A transliteration scheme for dhAEvanAgarE

I am frustrated with the use of non-phonetic and ad-hoc naming schemes for words in Indian languages. I also do not like the use of schemes that depend on superscripts, subscripts and diacritics, since such schemes are not suitable for use in linear ascii documents.

For these reasons, I have devised a scheme called rOman-nAgarE, primarily as a Romanized version of the dhAEvanAgarE script for transliterating sanskRth. With time, I have extended rOman-nAgarE to include the vowel and consonant phonology of many other Indian languages.

rOman-nAgarE transliteration table in GIF

or gzipped PostScript.

Needless to say, I have received advice from well-meaning readers about why I should follow a canonically accepted scheme (however flawed and unsuited to teletype transmission it may be). Also needless to say, I consider my transliteration scheme to be non-negotiable (in addition to being complete, consistent, analogical with modern English pronunciation of the alphabet and superior to other schemes I have seen). You may have trouble at first in reading the transliterated script, but if you persist, you will find that the notation starts to make sense and is completely unambiguous.

[ Krishna Kunchithapadam ]

Last updated: Sun Jun 27 17:00:19 PDT 2004
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