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Chapter 1: The meeting on the road

Alana stumbled on the road, hurting inside. For all her 16 years, she looked pale and unhealthy. She carried with her only a few belongings, but tried not to look like she was poor. Dirt stained her face as well as her once beautiful dress. A cloak she wore to hide the wings on her back was tattered nearly to shreds, save the hood she hid her face with. Two dirty points, stuck out from it, the only sign of her elvin blood. She could barely stand. She moaned as a cramp racked her body. And yet, though in pain, she traveled on.
She saw a village up ahead, the oil lit laterns burning brightly from outside each house. She stumbled, falling just outside the village gates. No, she thought, I must get beyond the village. So, struggling greatly, she got to her feet and walked on.
She got beyond the village, finding a little comfort in the wooded area after it. At least here no one would see her. Tired, hungry, and all together just in pain, she found a tree near by and sat down in a big huff. She pulled her hood back a slight bit, looking clearly at her swollen abdomen.Only five months into the pregnancy, the child already looked as though it would be too big to push out when it was her time. She rubbed it, thinking of the 8 months she still had left to carry this child. She felt in her heart that she would never make it anyway. Remembering the night the child was created brought terrible images to her mind. The man who created this child inside her was a monster, a demon plagueing her world. God how the rape had hurt. She raised her hand to the still unhealed bite marks he had left in the left side of her throat. How they hurt. She had no idea what happened after he had bitten her. The memory was blanked out, as it was too horrid for her to remember. She laid her head against the back of the tree taking a big breath. The child inside her moved, giving her belly a jolt. She winced in pain as another cramp hit her belly. Finally the pain and motion subsided and she laid her head back against the tree to get some sleep, which she had missed the last 3 weeks.
As she lay there resting, she felt a tap on her leg. She opened her eyes, thinking it was no more then an animal. But standing beside her was a man in a hooded cloak. He pulled back his hood, showing his face and pointed ears. He smiled at her, talking in a silky smooth calm voice.
" Excuse my intrution of your rest, dear lady, but a woman who is as you are should not be out in the darkened night, sleeping against a tree."
" Sir, I have no where to sleep but that which you see. And since no one will open their doors for a WINGED elf, this is the only place there is. Besides, I look as if I am a dirty old woman with no care for herself, why should anyone want me amoung them?! They must think me with sickness, as surely you would , if you saw me more clearly."
He looked at her with simpathy in his eyes. She was ill, he felt it, but with an illness which she must surely not know of. He knew , for someone had also cursed him with a illness as such.
"Lady, I see you quite fine and I do not think you with illness. I think that it has been a while since you've known the kindness of anyone. Let me help you up. I will let you stay with me at my home. It's rather large and gloomy from the outside, but it has a warm fire and a soft bed. Will you come with me?"
She looked at him, wondering if he was as kind as he seemed. Pains of hunger nagged at her stomach. She knew that she would have to take the risk, for to turn down such an offer in her condition was not possible.
" Yes, I'll shall go with you sir. I have not had comfort in the last three years."
He put his hand out to her and she took it with a slight smile on her face. Then, as she rose, another cramp shattered through her like a sharp white poker, causing her to moan. She took a hold of her stomach, tears coming from her eyes. When the pain past, she struggled to her feet, putting all her weight on the man.
" Dear lady, how long have you been with child?"
" 5 months, but it seems like years."
" And was the father of your race."
" I should think not. Pointed teeth instead of ears. Claws like daggers. Glowing eyes. No the man who gave me this ....thing I carry was hardly a man.Certainly not an elvin one."
" The man had fangs? Did he draw blood from you?"
" I think so, but after he bit me, I passed out. I think I woke up a few days later, but I can't be sure."
" And it has been five months since this attacker was with you?"
" Well it wasn't the first time I was attacked , but raped, yes it was 5 months ago, nearly 6."
" Then I must get you home as soon as possible. That child inside you might be killing you. The man you speak of is called a Vampire. In your race's toungue you'd know them as Akara."
Her eyes went wide at the mention of that word. Akara. No, it couldn't be.
" Blood drinking demons. I carry the child of a blood demon. My god, I'm going to die. And if he gave me any of his blood......my god no. And you want to help me, knowing that I might be one. How can you?"
" Well let's just say I know what it feels like to be cursed, for I too was attacked and poisoned, but I have long since quelled the erge to kill. I have lived many years controling the cursed beast that creature turned me into. So I have little to fear from the likes of you. I fear for you though. The Akara impregnated you with a rather unnatural child. The race's offspring grows much faster then normal. Normally, Akara woman can have their child after only 4 months of waiting. But because you are of the elfin race the time stretched a little. How long have you been having the cramps?"
" A few hours the most intense of the cramps have been nearly unbearable. But cramps in general, for three years. I can not keep down food so well. That makes sence now where it didn't before. Does that mean I have to......no, please no"
" I am afraid so, lady, for it is you now. But do not fear. I will help you cope. It was hard for me, I faced it alone, and I was only 8 years old when I was taken. I remember well the pain I went through before I was forced to take blood. Luckly I was too small to kill my unfortunate victim. Do not worry, I shall make it all better. But come there is no time to lose. We must get you to a place where we can see about the child. It might be killing you from the inside out."
She looked at him, the frown on her face growing deeper with each breath she took. Hearing that she might be an Akara was the worst news she'd heard since being kicked out of her village for doing battle with her father. It wasn't fair. She looked at him and spread her wings.
" Tell me where to go and I'll take you there."
" Dear lady, there is no reason for such a strain to take me anywhere. My house is just beyond the trees here. But a few minutes walk. Can you make it?"
" I've lived with a blood curse for three years without feeding on....anything. I can surely make it but a few more feet."
" Then let us go. The sooner we get there the better."

Chapter 2: The birth of the night beast

They arrived within a few minutes to his home. It looked so big and gloomy from the outside, but inside it was warm and cozy. Alana looked around, feeling a little better then she had for a few days. But the truth of what had happened to her and her present state nagged at her heart like a dagger in her chest. It wasn't fair that she had to carry the child of a blood demon. Gods, what could she do. Mayhaps when it was born, she could kill it.
" My dear lady, allow me to welcome you to Castle Ravenos, home to my family for over 4,000 years. Allow me to introduse myself. I am called Thadeus Ravenos, Lord to this castle for 1,000 years. It has not had more then 2 visitors in that time. You will be it's 3rd visitor. And by far it's most beautiful. Come lady, let me show you to the room you will be staying in for as long as you should desire. What is your name?
" My name is Alana, Alana Silverbane. I am only 16 years of age, but I feel as if I am 600 really. I feel so old and tired. And these cramps I am getting aren't helping. But most of all I want a bath. I can't stand to feel so dirty. It has been too long."
" Say no more sweet Alana, I shall draw a bath for you this moment."
He called to one of the many servents this place might have, and sent him to draw a hot bath. Then he led her to the stairs. He took them all the way up to the third floor, where many plain bedrooms were. Finally he led her to a closed door. He opened it and the room appeared. It was beatiful. Lace and silk covers adorned the bed. A canopy came over it's top. All the cloth in the room was red. Her mouth dropped open in amazement.
"Sir this is...... I can't....... there are no words for this. You do me a greater service then my village dared to ever give. Thank you."
He bowed in a your welcome gesgure as the servent he had sent to draw the bath returned .
"Sir, the bath you requested is hot and ready for the lady."
"Thank you. That will be all, you may return to your quathers now. "
The servent bowed and left. Thadeus led Alana down the stairs and into a cozy, fire lit chamber. A bath tub made of the finest marble sat in the center of the room . Steam rose in soft wisps from the water, looking like white vines in the mist. She smiled, not having taken a bath in a few months. He saw her happiness and smiled himself.
" I take it you like these things I give to you. I have few oppertunities to share my huge home with anyone, so when I do get some one , I like to show the best I have to offer. Even my servents get the best, though not as good as the room I gave to you. Well, I'll leave the room so you can get into the bath.When you are in the water, call me back in. I fear leaving you. That child can come at any time, and if we don't do everything right and on time, you can both die. So then, see you shortly."
With that he left the room.
She undressed quickly and stepped into the water. Her wings got in the way at first when she sat down, but with a little reajustment, they sat over the edge neatly. They too, could use a cleaning, but they could not fit in the tub with her. She called Zerlon in the room. He came in, carrying a huge bucket of water, heavy enough for 8 men, and a few big towels. She looked at him, questioning him with her eyes.
" Your glorious wings can not take the bath with you. So while I watch you, I shall also take the liberaty of tending to them. "
She looked at him suspiciuosly, wondering if it was all a trap to make her feel secure. But as he stroked her wings with soapy water and the towel, she lost the feeling of being tricked. She settled back in the tub , getting confortable for the first time in a while. She sighed sweetly and began to hum.
Suddenly she felt him stroke her neck. As he past over the infected fang wounds, she let out a low growl of pain. He heard it, knowing it was not a growl coming from her elvin side. He bent her head to the right, seeing clearly the wounds that he knew were infected. Laying his hand over them, he closed his eyes without a word. Suddenly his hand glowed brightly and she felt magic surround the pain and beat it back. The pain disappeared completely and he opened his eyes and sighed. But as that pain cleared away from her neck , the pain from her stomach reached up to grab her back down . She let out a moan and then a growl as the pains became sharp. She coffed up blood as the pain squeezed her insides . With that came a warmth between her legs. The tub water turned a slimy yellow as another pain hit her. Zerlon moved quicker then lighting to grab her out of the tub. He opened the door and let out a peirceing wistle. A woman showed, saw what was, and beckoned him to follow her. Alana cried out as another pain, unmistakably a contraction, grabbed her abdomen. Tears of pinkish red blood streaked her face as if her eyes had splashed them there. They arrived to the birthing room, sitting her down on an odd shaped bed. It had two blanks at the foot of it for her legs which when she laid down, would spread her legs apart quite wide enouh for someone to catch the baby. The planks were tilted upward to help with delivery as well. She laid back in the position and felt another pain rack her. Instead of crying she let out a loud animal like growl. Zerlon touched her stomach and the woman got into position between her legs.
" Now Alana, the woman will grab the baby when it is time. Until then I will help you with the pains you are feeling. If I can, I will keep you pain free through the entire birth. You won't even have to push. Just lie still and close your eyes and everything will be alright."
Hours past, endless hours, and Alana wondered if the child was ever going to come. For brief periods of time, Zerlon had to rest to regain his magic touch before continuing . At the mark of 8 hours, she was exstuated, almost to the point of falling asleep. She didn't know if she could keep up. Sweat drenched her body as well as the towel she wore. Finally she heard the lady between her legs tell Zerlon the head was showing. Zerlon turned to her.
" Alana darling, you must not close your eyes right now. You must stay up a little while longer. I know it hurts you, for I can no longer hide the pain from you. You must do the final push, I can not help you any more. "
He grabbed her hand and held her up into an almost sitting position. Tears joined the sweat on her face as she tried to stay awake. Her body felt as if it were falling apart. Gathering all her last strength , Alana gave all she had to the last push. She bore down hard, squeezing Zerlon's hand so much, had he been a normal man, she would have broke his hand . She finally heard a cry and laid back, her head swirling in pain . She could not know that her fangs stuck out in her struggle to push the child out. Zerlon looked at her, knowing that the hunger for blood in her must be horrible , for she had never fed it. How she had managed to live that long without it was a mistery. But she would need blood soon, or else she might just die. Blood sweat drenched her body and face. Zerlon picked her up and carried her to a clean tub of water in the corner of the room. She was barely concious while he washed her . Once clean , he took her to her room to let her rest for a little while.
Three hours later, he woke her gently. It was time for her to drink. She was losing blood between her legs. The bed was protected, for the midwife who was with her had prepared her so the blood would be soaked up by the wool and herbal pad like object between her legs, held there by an undergarment. She woke and rubbed her eyes, moaning and yawning. She smiled gently at Zerlon and he smiled back. She felt the cramps in her stomach, knowing where they were, but almost forgot why.
" Alana, your child is safe, and you may see him soon, but not now. Thank goodness that he looks like you. Yes it's a boy. But forget about that for a moment. There is something you must do right now. Your body aches to be fed. With blood. You must feed it or you will die."
" Zerlon please don't make me do it. I don't want to kill someone.And it hurt me so much, I don't want it to be that way for anyone else. No." He looked at her and drew a dagger at the same time. He placed the blade on his right palm and drew down . Before she could protest, he placed his bloody palm to her nose and mouth, cutting her words short.
" Alana, you must not worry. You must feed. It is who you are now, whether you like it or not. You won't hurt me, for you are not taking it by the force of which it was taken from you. I give it to you willingly. You can not fight it. FEED."
She stuck her toungue out to taste his blood, wet on her lips. The blood sent shocks through her, reaching deep within her to the vampire that had been denied all those long months. Her toungue became more urgent against his palm, her body wanting more. He pulled it away, and she snapped after it, growling as her eyes glowed red with blood lust. He pulled her head to his neck. Forgetting who she was, the beast taking over inside her, she bit into his vein, instantly sucking hard. The more blood she took the more she wanted. He moaned for her as her passion swept through him as well. Greedy growls came from her throat as she fed. Finally sated 5 minutes later, she lifted her head away from his neck. Her eyes glowed white as she touched his neck and healed it. Finally blinking, she returned to her elven self and looked at him in wonder, feeling better then she had in the last three years. She felt the blood sweep through her body, glowing warmth where it traveled. She shuttered when she felt it sweep through her head, almost making her dizzy. She closed her eyes for a while as she felt it heal the pains away. When she opened them again, she gasped. The whole room was clearer then it had been before. Oh the things she could see. The threads of the sheet beneath her. The stars outside the window in the room. Thadeus looked at her wonderment and frowned as he thought about it. It appears like today was like being changed for the first time. She acted as if this were her first night seeing as a vampire, it made him almost sure that her original change was never completed. The basturd vampire who took her hadn't given her nearly enough blood to give her all the strengths of a vampire. He thought hard about why, then it suddenly hit him. The vampire hadn't wanted her at the top of her skill in fear that she might come after him. He must have kept her weak for that purpose. No wonder she didn't know she needed blood. Her body had known she was hungry for something other then regular food, but didn't know why or what she needed to take the pain away. What a horrid thing to endure. To keep her teetering between worlds like that.
" Thadeus, may I see my child now. I think that I am full. Oh god, I feel as if I'm floating."
Zerlon looked her , giving her a slight smile.
" Yes, you may see him. He wants to be fed too. I must warn you though. Baby Akara are born with fangs. He shouldn't hurt you beyond the first nip, but he must have blood as well as milk. I thought that I should tell you. "
She nodded and smiled, understanding what he said. He wistled and the midwife appeared before him a few moments later , holding a bundle in her arms. It moved and a small arm popped out as if to greet it's mother as the Mid-wife handed the child to Alana. She looked at her son for a moment before placing his mouth to her breast. The bady searched for a moment or two before finding her nipple and putting his mouth on it. She felt a slight nip, which gave her a little pinch, but nothing more.
As the child fed , she gently hummed to it, wondering if she could have ever imagines herself like this , being a vampire. Akara, the cursed blood beast. It was something that before this night would have forced her to destroy herself, but tonight she felt too good. All pain gone , and only a little tired inside, she fell to sleep with her child, dreaming of the days to come.
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