


02.12.02                                                                                                                                      Previous Page          Next Page

I agree that everybody makes mistakes.

I most definitely sympathize with the plight of goalkeepers.  They have an unglamorous yet important job of stopping the opponents from scoring (As the saying goes, a clean sheet equates to winning half the match). But the glory almost always falls on the outfield players (especially strikers who delivers the goods) when the team wins. Nobody seems to remember the efforts of the poor keeper when they play well and yet when they made just one mistake, they will be placed straight in the firing line.

That is why I normally do not blame keepers if they spill shots, fail to hold high balls, let the ball roll through their body, being lobbed from a ridiculous distance or throw/kick the ball straight to an opponent.  Until yesterday’s game.  


Dudek Howler against Man U

In so many years of watching football, I have never seen a howler as bad as Dudek’s (now I know that James is not as bad a keeper as I think.  At least I have never seen him made such a bad clangor!).  That was the worst ever mistake that I have ever seen from a keeper.  I really don’t know what word should I use to describe the mistake.  To say that it is a schoolboy error would be an ultimate insult to schoolboys.  Cos even schoolboys know how to hold on to an extremely weak header from his own teammate.  If Dudek had been pressured by a Manchester United player, I would definitely forgive him for not holding the ball firmly.  But he was not.  f the ground had been wet and slippery, I could blame slippery conditions a wet ball for the mistake.  But the weather was perfect.  If he had been a rookie (but then again, even rookies won’t make this mistake), I could blame nervousness, especially in such a big fixture like Liverpool verse Manchester United for that.  But he is an international class keeper who has been to the biggest tournament in the world. So words are beyond me to express what I feel about the howler.

But let’s look on the bright side.  At least Dudek should be glad that he is not a Colombian, otherwise he would have been shot! And Arsene Wenger, who has been targeting Dudek for such a long time as Seaman’s replacement before an exorbitant transfer fee saw the deal fall through, must be laughing away that he failed to land his target. And Alex Ferguson owes Dudek a treat, otherwise his Manchester United would have fallen further behind Arsenal in the title race which would make this season boring.

There is a Liverpool precedent for bad keepers.  Liverpool fans should remember who Sandra Westerveld was.  He was given the cold shoulder and sold to Spain for a mistake half as bad as Dudek’s (For your information he is now plying his trade at the league leaders of the world’s best league.  I wonder how Houllier feels if he knew this).  So if the precedent is followed, I expect Dudek to be exiled to Siberia and perform hard labour to improve on his grip.

But come to think of it, Dudek is rather pitiful.  I’m sure nobody wants to make such a mistake.  (But if he was ever found to be accepting bribes and thus threw the game away, he really ought to be shot).  But let’s face the harsh realities.  There are no place for losers, especially for such unbelievable mistakes.  Frankly I expect Dudek to be dropped.  If Houllier continues to use him (which I’m sure he is not), he risks the danger of using a no-confidence keeper (confidence is so, so important to a keeper) and endangers his team’s chances of keeping pace with Arsenal.  It is now up to Dudek to pick himself up, regain his confidence and hopefully with the support of fans and his teammates come back a stronger character.

So Dudek, if you ever read my article, please do not feel despair.  I’m sure you are strong enough to make a comeback and continue to make a telling contribution to Liverpool’s cause I is now up to you yourself you prove to us that you are not as bad as we think.

And Chris Kirkland, it’s now or never. Take your chance with both hands before a new Dudek comes roaring back.


Football Junkie (Guest Writer) 

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