exactly 24 hours and you've done exactly nothing! You know, you're supposed to blocking my divorce with Delgado and I'm the one who's running around town trying to get my wife back!

Todd: I hate this, I hate it! Every...it's all, you know, gettin' away from me Sam.
No, no, not it...'she'. T�a.
Todd: Yeah her too.

Todd: Everything, you know...I...my kid finally got better, you know, I got her away from Blair, everything's goin' good at the paper, and you know my life was...it was regular.
Sam: I know, and now T�a's gone.
Todd: T�a, T�a, T�a, shut up about T�a.
Sam. T�a is the reason I am here. Would you just relax? Come on, grab a little steam, sit down. Take a break. I will get her back for you.

I Want Four Weeks, Page 3

TnT Love Story in Pictures
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