Silver Knot Team Roster 1101 YAC

Member Blackfoot Bud The Budling Captain Rock Cardinal Delilah the She-Savage The Emerald Avenger Watchdog, Man of the Hour Furioso the Jester Ironthorn King of Diamonds Mystery O'Ryan the Archer Red Robin Siren Spike The Vine White Owl
Identity Jo Brewer Halon Alexdrys, deceased Cyric Halevich Alexdrys Rocco Deparle Jefir Al-Daradinis Delilah b'ind Al-Ruqzul Galra D'Milborne Zoter Ozmuir Furioso Count Durous Sabot, Marshall of the Fens G'Thrudd Rebecca Gar "Shea O'Ryan" [real name unknown] Jacinta Heldorner Annaraa Spike Julia Nemiev Thoborn Wills
Race Human Amalgimal Amalgimal Half-Dragon (steel) Air Phasar Half-Giant (Half Jungle Giant) Human Human Human Human Thaluud Human Vadragh (High Elf) Human Merrow Needleman Mutant Human Human
Sex Female Male Male Male Male Female Female Male Male Male Male Female Male Female Female Male Female Male
Known Powers
    Flying Broomstick
    Military Strategist
    Super Charisma
    Damage Reduction
    Improved Grab / Constrict
    Mind Integration
    Photographic Memory
    Plant Immunities
    Damage Reduction
    Improved Grab / Constrict
    Mind Integration
    Photographic Memory
    Plant Immunities
    Animated Servants - Wood Golems
    9 ranks of Street Fighting
    City Weaving
    Fashion Sense
    Find Weakness
    Immune to less than +2 weapon attacks
    Immune to petrification
    Mellifluous Voice
    Steel Dragon Skin
    Vigorous Health
    Token Items - armour contains items reduced to token size
    Air Elemental Power at will
    Mana storage coin
    Fall 30' / level without harm
    Immunity to Earth Magic
    Giantish fighting bonus
    Beach Druid
    Instant Stand power
    Giantish strength, stamina and health
    Artefact - Magic Ring that focuses willpower to grant minor wishes
    Worldwide Contacts
    Super Willpower
    Extremely Courageous
    Innate Nobility
    Damage Reduction
    Hyper Speed (utilising focus)
    Taltos Totem Powers
    10 ranks bonus in combat with allowed weapons and attacks (martial arts)
    Acute Senses
    Total Disease Immunity
    Carapace (Hardened Skin)
    Blindsight (sonic)
    Detect Magic at will
    Encyclopaedic Knowledge of Magic
    Immune to mind-affecting and Charm spells
    Immune to Fire and Cold
    Ressitant to Electricitiy
    Variable Skin Porosity at will
    Telepathy 120' range
    Race Memory of past Thaluud achievements
    Super Regeneration
    +1 rank with any Elven weapon
    Familiarity with Magic Items
    Lowlight Vision
    Magical Shapeshifting
    Plant Regeneration
    Pointblank Shot
    Sunshine Power Boost
    Martial Arts Bonus with magic weapon "Red Robin"
    Martial Arts Bonus with magic armor "The Bloody Shield"
    Athletics & Acrobatics
    Animal Empathy with Water Creatures
    Swimming Power
    Armoured Skin
    Expert with Powers
    Quills and Spines
    Soil Regeneration
    Damage Reduction
    Hide in Natural Surroundings 95%
    Plant Animation
    Plant Control
    Plant Growth
    "Owl Screech" sonic attack
    Cloak of the Owl
    Total Disease Immunity
    Animal Empathy with Owls
    Heightened Statistics (Avatar's Child)

ACTIVE members are currently adventuring with the group. INACTIVE members are no longer active in any capacity although if alive and accessible can be called in by the adventuring company in a worst case scenario event. RESERVE members are trainees or noncombatants who assist the active membership. EX-MEMBER members are people who have definitively left the team; their alliances, loyalties or occupation keeps them so far from the team that they may not be able to act in the team's interest - even if they wished to. DECEASED members have fallen in battle or fallen prey to old age or the fatal vicissitudes of life.

It is worth noting that even if a person quits the team, as long as they remain a hero with a good reputation the team may call upon them at some point far in the future. Once a Silver Knot member...

The Silver Knot was brought together by Blackfoot and Rocco when they attempted to free the kingdom of Haranlarche from the curses placed upon its rulers by the Dread Sisters, nine horrible Hag witches who had tremendous evil powers as a coven and as individuals.

The duo were quickly joined by Furioso, the Royal Jester, and Shea O'Ryan, one of the last High Elves in the world. Added to this roster were 'Dog, a scion of the noble house of the local Barbarians; Ironthorn, who was then Viscount of the Westshire of the realm; and Bud, the plantman.

Since then, after the curses on the realm were lifted by the adventuring company known as The Psychic Seven, the Silver Knot have risen to prominence as a tough and high-profile "super-team", dedicated to fighting evil and crushing all those who rise to oppose decency.

The Silver Knot as a team have the social standing of local chieftains or heroes. In the arabesque lands of the Far West, storytellers of the 'suqs and the grand bazaars begin to tell tales of these "barbarian" superheroes; in the Eastern Empire their exploits are passing into local legend. In the benighted realms of evil to north and south, villainous rulers watch with growing dismay as the Silver Knot begins to carve out an everlasting place in the annals of heroism...

The team has earned the following epithets and titles fair and square: Elemental Champions; Defenders of the Opressed; Elf-Friends; Dwarf-Friends; Demonslayers; Bane of all that is Evil; Peers of the Realm of Haranlarche...

The team lineup has changed several times, as is the way with most of the great adventuring companies. What have never altered are the esprit de corps and the commitment to the fight for what's right and just.

The Silver Knot have encountered allies and other superheroes. Although some of these people would be utterly suitable candidates for membership, for one reason or another none of these allies has joined the team or been accepted for membership at this point. To view the Allies of the Silver Knot click here...

The Silver Knot's original team was quite large, in fact at one point months ago it was large enough to have provisional, reserve and trainee members. All the current members of the team and the past members are warriors of the Free Realms and many served with distinction in the Zombie War started by the Demon Dragon MOGADOR. Although it fell to other heroes (the HEIRS OF SKULL CRAIG) to destroy Mogador, nevertheless the Silver Knot superheroes proved crucial to the war effort, as one would expect. To view news summaries of the Zombie War, click here.
Since the end of the Zombie War, the Silver Knot has not reformed. A new team coalesced around founding member Blackfoot. The first incarnation of this new team was comprised of Emerald Avenger, The Budling and Red Robin, led by Blackfoot. Following the events leading to the Emerald Summons, the energy beam threatening to destroy the World of Mystery, the Emerald Avenger flew to the Moon and helped end the threat of Ragnarok forever. Things she discovered on the moon have meant that the Emerald Avenger has had to leave the team and fly across the cosmos. However, at much the same time that this happened, Watchdog ended his military service for Haranlarche and rejoined the team. So the current team is a quartet not entirely dissimilar to the golden age super-team the Four Blades - Red Robin, Blackfoot, Watchdog and The Budling.

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