World Books

Rifts� World Book 1: Vampire Kingdoms�
Vampire Kingdoms Technology? New O.C.C.s? Not in this book, pal. But it more than makes up for it with world info. It describes Mexico with great care and detail, making it one of my personal favorite place on Rifts Earth. Vampires just make great PC Killers...its even better when the PC comes back to kill his/her friends! =)
Author: K. Simbedia Catalog: 802
Cover Art: ??? Pages: 176
ISBN: 0-916211-52-5 Price: $16.95
Rifts� World Book 2: Atlantis�
Atlantis This book is very, very cool. Real info on the Splugorth, Splugorth Minions, Atlantean geography, True Atlanteans, Kittani, Rune Weapons, Tattoo Magic (which kicks major arse!), Bio-wizardry, parasites. I love this book!
Author: K. Siembieda Catalog: 804
Cover Art: ??? Pages: 160
ISBN: 0-916211-54-1 Price: $16.95
Rifts� World Book 3: England�
England This book is really good, even the adaptation the Arthurian legend. Millennium trees, druids, and herbal magic are all way cool. Temporal magic is extremely powerful, and somewhat hard to use in a game. The world info makes England a book to get.
Author: K. Siembieda Catalog: 807
Cover Art: K. Parkinson Pages: 152
ISBN: 0-916211-57-6 Price: $16.95
Rifts� World Book 4: Africa�
Africa The whole Four Horseman scenario is very interesting. I don't really like any of the new magic or O.C.C.s, except for the Necromancer. I found the info on Africa itself to be too vague, but the Nile gods had just enough to keep me reading. I know people think differently, but I feel that this is a good book. Feel free to try and convince me. That's what my e-mail address is for.
Author: K. Siembieda Catalog: 808
Cover Art: F. Fields Pages: 160
ISBN: 0-916211-58-4 Price: $16.95
Rifts� World Book 5: Triax & The NGR�
Triax Triax=Technical Powerhouse. Technology from laser pistols to 50 foot towers of destruction! I love all the new O.C.C.s, new skills, new guns, new bots, new borgs, and new everything in general. The stuff on the societal structure of the gargoyles is great as well, but there is a lack of detail on the country of the NGR itself..
Author: K. Simbedia Catalog: 810
Cover Art: ??? Pages: 224
ISBN: 0-916211-60-6 Price: $20.95
Rifts� World Book 6: South America�
South America This is a very good book in my eyes, with an interesting world that is full of possibility. The legendary lost cities are done to perfection. Colombia seems to have gotten rid of all the damn druggies. =)
Author: C.J. Carella Catalog: 814
Cover Art: Brom Pages: 160
ISBN: 0-916211-71-1 Price: $16.95
Rifts� World Book 7: Underseas�
Underseas An OK book, but it's really hard to bring much of it into a primarily land based game. I do find the monsters to be good to use, the technology is pretty cool, and the O.C.C./R.C.C.'s are ok, but nothing is exceptional.

Note: Now that Coalition Navy is out, this book is much more applicable to the Rifts world.
Author: K. Siembieda & C.J. Carella Catalog: 815
Cover Art: ??? Pages: 216
ISBN: 0-916211-72-x Price: $20.95
Rifts� World Book 8: Japan�
Japan This book is one of my favorites. Now we have something to fill in HtoH : Martial Arts with =). All of the new O.C.C.'s are cool, my favorites being the Cyber-Samurai, and Demon Quellers. Ninjas lurk everywhere! The world info is ok, and the magic and technology definitely help.
Author: K. Siembieda & P. Nowak Catalog: 818
Cover Art: ??? Pages: 216
ISBN: 0-916211-88-6 Price: $20.95
Rifts� World Book 9: South America Two�
South America 2 I FINALLY read through the whole thing...While the Meagversal Legion info is cool, the rest of the book failed to keep my interest. The bad guys are just more bad guys, the tech is just more tech...This book, while not being Munchkin, has a Twinkish slant to it.
Author: C.J. Carella Catalog: 819
Cover Art: K. Long Pages: 192
ISBN: 0-916211-89-4 Price: $20.95
Rifts� World Book 10: Juicer Uprising�
Juicer Uprising This is simply the best book so far. Not because of all the new Juicer variants, but this book manages to put a lot of things Rifts perspective. Do people still like sports? Of course they do! Juicer sports! The technology is geared towards augmented classes, but its fine with me. World information is good, and the story of the Juicer Uprising just whoops ass, just like ol' Probert used to do.
Author: C.J. Carella Catalog: 820
Cover Art: ??? Pages: 160
ISBN: 0-916211-92-4 Price: $16.95
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