Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town

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The basic standing committee structure for clubs is established by the International Board of Trustees. The basic structure should include separate committees that address community services, sponsored youth, Young Children: Priority One, human and spiritual values, club administration, membership growth and education, public relations, and finance and fund raising. This structure, along with the duties and responsibilities of standing committees, shall be included in annual club and district officer guidebooks and/or manuals.

Where and when the opportunity exists to extend Kiwanis through the sponsorship of a new Kiwanis club, the President shall appoint a Committee on New Club Building. This committee shall have the responsibilities as outlined in the procedures for new club building established by Kiwanis International.

Where desired, there shall be the option of expanding the committee structure by creating other standing committees which would enable the club to function more effectively in terms of its own needs and interests. The duties of such committees shall be determined at the time they are created.

Each standing committee shall be composed of three (3) or more members and shall serve for a term of one (1) year, commencing on the first day of October. All members of a committee are appointed by and are subject to removal by the President. Each committee shall be responsible to the President and shall make such reports as the President or Board of Directors may direct.

Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, special committees may be appointed by the President and shall perform such duties as may be defined in their creation.

Each committee shall cooperate with the appropriate Kiwanis International or district committee(s) to promote, when practical, programs suggested by such committee(s). Extracted from


Young Children: Priority One (YCPO)


The Committee on Young Children: Priority One should implement projects for children, prenatal through age five. Projects can address maternal and child health, childcare, early development, nutrition, parenting education and support, advocacy, pediatric trauma, or safety. Popular projects include encouraging literacy, assisting childcare and preschool programs, distributing the homesafety checklist, conducting bicycle safety programs, and assisting with immunization programs.


Community Service


The Committee on Community Services should implement projects on the arts, business affairs, citizenship, civic improvement, community beautification, conservation, health, international understanding, literacy, public affairs, safety, or help for senior citizens and disabled persons

Membership Growth & Education


The Committee on Membership Growth and Education should strive to increase membership according to the standards provided in the bylaws. The committee should consider all Membership Applications and submit its recommendations to the board of directors. The committee also should develop an effective orientation and induction ceremony for new members and promote regular attendance by all members at club meetings.


Fundraising & Finance


The Committee on Finance and Fund-raising is responsible for preparing a budget of estimated income and expenses for submission to the board of directors, as well as any recommendations it may have on financial matters of the club. It also is responsible for securing the funds necessary to meet budget requirements.


Human & Spiritual Values


The Committee on Human and Spiritual Values should implement projects that support spiritual development, provide human companionship and comfort, or offer counseling and guidance. Projects can encourage interfaith and interdenominational religious activity, such as prayer, but should not support a specific religious sect. Popular projects include prayer breakfasts, layman of the year  wards, transportation to religious services, visits to nursing homes, and support of grief counseling.


Sponsored Youth


Kiwanis clubs also sponsor Kiwanis-family organizations for young people and adults: K-Kids clubs in elementary schools, Builders Clubs in middle school and junior highs, Key Clubs  in high schools, Circle K clubs at the collegiate level, Kiwanis Junior clubs for young adults in Europe, and Aktion clubs for adults living with disabilities. These clubs teach future world leaders the importance of helping others.

House Committee & Interclubbing


The Committee on Club Administration is responsible for providing the most effective club meeting possible. Areas of focus should include the club meeting program, risk management, reception, fellowship, and inter-club relations, as well as other areas the committee may deem pertinent.


Marketing & Public Relations


The Committee on Public Relations is responsible for helping to ensure that the public receives, through the media and other means, the Objects, goals, programs, and achievements of Kiwanis International and the club.


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Our Past Presidents - Club Information - Activities Calendar - News - Photos  - Committees - LGs of Division 23W

Birthdays & Anniversaries - Aims & Objects/Code of Ethics - Club Bulletin - Sponsored Youth Programs

Kiwanis Family Links - Club History - Membership Interest - Club Locator - Community Links - Domino Results

Jamaican High Schools

Copyright © 2002 Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town
Last modified: 11/03/08
Website designed and maintained by DP Roosevelt Gillett-Chambers
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