Constructing the names and numbers of the mAELa rAgas

Date: 3 Mar 92 18:36:40 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Carnatic Melakarthas query

In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (SUBU Ramasubramanian) writes:

Carnatic melakarthas are prefixed in some cases (like in Hanuma Todi, Chala Naatai) or even called differently than its popular name (like Kamavardhini for pantuvarali). There is an interesting reason for this.

These prefixes are to enable you to find out the number of the melaartha according to katapayadi sankhya scheme. (according to B Subba Rao in his book called "Raga nidhi" -a comparative study of carnatic and hindustani ragas)

Can some one tell me what this scheme is and how one can find the position of a raga from its name?

The names of the mAELa rAgas conform to the katapayAdhe sangKya---which is an ancient system of nomenclature used in astrology, and later co-opted into music.

The word ka-ta-pa-yA-dhe is coined from:

    kAdhe dhaSa      10 symbols
    tAdhe dhaSa      10 symbols
    pAdhe panjca      5 symbols
    yAdhe aSTa        8 symbols

The names kAdhe, tAdhe, pAdhe and yAdhe come from the starting consonants of different consonantal series in the dhAEvanAgarE script enumerated in a canonical order, as shown below.

       group   1   2   3   4   5    6    7    8    9    0
       kAdhe   k   K   g   G   ng   c    C    j    J    nj
       tAdhe   t   T   d   D   N    th   Th   dh   Dh   n
       pAdhe   p   P   b   B   m
       yAdhe   y   r   l   v   S    Sh   s    h

Here is how the katapayAdhe scheme should be used. Given a phrase written in dhAEvanAgarE, strip away all vowels and non-syllabic consonants (consonants do that not have a following vowel and occur in the non-final position of consonant clusters)---this results in a consonant string. Replace each consonant with the digit corresponding to its katapayAdhe number and you will get a string of digits. The specific katapayAdhe scheme that we are discussing is a little more involved. In this case, consider only the first two consonants, convert them to their digit representation, and then swap their order. You will get a two-digit number which defines the katapayAdhe number of the initial word or phrase.

The algorithm for converting a mAELa rAga name to its katapayAdhe number is:

The table below enumerates the above steps for all the 72 mAELa rAgas of karNAtaka music. The exceptions to the strict katapayAdhe rule are marked with an asterisk. In the case of these mAELa rAgas, the non-syllabic consonant is used in the numbering scheme. Some discussions of the katapayAdhe sangKya imply that the first two consonants (syllabic or otherwise) should be used in computing the number. This rule is incorrect and will cause many more anomalies. It is also clear from the names of the mAELa rAgas that they were coined by people who were not quite at home with the sa~skRth language---names like cakravAham and kEravANE are not well-formed sa~skRth names. This in itself is not a problem, but the application of the katapayAdhe sangKya to non-sa~skRth words may not always be appropriate.

  mAELa                      S1-S2     C1-C2   D1-D2   sangKya
  kanakAnggE                 ka-na     k-n     1-0       01
  rathnAnggE                 ra-na     r-n     2-0       02
  gAnamUrthe                 gA-na     g-n     3-0       03
  vanaspathE                 va-na     v-n     4-0       04
  mAnavathE                  mA-na     m-n     5-0       05
  thAnarUpE                  thA-na    th-n    6-0       06
  sAEnAvathE                 sAE-nA    s-n     7-0       07
  hanumathOdE                ha-nu     h-n     8-0       08
  DhAEnukA                   DhAE-nu   Dh-n    9-0       09
  nAtakapreyA                nA-ta     n-t     0-1       10
  kOkelapreyA                kO-ke     k-k     1-1       11
  rUpavathE                  rU-pa     r-p     2-1       12
  gAyakapreyA                gA-ya     g-y     3-1       13
  vakuLABaraNam              va-ku     v-k     4-1       14
  mAyAmALavagAULa            mA-yA     m-y     5-1       15
  cakravAham (*)             ca-k      c-k     6-1       16
  sUryakAntham               sU-ya     s-y     7-1       17
  hAtakAmbarE                hA-ta     h-t     8-1       18
  JangkAraDhvanE             Ja-kA     J-k     9-1       19
  naTaBIravE                 na-Ta     n-T     0-2       20
  kEravANE                   kE-ra     k-r     1-2       21
  KaraharapreyA              Ka-ra     K-r     2-2       22
  gAUremanOharE              gAU-rE    g-r     3-2       23
  varuNapreyA                va-ru     v-r     4-2       24
  mAraranjjanE               mA-ra     m-r     5-2       25
  cArukAEsE                  cA-ru     c-r     6-2       26
  sarasAnggE                 sa-ra     s-r     7-2       27
  harekAmBOjE                ha-re     h-r     8-2       28
  DhEraSangkarABaraNam       DhE-ra    Dh-r    9-2       29
  nagAnandhenE               na-gA     n-g     0-3       30
  yAgapreyA                  yA-ga     y-g     1-3       31
  rAgavarDhanE               rA-ga     r-g     2-3       32
  gAnggAEyaBUShaNE           gA-gAE    g-g     3-3       33
  vAgadhESvarE               vA-ga     v-g     4-3       34
  SUlenE                     SU-le     S-l     5-3       35
  calanAtta                  ca-la     c-l     6-3       36
  sAlagam                    sA-la     s-l     7-3       37
  jalArNavam                 ja-lA     j-l     8-3       38
  JAlavarALE                 JA-la     J-l     9-3       39
  navanEtham                 na-va     n-v     0-4       40
  pAvanE                     pA-va     p-v     1-4       41
  raGupreyA                  ra-Gu     r-G     2-4       42
  gavAmbODhe                 ga-vA     g-v     3-4       43
  BavapreyA                  Ba-va     B-v     4-4       44
  SuBapanthuvarALE           Su-Ba     S-B     5-4       45
  ShadvethmArgenE            Sha-ve    Sh-v    6-4       46
  suvarNAnggE                su-va     s-v     7-4       47
  dhevyamaNE (*)             dhe-v     dh-v    8-4       48
  DhavaLAmbarE               Dha-va    Dh-v    8-4       49
  nAmanArAyaNE               nA-ma     n-m     0-5       50
  kAmavarDhanE               kA-ma     k-m     1-5       51
  rAmapreyA                  rA-ma     r-m     2-5       52
  gamanaSrama                ga-ma     g-m     3-5       53
  veSvAmbarE (*)             ve-S      v-S     4-5       54
  SyAmaLAnggE (*)            S-ma      S-m     5-5       55
  ShaNmuKapreyA              Sha-mu    Sh-m    6-5       56
  se~hAEndhramaDhyamam (*)   se-m      s-m     7-5       57
  hAEmavathE                 hAE-ma    h-m     8-5       58
  DharmavathE                Dha-ma    Dh-m    9-5       59
  nEthemathE                 nE-the    n-th    0-6       60
  kAnthAmaNE                 kA-thA    k-th    1-6       61
  reShaBapreyA               re-Sha    r-Sh    2-6       62
  lathAnggE                  la-thA    l-th    3-6       63
  vAcaspathE                 vA-ca     v-c     4-6       64
  mAEcakalyANE               mAE-ca    m-c     5-6       65
  cethrAmbarE (*)            ce-th     c-th    6-6       66
  sucarethra                 su-ca     s-c     7-6       67
  jyOthesvarUpeNE (*)        j-the     j-th    8-6       68
  DhAthuvarDhanE             DhA-thu   Dh-th   9-6       69
  nAsekABUShaNE              nA-se     n-s     0-7       70
  kOsalam                    kO-sa     k-s     1-7       71
  rasekapreyA                ra-se     r-s     2-7       72

Some of the mAELa names are concocted---hanuma-thOde, mAyA-mALavaGAULa, Kara-harapreyA, DhEra-SangkarABaraNam, mAEca-kalyANE are examples. The anusvAra in the name se~hAEndhramaDhyamam is considered to be `m' for the purposes of the sangKya. The above table lists the mAELa rAgas of gOvendhAcArya. vAEngkatamaKe used the kanakAmbarE-PAEnadhyuthE system, which also conforms to the katapayAdhe sangKya. The sangKya cannot be applied to the names of the janya rAgas in any meaningful way---for example, the sangKya obtained for a janya rAga does not correspond to the sangKya of its janaka mAELa.

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