Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town

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Rededication of the

Spanish Town Hospital Pharmacy

PP George Beckford

February 2006

The present site of the Spanish Town General Hospital was built in 1952. For 30 years there was no significant addition or improvement to the physical infrastructure. Even though there was the mushrooming of satellite residential communities such as Ensom City, Greendale, Willowdene, Sydenham and emergence of the Portmore region just to name a few. During this time we also saw the building of the Spanish Town dual carriageway (now Mandela Highway) linking the Old Capital with city Kingston and the current bypass which bisected the outer corridor of the immediate town to ease the traffic congestion which enveloped and strangulated its commercial and social life.

These developments brought numerous challenges to the leaders of the state and the town. Spanish Town was, and still is, the main corridor for vehicular traffic, linking the north coast, the central and western sections of the island. Wherever there are expansive roadways, heavy use by vehicular traffic inevitably, there will be accidents; fatalities and traumas.

The Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town in 1981 under then President Norman Laing conceptualized the idea of constructing “an Emergency Ward” on the property of the hospital – this was to be our contribution in alleviating the numerous problems being experienced by the overcrowding inadequate equipment in the Casualty Department. The estimated cost to put up this building was $230,000.00 most of which was to be acquired by way of contributions and fundraising projects.

Dr. Patrick Knight S.M.O. and senior Matron Tadeline Reid were delighted at the concept and joined forces with the club in convincing the Hospital’s Board of Management and the Ministry of Health of the dire need for such a facility.  Mr. Desmond “Jimmy” Hall, an architect, designed the project. The Club embarked on numerous fundraising ventures such as “Raffle”’ “Buy a Block Drive and calypso hops” to the major towns of the country accompanied by off duty nurses and wailing ambulances.

In 1982 we broke ground for the erection of this building. This was made possible by charter member, the late Lloyd James Burke, a contractor who advanced his own funds and other resources to single handedly take the project to roof height.  The building project stagnated for another five years due to inflation, progressive devaluation of our currency and a receding economy.

We persevered and completed the project in 1987 with the help of friends and corporate entities.  One special benefactor, Mr. Winston Hoo, deserves special mention as he guided us tangibly to its completion. The structure was officially handed over to the Ministry of Health by our president at that time, the late D.P. Reg Innerarity.

The final cost of the building was J$1.2m. Unfortunately, by this time the Ministry had designed a ten-year development plan for the hospital region and the original concept for this building was changed. For three years the building laid idle until 1990 when it was commissioned to serve as pharmacy and pharmaceutical warehouse.

The Pharmacy now serves the public on an average:

Out – patient                2819                -           per month

In – patient                  1566                -           per month

Today, provides the opportunity for the Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town to indelibly stamp its name to this monument as a worthwhile testament of service to this community.

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For More Information Contact:

Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town
P.O. Box 507, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I,
Email: [email protected]


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Last modified: 11/03/08
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