Rules for determining the janaka mAELa of a janya rAga

Date: 25 Jul 92 16:12:28 GMT
Message-ID: <krisna.712080748@cham>
References: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Begada and its parent

In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Chandar Venkataraman) writes:

This is probably on the lines of a question asked a couple of days ago regarding janya ragas and their parents. Why is begada considered a janya of shankarabaranam and not of Harikamboji, which has the "ni" of begada.

Similarly, why is mohanam considered a janya of harikomboji? Why not a janya of shankarabaranam or kalyani?

Are there any subtle rules that define this parent-janya relationship or is this all just academic?

I have asked the question about janaka-janya relations (and the rules for determining them) of many many people---from rank amateurs to well-respected professional musicians. All of them have either said that they do not know the answer or have given a wishy-washy answer saying that tradition determines the relationship between mAELa and janya rAgas (completely ignoring the question of the rules that the original proponents of the relation need to have used).

Therefore, I will propose my ad hoc set of rules, arrived at through observation. Keep in mind that I am simply trying to codify past and current practice, not attempting to dictate what people must follow.

In this article, I will only discuss the rules for classifying simple janya rAgas---elsewhere, I discuss how BAShAngga rAgas can be classified by extending the mAELa rAga system to include SudhDha-meSra and dhve-maDhyama rAgas.

Disclaimer: I have heard many people claim that janya rAgas should not be classified at all. If you are one of them, stop reading immediately.

The principle of Sruthe similarity is also invoked in classifying BAShAngga rAgas (if we do not want to use an extended mAELa rAga system). The creator of a rAga may also choose a janaka mAELa for any arbitrary reason whatever, and this is what constitutes that nebulous thing called tradition.

[ Indian Classical Music | Krishna Kunchithapadam ]

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