Message Board


July 26/06

MOVED. I have a new host with unlimted bandwidth that won't run out every hour and storage.. so this site will stay up but I'll be updating there now.. yeah. is the main site, so I'll be posting my updates on the main page there I guess. I have to make and icon thing for that now.

July 20/06

Yeah, I updated the sprites page, added a new sheet and updated mine. Also, my affiliates like to take my links down for no reason without telling me. And I don't know why I care about that but I do. Oh well, affiliates suck anyway.

July 7/06

IT'S FIXED! Issue 100 isn't lost, and it wasn't a waste of six months. Right now I'm backing everything up and putting everything on to CD's, but yeah, we got lucky and everything was saved on the hard drive. Had to put in a new motherboard and power supply but it's finally working again. I guess you can forget everything I said in the last update. I actually have an update this time though, I changed the sound clip.. I did it a while ago but I'm mentioning it now. But yeah, Issue 100 is back in the works so keep checking the site.


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