Welcome to the official site of Kingdom Hearts: Rebirth of the Heartless.
This site is the hub for the RPGMaker 2000-format Kingdom Hearts fangame, Rebirth of the Heartless. And we can proudly lay claim to the fact that we are the first announced Kingdom Hearts fan game for RM2K. Included in the game will be a real-time battle system, often referred to as the Active Battle System, or ABS, in the RM2K community. We furthermore plan to incorperate a mass-scale Cause-and-Effect system, further impacting determined by how you play. To add to that, it also features animated cutscenes.

Rebirth of the Heartless has you taking on the role of Sora to once more push back the returning Heartless, as well as face down the challenges that willcome to pass. Sora finds himself facing the task of continuing down the path without his friends, Donald and Goofy, who have seemingly vanished at the start of the game. What will Sora encounter on his adventure? Play and find out.
No, we aren't dead. Thanks for asking. - 3/31/06
Hey, everyone. I'd just like to clarify quickly, RotH isn't dead. While ReniSoft isn't thriving so much as it did in its prime, it is still up and running, still getting game submissions for the good forumgoers of Kingdom Hearts Ultimania, where I head up the Fangames division. RotH is making progress, especially behind the scenes, and what's more, the second and third installments are being planned currently. The RotH Project consists of:

-Rebirth of the Heartless
-Threads of Light
-Tied Through Friendship

More information will be given at a later time, most likely in the
First update in a while! - 7/06/04
Yep. You probably thought the site was dead, didn't you? Well, it's not. But onto important matters. The introduction has been rewritten. Thanks to Unlocked2886 for typing the new one up. Next, I'm going to just give you a heads up. Unless I do something major, I likely won't write an update here about my work on the site, as I'll be working on it frequently. The summer will only be here for a short time, so I have to sieze it and squeez all the life out of it I possibly can, working on the site, forums, and the game. So, rest easy tonight. RotH isn't dead. However, I probably won't have enough time to keep the site up after summer ends, so I need a webmaster to run the site. And I need a good host. The site as it is isn't 56k user friendly. Thank you, stupid Geocities. Well, peace everyone. I'll be back to get you an update shortly, keep checkin' the site!
Grr... - 2/29/04
As you may have guessed... I'm in a bad mood. A very bad mood. Trust me. Don't cross me, or you'll lose a limb. If you're wondering what could put mild tempered old Doomy into such a temperment? Quite simply: The loss of my @*#&!$% media section. ARG!! Anyway, I'm just stopping in to explain the sudden loss.
New Wallpaper, New News, New Error... Oh, My...! - 2/11/04
Yet another small update. No, no major changes to the site have come, mostly because I don't feel well enough to work too hard on it (I have the cold, still, and three infections caused by the cold. Pity me.) When I feel a little better, and get caught up on all this blasted school work, I'll make a bigger update. Until then, I'm gonna sit around my house in my comfy Ralph Lauren shirt and pare of jeens... eating soup. Now, onto the update. We have a new wallpaper by Queen Shiva, this time of EM and a bunch of "Endless". In two sizes. Also, for those of you who saw the old screens and the old screens only, we have had a big graphics update on that thanks to the efforts of Tamakaiouh. E-Mail me for the screen, if you can't wait until it's on the site. And as for the error, as seen in the title, it seems many have been having trouble downloading the theme song... We'd all like to appoligize for this inconvenience, and we are working to correct this. If anyone succesfully downloaded this file, send it to the RotH team (see "E-Mail section) so we can upload it to our own server. Thank you.
More Media - 2/02/04
Hi, everyone. Sorry I haven't updated. I was expecting to update more ofter, but unfortunately, I got a bad cold. But here's the latest update: Two new wallpapers by our amazing photoshop specialist, Queen Shiva. The wallpapers are really great. One features Sephiroth, who will undoubtedly return in RotH. The other features the red coated unknown. No comment on what role he plays in RotH, though. Sorry, everyone.
Media and More - 1/26/04
Hey, everyone. Yep, we are back to frequent updates, in fact, we had two today. I'm shooting for at least one a day, if I can manage that. Once again, I urge you - PLEASE join the forums. They are all but dead, and they are vital to this game's success. Now, on to the update. I've added the long awaited Media section, with two new wallpapers by the Queen, our photoshop specialist, Queen Shiva. I must say, they look great! In fact, the Okibi wallpaper is my current desktop. Also, as you no doubt have noticed... All of the previousupdates have been archived.
Wallpapers and Candy Yum Yums - 1/26/04
Hey, all! I made two wallpapers today. They are character based, one fore Ren'ai, one for Okibi. Don't they look like movie posters? I think so! They can both be found in the newly created MEDIA SECTION!!!
Kingdom Hearts and all realated characters, logos, ect. (c) Square Enix and Disney. All Fan Art belongs to their respective owners. Layout made by Queen Shiva.
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