© 1998 Fred Espenak

Eclipses, Occultations and Transits

General Essays

Total Eclipses of the Sun
A brief introduction to total eclipses of the sun. Occurrence of eclipses (how often and where seen). A listing of the next ten total eclipses of the Sun (including a map for the 2001 eclipse in Southern Africa). Tips for travelling to eclipses.

Lunar Eclipses
Eclipses of the Moon; their cause, properties and history.

Eclipses Seen Page
A list of all eclipses (lunar and solar; partial and total) seen by Kryss.

Total Eclipses of the Sun Observed

11 June 1983
Tuban, Java, Indonesia:

"The trip had consisted of three minibuses, two buses, a colt, a horse and cart, a bemo, a lorry, a becak and a motorbike. I had made it to the centre line.....".

18 March 1988
General Santos, Mindanao, Philippines:

"In the West, I could see it getting darker as the Moon's shadow approached at nearly a kilometre per second. The horizon was turning red as the sky turned a deep blue...."

11 July 1991
Santiago, Baja California, Mexico:

"It reminded us of the story of the Passover. As we watched, the clouds over the distant hills turned grey, then black. The hills themselves then turned dark. Moments later, the valley was plunged into darkness...."

3 November 1994
Zapahuira, Chile:

"All was still, cool and quiet. There was not a sound from the people below. However much they had read or had been told about the eclipse, nothing had prepared them for the strange reality. Even the insects had stopped chirping...."

24 October 1995
Khanua, Rajasthan, India:

"The sun rose over a timeless rural scene of India. The young men of the village began arriving. They sat on the ridge and watched. They had not come to see the eclipse but to watch us...."

26 February 1998
El Pico, Paraguana Peninsula, Venezuela:

"The soldier told us we could not pass without a permit. We had travelled thousands of kilometres. Our eclipse site, a quiet deserted beach, was a few hundred meters further on. Behind us was a beach overflowing with noise, crowds, cars and vendors...."

11 August 1999
Wheal Coates, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom:

"The 1999 eclipse was to be the only one visible in my own country during my life time. Eastern Turkey or Iran were expected to have the best weather but I had dreamt about seeing the eclipse in Cornwall since I was 12 years old..."

Archives, Accounts and Web Ring

Eclipse Chasers' WebRing
If you have a web site about total eclipses of the sun, especially if you have seen one or more, join The Eclipse Chaser's Web Ring.

1999 Eclipse Archive
On 11 August 1999 a total solar eclipse occurred in Europe (including south west England).

1999 Eclipse Accounts
This is a number of accounts of the 1999 eclipse sent to this web site.

Eclipse Links

Fred Espenak (NASA)
Past and future eclipses - reports, maps and information from NASA's Fred Espenak. This is the best place to obtain eclipse information and maps.

High Moon
Oliver Staiger's excellent site about eclipses, occultations, and other astronomical phenomena.

Black Sun
Eric's Black Sun Eclipse site contains accounts of eclipses seen and information about forthcomng eclipses as well as details about getting to the 2001 eclipse.

A fascinating eclipse and astronomy site with excellent historical accounts of eclipses and contributions from eclipse chasers.

Salopian Web
A site full of astronomical information including star maps, and an eclipses page - plus computers and radio.

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Comments, suggestions, or corrections to Kryss at [email protected]

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Books From Amazon

Click on the ISBN Number to go straight to the book.
Eclipse!: The What, Where, When, Why, and How Guide to Watching Solar and Lunar Eclipses has lots of interesting information about eclipses.
The Cambridge Eclipse Photography Guide is full of information about taking eclipse photographs. The book covers Lunar as well as Solar eclipses.

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