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 Conference Room, St. Jago Park Health Centre

 ANNUAL REPORT by Secretary Peter Williams

Oct.1, 2003 - May 26, 2004

 President’s Theme – “Achieve Through Proactive Innovation, Excel With Service & Solidify Unity Through Spirited Friendship”


 Membership Growth

This Committee has undertaken a massive Recruitment and Retention Drive. Club Membership @ Sept 30, 2003 – 53 and presently there are 58 members, an addition of 5, and presently prospective members stand at 6.

2 Induction Ceremonies were held. First in December three new members inducted and the second in April where two new members were inducted.

Membership growth has also been involved in joint projects with House and HSV Committees and has assisted in organising meetings and preparing the meeting place.

New Club Building

We have chartered two new sponsored youth clubs, PCC-Old Harbour Circle K Club (20 students) and Friendship Primary Builders Club (35 students). Both clubs were chartered in March 2004. Presently the Club is in the final stages of re-chartering the Innswood High Key Club


For first quarter performance, we won the LG ribbon and for second quarter performance, we were awarded the Governor’s ribbon, the first in seventeen years for either ribbon.

The Club also won the Div 23west award for Marketing Kiwanis for the two quarters reported on so far. (We have had live radio broadcast on Love FM and on KLAS FM, a Gleaner feature and several coverages on both TV stations).

Also at the 2nd Div Council meeting the Club received an award for a YCPO project done during the 2002-03 year.

The Club has attended all three DCM held and Co-hosted the second DCM. The Club won the prize for the largest delegation to DCM on two occasions (17 & 20) and was well represented at the Division ‘s Sports & Family Fun Day in April at Jamalco Sports Club.

The Club nominated PP Alex Williams for LG Elect and at the 2nd DCM he was elected LG Des.

The Club had 2 representatives at the Kiwanis Foundation of Jamaica launch of the Discipline and Courtesy Campaign at Kings House in April

Spanish Town co-hosted the Governor’s Banquet at Terra Nova on Feb 27th at which our President was the evening’s chairman. The Club also facilitated the Governor’s tour to two of our Community Services projects.

Anniversary Celebrations

The Club celebrated its 30th Anniversary in March by hosting: -

1.      Church Service on the 21st at the Spanish Town Cathedral followed by Brunch at DP John Lopez residence.

2.      An Anniversary Meeting on Thursday 25th at Caymanas Golf & Country Club featuring the Cari-folk singers

3.      A Banquet on the 27th at the Terra Nova Hotel

4.      There was a Anniversary Supplement in the March 28th Sunday Gleaner 

5.      As a build up to the Anniversary celebrations the Club decided to acquire an official Blazer (the colour burgundy was chosen) and over thirty members so far have bought Blazers.

Members Honoured

A total of eleven members were honoured, five members at the 30th Anniversary Meeting (Dir. Clive Gardener, PP Stan Lyew, PDir Ruddy Jacobs, Chir. Christopher Humber, PVP Vin Martin); four were awarded the Godfrey Dyer medallion at the 30th Anniversary Banquet (DP John Lopez, DP Leroy Dallas, DP Don Bennett, DP Reg Innerarity (posthumously); and two at a special meeting on Thursday May 13th (DP Dennis Robotham and PP George Beckford).


A Family Night  & President’s party was held in December at DP Don Bennett residence

The Club jointly with the Lions Club of Spanish Town held a Free Public Concert featuring the Jamaica Constabulary Force Band at Emancipation Square in November.

The President Cash Award re meeting hosted each month by a Committee kicked off in March and to date two Committees’ have hosted meetings.

A motion was passed at Thursday May 13 weekly meeting that “ enables a nominee not elected to a particular post, to be able to run for office in another post on election night”.

House Report

We held seven Board of Director Meetings so far, one each month as is required by the Bylaws and Kiwanis International. The LG was present at the February 21st meeting. In January we had a four Director’s re-shuffle, in March one Director resigned and earlier two additional Chairmen appointed (Reynald Leachman to Community Service and Aldric Moore to House Committee).

A total of 33 weekly meeting were held to date and the average attendance at Club meetings is 35.4 or 61 %. (This data is as a result of and attests to the re-vitalization of the Club members). We have inter-club a total of 54 times for the period under review, with March being the month with the most visits (14) and the largest delegation being 17 to Caymanas Business District (CBD) in November. A total of 874 man-hours were spent inter-clubbing. So far the major media houses have been present at least four of the Club’s weekly meeting

Highlights of Meetings held

October – We started off the first meeting with prayer by Rev. Michael Hammond and a soloist Ms. Jasmine Ffrench. The month continued with a Panel Discussion on Ja. Men & family values, Family Night featuring the Jamaica Humming Bird Steel Band Orchestra, two Guest Speakers  Senator Bruce Golding & Dr. Allison Anderson

November – we had a Big Public Forum at the Police Academy jointly with CBD. Two Guest Speakers- Earle Delisser Attny at Law of NDM and Esroy Millwood, President of NTC and an Investment presentation “ Creating & Managing wealth

December -We had a Carol Singing & Awards Ceremoony, one Guest Speaker Dr. Trevor Tulloch, Prostrate Cancer Consultant. Held two joint meetings, on the 23rd with First City and with Portmore & South St. Catherine on the 30th at Medallion Hall Hotel

January – we started with a Performance evaluation, Dutch Auction, in-house Discussion on the Teachers Issue and a presentation on Blazers by Noel A. Fray

February – we had a Guest Presenter Celia Innerarity, a Guest Speaker the Attorney General, the Kingston Drummers & Dancers, a Gospel Night joint meeting with South St. Catherine at Open Bible Church, Twickenham Park; Governor Joanne Murray was special guest.

March – we had an HIV-Aids specialist as Guest Speaker; this meeting was hosted by House Committee, (HIV-AIDS patent spoke as well) a Hot Panel Discussion on men’s Sexual infidelity and an in-house discussion on Haiti.

April – we started off with a Performance evaluation, there were two Special Guest Speakers - The DPP & Dr. Christopher Tufton of Generation 2000 at meeting hosted by HSV Committee.

May - All President’s Night meeting, Panel Disccussion on the Economy, Rookies Night, meeting hosted by the 5 newest members of the Club. LG Daphne presented the Governor’s ribbon to the President at our meeting on the 20th 


Four Benefit/Charity Plays hosted and two Fete (1) Pre-Valentine fete at Priscillas and (2) a Pre-Labour Day Soca/Old Hits Fete at PVP Vin Martin’s business place.  

A major part of the Committee’s work involves the task of collecting outstanding receipts from the events held for this year and for Past Administration. A total of 69 man-hours have been rendered so far.

Held fundraising car wash with Jonathan Grant High School

Plans are far advanced for the August launch of The DP Reginald Innerarity knockout Domino Competition, open to all kiwanis Clubs and is to be an annual Administrative fundraiser.



Sixteen projects undertaken at a cost of $416,500.00,a total of 252 man hours rendered and over 975 persons/students benefited. The most significant project done to date is the construction of an Dining area at the Seventh Day Early Childhood Centre, Jobs Lane and special mention must be made of the continuing project of treatment to HIV-AIDS infected kids at the Dare to Care facility by PP Mayor Notice.


Twenty-six projects undertaken to date at a cost of $139,000.00, 426 man-hours rendered and over 1173 persons benefited. The most significant project to date is the planning and co-hosting of HIV seminar in December along with the St. Catherine Youth Information Centre. Continuing project of mention is the monthly donation of groceries to an indigent lady (Ms. Dorothy)


Twelve projects undertaken including one continued from the previous Administration (that project is yet to be completed). Total cost to date is $768,400.00, with 392 man-hours rendered and over 728 persons benefited. The most significant projects to date are construction of a house and toilet facility for an indigent couple in Cross Pen St. Catherine with the assistance of Food For The Poor and the construction of Sanitary Conveniences for the Homestead

Community with assistance from USAID and Food for the Poor. The completion of the house in Tregedar Park should be a priority now.


Twenty-five projects undertaken to date at a cost of $283,846.00, with 2850 man-hours rendered with over 14,098 students benefited. The most significant project to date is the chartering of the two new sponsored Youth Clubs and work done with the Iodine Deficiency Disorder Awareness Promotion, better known as the IDD Project.


Five projects undertaken to date at a cost of$163,098.00, with 270 man-hours rendered and over 340 students benefited. The most significant project to date is the Sunbeam Boys Home Labour Day Project, with the Student Investment Saving Project still to be completed. This is a joint project with Churches Coop Credit Union that will open investment savings accounts of $2,000.00 each for 30 student.

Clovis Walters

The Clovis Walters Memorial Trust Fund was re-launched in March at the Anniversary Banquet by the Trust Fund Committee Member LG Des. Alex.

Outstanding Matters


Dues collection & revenues are still outstanding re tickets for benefit events.


Failure to get a bona fide bulletin up and running despite the best of efforts.


Annual Returns payments due to Registrar of Company


Pass book for Savings and Welfare Accounts


Director vacancy to fill


Request from KC Florida to do joint project involving children with Spanish Town.


Restart of the birthday/anniversary card distribution to members and their family.


Our Past Presidents - Club Information - Activities Calendar - News - Photos  - Committees - LGs of Division 23W

Birthdays & Anniversaries - Aims & Objects/Code of Ethics - Club Bulletin - Sponsored Youth Programs

Kiwanis Family Links - Club History - Membership Interest - Club Locator - Community Links - Domino Results

Jamaican High Schools

Copyright © 2002 Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town
Last modified: 11/03/08
Website designed and maintained by DP Roosevelt Gillett-Chambers
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