The scale of the karNAtaka rAga jana-sammOdhenE

Date: 6 Mar 93 16:49:36 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Raag Janasamohini

In article <[email protected]> [email protected] () writes:

This raag is rendered in both, the Carnatic and Hindustani styles. I am looking for some recordings in this raag. Would someone post some info. on this ?

There is no rAga by the name of jana-sammOhenE in karNAtaka music. There _is_ a rAga called jana-sammOdhenE. The rAga is a creation of bAlamuraLekRShNa and its scale is as follows:

    s  r2 g3 p  d1 s+
    s+ d1 p  g3 r2 s

It is a janya of the 25th mAELa rAga---mAra-ranjjanE. The jayadhAEva aShtapadhE rADhekA kRShNa thava verahAE kAESava is a composition in this rAga that bAlamuraLe often sings in concerts. Recordings of the kRthe are available in LP and cassette releases from HMV. I have also come across some light-classical and film songs in this rAga. A very crude description of jana-sammOdhenE would be that it is a combination of mOhanam and BAULe, with an emphasis on the uththarAngga (BAULe aspects).

The hendhusthAne rAga jana-sammOhenE is quite unrelated to the jana-sammOdhenE.

jana-sammOdhenE is also the name given to an unrelated janya of the mAELa hare-kOmBOjE. It is quite common in karNAtaka music to find the same rAga name associated with different scales or different names associated with the same scale. The Madras Music Academy has "officially" credited bAlamuraLekRShNa with the creation of the mAra-ranjjanE version of jana-sammOdhenE.

[ Indian Classical Music | Krishna Kunchithapadam ]

Last updated: Sun Jun 27 17:00:19 PDT 2004

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