Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town

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Kind, Generous Support to Spanish Town


April 2007

I am honoured to be given the opportunity to inform you about Kiwanis and of our impact on the people of the world, particularly our children.

Kiwanis is a global organization of Volunteers dedicated to changing the world one Child and one Community at a time. It was founded in 1915 in Detroit, with headquarters now in Indianapolis.  Kiwanis is a striving organization of service, and community-minded individuals who support children and young adults around the world.

There are more than 600,000 Kiwanis family members in 96 countries making their mark by acknowledging and responding to the needs of their communities and pooling their resources to address worldwide issues. Through these efforts Kiwanis is really “Serving the Children of the world.”

One specific need is to eradicate Iodine Deficiency.  More than 1.5 million people are at risk, but because of Kiwanis, many persons can live normally and grow up with physical and mental health.

A Kiwanis Club is a snap shot of its community; it involves members from all walks of life and different steps of the career ladder. They are unified by what Kiwanis is all about: SERVICE. Over 6.2 million hours and over US$10 million are invested in communities around the world.

We are presently embracing the peace and tranquility that now obtains in Spanish Town and its environs. This was made possible by the Service Clubs, i.e. Kiwanis, Rotary, Optimist, Lions; Community Groups; Adult Groups; the Church; the Constabulary; etc.

In Jamaica there are four (4) Divisions serving the country, 25, 24, 23 East & 23 West.  Division 23W, which we are a part of, consists of 16 clubs serving the parishes of Manchester, Clarendon and St. Catherine.

On the 7th March 2007 we celebrated thirty-three (33) years of fulfilling, dedicated and worthwhile service to the people of Spanish Town and its environs.

We at the Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town are dedicated to serving the young children, the indigent and the elderly in every way possible. To attest to this, we built and renovated basic schools. We have built & repaired houses, fed, clothed, counseled, monitored, mentored and adopted the young and the elderly. Other community projects include the painting of several pedestrian crossings, and giving worthwhile assistance to the pediatric ward and other areas of the Spanish Town Hospital.

We are committed to service by way of giving of our human and financial resources to complete our many projects. Of course, our task was made much easier through the kind, generous and worthwhile support and donations of many corporate citizens of Spanish Town and its environs.

It is through the Almighty God that we acquire the strength to serve those less fortunate ones from day to day. I know that with the support of giving hearts and with God as our guide, we will be further motivated to continue to do His will, to serve the children and the indigent of the world.

I am steadfast in the knowledge that we will continue to contribute to improving the lives for the less fortunate, one child and one community at a time.

Together we can, together we will.


PRESIDENT (2006-2007)

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 For More Information Contact:

Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town
P.O. Box 507, Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica, W.I,
Email: [email protected]


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Jamaican High Schools

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Last modified: 11/03/08
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