here come the villains! 








Elements of Surprise – offworld supervillain team in employ of Neoghi Third Trade Consortium. Last known team was composed of Goblin King, Dasoon the Dread, Shagreen (deceased) and Steel Shiv.

Dasoon the Dread – Alien human wizard and botanist. Member of the Elements of Surprise. He wields extremely powerful plant-affecting spells and High Sorcery.

Goblin King – alien Vr’Doxian shapeshifter, agent of the Neoghi and veteran super-soldier of his species’ space forces.

Steel Shiv – A female renegade Steel Dragon and professional sorceror and assassin. She hates what normal Steels love. She also is a member of the Elements of Surprise.



Ape-X – undead ape monster, “Boss” of Highport, killed PSYCHIC SEVEN members, intent on conquering Wildshire, Westshire and Secomber, will eliminate Myth City and  Ienos, but only to destabilise area allowing takeover by Weevil-Men and Yellow Sail barbarians. Ape-X is served by his adopted son Redux, a vat-grown Ape-Man. Public Enemy Number One in all neighbouring lands to Highport and listed across the whole world as an Enemy of Civilisation.

Black Bear – powerful mutant or lycanthrope, stuck in a half-bear, half-human form. Unlike a normal werebear, he is by no means of good alignment; he is a violent freelance henchman.

Hemlock – monstrous Dwarf with Dial P for Poison power and lifeblood power. Hemlock’s powers are conferred by “monstro pills” created by a now-extinct type of Red Wizard. Hemlock steals what he needs to create the pills and kills to feed his obsessive need for humanoid blood to keep himself alive.

Ice Man – Son of the deceased villain Mr. Snow, who was killed by Captain Rock, hero of the city and member of the Silver Knot. Ice Man is an utterly self-centred creature with ice warlock powers. What his real purpose is other than committing apparently random crimes on a whim, has not been revealed. Somehow, although he was a normal enough human by birth, after being raised by Frost Men he has developed a version of their ice eyeblast power.

Iron Gnome – Turned to a living iron statue at the age of 14 whilst attempting to defuse a trap in the Alphan Empire, this gnome villain has been a scofflaw ever since. In the 1020s he hooked up with Halfling self-styled master criminal The Brain, Orcish mind mistress Mirage and amoral bounty hunter Silver Bullet. Since their collective defeats at the hands of that era’s heroes Iron Gnome has been a freelance bad-guy.

Jackanapes – deadly dangerous nonpowered Jester with extreme training in acrobatics, setting traps, leaping and springing and jester-type abilities. Uses invention skill to create new and deadly traps and “jests”. Hates Silver Knot for falsely taking credit for his first defeat.

Mobat – A pseudo-vampire who was defeated and caught by H.E.R.O. several times before that hero’s death. Since then Mobat has lurked in the background for many years, carrying out minor criminal schemes.

Redux – Ape-man supervillain with devolution ray and negation powers. Not encountered except with Ape-X or in Highport. Strong enough to kill a young Dragon in a fist-fight.



Denizen – Witch. Wants to kill Blackfoot and other good witches AND Dread Sisters and other evil witches to become sole witchcraft wielder of the World of Mystery. On the plus side, at least she’s in touch with her anger…

Frenzy – human brain in an experimental Mark XIIf Warlord golem. Frenzy is the brain of an unidentified murder, but he now uses the golem body to commit horrific acts of literal head-hunting murder and slaughter.

Oroku aka Red Mask – ninja assassin, deathless due to imbibing cinnabryl potions of long life. Trace elements in potions require further consumption or Oroku suffers a horrible and irreversible extinction.

Sandman – A monster from the sands of the northern provinces of the Eastern Empire. Sandman hires out as an assassin as well as sometimes committing other crimes for its own sake – it has no respect for human laws, or lives.



Greywalker – murderous psychotic vigilante. Created by evil guild of wizards known as the Brotherhood of Enlightened Thought (B.E.T.). Dedicated to their destruction, but also prepared to kill more innocent people for trivialities. Erratic and murderous, following his vengeance quest with spectacular results.

Hand of Fate – lesbian man-hater who commits crimes of violence, including murder, on males. Specialises in grisly disfiguring crimes and male rape.

Hook – Human barbarian pirate. His trademark weapon is a cargo hook he wields in his right hand. He was the offsider of Throg for some considerable time but has now gone freelance as an evil henchman.

Ice Queen – blue skinned mutant Half-Elf who turned rogue when she was persecuted for her differentness. She has been an evil adventuress ever since.

Iron Overseer – A renegade agent of the Dedite secret intelligence guild H.A.S.S.L.E., Iron Overseer is a tyrannical warrior who wields the powers of a magical suit of flying armour. He is a gambler, sexual predator and murderer.

Jar Zorod – would-be worldbeater and High Sorceror. Only reason he would be on prime is to obtain some one-off sorcerous artefact or spellbook. Specialty is nightmare magic and similar. Served by creatures of nightmare and Nightgaunts.

Kana – Human Dragonslayer from a nearly extinct Dreadsea Islander population. Utilising the powers of his runesword he places himself in suspended animation for long periods to await the reappearance of a Dragon he is hunting if the Dragon evades him in a particular era.

Killer Kraken – mountainous man wearing unique enchanted climbing harness recovered from the sea floor. Harness functions similarly to kraken arms.

King Fear – villain behind other slave trade and related crimes (concealed undead labourers, addictive foodstuffs, graverobbing, protection rackets, potions for criminals to make them “invulnerable”). Wears horrific Southron “Zombie Mask” that instills chemical fear even in the fearless.

Morndred the Mystic – One of the most powerful High Sorcerors anywhere. This man from another world has already destroyed his own solar system to fuel his powers and has now arrived on the World of Mystery. Although recently banished by the High Sorceror known as the Dreamer to the interdimensional prison known as Castle Forlorn, it is certain he will return from there in relatively short order.

One-Woman Legion – erratic criminal, steals and kills to live and to further crimes, she is a stooge basically. Also uses stolen control gauntlet to operate a Shield Guardian known as the Golden Centurion. Maintains a countryside hideout before moving on to a similar nest in city or countryside.

Red Pepper – A political hitman and organised crime czar, Red Pepper has been arrested and imprisoned for his graft and racketeering activities. He is still active as a criminal from his jail cell.

Red Talon – Villain behind drug trade. Sinister oriental from Ochalea. Served by the deathless assassin Oroku.

Skarda – Lord of the otherworldly pocket dimension accessible through certain mirrors. Forever kidnapping fresh meat and resources to prop up his constantly mutating and eroding pocket reality. Murderous interdimensional bandit.

Skullguard – criminal gang organised as rogues’ guild with four levels of hierarchy and a mysterious supreme leader known as “Number One” or “Snake Number One”. The four normal levels from lowest to highest are: Guardsman – equivalent to a well-trained soldier equipped with distinctive armour, shortsword, dagger and shortbow; Serjeant – equipped as per a Guardsman but with two healing potions, leather harness, adventuring supplies and stout boots and gloves; Captain – equipped as a Serjeant but with a wand of missiles; and the Host Mages, who are low- to mid-level wizards dressed in red and yellow silk robes and caps set with ram’s horns. Skullguard operate relatively petty rackets to raise funds.

The 8 Wise Men aka the Fiends aka the Fiends with 8 Faces – FW6F cultists, each with different golden mask – refer to each other as “Fiend One”, “Fiend Three” etc. 1. “Terror” – has gang of footpad ghouls (MS 65%and HiS 77%, gives Sneak score of 71% / 14.2); 2. “Oppression” – has gang of thugs who he rules via his own brawling prowess; 3. “Intrigue” – has gang of spies who have never met him directly; 4. “Theft” – has gang of expert cracksmen who rob wealthy targets on demand; 5. “Arson” – has gang of firelighters who pose as siege experts and plant DBF gems; 6. “Torture” – based at their hideout in chamber of horrors; 7. “Forgery” – has gang of expert forgers and counterfeiters based at their hideout; 8. “Whoring” – has gang of pimps with drug-enslaved whores based at the lower eastside docks. The temporary rulership of the Fiends rotates each week. Any Fiend can call a meeting, and at the called meeting they preside.

The Cult of the White Hand – evil sect dedicated to service of Primordial One known as Ymir, seek to trigger Fimbulwinter in 10month 1101 by using the book Mutterings of a Madman. Able to be foiled fairly easily if heroes get and destroy that book. Cult will suicidally and fanatically attack anyone with the book to get it back.

Throg – A “swampie”, member of a degenerate offshoot of humanity from the midcoast swamps. Throg is a petty criminal rogue with ambitions to be much more. He has gained notoriety because the shipping company that once bore his name has been mixed up with many superheroic happenings.

Turquoise – lady thief whose M.O. varies but whose signature always includes the use or theft of turquoise. Unsurprisingly she wears a turquoise version of a guild thief’s mufti.

Umbra PenUmbra – Shadow Mage often known as the Shadowking. Appallingly powerful High Sorceror of shadow magics. Intends to invade and conquer the Prime. Very possibly powerful enough to do it.



Final Answer – ancient super-golem possessed of capabilities that could literally kill a minor deity. Currently locked away at the top of the Westertower of Castle Rock, the royal castle and palace of Haranlarche.

Hellrider – demoniac horseman armed with hell-forged weaponry. He sold his soul to get the powers he wields, and uses them to… well, raise hell.

Igneous – Lava power elemental creature, believed to hold some sort of weird birthright power that has forever altered his form. Highly unpredictable, Igenous steals whatever he thinks he wants at the time.

Killer Claw – Crabman villain who is constantly trying to take control of the Undersea and rule it as undisputed emperor. He is usually pitifully far from his goals.

Masauwu – Demon of Filth and Death. Exiled to the Prime decades ago, it has laired there ever since, shut out of its native plane of the Abyss. Masauwu has dreamed up many plans over the decades, none of which have come remotely close to succeeding. This failure is solely due to Richter and his fellow Slayers.

Mean Machine – A monstrous batwinged plant-animal-golem clone of the deceased demigod Algernon Greene. Mean Machine was created by the Warlord of Heaven to function as a foil for Algernon Greene. Ironically, they never fought a proper battle. For many decades Mean Machine was held captive in one of the treasure vaults of the realm of Haranlarche until during the Wizard War of the 1060s his cell’s enchantments failed and he was freed. He escaped with a minimum of violence – a rarity for him – and absconded to parts unknown.

Ragnarok – living weapon created by ytitnedion in the Long Ago to destroy the World of Mystery and its related Spheres. It was stripped of most of its powers by an alliance between Thanatos, Typhon, Asmodeus, Odin, Ixion, Chronos and Io, but Ragnarok escaped their interdimensional prison when the energies of the Time Crystal were unleashed to transport the Silver Knot from 1101 “back” through a black magic time gate into “the past”. Ragnarok is not mindless, and wishes to exist eternally in a universe of its own creating. To accomplish this it needs to destroy both magic and science, so that it can remake the worlds to its own liking. Ragnarok uses unique bio-technomagic known as omegatronics. Ragnarok crimes almost always centre on its quest to accumulate enough wish items to begin the changes it wants to effect.

Rattus Rattus – Ratwere crimelord of the Sewers and Undercity. Maintains complex relations with variety of subsurface evil-doers and specialises in blitz raids on cellars and basements, ie tunnelling into them and raiding with deadly force and brutal speed before fleeing into the mazes of the Sewers and Undercity.

The Arok’Garanas – creature bred by Hela to destroy the remnants of the Black Forest. Mindless horror only able to be defeated by the strongest magics – or super-powered combat.





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