The Assisted Suicide Scenes
Page 3: "You're a Weakness..."

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Todd: I thought...
T�a: What?
Todd: Well, I loved me.
T�a: The sad part is that I do.

Todd: No...people who...LOVE...someone...don't go away. They don't HURT that person on purpose.
T�a: You do. I LOVE...and will ALWAYS love...the man you COULD BE.
Todd: But not the man I am.
T�a: And I've tried to love and nurture the...the crippled little boy who hurts people before they can hurt him.

Todd: No-no, w-w-wait, whoa, don't you call me a CRIPPLE!
T�a: What your father did to you emotionally was WORSE than if he'd cut off your legs!
Todd: Y'know, I never shoulda...I knew it, I should NEVER HAVE TOLD YOU THAT!

Todd: You're just like everybody else, you're all the same.
T�a: Who?
Todd: Y'know you tell somebody something and then they use it against...EVERYBODY!
T�a: THAT is not true, I have TRIED, to help you! At times, I even thought I was making a difference. But you know what, after all the ways you've threatened me, and manipulated me, I realize that nothing's changed. I've been FOOLING myself, Todd.
Todd: Well, we're havin' a little setback.

T�a: Oh, is THAT what you think this is? A little setback...Y'know, I could take your tantrums, and your fears, when they were just between us...but now you're lashing out at others and hurting them, as a way to try to hold on to me.
Todd: Yeah, yeah, yeah---you're comin' gotta come BACK now.
T�a: To what? Satisfaction, fufillment, peace? What you're doing to me is a version of what your father did to YOU...and I can't take that anymore!

Todd: So you will betray me. Y'know, don't kid're just as good at this game as I am.
T�a: I will NOT be used as a weapon to destroy innocent people's lives!

Todd: The only life that got destroyed here is Bo Buchanan's, and WHO CARES about him. This guy's a killer, he said so himself.
T�a: WHY...are you so obsessed with this man?
Todd: I'm not, I'm just a newspaper man. I-I'm trying to get to the truth.

T�a: Look, his confession is beside the point. It''s as if you're AFRAID of him.
Todd: I'm not afraid...what, that HYPOCRITE, are you kidding? That-that-that Mr. Successful, pillar of the community---you know, you turn that pillar over, it's just like turning over any other ROCK...just a bunch of SLIME underneath.
T�a: Just like your FATHER, is THAT it?
Todd: Oh no, don't you analyze me!
T�a: Is THAT who you're trying to punish here?

T�a: Ohhhh...
Todd: They finally got to you, didn't they, huh?
T�a: Who?
Todd: Those Buchanans...they found out.
T�a: What?
Todd: You're a weakness...they're trying to turn you against me.

T�a: You've done that all by yourself.
Todd: They're trying to use how I feel about you as a weapon to destroy me.

The Assisted Suicide Scenes, Page 4

TnT Love Story in Pictures
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