Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town

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Continuing project:

"Ms. Dorothy", an optimist in the face of life's trials


DP Roosevelt Gillett-Chambers

The plight of Dorothy Francis, “Ms. Dorothy,” an indigent, blind senior citizen living in a one-room house, was brought to the attention of the Kiwanis Club of the Spanish Town by Mrs. Sadie Pitt, a nurse residing in Brooklyn, New York. On her last visit to Jamaica, Nurse Pitt bought a few sheets of zinc and some lumber to replace the leaking roof of the tiny structure, located in Kingsway, Kitson Town, St. Catherine. She brought the situation to the attention of the Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town in the hope that they would complete the project.  She was right!

A visit to the site by members of the club, and interviews with Ms. Dorothy and her neighbours were even more startling. Rats infested the ceiling of the small structure and often kept her awake at nights.  The doors and windows were waterlogged and rotting and there was no bathroom facility! When she ventured into the nearby bushes to relieve herself, it was not unusual for her to lose her way. Simple bodily functions that we take for granted were often a nightmare for her. Her brother, on whose property the tiny structure was built, recently suffered from a stroke and was therefore unable to assist in any meaningful way.

The Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town acquired the additional building material required, removed and replaced the entire roof and ceiling, replaced the rotting rear door, and constructed a pit latrine. Awnings were also installed to protect against rain. The club donated a mattress and has undertaken to provide grocery items to her for the rest of the administrative year 2001-2002. (In fact, every subsequent administration has adopted this project).

Ms. Dorothy’s situation is not unique. However, her good spirits mask the tremendous suffering she has experienced. She is forever singing praises to God and is convinced that her prayers and tears have finally been answered. Surely, thanks to the efforts of the members of the Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town, she can now spend her last few days in relative comfort.

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 For More Information Contact:

Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town
P.O. Box 507, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I,
Email: [email protected]


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Jamaican High Schools

Copyright © 2002 Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town
Last modified: 11/03/08
Website designed and maintained by DP Roosevelt Gillett-Chambers
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