reShaBha-gAnDhAra-DhIvatha based penta-tonic scales

Date: Fri, 28 May 1993 15:36:21 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
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Subject: Re: Mohanam / Bhupali & 5-note scales

In article <[email protected]> [email protected] (Arthur Levine) writes:

I looked at it again. I think there are eight possibilities, and three of them are anomalous:

The number of mOhanam-like (ie. penta-tonic scales with reShaBha-gAnDhAra-panjcama-DhIvatha notes) can be easily computed---the actual number depends on whether you want to consider vevAdhe svaras or not.

Considering vevAdhe svaras:

r1 (g1/g2/g3) (d1/d2/d3)    :    1 x 3 x 3 = 9
r2 (g2/g3)    (d1/d2/d3)    :    1 x 2 x 3 = 6
r3 g3         (d1/d2/d3)    :    1 x 1 x 3 = 3
total                       :               18

Okay. If you don't want to consider the vevAdhe svaras (ie. eliminate the r3/g1/d3 notes), the number of possibilities is:

r1 (g2/g3) (d1/d2)          :    1 x 2 x 2 = 4
r2 (g2/g3) (d1/d2)          :    1 x 2 x 2 = 4
total                       :                8

which Art Levine mentions in his article. The table below lists the karNAtaka rAgas for each of these possibilities (with approximate hendhusthAne equivalents for some of them).

Scale      mAELa             karNAtaka          hendhusthAne
r1 g1 d1   kanakAnggE        rangga-nAyakE      ???
r1 g1 d2   vanaspathE        thamasvenE         ???
r1 g1 d3   thAnarUpE         jnjAna-svarUpeNE   ???
r1 g2 d1   hanuma-thOdE      BUpALam            BUpAl-thOdE
r1 g2 d2   nAtakapreyA       vIjayanthE         ???
r1 g2 d3   rUpavathE         SaSAngja-keraNE    ???
r1 g3 d1   mAyAmALavagAULa   rAEvagupthE        veBAs (BIrav ThAT)
r1 g3 d2   cakravAham        raseka-ranjjanE    veBAs
r1 g3 d3   hAtakAmbarE       varNa-rUpeNE       ???
r2 g2 d1   naTaBIravE        kAthyAyanE         ???
r2 g2 d2   KaraharapreyA     SevaranjjanE       SevaranjjanE
r2 g2 d3   varuNapreyA       sAEvathE           ???
r2 g3 d1   mAra-ranjjanE     janasammOdhenE     ???
r2 g3 d2   harekAmBOjE       mOhanam            BUpAlE
r2 g3 d3   nagAnandhenE      vAhenE             ???
r3 g3 d1   rAgavarDhanE      vepula             ???
r3 g3 d2   vAgadhESvarE      vehavathE          ???
r3 g3 d3   calanAtta         lOlAkShE           ???

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