Carolyn Jurkiewicz

Parma, OH

Photos - 1969 & 2002

Information - 1999

High School Activities - Girls' Glee Club

[email protected]

Occupation: Custodian at Justice Center

I clean many different areas at the Justice Center, meeting all different types of people. I am a volunteer for the American Red Cross, Disaster Services. I want to get into doing classes to help less fortunate people to get on their feet by teaching them lifeskills.

In 2002, the Bariatric Surgery Program of the University Hospitals of Cleveland posted a story about Carolyn on its website. It talked about her unsuccessful dealings with weight throughout her life, and how diets wouldn't work. Then she underwent bariatric surgery (stomach stapling).

Now, she walks 6 to 7 miles through her neighborhood, up and down hills without even breathing heavily. She did a walking marathon in Kona, Hawaii, fo rthe American Diabetes Association. Her life has drastically changed. According to her, "I feel good inside - my self-esteem has shot way up, and it just gives me the courage to continue."

For the full story, go to

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