Audio Fun

This page is meant as fun, and only as fun. It is part of my continuing experiments with electronic and computer music (I started to program my first music-generators in 1987).

The hardware (very high-tech) and software packages (many freely available and very good) to manipulate sampled sounds have been around for many years. Still, I wanted to write my own set of functions to play with---just for fun. The results of my preliminary programming can be found here. I plan to add more effects and larger samples as time and disk space permit.

All of the examples are variations of the greeting that can be heard from my home page.

Stream effects

The base greeting. This should be indistinguishable from the greeting on my home page (although the underlying binary data is not identical).

The reverse greeting. This is a simple reversal of the sample stream of the base. My original greeting is not very tonal, and hence the reversed tones do not seem very prominent either. Sounds like Russian (or as Edgar Allan Poe might like to say, sounds like what Russian should sound like to a person who does not really know what Russian sounds like).

Amplitude effects

The Comb echo greeting. This is a naive feedback echo with a delay of 0.1 seconds and a feedback gain of 0.75. The jarring effect is the result of the comb-echoer enhancing certain frequencies more than others.

The Flat-frequency-response echo greeting. The flat-frequency-response (or FFR) echoer eliminates the problems of the comb-echoer. This effect was also made with a 0.1 second delay and a feedback gain of 0.75. It is somewhat difficult to even detect the echo, unless you compare it with the base.

Speed effects

The slow and fast greetings. The base greeting was resampled at speeds of 0.75 and 1.25 of the original rspy. This causes both the pitch and the duration of the samples to change.

Frequency effects

The bass and treble greetings. Here, the base greeting was rescaled to pitches of 0.75 and 1.25 of the original rspy. Although the pitch change is easy to hear, the durations of these two samples are exactly equal to that of the base (something that is not true with speed changes).

The shift down and shift up greetings are variations of the pitch scaling above. In this case, however, the pitches are shifted (rather than scaled) down and up (rspy.) by 50Hz.

Thinning effects

The base greeting is harmonically thinned, i.e. the primary harmonic is emphasized and all other harmonics are deemphasized. The thinning factor controls the degree of (de)emphasis. As the factor increases, the audio stream starts to sound like a succession of simple sinusoidal tones.

[ Miscellaneous | Krishna Kunchithapadam ]

Last updated: Sun Jun 27 17:00:19 PDT 2004

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