Spiral Galaxy

The Scale of the Universe


This is a pair of easy-to-understand scales of the Universe. Distances are explained using the time taken by a light beam to travel. Time is explained by condensing the life of the Universe into a single year.


Light travels at 300,000 kilometres per second (186,000 miles per second). In a single second a beam of light can travel SEVEN TIMES around the Earth. This table shows a number of distances to various objects expressed in terms of how long a beam of light takes to travel that distance.

Astronomical Distance How Long Light Takes
to Travel This Distance
From Earth to the Moon
our natural satellite
1.25 seconds
From Earth to the Sun
the centre of our Solar System
8.3 minutes
From the Sun to Jupiter
the largest planet
41 minutes
From the Sun to Saturn
the furthest naked eye planet
85 minutes
From the Sun to Pluto
the furthest of the Sun's planets
5.5 hours
From the Sun to Alpha Centauri
the nearest star to us
4.3 years
From the Sun to Sirius
the brightest star in our sky
8.6 years
From the Sun to 61 Cygni
the first star to have its distance measured
11.2 years
From the Sun to Pollux
one of the twin stars in Gemini
35 years
From the Sun to Castor
one of the twin stars in Gemini
45 years
Distance where the Sun would no longer
be visible to naked eye
60 years
From the Sun to Aldebaran
the brightest star in Taurus
70 years
From the Sun to Regulus
the brightest star in Leo
85 years
From the Sun to Spica
the brightest star in Virgo
215 years
From the Sun to Acrux
the brightest star in the Southern Cross
260 years
From the Sun to the Pleiades
the Seven Sisters star cluster in Taurus
410 years
From the Sun to Antares
the brightest star in Scorpio
425 years
From the Sun to Betelgeux
the red star in Orion
590 years
From the Sun to Polaris
the north pole star
650 years
From the Sun to Rigel
the blue star in Orion
880 years
From the Sun to Deneb
the brightest star in Cygnus, the Swan
1,630 years
From the Sun to M67
the Beehive star cluster in Cancer
2,700 years
From the Sun to the Crab Nebula
remnant of an exploded star in Taurus
3,500 years
From the Sun to the Double Cluster
a star cluster in Perseus
7,200 years
From the Sun to Omega Centauri
the brightest globular star cluster
15,600 years
From the Sun to M13
the globular star cluster in Hercules
26,700 years
From the Sun to the Galactic centre
the centre of our Galaxy
31,000 years
Galactic diameter
the diameter of our Galaxy
81,500 years
From the Sun to the Magellanic Clouds
the nearest external galaxies
170,000 years
To the Andromeda Galaxy
the nearest large galaxy
2,200,000 years
To NGC300
the farthest of the Local Group of galaxies
3,250,000 years
To M81
spiral galaxy in Ursa Major
9,800,000 years
To M104
the Sombrero Galaxy
14,350,000 years
To M87
a spherical galaxy in Virgo
35,900,000 years
Extinction of the dinosaurs
65,000,000 years
To Perseus Group
a group of 500 galaxies in Perseus
190,000,000 years
To Coma Group
a group of 1000 galaxies in Coma Berenices
225,000,000 years
To Hercules Group
a group of galaxies in Hercules
350,000,000 years
To Boötes Group
a group of 150 galaxies in Boötes
1,240,000,000 years
To 3C273
the first quasar discovered
2,000,000,000 years
To Q0134+329
typical quasar
4,500,000,000 years
Formation of the Earth and Sun
4,700,000,000 years
To remotest quasars
discovered in 1998
14,000,000,000 years
Edge of Universe
limit of observable Universe
15,000,000,000 years

This is well summarised in Monty Python's Galaxy Song.


This table shows a number of events in the history of the Universe and the Earth. This is expressed as occurring during a calendar year. The calendar year is assumed to be equivalent to 15,000,000,000 real years.

Event Calendar Date and Time
The Big Bang occurs 1st January at Midnight
Stable atoms form 1st January at 00:24:31
First stars and galaxies form around 15th March
Formation of the Sun 8th September
Formation of the Earth 12th September
Formation of the Moon 13th September
Formation of the Earth's atmosphere 20th September
Oldest Earth rocks 30th September
Earliest evidence of life on Earth 1st October
Oldest known fossils (single celled organisms) 7th October
Formation of stable continents 20th October
Formation of extensive shallow seas 1st November
Oxygen in Earth's atmosphere 10th November
First multi-cellular life 18th December
First shellfish and corals 19th December
First vertebrates (fishes) 20th December
First land plants 21st December
First insects early 22nd December
First terapods and seed bearing plants late 22nd December
First reptiles 23rd December 5:26pm
First mammal-like reptiles 24th December 4:48pm
First dinosaurs 26th December 6:26pm
First mammals (egg-layers and marsupials) 26th December 9:21pm
First birds 28th December 8:24am
First flowering plants 28th December 5:10pm
First placental mammals 29th December 1:36pm
Extinction of the dinosaurs 30th December 10:02am
First primates 30th December 4:27pm
First monkeys 31st December 0:38am
First apes 31st December 8:49am
First hominoids 31st December 6:09pm
First hominids 31st December 9:05pm
First tool-making man (Homo Habilis) 31st December 11:00pm
Homo Sapiens 31st December 11:25pm
Last ice age (maximum extent) 31st December 11:59:22pm
Writing invented 31st December 11:59:47pm
Ancient Egypt / Hinduism 31st December 11:59:50pm
Ancient China / Judaism 31st December 11:59:53.3pm
Ancient Greece / Buddhism 31st December 11:59:54.7pm
Christianity 31st December 11:59:55.8pm
Islam 31st December 11:59:57.0pm
Marco Polo 31st December 11:59:58.4pm
Galileo 31st December 11:59:59.2pm
USA Independence 31st December 11:59:59.5pm
Albert Einstein 31st December 11:59:59.8pm
Mount Everest climbed / Kryss Katsiavriades born 31st December 11:59:59.9pm

Related Page

A Brief History of Astronomy
How humanity came from Creation Myths to the Inflationary Big Bang. The key stages in our understanding of our place in the cosmos and the people behind them.


The Official Superstring Web Site
An excellent site containing information about superstrings and cosmology.

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Books From Amazon

Click on the ISBN Number to go straight to the book.
Beginnings : The Story of Origins, of Mankind, Life, the Earth, the Universe covers the history of the Universe from the Big Bang through the evolution of life up to the present. As it is by Isaac Asimov, it is very well written and extremely readable.

Visit Amazon by clicking on a logo below.

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