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- Showtime Lakers Poll 7/24 -
Since the Lakers do not have Grant or Lue, do you think the Lakers will have a chance to win the NBA Finals again?

Of course
Not sure
Probably not
Absolutely not

Name: Stephen
Age: 13
Occupation: Manager/Formatter
E-mail: [email protected]

I started playing basketball when I was seven years old. During junior high, I did not play many minutes. However, I improved my skills to make the high school team, which I am proud of. I also play golf. I�ve played it for two years, so my handicap is about 40. I started building websites when I was in the fourth grade. I know much about HTML, and that is why I am the formatter. My other interests are music, NFL, and playing video games. My favorite movies are Finding Forrester and Men of Honor because they have meaning.

Name: Steve
Age: 14
Occupation: Image Producer
E-mail: [email protected]
Hi screw sports hahaha too much work and gran turismo 2 is the best ..go buy it if u have a playstation... bye..

Name: Karen
Age: 14
Occupation: Writer/Editor
E-mail: [email protected]
Basketball is my favorite sport, but I like to play other stuff, too. I'm not exactly sure when I started playing, but I didn't start playing organized ball until Junior High. I usually play shooting guard on the school team. Sports are really cool and so is Rick Fox. I'm a freshman at Oxford, and I live in Buena Park. Also, I'm usually bored (especially if I'm online) so you can IM me at LAkErAnGeLx17 or SuGaRzSweEte98. I also love to do lots of other stuff that I can't think of right now, so have a nice day.

Name: Kim
Age: 14
Occupation: Photo Manager
E-mail: [email protected]
My two favorite sports are Basketball and Tennis. And my two favorite basketball players are Kobe Bryant and Derek Fisher. My other hobbies are to play outside and roller blade. My favorite TV show is "The Simpsons" and Gilmore Girls. My favorite colors are yellow, purple, blue, silver, orange, and pink. I like to eat Chinese food (kind of because I am Chinese). My favorite movie has got to be Rush Hour 2. It was so funny. I also like the cartoon characters Tweety and Bugs Bunny.

Name: Danny
Age: 14
Occupation: Interactive/History Director
E-mail: [email protected]
I help out with HTML on Kim, Karen and that other guys website. I live in Buena Park, California. I like to play a lot of sports and watch them as well. I am a big fan of the Lakers, but not as big as Kim, Karen and that other fool. You can IM me via my aim screen name, adoniz guy. Well anyways.. more of myself... My favorite type of music is R&B, rap, and some pop... My favorite athlete is Daunte Culpepper of the Vikings and of course, they're my favorite non-basketball team. IM me so we can chat. I'm out~

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