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Astronomy Languages Physics
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Mathematics Eclipses Football
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This section contains a number of essays on astronomy, the study of the Universe.

Read about the conditions necessary for the existence of Extraterrestrial Life and the Evolution of the Stars. There is a summary of the History of Astronomy and an enlightening essay on the Calendar as well as a time and space Scale of the Universe. A tabulated list of The Brightest Stars and tables about The Solar System. Rather more controversial, is an account of the differences between Astronomy and Astrology.

There is a Monthly Sky section on planets, eclipses and other celestial phenomena visible from the UK (Northern Hemisphere).

There are many links and web rings for astronomical sites.

Languages and Linguistics

A collection of essays and facts about the study of language.

Here you will find many interesting facts about words: Chocolate is from the Nahuatl language spoken by the Aztecs. Algebra means "bringing together broken parts" in Arabic. The Indian language, Hindi, is related to English and Spanish. The Basque language is unrelated to other European languages.

An essay about Language Families shows how groups of languages are related. This includes tables showing many of the families. Unusual grammars are discussed. A Table shows the 20 Most Spken Langauges in the World.

The origin of the English Language is discussed in historical context. This includes a table showing the origin of parts of English place names (like -bury, -wich, -ham). A large and fascinating collection of Borrowed Words used in everyday English that have come from other languages (from Afrikaans to Zuni).

Writing came after the spoken language. This essay describes the development, history and evolution of the writing systems of the world. There are numerous samples.

Other sections detail differences between UK and US English and explain Cockney Rhyming Slang as used in parts of London. The origin of London Place Names is tabulated.

There is an Introduction to Grammar with definitions and some interesting ideas about Communicating on the Internet without making assumptions.


This section contains a number of essays on physics, the study of matter and energy.

Try to follow the Theory of Relativity, the hard to believe ideas of Quantum Mechanics, and the Greek alphabet soup of Sub-Atomic Particles. The Electromagnetic Spectrum is described and explained. Reference the Metric System, the world standard system of measurement.

There are links and web rings covering physics.

Travel and Photography

When not working, Kryss and Talaat enjoy travelling. Many photos are taken on these trips.

Kryss has visited 74 countries and Talaat has visited 47. These include Malaysia, Burma, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, India, Cambodia, Syria, Egypt, Nepal, Portugal, Bosnia and Brazil. These trips have included 7 Total Eclipses of the Sun for Kryss and 5 for Talaat.

In this section there are several galleries containing photographs.

The 74 Country Photos gallery contains a single photo of each country visited by Kryss. The 47 Country Photos gallery contains a single photo of each country visited by Talaat. The World Religion Photos gallery features 32 religious buildings, shrines and rituals from around the world. The People Photos gallery contains 78 photos of people from around the world. The new Scenery Photos gallery contains 15 photos of stunning scenery from around the world.

There is a three part photo-diary of a one month trek in the Everest region of the Himalayas, called Sagarmatha.

There are many travel links.


This section contains a number of essays on chemistry, the study of the interaction between different substances.

Read about a selection of the more important Chemical Elements. Learn what the word Organic in Organic Chemistry means. Discover the secrets of Chemical Bonding.

London and the UK

London, the largest city in Europe, a settlement dating back over 2000 years. This is Kryss and Talaat's home.

A city of history, culture, food from around the world, music, theatre, and stunning museums. It is made up of a number of villages that have fused to form a grand metropolis.

Read about the origin of London's Place Names, the Cockney Slang spoken in the East End of the city, the underground or metro system (called the tube) in The Piccadilly Line, and Arsenal Football Club.

There is also a Tourist Guide aimed at visitors from the American continent and a listing of England's Kings and Queens.

Kryss always tells people that ethnically, he is Greek, legally, he is British, culturally, he is a Londoner! London is definitely one of the World's great cities ...

There are many web rings and links to help visitors to London.


This section contains a number of easy-to-understand essays on mathematics.

The first two introduce the subject: The basic concepts of numbers are laid out in Introduction to Numbers, followed by methods of solving and manipulating quantities and equations in Introduction to Algebra.

The fascinating world of Pascal's Triangle is covered, along with its many applications.

The world of the triangle is presented in Trigonometry and we use indices for calculations when we Look At Logarithms. Equations containing sines and cosines are solved in Trigonometric Equations.

More descriptive is Fun With Formulas, where we tell the stories behind several famous formulas in science.

There are links and web rings for mathematical sites.


A Total Eclipse of the Sun is one of nature's most spectacular phenomena. Kryss has experienced seven around the world between 1983 to 1999. Talaat has been to five.

There is an introduction to Total Eclipses of the Sun with a background to these spectacular phenomena. From here you can read accounts of the seven eclipses with photographs and anecdotes.

The accounts come from Java (1983), Philippines (1988), Mexico (1991), Chile (1994), India (1995), Venezuela (1998), and England (1999).

The August 1999 Total Eclipse of the Sun in England was the first since 1927 and the last till 2090. There is a 1999 Eclipse Archive of information for this eclipse as well as other peoples' Eclipse Accounts.

If you have a web site about eclipses join the Eclipse Chasers' WebRing.

There are many links for eclipse sites.


A site containing lots of football (also called soccer) facts and figures. Only top English club football is covered.

There are sections on the League Championship, the FA Cup, the League Cup (in its many guises), and the European club competitions (European Champions Cup, UEFA Cup and the now defunct Cup Winners' Cup).

Check out other tables which list the Running Total of major trophies won by each club, a list of Multiple Trophy Winners, periods that clubs have spent in the Top Division, and clubs that have Nearly Won the Double, Consecutive Trophy Winners, Sequences Without Trophies. English Clubs in Europe lists appearances in European finals and European qualification.

Club Records summarises the histories of all clubs that have won a major trophy or have been runners up.

Dr Who

This is the World's longest running TV sci-fi series.

Dr Who ran on BBC Television from 1963 to 1989. The eponymous Doctor is an alien time traveller exiled from his world, Gallifrey. His craft, the TARDIS, is disguised as a British police telephone box of the 1960's. It should change its appearance to blend in with its surroundings but its Chameleon Circuit is broken. It is trans-dimensional (bigger on the inside than out). The Doctor is a Time Lord. When a Time Lord dies his body regenerates into a new form and the Doctor displays a new appearance and personality. On the TV series, there have been seven Doctors, played by different actors.

These actors were: William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy.

This section contains a listing of all the televised episodes with details of The Companions, foes, and other trivia. There are also links to other sites including places that you can obtain information about missing stories, and other cult TV sites.


Exotic and unusual recipes from around the world.

The emphasis is on the less well known, regional and village recipes. Items include khadi, drahana, gajaralla, afelia, keema, and kofta. There is a strong Asian and Middle Eastern bias. Our Wedding Menu (featuring food, desserts and drinks from around the world) is also included.


Essays on social, cultural, historical, religious and other issues not covered by other sections.

There is a page with a selected list of Biblical Contradictions, an essay on the Calendar, a summary of the Religions of the World, a Frank Zappa Memorial Page. There is an essay called It's a World Wide Web which discusses communication on the internet, a table showing the biological classification of the Animal Kingdom, the causes and properties of Rain, and an essay discussing the differences between Astrology and Astronomy.


KryssTal is the Web Site of Kryss Katsiavriades and Talaat Qureshi. Find out about them here.

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