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Chapter 4: The final true of need

She stepped into his room , looking around for him. She found him sitting in the corner of the room. Shaking like a frightened deer, he lifted up his head. He looked a little pale and skinny , but other then that and the color of his eyes , an odd black, red, purple, he looked normal. But she knew the pain he was suffering. She knelt down to him and kissed him square on the lips deeply . He took a hold her head with a desperate grip and deepened the kiss. He knelt to her, wrapping his hands around her passion. They lost thenselves in each other's eyes, sharing something that no one else looking at them in eyes would never see. Pain, desperation, want , and love. With a whisper of soulnames and a tender carress of their bodies, they shared that simple touch, that graceful silent moment.
Then with wild abandon , he began to tear her clothes from her in mighty rips. He touched her heart, feeling it beat deeply and loudly. He laid his lips on her chest where his hand had been a moment beforev and she threw her head back in pleasure as he began licking her chest in urgency.His mouth worked it way to the center of one of her breast. He sucked gently until she pushed towards him , wanting more. That was more then she could take . She growled, hunger and lust for him and blood, she reached for his head and looked at him , relaying the message with her eyes quite quickly. This was no time for idle pleasure . No fore play. Their instincts were pointing them in a line straight to mating and feeding. She quickly undid his clothing as fast as possible. Demanding his attention, she looked at him in almost a glare. Fiery storms flared up inside their bodies as they answered the call ten fold. Later that night, amist the sweat and blood , Alana looked at him. He was staring up at the ceiling , frowning, his eyes distant. He was thinking of the past , she supposed . 1
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