How does one perform graha-BAEdha on asymmetric scales

Date: 10 May 93 16:22:31 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Questions on Raga Malahari(Carnatic)

In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Kumar Neelakantan) writes:

4. A query on Shruthi-Bhedam? Can Shruti-Bhedam be performed on an Audava-Shadava raga like Malahari? If so, does it yield any valid results? (Krishna? PJN? Srini?..)

graha-BAEdha _can_ be performed on asymmetric, BAShAngga and vakra rAgas. It is important to note that graha-BAEdha is simply a redistribution of the inter-note intervals of a scale. By listing the ArOhaNa and the avarOhaNa of a rAga and performing the tonic shift on each of the notes of the scale (that occur either in the ArOhaNa or the avarOhaNa or in both), we will get the full set of graha-BAEdha equivalents. Since the scale might use different sets of notes in the ArOhaNa and the avarOhaNa, the results of the graha-BAEdha can be rAgas that do not begin or end on a Shadja svara, but when did that ever stop people from considering such scales as rAgas (nAdhanAmakreyA, punnAgavarALE, sedhDha-ranjjanE, navarOj, senjjuruttE are all examples of scales that either do not begin or end on a Shadja note).

For vakra rAgas, the vakra should be preserved, it will simply move to a different set of notes. Similarly, the BAShAngga (of BAShAngga rAgas) will migrate along the scale with the migration of the graha.

The svaras used in malaharE are "s, r1, g3, m1, p, d1". The results of the graha-BAEdha are shown below:

graha   ArOhaNa              avarOhaNa             rAga
s       s  r1 m1 p  d1 s+    s+ d1 p  m1 g3 r1 s   malaharE (15)
r1      s  g3 m2 p  n3 s+    s+ n3 p  m2 g3 r3 s   yAzesI-arasu (72)
g3      r1 g2 g3 d1 n1 r1+   s+ n1 d1 g3 g2 r1 s   invalid (g2/g3)
m1      s  r2 g2 p  d1 s+    s+ n3 d1 p  g2 r2 s   ???
p       s  r1 m1 m2 n2 s+    s+ n2 d2 m2 m1 r1 s   invalid (m1/m2)
d1      s  g3 m1 d2 n3 s+    s+ n3 d2 d1 m1 g3 s   invalid (d1/d2)

The graha-BAEdha of the janaka mAELa of malaharE, mAyAmALavagAULa produces two valid rAgas---rasekapreyA on the reShaBa graha and se~hAEndhra-maDhyamam on the maDhyama graha. The reShaBa and the maDhyama grahas are also the only ones that result in valid rAgas for the graha-BAEdha of malaharE. The result of the panjcama graha is valid only in the system of dhve-maDhyama (and optionally panjcama varja) rAgas.

The reShaBa graha derivative can be the janya of the mAELa rAgas DhAthuvarDhanE, kOsalam and rasekapreyA. yAzesI-arasu is the only valid name according to the rAga pravAham. Similarly, the maDhyama graha derivative can be the janya of the mAELa rAgas kEravANE and se~hAEndhra-maDhyamam. There are no names that I could find.

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