Students'  Union.  It's  all  my  fault  it
          really is.   Ignore the fact that while he
          WAS in Australia,  all he needed to do
          was walk outside,  put  his schooner in
          the  sun for a  few seconds,  and  he'd
          have his warm beer.
          You may think,  well,  I  could  just as
          easily  walk outside and put my pint in
          the cold... which might be true, except
          that I don't like rain in  my beer.   So  I
          maintain,  beer  should  be served  cold.

          This  has  just been an  example of  the
          third   reason   Australians   are  disliked
          over   here.   There  is  a  common   and
          growing   fear  from  a  conspiracy  that
          we  are  trying to  overtake and run the
          UK.    This   was   first  brought   to  the
          suspicions of the British people by the
          supposed  swarm  of   Aussies  in  their
          precious   ( and   possibly   soon   to   be
          previous) capital of London.

          While   I   would   like   to   put   my   Brit
          friends' nerves at rest, I have no choice
          but to reveal that yes,   we are trying to
          overtake Britain. You sent the convicts
          to   Australia,   and  now  we're  sending
          them back! Hehe.
(*Can't be arsed 'justifying' the text anymore*)
          No,   in  all  seriousness,   we  really  are
          trying  to  conquer  the  UK.    Although
          lulling  you  into  a  false  sense  of
          security would have a kind of poetic
          beauty, and prove to be refreshingly
          satisfying in the long run... in true
          Aussie style, I really can't be
          bothered. Painstaking or minimal,
          such efforts are rarely conjured.
          Unless the ultimate aim is a lot more
          So whilst millions of other Australians
          have not yet succeeded by making
          London their stronghold, I have a
          cunning and masterful plan:
'Go where no one will suspect'
          ...somewhere that no one would
          imagine anyone would want to take
          over...      AH HA! Coventry!!!

          So far I have conjured an army of,
          well,, but I have recently ordered
          an assortment of all sorts of these
          creatures from off the net to join me in
          my quest:
          I suspect there's already a few lurking
          about in the dark back-alleys of
          Coventry. So, once my unholy army of
          the night has gathered, clad in thongs
          (the sort that you wear on your feet...
          thank GOD), VB t-shirts, holding
          stubbies, dragging cricket bats behind
          them, burping involuntarily into the
          night, along with slurred chants of
          "Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi Oi Oi!" -
          then England will soon be mine, MINE
          I SAY! No one will ever suspect.
          Before long this will be the view from

          Or at least was my plan... until it was
          thwarted by my long-time very English
          and very silly friend Michelle Lovelock.
          Michelle has recently bought herself a
          house in Coventry, for those who don't
          know, with the intention of eventually
          taking over the 'city.' And for those
          who did, you probably were previously
          unaware that as a consequence, she has
          single-handedly saved England and the
          rest of the UK from Aussie dominance.
          Just shows the kind of hard-minded
          determination us lot from south of the
          equator have.

          So you are safe.  For now... but be
          very afraid if you start to hear the little
          twangs in Michelle's accent begin to
          alter, ever so slightly. If she begins
          to say things like "Kristina! Stop
          paying me out!" or "Aww... I could do
          with a nice cold VIC about now!" If in
          the early hours of the morning, in the

          delerium of sleep, she starts softly
          singing the words to 'Tie Me Kangaroo
          ...And then you know the worst
          will have come when you hear her
          muttering: "Bloody Poms!"
          Yes. The time will come, you have my

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