Enumerating penta-tonic scales in Indian music

Date: Sun, 30 May 1993 05:58:26 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Subject: penta-tonic scales

From a purely "existential" point of view, it is not too difficult to compute the number of possible pentatonic scales---it is simply a matter of proper enumeration/counting.

The counting can be done in 3 ways:

Whatever the categorization, there will be only one type of "p". Clearly, the three categories will yield numbers that are strictly non-decreasing, for the number of possible scales, since each progressively encompasses more possibilities than the previous.

Combinatorially, the problem is one of selecting 4 notes from among 6 ie. from "rgmpdn". There are (6-choose-4) = 15 distinct "groups" of rAgas (and the current discussion on mOhanam and friends pertains to just _one_ of these 15 groups, to wit, the "rgpd" group). Due to the different combinations of notes, each of these 15 groups will yield different numbers of possible scales. The numbers are summarized in the table below [the groups are named by the svaras that they are comprised of and their "yields" for each of the three categories defined above is given. I have numbered the groups arbitrarily].

      Group#   Name   Category-1   Category-2   Category-3
         1     rgmp        8           12           12
         2     rgmd       16           24           36
         3     rgmn       16           24           36
         4     rgpd        8           12           18
         5     rgpn        8           12           18
         6     rgdn       16           36           36
         7     rmpd        8            8           18
         8     rmpn        8            8           18
         9     rmdn       16           24           36
        10     rpdn        8           12           18
        11     gmpd        8            8           18
        12     gmpn        8            8           18
        13     gmdn       16           24           36
        14     gpdn        8           12           18
        15     mpdn        8           12           12
      total    all       160          204          348

The mOhanam-group is #4 in the above table. The above figures are applicable only to upAngga (not BAShAngga), simple (the same notes occur in the ArOhaNa and avarOhaNa), non-vakra (monotonically increasing and decreasing scales) rAgas. If vakras are permitted, the number of possible scales is infinite (by an application of the musical version of the "pumping lemma"). If BAShAngga and non-simple scales are permitted, then the total number of possible scales is simply the square of the number of scales as computed above (vis-a-vis the SudhDha-meSra mAELa rAgas). Therefore, the total possible number of pentatonic scales of any kind (but without vakra) is a staggering number: 25600 (1602), 41616 (2042) or 121104 (3482) [depending on your categorization].

Below is a table listing popular rAgas (at least for which I have recordings available). In this list, I have not specified BAShAngga rAgas (except for mohanAnggE), non-simple rAgas (ex. AndhOLekA) or vakra rAgas. I have also excluded multiple scales having the same name (ex. the many names for candhrakAUns; lathAnthapreyA is also called karNAtaka-SudhDha-sAvAErE; rAEvagupthE is also called rAEgupthE; SudhDha-sAvaerE is also called dhurgA/dhAEvakreyA ...).

The list below is annotated with the rAga group (as defined in the above table).

       Scale              rAga                     Group#    Category
       s r2 g2 m1 d2 s+   ABOgE                       2         1
       s r1 g3 m1 n3 s+   mAEGa-ranjjanE              3         1
       s r1 g2 p  d1 s+   BUpALam                     4         1
       s r1 g3 p  d1 s+   rAEvagupthE                 4         1
       s r1 g3 p  d2 s+   raseka-ranjjanE             4         1
       s r2 g2 p  d2 s+   Seva-ranjjanE               4         1
       s r2 g3 p  d1 s+   jana-sammOdhenE             4         1
       s r2 g3 p  d2 s+   mOhanam                     4         1
       s r3 g3 p  d2 s+   mOhanAnggE                  4         2
       s r2 g3 p  n3 s+   ha~sadhvanE                 5         1
       s r2 g3 d2 n3 s+   nerOShTa                    6         1
       s r1 m1 p  d1 s+   lathAntha-preyA             7         1
       s r2 m1 p  d2 s+   SudhDha-sAvAErE             7         1
       s r1 m1 p  n2 s+   rAEvathE                    8         1
       s r2 m1 p  n2 s+   madhyamAvathE               8         1
       s r2 m1 d1 n3 s+   preyadharShenE              9         1
       s g3 m1 p  d2 s+   nAgasvarALE                11         1
       s g2 m1 p  n2 s+   SudhDha-dhanyASE           12         1
       s g2 m2 p  n2 s+   samudhra-preyA             12         1
       s g3 m1 p  n2 s+   sAvethrE                   12         1
       s g3 m1 p  n3 s+   gamBEra-nAtta              12         1
       s g3 m2 p  n3 s+   amRtha-varSheNE            12         1
       s g2 m1 d1 n2 s+   hendhOLam                  13         1
       s g2 m1 d1 n3 s+   candhrakAUns               13         1
       s g2 m1 d2 n2 s+   sUrya                      13         1
       s g3 m2 d2 n3 s+   sunAdha-venOdhenE          13         1
       s g3 p  d2 n2 s+   valajE                     14         1
       s m1 p  d1 n3 s+   dhAEva-ranjjE              15         1
       s m1 p  d2 n3 s+   kunthala-varALE            15         1

I do not have examples of any popular rAgas of the "rgmp" (#1) group (I received information about preyadharShenE, of the "rmdn" (#9) group, from Vasudevan Vellambi). Of the 29 rAgas listed above, I believe at least 15-17 are popular in hendhusthAne music as well.

[ Indian Classical Music | Krishna Kunchithapadam ]

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