Burne Puddlespell

Burne Puddlespell, together with his fellow lord Rufus Redbeard, rule the small village of Belunor and the surrounding countryside. Their riverside region is framed by monster-infested forests and rivers on all sides, so although their populace is small, it takes the efforts of both Burne and Rufus to keep their mortal county alive and kicking.

Burne Puddlespell is an extremely tough and powerful "Mage", a generalist wizard adept at using odds and ends from nearly all the branches of magic. Now in his late fifties, he adventured continuously for some twenty-two years until a stroke forced him to slow down. At that time he decided to become one of the Lords of Belunor.

Burne and Rufus encountered the Silver Knot when the team visited Belunor to brave the local Temple of the Elements, a hive of evil that the Silver Knot decided to harrow to cleanse the temple itself and more importantly foil the plans of Azal and whatever monster god he has formed a compact with.

Li Po

Li Po the Hermit is a Hsiachinese sage who lived on the docks in Secomber for a period from 1100 to 1101 YAC. Although he disappeared shortly after the death of Talon, he was of enormous help to the Silver Knot during their brief and deadly forays into the undercity of Secomber.

Li Po the Hermit possesses considerable magical and martial training skills. He is able to sufficiently train and educate an adventurer of any class so that they can obtain all benefits of rank increases in a matter of minutes or hours rather than days or weeks -- an astonishing and monstrously powerful educational ability.


Monkfish is a sohei, a warrior monk. He is a tritonian, an immensely physically strong and fit "fish man" or merman, descended from the demigodly Triton superhero Blue Claw who lived and adventured in the 990s to 1020s YAC and died in 1044 YAC during the Dome Wars that plagued the Aquatican undersea kingdoms.

A sohei is a warrior-monk, and in Monkfish's case he is based at Castle Lobelia in the far west of the realm of Haranlarche. Recently Monkfish adventured with the Silver Knot in their interminable trips into the dungeons beneath the city of Secomber. In the process Monkfish developed enough experience to become the leader of his own order of martial artists.

Because Monkfish owes his allegiance to a higher authority, he cannot truly be counted a member of the Silver Knot. Despite this he is, during his brief tenure with the group, a pivotal team member in all but name.

Monkfish is a devastating martial artist with many strange martial arts moves, each of which has an equally bizarre name, generated on this chart -- WHO FU?

Rufus Redbeard

Rufus Redbeard, together with his fellow lord Burne Puddlespell, rule the small village of Belunor and the surrounding countryside. Their riverside region is framed by monster-infested forests and rivers on all sides, so although their populace is small, it takes the efforts of both Rufus and Burne to keep their mortal county alive and kicking.

Rufus and Burne encountered the Silver Knot when the team visited Belunor to brave the local Temple of the Elements, a hive of evil that the Silver Knot decided to harrow to cleanse the temple itself and more importantly foil the plans of Azal and whatever monster god he has formed a compact with.


Talon was a protege of White Owl. He was inspired by White Owl to become a street-level night avenger, just like his hero. For his full story, click on his name in the title above or click here.

The Bloody Shield

Complete mystery surrounds the true identity of the woman known as The Bloody Shield.

The Bloody Shield is a highwaywoman, peasant champion and rebel against the local authorities, including the relatively heroic lords Burne and Rufus. The Bloody Shield wields a blood-red circular throwable shield, curved and otherwise featureless. She also bears the red-metal blade Red Robin an ancient, ages-old shortsword that originally slew Azal's mortal form. The Bloody Shield wears a dark red-brown studded leather outfit, a black swashbuckler's cowl with a red bird outline sewn upon her the brow of the mask.

She is assisted by local peasants who wish to be free of all overlords and hope that one day The Bloody Shield would be their protector in an egalitarian peasant's paradise.

For whatever reason, whether her extreme politics, her still-open criminal record or her sinister appearance, she was not invited to join the Silver Knot.

RED ROBIN was made a fully-fledged member of the Silver Knot after it was discovered that she stowed away on board their flitter 'The Silver Shot' at the end of the Temple of Elemental Evil adventure. Red Robin has already served with distinction on several tough cases and normally patrols the streets with Silver Knot reservist White Owl in her off hours.

Urtaan the Sage

Urtaan DeSiglitz, a human wizard-sage, has become a firm friend to Cardinal of the Silver Knot and a good ally to all the team-mates. Urtaan first encountered the team during its battles with the Damage Machine -- Damage Machine was hiding out posing as a builder's labourer during the construction of Urtaan's tower in the middle of the rogues' quarter of Mythtropolis, the Cutpurse District. It is believed that it was Urtaan's choice of location for his stronghold that led to his completed tower being called 'The Fool's Tower'.

Urtaan is a friend and confidant to Cardinal, also mentoring the Air Phasar in magicks. Urtaan also acted as an agony aunt for Cardinal's team-mate Siren, during the merwoman's relatively brief tenure on the team.

Urtaan maintains a working relationship with several heroes other than the Silver Knot He also possesses an uncanny library which was inherited from his uncle, a powerful Nature Wizard. Together, the contacts and library allow Urtaan to have some chance of answering most magical and legend lore questions the team poses him.

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