Rehearsal Dinner
Picks up where Adrift I left off

She broke down crying. Mic stepped back, surprised at the intensity of her pain. In that instant he knew. He knew this woman would never love him, not the way she loved Harmon Rabb. As the knife turned in his heart, he still tried to comfort her.

“He’ll be ok Love, they’ll find him.”

She could not look at him. She struggled to get her emotions under control, to maintain some semblance of calm. Drawing a deep breath, she started, “Mic, I- I’m sorry. I’ll be fine, just give me a few minutes.” She still could not look at him.

“It’s ok Sarah. I know how you feel about him. I guess I always knew, I just didn’t want to face it.l”

This drew her head up sharply. The pain in his eyes cut through her like a knife. “I’m so sorry Mic. I can’t help it.”

“I know Sarah.”

“I swear, I never meant to hurt you. I do love you, but it’s not the way I love Harm. Please, I am so sorry. Please forgive me."

Still calm, he took her hands and gazed into her eyes. “I love you Sarah. I hoped that you would come to love me and forget about him. It was a gamble, and I lost.”

He leaned toward her and kissed her gently on the cheek. “I’ve got some phone calls to make. Don’t worry about tomorrow, I’ll take care of it.”

He turned and walked towards the dining room, where everyone else still waited for news. He paused briefly at the door and looked back at her. “I love you Sarah. I always will.”

She could only look at him, the tears running down her face.


“Bud, can you help me with something?”

“Sure Mic, what is it?”

“We’re canceling the Wedding.”

There was a sudden silence in the room.

“Don’t you mean postpone Mic?”

“No”. He was unable to elaborate.

Bud was confused. “But-”

“Lieutenant”, the Admiral interrupted.


“Please help Mic with whatever he needs.”

“Aye Sir”

Mic met the Admiral’s level gaze gratefully, and saw the compassion and understanding there.

“Thank you Sir.”

Bud joined Mic at the table, and they began making plans on whom to call.

The Admiral looked over at Renee Peterson, who was white faced with shock. The panic in her eyes had only increased with Mic’s announcement.

“Ms. Peterson, would you like someone to take you home? I will call as soon as there is any news.”

She gathered herself together. “No thank you Admiral, I would like to stay.”

He nodded. “If you change your mind, let me know.”

She returned his nod. “Thank you.”

The Admiral turned and walked slowly toward the other room, where Mac was. He understood the dynamics of the whole situation better than anyone, but even he was unsure as to what state he would find her.

She was standing staring out the window at the rain, her back to him. From a distance she appeared calm, but he noted the tension in her stance.


Startled, she turned towards him. “Yes Sir”

“Are you all right?”

She had gotten herself under iron control. “Yes Sir, I’m fine.”

Looking her over carefully, he noticed the tearstained face, the tightly crossed arms and clenched fists. She looked ready to break into a million pieces. He realized her control was shaky at best.

He crossed the room to stand in front of her. “Mac”, very softly, “They’ll find him. They have to.” He had to believe that. He loved Harm like a son.

At his unexpected softness, tears welled up, and she choked back a sob.

“I’m sure they will Sir.” But she did not sound sure. She struggled for a moment to maintain her façade of calmness.

His heart went out to her. He had always had a soft spot for her, and often found it hard to maintain the professional distance that their respective positions required. He reached out and put a hand on her shoulder.

“I know you love him.”

With that she broke, and started crying again. He pulled her against his chest, comforting her as best he could.

“I can’t help it Sir. I’ve tried not to, God knows, but I can’t help it. He’s made me laugh, he’s made me cry, he’s made me so mad I can’t see straight. And now he is scaring me to death!”

He just held her as she cried. Again she finally pulled herself together. Drawing herself up and away from him, she apologized. “I’m sorry Sir, I didn’t mean to-”

“Colonel”, he cut her off. “Don’t apologize. Friends help each other through the hard times.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Now lets go be with all of his friends, and give each other support.”

“Aye Sir”, and she followed him to the dining room.


Somewhere in the Atlantic.

Cold. He was so cold. The waves tossed him and crashed over him. He could barely move. He knew this was probably it. He tried to remain hopeful, but he knew he couldn’t last long out here.

And he kicked himself. He never knew what it was like to take his time and really kiss her, much less make love to her. A few stolen moments, that’s all he had. And he had never told her he loved her. He was going to drown in this damn ocean, and she would never know he loved her.

He mulled over all the lost opportunities. The biggest one being that stupid ferry ride.

Another wave crashed over him. Hell, he wasn’t sure he even wanted to make it back and watch her marry Brumby. The thought of it made him physically ill.

But then her remembered that kiss on the Admiral’s porch. He’d felt her response, and sensed her confusion over the next week. She still felt something for him, he was sure of it. If he’s only had the sense to come right out and tell her what he was feeling!

Scenes of their years together flashed through his mind.

Her strength when she pulled him into the helo at Red Rock Mesa. Her loyalty to her Uncle.

Her courage and fortitude when she was shot by those poachers.

The wonderful feel of her lips at Norfolk.

Her determination and beauty when faced with horrible situations, like Coster and Ragle. She always manages to fight through it, no matter how bad it gets.

Her unwavering help and support in Russia.

Her sheer guts when he left her in the desert.

And most of all her beauty and her love. She had proved herself to him a thousand times over.

Somewhere deep within him, a determination was born. A determination that he was going to make it back and make her his. No matter what. They were meant to be together.

He reached out to her, tried to gather her into his heart. He felt connected to her somehow, like a lifeline.


JAG Headquarters

They had all met at JAG. The dining room had closed, but they needed to be together, a family waiting for word of a loved one.

The Admiral was in his office maintaining contact with Captain Ingles. Everyone else was in the bullpen, talking quietly. Renee was sitting with Bud and Harriet, who were trying to comfort her. Mic was sitting by himself, seemingly lost in thought. Tiner was entertaining Chloe.

Mac was standing and staring out a window again.

Gunny was watching the Colonel. He was worried about her. He admired and respected her strength and tenacity, but was aware of a fragility that she tried to hide behind a tough marine façade. Tonight that fragility was openly visible. He glanced uneasily at Mic, wondering what happened.

He finally worked up his nerve and approached her. “Ma’am, can I get you anything?” Startled, she jumped slightly. “What?”

“Can I get you anything Ma’am?”, he repeated.

She stared blankly at him for a minute. “Ma’am? Are you all right?”

She swayed slightly, but caught herself. “Sorry Gunny, no thank you, I’m fine.” He could tell she was not fine.

“Why don’t you rest in your office Ma’am? I’ll come get you as soon as there is any word.”

She started to refuse, then realized how exhausted she was. “I think I will Gunny, thanks.”

A little unsteadily she walked toward her office. Ignoring protocol, he walked beside her, holding on to her elbow.

“Thank you Gunny”, she said as they reached her office. “I appreciate your concern.”

“We marines have to stick together Ma’am.” He was rewarded with a brief smile. And she entered the office.

She sat at her desk, resting her head on her arms. God, how had things ever gotten so screwed up? She had hurt Mic, and Harm, and herself. All by not being honest. If she had just not run to Mic’s arms in Australia, they wouldn’t be here now. Mic would still have his career, and his heart intact. Harm would be safe and not struggling to survive.

I promise you Harm, it will be ok. Just make it home. I’ll be your friend, I’ll dance at your wedding to Renee, I’ll wait for you. Whatever you want in this world to be happy, that’s all I want. Please come home.

Her mind began to wander. Scenes from their years together flashed through her mind.

The way he jumped on that Helo at Red Rock Mesa, the way he saved her Uncle.

The comfort and support he gave when she was shot by the poachers.

The feel of his lips when he kissed her in Norfolk.

His belief in her even in the horrible situations with Coster and Ragle.

His strength and skill when he had to fly that damn plane from the desert.

His pain and the look in his eyes when he found the truth about his father in Russia.

He had to make it back. She could not face life without him, even as a friend. She tried to reach out to him, sending him strength and love. She could actually see him, tossed in the waves, the strobe light flashing. She felt connected to him by a lifeline.

Her head popped up off her arms. She remembered the vision about Chloe. Hope and trepidation filled her as she headed off to the Admiral.


Admiral Chegwidden’s Office

“Admiral, may I speak with you for a minute?”

“Of course Mac. Come in and have a seat.”

She entered in sat down in front of his desk.

“They have resumed the search Mac. Hopefully it won’t be long now.”

She didn’t say anything for a minute. Finally she gathered her nerve.

“Admiral, I need to be part of the search.”

He sighed. He should have expected this.

“Mac, you know that is not possible. SAR is a highly trained team. You would only be in the way.”

“Sir, I am aware of that. But I can find him. I know it.”

He looked at her kindly. “You know I can’t allow it Mac.”

She looked down, trying to remain calm.

Looking back up, she tried again. Explaining this was difficult, but she had to try.

“Sir, when Chloe was lost, I found her. I know it sounds crazy, but I can feel him out there, and he can’t make it much longer. We have a,” she hesitated, not knowing how to put in words, “a kind of connection. Please Sir, trust me. I am not being emotional or crazy. You know me better than that.”

He looked at her, trying to assess her. She looked much calmer than before, and her face had that determined look that he knew so well. He sighed again.

“I can’t believe I am doing this.” He reached for the phone.

“Mac, this is crazy. You know that,” the Admiral shouted as they ran towards the helo.

“I know Sir, but thank you.”

She was dressed in a borrowed flight suit that was way to big for her, and boots someone had found, but they were better than her rehearsal dinner dress.

The helo took off after they boarded. As they took off over the Atlantic, Mac’s heart felt the connection to Harm grow stronger. She sat quietly, concentrating on that tenuous bond, sending her strength and love to him. The Admiral sat quietly also, just watching her.

“Admiral, what’s our heading?” The pilot was asking this.

He just looked at Mac. “Sir, please ask him to head towards the southeast, about 15 degrees.”

He repeated this to the pilot, who looked impatient. “Sir, with all due respect, that is out of the major search area. We should join in the grid search in the appropriate area.”

The Admiral looked at him coldly. “Just follow orders Lieutenant.”

“Aye Aye Sir”

Another twenty minutes of silence as Mac continued to concentrate.

“Sir, this really is a waste of time. We should be helping in the right area, not flying off into the wild blue yonder.”

“Lieutenant, please keep your opinions to yourself, and follow orders. Is that clear?”

“Yes Sir, sorry Sir”. The pilot turned back around.

Suddenly Mac gasped. “Admiral, please have them make a wide circular sweep in this area. He’s here Sir.”

The pilot rolled his eyes. (out of sight of the Admiral).

“Do it Lieutenant.”

“Aye Sir”

The helo flow low, and everyone was searching with binoculars. In the distance a light flashed again and again.

“There Sir, isn’t that a strobe?” Mac pointed.

All binoculars followed her pointing finer. “Well I’ll be damned.” This from the pilot.

“Me too, Lieutenant, me too”, the Admiral agreed, finally looking at Mac.


SAR Helicopter

Harm was brought up unconscious. The Medic checked him over and began to administer first aid and warmth.

The helo headed toward Bathesda directly.

The Admiral and Mac sat quietly while the medic worked. Stripping off Harm’s wet clothes and wrapping him in thermal blankets. Setting up an IV.

Mac had never seen Harm so pale, his lips blue from cold.

“Will he be alright?”

“I think so Ma’am. We got to him just in time, but the doctors at Bathesda will give us more answers.”

She sat next to Harm, holding his cold hand.


“Yes Mac?”

“Can we keep this whole thing between us?”

“I don’t know Mac. A lot of people are aware of what took place here. I had to pull strings for this, and the pilot and crew are certainly aware of how he was found.”

“Please Admiral, can we try? It’s too strange, and I don’t want to answer a lot of questions about this.”

“I’ll try Mac, but I can’t make any promises.”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Mac, Harm should know how you feel and what happened.”

“Please Sir, he is involved with Renee. And I don’t want to hurt Mic anymore than I already have.”

He considered her, admiring her courage and respecting her pride.

There were people waiting when they landed, and the medical team rushed Harm in for treatment.

Bethesda Waiting Room

They were all in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for word on Harm’s condition, even Mic. Chloe was asleep in a chair between Bud and Harriet. Renee was pacing anxiously, while Mac slumped in a chair next to the Admiral.

Finally the doctor came out. “He’s going to be fine. His lungs are clear, his temperature is back up, and with a little luck, he will be back on his feet in a few days. We’ll keep him for a day or two to make sure no complications set in, but I expect a full and rapid recovery.”

A huge sigh of relief went around, and joyous laughter erupted. “When can we see him?” This from Renee.

“He is sleeping now, and probably will for several hours. One person can sit with him, but the rest of you might as well go home an visit him later this afternoon.”

Renee looked at Mac.

“Go ahead Renee. It is you he will want to see. Just let us know how he is.” Mac turned and started walking away. “Oh Harriet, can you take Chloe?”

Knowing she was exhausted, Harriet and Bud agreed at once.

Mac continued to walk away, followed closely by Mic. As they left the waiting area and were out of earshot of the group he asked, “Sarah, don’t you want to see him?”

“Of course I do Mic, but this isn’t about what I want. It’s about what’s best for Harm, and what he wants.”

“Sarah, you know he loves you.”

“I know he cares about me, as a friend. He is involved with Renee, and probably loves her. He turned from me a long time ago. I am so sorry for what I did to you, but I know how you feel, at least in part.”

“Sarah, he does love you. I know it, and Renee knows it.”

He was tearing her apart. “Please Mic, let it go. He doesn’t feel that way about me, and he made it clear to me.”

“Then marry me Sarah. I love you, and I will make you forget about him. We can make it work.”

A tear escaped as she looked at him. “Mic, I wish I could, but you deserve more. Go find some woman who can give you her heart completely. You are a wonderful man, and deserve to be happy.”

“I love you Sarah. I always will. Rabb is a fool if he doesn’t love you.”

And he turned and walked away.

An eerie calm despair swept over her. She was so glad that Harm was safe, but she didn’t know how to go on from here. The loneliness of her life without Harm stretched out before her. She continued on toward the parking lot before realizing her car wasn’t there.

Complete exhaustion overtook her, she just wasn’t able to cope anymore. She started to sink down onto the curb, ready to cry her eyes out right there, when an arm came around her waist to support her.

“Come on Colonel. Let’s get you home. Tiner brought my SUV.” And the Admiral guided her to it.


Harm’s Room
Bathesda Hospital

Renee sat quietly by Harm’s bed, gently holding his hand. She had dozed on and off while she waited, but now was wide awake. She did not know the details of how Harm was found, and she was not sure of Mac’s feelings towards Harm. She did know the wedding was canceled, and fear gripped her heart.

She thought she had lost him to the sea, and now she feared she might lose him in a different way. She knew of Harm’s feelings towards Mac, and tried to ignore them, but she had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be possible to do that any longer.

Harm’s movement shook her from her ruminations.

“Harm? Are you awake?”


She took a deep breath. “Harm, it’s Renee. Come on Honey, wake up”.

“Renee? Where am I?”

“Bethesda. They fished you about 7 hours ago. Oh God Harm, I thought I was going to lose you.” She started to cry.

“It’s ok Renee. I’m fine and I’m here.”

“Where’s Mac? On her honeymoon?”

“No, the wedding was postponed.” She couldn’t bring herself to say cancelled. And she really didn’t know all the details anyway.

“Everyone was scared for you and waited for news. The doctor finally threw everyone out this morning. They’ll be back to see you this afternoon.”

Relief surged through him. He still had time to make it right with Mac. But first he had to clear things up with Renee.

“Renee, you have to know how I feel. I can’t hold it in any longer, and I can’t lie to you or myself. I love Mac, and I am going to do my damndest to make sure she loves me. I’m sorry to hurt you like this, especially after all you’ve been through, but I can’t do this anymore.”

Renee was quiet for a minute, then started in. “But I love you Harm. I think we’re good together. And you said you wanted me in your life. And maybe Mac doesn’t love you” (yeah, right)

“I’m sorry Renee. Believe me, I wish I had been more honest with you from the beginning. Even if Mac doesn’t love me, I can’t be with you.

She wanted to argue, but instead chose to leave with some dignity. “Thank you for finally being honest with me. But you could have saved me a lot of heartache if you had been honest a long time ago.”

“I know and I’m sorry. I wasn’t even honest with myself.”

“Good bye Harm”.

She rose and walked to the door. “If it doesn’t work out with Mac, or you change your mind, call me.”

“Good bye Renee.”

Tired, Harm sank back in the bed and pressed the call button. A short time later the Dr. came in.

“Hello Commander, welcome back to the land of the living. You had a lot of people pretty scared.”

Quickly the doctor checked him over. “You’re going to be fine Commander. A few days rest and you will be back on your feet.”

“Thanks Dr. I’m feeling a lot better already, just tired. When can I get out of here?”

“Maybe tomorrow, but right now there is someone here to see you. Are you up for some visitors?”

Harms face lit up. “Mac!”

Later that night-

Harm was tired and anxious. He’d had an endless stream of visitors all afternoon. Bud and Harriet, Gunny, Tiner, Imes, Mattoni, the whole JAG crew. His Mother and Frank would be here tomorrow. His twenty minute conversation with her had been exhausting in itself. But the one person he really wanted to see was conspicuous by her absence. Where the hell was Mac?

“How are you Harm?” It was the Admiral.

“Fine Sir, just a little tired.”

“I think you have a right to be tired. I don’t mind telling you that you had us all worried son.”

Harm smiled weakly. “Sorry Sir”.

The Admiral smiled back.

“Sir, can I ask you something?”

“Of course”

“Where is Mac? Is she with Mic? Has the wedding been rescheduled?”

The Admiral thought before answering.

“Mac is at home, alone. The wedding was cancelled, not postponed.”

“Are you sure Sir?”


“What happened?”

Again the Admiral paused. “I don’t know all the details Commander.”

“Sir, I really need to know.”

“I’m sure Mac will tell you. She was exhausted when I took her home. The last twenty four hours have been really rough on her.”

“I tried calling her, but her machine picked up. I was hoping to see her.”

“Don’t jump to any conclusions Harm. There was no one more upset than Mac when you where lost. She really is exhausted. I’m sure she will be in to see you soon. Get some sleep. Good night Harm.”

“Good night Sir, and thank you.”

The Nurse came in with medication.

“What’s this for?”

“To help you sleep.”

“Don’t need it.”

“OK, but if you change your mind just let us know.”

He noticed she was looking at him in a strange way. “What is it?”

She shook her head. “Oh sorry. It’s nothing. I just have never heard of a rescue like yours before. I mean, it’s a bit unusual.” She laughs.

“What do you mean unusual? I thought you’d be used to this by now”.

“Well, I have never known anyone to be rescued by a psychic.”


“You mean you don’t know the story?”

“What story?”

“Well, according to the crew that brought you in, you were rescued by psychic power.”

“Oh come on. That’s ridiculous.”

“I know. But they were adamant about it. According to them, a Marine Colonel and Navy Admiral forced SAR to let them have a SAR helo to join the search. The Colonel apparently felt some sort of connection to you, and guided them straight to you.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Harm was flabbergasted to say the least.

“No way, I’m serious. It’s all over the hospital.”

“Thanks for letting me know.”

“No problem. Sleep well.”

Harm was deep in thought as the Nurse left. Mac had found him! He remembered that feeling of connection to her, but thought it was just imagination. He smiled to himself. She really was one hell of a woman.

He had to see her. Tonight. Right now. He was not waiting another minute.

He got out of bed, a little dizzy, but ok. Unfortunately, he felt a draft behind him where his hospital gown gapped open. Oh damn, no clothes, no money, and no car. How was he going to get to her?

Webb! Reaching for the phone, he called and explained what he wanted.

There was a long silence. “What about it Webb?”

“Rabb, if you hurt her or play games with her feelings, I will kick your ass.”

Harm rolled his eyes. Was everyone in love with Mac?

“Webb, I’m not going to hurt her. I need to see her. Help me out.”

“Ok, I’m on my way. Took you long enough, you idiot.”


Sarah Mackenzies Apt

The doorbell woke her up. She had fallen asleep on the couch, still in her flight suit, but she had managed to remove the boots before lapsing into sleep. Groggily, only half awake, she stumbled to the door and opened it without checking whom it was.

Harm stood there, flashing that flyboy grin at her.

He had never seen her look so beautiful. Her hair was messy, her eyes were still sleepy, and she had a rumpled flight suit on that was at least three sizes too big for her. And he had never seen her look so beautiful.

“Harm! What are you doing here? You should be in the hospital!”

He took one step in and lost it completely. He just grabbed her and started kissing her, kicking the door shut behind him.

All Mac knew is that her world was spinning around out of control. The last thing she remembered she was in despair over being alone again, and without Harm, and the next thing Harm is in her apartment and kissing her as if his life depended on it.

Her knees buckled, but he held her up in his strong arms and continued to kiss her. She felt like she was drowning, but she could not stop herself from kissing him back with everything she had in her.

“Mac”, he whispered against her lips, “Oh my god, Mac.”

“H-Harm? What is going on?”

“Mac, I love you, and nothing and nobody is getting in the way of that ever again.” He feathered kisses down her neck as he spoke.

“But-” She couldn’t even talk while his lips burned a trail to her collarbone.

“But what?” He whispered in her ear, kissing it while he was there, sending uncontrollable shivers down her spine.

“But what about Renee?”

“She’s gone”.

“Harm!!” She pushed against his chest and stepped back. “What is going on? Are you crazy? On medication?” Her heart was pounding in her chest, both from the passionate embrace and the fear that this was not real.

“Sarah, come here.” Gently now, he took her hand and led her to the couch. He sat down and pulled her close, settling her in his arms. “When I was out there in the middle of the Atlantic, I realized something.”

“What?” Hope filled her heart.

“I realized that if I died out there, I would die without ever telling you I love you. I would never know what it’s like to make love to you. I would never know what it’s like to sleep holding you in my arms, or have a family with you. All because I couldn’t let go. I promised myself and God that if I made it out I was going to really let go and tell you everything I feel. I love you Sarah, and I want you now and for eternity. If you truly love Brumby, or don’t want me, I’ll go, but I don’t believe you do. There is too much between us. Do you love me?”

His words melted her, and his eyes captured hers. “You know that I do Harm. I always have.”

Slowly he lowered his mouth to hers. The kiss was tender, searching. Her lips parted under his and his tongue touched hers tentatively, and then they were kissing passionately again.

He pulled her into his lap, never breaking the kiss. Her hands slowly unbuttoned his shirt, reaching to touch his muscled torso. Trembling fingers caressed his chest before sliding up around his neck to pull him even closer.

“I like your sleeping attire, but I think we can do without it, don’t you?”, he teased softly against her lips.

She smiled at him, and then gasped. “Oh my god, I must look awful.”

“You couldn’t look awful if you tried Sarah. I’ve seen you tired, sick, asleep, shot, in uniform, and dressed to kill. You are always beautiful. But I’ve never seen you naked.” He grinned at her.

“Is that a request?” She smiled back seductively at him.

“Most definitely.”

She stood up, took his hand, and led him towards the bedroom. Stopping suddenly, “Aren’t you supposed to be in the hospital? They’ll be searching for you! And what if you get sick? Harm, you really-”

He laid a finger over her lips. “Webb knows where I am, he helped me break out. He’ll take care of the hospital. As for getting sick, won’t you take care of me?”

“In more ways than one Flyboy.” And she led him to the bedroom.

Outside Mac’s apartment

The lights went off in the living room, and came on in the bedroom. Webb smiled, a tinge of envy in it. He’d had a thing for Mac himself. Oh well, she never would have gone for it.

He opened his cell phone and dialed a number.

“Chegwidden here”

“Mission accomplished AJ”

There was a pause and then a chuckle. “Good job Webb. I’m almost sorry I broke your nose.”

“Now AJ, don’t get all sentimental on me. You know I’ll collect on the favor.”

They both laughed and hung up. Webb headed home.


Sarah Mackenzies Apt

Harm lay back on the bed, his shirt still unbuttoned, waiting for Mac. She had insisted on freshening up, although he had tried his best to convince her she didn’t need to. He grinned at the memory, the feel of her in his arms. He was one lucky bastard.

The bathroom door opened, and Mac appeared wrapped in a towel. All he could do was gaze at her. She looked just like she had in his fantasy. He felt himself get hard just looking at her.

“Mac, you take my breath away.”

Reassured by his words and heated gaze, her initial shyness dropped away. She walked over and sat down next to him on the bed.

“I want you so bad, Harm. Do you still want me?” She slowly undid the towel and let it drop.

His eyes drank in her beauty. She leaned in to kiss him, his name barely whispered. “Harm”

“Mac”, he breathed. His arms reached out and pulled her close. “God, you are beautiful.”

She lay down beside him, and he leaned in to kiss her, his fingers trailing down her cheek to her neck, and finally to her breast. She gasped as he touched it, and he smiled against her lips. Rolling her nipple and pinching lightly, he deepened the kiss. She moaned.

His jeans suddenly seemed to confining. He quickly stood and stripped them off along with his shirt and boxers.

She reached out as he stood there and touched him. He was already rock hard, and a bolt of electricity went through him at her gentle touch.

She twisted around suddenly until she was sitting in front of him. She took him in her mouth before he realized her intention. “Oh God!”, as her warm mouth engulfed him, her tongue stroking and swirling. Slowly, gently she sucked him, moving in and out.

He put his hand on her shoulders to steady himself. “Sarah, you’re killing me.”

He pushed her back on the bed away from him, knowing if she kept that up it would be over in a minute. And he wanted this to last.

“Just didn’t want you to have all the fun Flyboy.”

He fell beside her, and they kissed again, while hands roamed all over, exploring. He touched her fold, and was astonished at how wet she already was. He raised up and looked at her. She grinned, “Told you I wanted you.”

With a smile, he put a finger inside her, and she moaned loudly. Loving the effect he was having on her, he continued to caress her folds, sinking his fingers into her wet center, and rubbing her clit. He bent and took an already hard nipple in his mouth and sucked. “Oh God Harm!” She was writhing at his touch.

Realizing she was going to come right now, he moved his hand from her. At her groan of protest, he sucked harder on her nipple, teasing it with his tongue.

In one of the most erotic moves he had ever seen, she took his hand still wet from her, and sucked his finger. Then she leaned in and kissed him. He could taste her on her lips, and it was a wonderful taste, stirring his already overheated desire.

He pushed her back gently, and went directly to the source. Lying between her legs, he again inserted a finer and used his tongue on her clit. Moaning and calling his name, she squirmed, unable to keep still.

He kept it up, touching and kissing her moist center until she screamed his name. He felt her inside clench in orgasm, and a warm rush of moisture covered his hand and mouth. Nothing had ever tasted so good to him.

Knowing she was sensitive now, he gently used his tongue on her, hoping to draw it out for her. As she came back to earth she looked at him, her chocolate eyes cloudy with passion.

“Come here” Her voice was husky.

Slowly he raised up until he was on top of her, his arms taking the weight.

She reached down and guided him into her. As he felt her warmth surround him, he had the most incredible sensation of coming home. He didn’t move, wanting to prolong this moment, and knowing he couldn’t.

Finally she moved her hips, sliding in and out. He started thrusting, slowly at first, trying to savor each moment and feeling. He started going faster, and she encouraged him by moaning again. “God Harm, you feel so good inside me. It’s so wonderful.” With that, he couldn’t stop.

Amazingly, he felt her muscles contract as she started to come again. Crying out each other’s name they clung together as they fell over the edge. He collapsed on top of her.

He couldn’t move. He had died and gone to heaven.

“Harm?”, softly.

No Answer.

“Harm?”, a little louder.

Still no answer.

“Harm!? Are you all right?”

He smiled. “Better than alright, Marine. I’ve never been better in my life.”

She giggled.

He was entranced. He never even knew she COULD giggle,

“Sailor, I can’t breathe.”

“I know. I’m good, aren’t I?”

She giggled again, delighting him. “Yes, you are wonderful. But that’s not what I’m talking about.”


He still had not moved.

“HARM! YOU”RE SMOTHERING ME!” Another giggle, making him laugh as well.

“Well why didn’t you say so?” He slowly rolled off her, hearing her groan and laugh as his weight shifted.

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled her on top of him, her head on his chest.


“Yes, thank you. I can breathe again.”

Her head popped up and she looked into his eyes. “You do know that was the most incredible experience of my life?”

He felt a surge of pleasure at her words. “It was the same for me Sarah.”

She snuggled to his side, his arm across his chest. “I love you Harm.”

“And I love you Sarah”.

And they drifted off to sleep.


Sarah Mackenzies Apt
The next morning

A gentle trail of kisses down his back woke him up. “Marine, you are going to put me back in the hospital!” a giggle made him smile, his eyes still closed. He finally turned and looked into two big brown eyes.

“I never knew you could giggle.”

“I’m a marine Harm. Marines don’t giggle.” She kept a straight face.

“Then what do Marines do?” He couldn’t keep from smiling.

“They laugh, chortle, or even guffaw, but they NEVER giggle.” Then she spoiled the statement by giggling again.

He laughed and pulled her close. “ I thought you said you were tired.”

“No, what I said was you were going to put me in the hospital. But I’m willing to risk it.” And he lowered his mouth to hers.

They had woken up twice during the night and made love. They could not get enough of each other.

The doorbell rang.

They broke apart. “Damn it, who could that be?” The doorbell rang again as Mac jumped up, grabbed a robe, and took off for the door.

“Just a minute!” she called as she tied her robe.

She opened the door, trying to brush her hair into some semblance of order, and was speechless to find Trish standing there.

“Trish, please come in.” Mac blushed red to the roots of her hair, more embarrassed than she had ever been in her life. As she entered Trish said with her usual aplomb, “Mac dear, how is Harm?”

“I’m fine Mom”. Harm came in from the bedroom, buttoning his shirt. Trish ran over and hugged him.

“I can see that,” with a glance at Mac, who blushed even harder.

“Please sit down. I’ll just go get dressed.” Mac was glad to escape.

“Well darling, I’m glad to see you are safe and well.” She grinned at Harm as they seated themselves in the living room.

Harm gave her one of his flyboy smiles. “Never been better Mom. How did you know I was here?”

“When I didn’t find you at the hospital, I called the Admiral. He suggested you might be here. I also heard a very interesting story at the hospital. Is it true? Did Mac find you?”

“Yes Mom, it’s true. I haven’t talked to her about it yet, but it’s true.”

“What’s true?” Mac asked as she came in dressed in jeans and perched on the arm of Harm’s chair. He put his arm around her.

“That you found me. It is true, isn’t it?”

Her brown eyes met his blue ones in a steady gaze. “Yes” she said simply.


“I don’t know. I just felt a connection to you, and I had to follow it. I couldn’t bear to lose you. But I couldn’t have done it without the Admiral’s help.”

He pulled her down into his lap. “I love you”, and kissed her tenderly.


They broke apart and Mac jumped up guiltily. “I’m so sorry Trish.”

“Please don’t apologize Mac. You saved my son, and this is not even the first time. Plus you are making him happy. For that I can never repay you.”

“Trish, if I saved him, he’s saved me a hundred times over in a hundred different ways.”

Trish went over to her and hugged her. “Mac, I can only say how truly thankful I am to you.”

Overwhelmed by this display of affection, tears sprang to Mac’s eyes.

“Hey! What about me? I thought I was supposed to get all the hugs and kisses!”

Laughing, they both went to him and hugged him, grateful that he was still with them.

The End.

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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