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Christmas Fete 2005

PP George Beckford

December 2005

The Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town hosted a Christmas Fete on December 18, 2005 for the wards of the Rio Cobre Juvenile Correctional Centre for boys. This was held on the grounds of the centre in Tredegar Park, Spanish Town, St. Catherine. The centre is operated as a home of safety and its occupants are wards of the State.  These are teenage boys who are classified into one of the following categories: orphans; delinquents or criminal offenders. The inmate population number 125 with the greater portion being detained on correctional orders by the courts. The tenure of these wards is usually 31/2 years. There is a staff complement of 72 including a Centre Manager Supt. Martin Dryden.

The fete took the form of singing of Christmas carols, religious songs and songs from the popular music genre – Reggae. The Kiwanis Party led by President Abdon Campbell including 12 Kiwanians, 3 Qualifying Kiwanians and 2 Key Clubbers from the St. Catherine High School, socialized and interfaced with the boys after whom they were treated to a variety of foods, which included  curried goat, fried chicken, bread, rice, mixed vegetable, fruit cake, Xmas pudding, fruit punch and other condiments.

The Wards were immensely happy and grateful not only for the “goodies” the Kiwanis brought but more so because they felt that people still cared about them especially at a time when it mattered most – at Christmas!

We made notes of some of the comments expressed by both the wards and their caregivers.

Michael, 18 years old ward “It is nice to know that someone cares, that some people remember that we are here. There is need to promote more activity like this. In addition we would like you people to promote computer training and skills training, also we need you people to help worth some counselling – because me and the fellow boys have a lot of issues that need to be resolved.”

Supt. Martin Dryden, Centre Manager. “This will certainly help to motivate the boys, especially at this time of year.  It gives them a feeling of belonging – letting them know that people still care about them. The Kiwanians presence here today, really makes a difference, and your mingling and interfacing substitutes for the absence of the father figure in their lives”.

Mr. Donald Foster, Staff Officer. “This definitely is a positive move. A group of men is most needed in order to enhance our mentoring programme. The support groups which align with the centre currently comprised mostly of women. It is God-sent that the Kiwanians have come because these boys can identify with the male more easily. Sir, the bonding and friendship fostered and promoted today, will certainly make a difference”.


Kiwanians:  President Abdon Campbell, IPP Errol Josephs, V.P. Huit Johnson, D.P Don Bennett, D.P. Roosevelt Gillett-Chambers, P.P. George Beckford, P.V.P. Rudolph Jacobs, Directors Clive Gardener and Vendryes Brimm, Treasurer Michael Parker, Chairman Maxwell Pike, Kiwanian Ewan Simpson, Qualifying Kiwanians Warren Perez and Garnett.

Key Clubbers from St. Catherine High School: President Taneisha Irwin, and Director Raquel Dixon


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For More Information Contact:

Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town
P.O. Box 507, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I,
Email: [email protected]


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Copyright © 2002 Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town
Last modified: 11/03/08
Website designed and maintained by DP Roosevelt Gillett-Chambers
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