Gundam W Chapter
GW Episode Zero
This is an area of my site devoted to each pilot's past... This is a VERY abridged version of the Episode Zero so go HERE for the REAL episode Zero stuff.
   Heero's story started when he lived/traveled with a guy named Odin Lowe. Heero is not Heero's real name and his real name is never told. Anyway, one day, Septem hired Odin on a mission to snipe someone. That certain someone was the original Heero Yuy. After killing Heero, Odin escaped with young Heero to hide. Dechem Barton found out about this and hired Odin to kill Septem. The plan failed and Odin was killed. Heero appears right before Odin dies to hear his final words, "A-All... These years... With you... Weren't... so... bad...". Odin dies, leaving a detonator which Heero presses. A huge explosion is made in the colony they are in and Heero escapes to later run into a man named Dr. J. Dr. J asks Heero words that changed his life, "Do you want to pilot a gundam?" Heero, following Odin's words to follow his emotions, accepts. And so it goes...
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   Duo, the happiest of the pilots didn't start out as happy. When he was a kid, he was orphaned by war. As an orphan, he ran around stealing food, money, etc. from anyone he saw. Duo back then had long hair, and eventually ran into a kid named Solo. He joined Solo and his group for awhile. Then one day, Solo was caught in war and was dying. Duo, afraid of losing his only friend, came to help. Solo said just before he died that they were one. From then on Duo addressed himself as Duo. While wandering, he finds the Maxwell Church. The nuns and priests there help him, feed him, braid his hair, and give him new clothes. After awhile, he likes staying at the church and becomes merry, but a battle erupts near the church and kills everyone. Duo finds the priest, who dies in his hands. Duo then dubs himself Maxwell so he comes up with the name, Duo Maxwell. Duo, hating weapons and beliving he is the God of Death, finds Deathscythe and tries to destroy it, but instead is convinced by Professor G to pilot it to stop wars...
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   Trowa, when he was young, had no name and worked with a mercenary corp. and fught with them. When he was only a baby, a few bullets hit they're wagon and threw him off. Trowa's father and mother died, but his sister, Catherine, survived. Ever since then, Catherine hated war, and didn't know Trowa was in the war, nor that he was still alive. While in the mercenary corp, he met a girl named Midii Une, who always wore some gizmo around her neck, and they worked together to plan missions, fights, etc. She also gave Trowa a cross to wear. After they left the circus, they were immediately attacked by Mobile Suits who used to be there allies. Trowa kills them, not even caring they used to be his friends. Eventually, Trowa learned that the gizmo and the cross were transmiting what they say to the enemy. With his captain dead after the last battle, and the rest of his comrades trators, the mercenary corp dissapeared and Trowa left to space, not even caring that Midii loved him. The no-named soldier had no home once again...
   Quatre when he was young, didn't believe he was a naturally born boy. His mother died because of abnormalities of giving birth in space. Quatre believed that he was a test-tube baby like his 28 (or is it 29?) sisters. Quatre was going to earth one day when his shuttle was attacked by the Maganac Corp. They sent the shuttle to Satalite MO-III, but Quatre was bored and didn't care. It is later revealed that the Maganac was working for Quatre's father. Quatre hated his father and falsely believed that he was created to work for his father without any thoughts. But when the Maganac tell that all are test-tube babies, some of Quatre's uncertainty disappears. Later, a traitor in the Maganac, gave away the Maganac's position in space and was captured by Quatre. Then, Quatre and the rest of the Maganac was forced to fight against the 100 suits of the Federation. The suits were destroyed mostly by Quatre, and they all left for Earth to find who they are. The next time Quatre meets the Maganac is two years later, when Operation Meteor begins...
   Wufei, was married at age 14, which was the law of the Dragon Clan. His arranged wife, who dubbed herself Nataku, wasn't happy with Wufei. Wufei back then was a scholar and wore glasses. Later on, Meiran, challenges Wufei to a fight. She thoought Wufei never practices fighting and heavily underestimates him, Wufei wins and insults her by saying, "You call yourself Nataku?!". The federation, afraid of rebellion from Wufei's colony, tries to exterminate the inhabitants.  Meiran, fights to protect the colony. At that time, Wufei steals the Shenlong Gundam to save Meiran. Wufei flies in front of Meiran's suit to save her, but while Meiran is escaping, she collides with an enemy suit. Meiran asks Wufei to put her in a flower field to die. Wufei does just that, feeling angry and sad at the same time. Later on, Wufei has given up his studies to pilot Shenlong. Wufei now pilots Shenlong for the justice he believes in...
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