Tom Zamostny

Silver Spring, MD

Photos - 1969 & 1989

Information - 1999

High School Activities - Baseball, Intramurals, Cadet Choir, Varsity Choir, Junior Council on World Affairs (Treasurer), Dramatics Club, School Play, National Honor Society, Yearbook Staff, Human Relations Club, Voted #1 "Hardest Worker" and #2 "Best Leader"

[email protected]

Occupation: Intelligence Officer
Spouse: Kathy Patz Zamostny (Maple Class of 69)
Children: David (10) and Adam (4)

My family is my life. Kathy and I were a little later than most in starting a family but it was worth the wait. Both David and Adam were born in Korea. David was 7 months old when he arrived on December 6, 1989; Adam was not quite 4 months old on his arrival day, September 11, 1995. Both boys are wonderful kids, different in a lot of ways, but great brothers. David is heaving into sports. I've been coaching or assistant coaching one sport or another since he was in first grade. He led his Babe Ruth League team in hitting this year and made the All-Star Team. David remains the sweet-natured kid he's always been - still not afraid to show affection for his parents in public and quick to tell you how much he loves you. Adam is a devilish charmer. His personality is something of a cross between Spanky and Dennis Rodman. He can make you angry beyond words one minute and have you laughing the next. His favorite word is "sorry". But he's smart as a whip and irresistibly lovable. Kathy and I are blessed.

I've been with the CIA for nearly 19 years, doing analytical work for most of that time. Currently, I manage a unit working on the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union and the former Warsaw Pact states of Central and Eastern Europe.

My mother and father are now living in Brook Park. My father's been in ill health in recent years, but my mom is doing well, despite a broken hip earlier this year. My brothers and sisters are still in the Cleveland area - younger brother Bill is living in the house on Northwood we grew up in. Dan, Debbie, and Donna are now on the west side.

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