
Here are some thoughts on what might loosely be called markets.

First some ground rules:

These essays were written for a specific purpose. So, if you read them out-of-context, they will not make much sense. Unfortunately (for those of you who are out-of-context), I will follow Louis Armstrong's cop-out when asked to describe jazz: "If you have to be told explicitly, you won't get it anyway".

I make frequent references to fools, unscrupulous liars, and even unscrupulous lying hypocrites. The identity of these people should be obvious.

I make occasional references to a fund company founded on the principles of market efficiency and investor rationality. The identity of this fund company should also be obvious.

I make use of (shudder) arithmetic and logic. If you do not appreciate the importance of and/or do not have respect for these tools of thought, you are wasting your time here.

I usually welcome comments on what I write. However, I do not have even the slightest bit of inclination to respond to those whose comments indicate a failure to think or to follow simple arithmetic and logic.

I also refuse to respond to fools, unscrupulous liars, and unscrupulous lying hypocrites.

So, if you are (or, equivalently, your browser is) intelligent enough, you will know how to send a comment to an appropriate address.

List of essays

First version: Thu Nov 9 15:12:07 PST 2000
Last updated: Sun Jun 27 17:00:19 PDT 2004

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