115. Levi10 Heacock (Jonathan9, Jonathan 2d8, Jonathan7, John6, William5, John4, John3, John (Haicocke)2, Jonathan (Heycocke)1) (#678) was born in King Township, York County, Ontario, Can 1809. Levi died April 8, 1881 in King Township, York County, Ontario, Can, at 71 years of age. His body was interred in Quaker Cemetary, Newmarket.

He married Mary Wiggins. (Mary Wiggins is #679.) Mary was born 1808. Mary was the daughter of Issac Wiggins and Ann Armitage. Mary died June 9, 1892 at 83 years of age. Her body was interred in Quaker Cemetery, Newmarket.

Levi Heacock and Mary Wiggins had the following children:

child 227 i. Elijah B11 Heacock (#796) was born before 1878, the first event for which there is a recorded date. Elijah died 1878. He married Naomi Mcgarvey. (Naomi Mcgarvey is #797.)

child 228 ii. Martha Heacock (#798) was born before 1920, the first event for which there is a recorded date. Martha died 1920. She married Joel Hollingshead. (Joel Hollingshead is #799.)

child 229 iii. Edward Heacock (#800) was born before 1908, the first event for which there is a recorded date. Edward died 1908. He married Susan Ottham. (Susan Ottham is #801.)

child 230 iv. Jared Heacock (#802) was born before 1918, the first event for which there is a recorded date. Jared died 1918. He married Sophia Lount. (Sophia Lount is #803.)

child + 231 v. Linville Heacock was born before 1869, the first event for which there is a recorded date.

child 232 vi. Alfred Heacock (#806) was born on (birth date unknown). He married Mary Clark. (Mary Clark is #807.)

child 233 vii. Thomas Heacock (#794) was born 1827. He married Mary Ann Sherriff. (Mary Ann Sherriff is #795.)

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