Applebee’s in the Mall
1930 Local

Harm took a sip of the bourbon the bartender had just set in front of him and took a look around. There was no one here he knew, and definitely no one he wanted to talk to. The two women sitting at a table were eyeing him and smiling, but he turned away. He was looking for Mac.

She had left work a little early to do some shopping, according to Harriet. “She said she needed a new dress for the NATO ball next week, Sir.” Harriet’s knowing gaze didn’t stop him from inquiring further.

“Do you know where she went?” Damn it, he knew he should have left a message for her. Everything had conspired against him today. All he wanted to do was ask her to dinner, but between court and a stubborn witness he hadn’t gotten a chance to ask her.

“She did mention something about the Mall, Sir. Why don’t you try her cell phone?” Harriet’s eyes took on an amused glint. She obviously suspected something was going on with her two senior officers.

Wishing Harriet was right; that something actually was going on with him and Mac, Harm had merely nodded and moved on to his office. Unfortunately, Mac’s cell was turned off when he tried it.

And so here he was, stuck in Applebee’s alone. He’d walked around the Mall twice, even searching in the largest department stores for her. Disgusted, he picked up his cell phone to try her one more time before giving up and heading home.

He was entering the number when a familiar form passed the window. Was it Mac? Yes! Throwing some cash on the bar to cover his drink, he tossed the rest of the drink down and hurried out to the main part of the Mall. For a moment he couldn’t see her and his heart dropped.

There she was, heading into the department store. Not wanting to yell across the crowded Mall, Harm started after her as quickly as he could. He lost her in cosmetics. Cursing under his breath with frustration, he began a search of the surrounding departments, sure she couldn’t have gotten past him.

AHA! There she is again! Oh shit, she was heading into the lingerie department. Pausing, Harm decided to wait for her, not wanting to be in so…well…tempting a place as a lingerie department with her. It was hard enough to keep things professional with her as it was. He didn’t need the added image of Mac in some slinky negligee to add to his torture. Instantly the image of her in Russia filled his mind. The little white nightgown had been damn sexy.

After waiting a few minutes, he decided to go on in. He already had the image in his head, so what else could happen?

He caught sight of her entering the dressing area. Fortunately, he couldn’t see what she was carrying.
With a sigh, he settled in one of the chairs just outside the dressing rooms. He could wait. He’d been waiting for a long time. He smiled ruefully to himself. He’d been waiting for an eternity.

No one else went in or came out, so he figured she was in there by herself. Tilting his chair back, he could just see the curtained partitions. Mac’s feet were enticingly visible under one of them. A quick glance around assured him no other partitions had patrons.

He caught his breath as a skirt dropped around her feet, and pantyhose were peeled off. A draft of some kind caused the curtains to part a millimeter, and he got a tantalizingly quick glimpse bare flesh.

Whew! It was hot in here. Pulling out a handkerchief, he wiped his forehead as he shifted uncomfortably in the cushioned chair, his pants uncomfortably tight all of the sudden.

‘I should just let her know I’m here. After all, there’s no one else in there. It won’t hurt anything.
I’ll just talk to her through the curtains while she tries on…uh…whatever she’s trying on. That won’t hurt anything.’ Still rationalizing, he got up, looked around to make sure he was unobserved, and slipped into the dressing area.

Quietly he walked towards the curtains, when he realized they were open about an inch. He could just see her as she slipped off her bra and panties, her back to him. Unable to stop himself, he held his breath as he looked over the little he could see of her when she moved away from the curtains. Good lord, that woman had a beautiful butt, curved and tan.

Flushed and completely aroused, he was uncertain as to what his next action should be. He didn’t think he could speak normally to her right now, maybe he should just go back out and sit in the chair. He could calm down then and she never had to know he had been a voyeur.

Before he could backtrack, he heard something at the entrance of the dressing area. One of the saleswomen was right outside. The last thing he wanted was to be caught and arrested as some kind of peeping tom. Without thinking, he stepped forward into the curtained area to hide. Unfortunately it was the one where Mac was changing.

One very startled marine whirled around. “What the hell!” She froze in astonishment as she recognized Harm, standing with his mouth open and his face very red, dumfounded.

Harm caught a glimpse of mirrored walls and a comfy loveseat before his eyes settled on Mac. ‘Wow, the dressing rooms here beat the hell out of the men’s departments.’ Then all coherent thought fled as he took in the surprised woman in front of him.

She was dressed in a snow white, lacy bustier set with matching panties over garters and silk white
stockings. The lacy cups just barely covered her tawny nipples, and her breasts threatened to overflow. His eyes traveled down the slim waist, taking in the bare skin between corset and silk panties, to the garters and white stockings.

Mac noticed that his embarrassment changed almost immediately to unmistakable lust. The heat in his eyes was almost searing her. She didn’t know what he was doing here, but she realized that she was not unhappy he was here.

Before she could think about it and chicken out, she struck a sexy pose, one hand on her hip, the other just lingering along the top edge of the corset. “Are you shopping for lingerie, Harm?” Her voice was as sultry as she could make it.

With a groan he reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her to him in a crushing embrace, his mouth almost attacking hers. His hands were all over her feverishly, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. Before she was even totally aware of what was happening, she found herself pushed back against the wall, the cool glass of the mirror contrasting sharply with the warm hands roving her body. One of his hands snaked inside her panties and brushed through her curls. His palm pressed against her as a finger moved inside her, drawing a long moan from her.

The sheer heat and force of him overwhelmed her, and she found herself powerless to resist him.

His mouth plundered hers mercilessly, his tongue invading the warm recesses. She matched him stroke for stroke, low moans coming from both of them as they practically devoured each other. Her hand reached to caress his rigid shaft through his pants, bringing even more moans from him

Finally he broke away for a moment, struggling to take a breath. He had good intentions of allowing her the chance to stop him when he made the mistake of looking in her eyes. Her brown eyes were dazed with passion, stirring the fire in him further. He looked down at her lips, swollen from his kisses, and decided to hell with it. If she wanted to stop, she’d have to say so. He wasn’t asking. He didn’t care they were in a department store, he didn’t care that they worked together, he didn’t care about anything but having her, being inside her, immediately.

Outside the dressing area
Same time

The saleswoman thought she heard a moan coming from the dressing room. She remembered seeing a naval officer hanging around, but he had apparently left. Puzzled, she decided to investigate.

Walking into the dressing area, she immediately saw where the moans were emanating from. There were two pairs of feet under that curtain, very close together. One wore the Navy’s dress white shoes, the other were clad in only white stockings. From the sound of things, nothing was actually wrong.

She smiled and stepped out. She had been young once, and rather passionate herself. She decided to give them a break. Carefully she pulled a sign out that read “CLOSED FOR CLEANING. PLEASE USE THE DRESSING ROOMS IN EVENING WEAR” and placed it in the entryway
of the dressing rooms. Sometimes, love needed a little help.

Back in the dressing room

Harm had resumed his activities with a vengeance. A whimper of protest escaped her when he withdrew his hand from her panties. Smiling against her lips, he told her, “I’ll come back to that, Sarah. I promise.” He reached both hands around her, still kissing her, and began the process of unhooking the corset. She looked absolutely gorgeous in it, but he was certain he’d like her even better out of it.

While his hands were engaged in his self-appointed task, she took the opportunity to get his pants
loosened. Unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants were not easy jobs as they were pressed so
closely together, and she was unwilling to push him away. Finally she was successful, and unzipped his pants. Slipping her hand inside his boxers, she grasped his turgid shaft lightly and began long slow caresses.

She was certain he liked what she was doing, since he clutched her to him murmuring, “Oh God, Sarah.” With her one hand continuing it’s tantalizing touching, she used the other to unbutton his white shirt, only to be frustrated by the T-shirt he wore underneath it. Pushing him away, she used both hands to take the shirt and T-shirt off, then fell against him passionately, sucking at his nipples while her fingers traveled his muscled torso.

He pushed her away this time, surprising her. He turned her around forcibly, pushing her up against the mirror again, this time facing it. He finally finished unhooking the corset, and it dropped to her
feet. Using both hands, he ripped the panties off her. He managed to toe off his shoes as he did this. Instead of turning her back around, he stepped up close behind her and pressed his body up close to hers, kicking away the pants and boxers that had dropped around his ankles.

He pulled her back against him, allowing her to feel his manhood pressed against her bottom. She braced herself with both arms and met his blue gaze in the mirror. Allowing his penis to rub lightly against her, his hands went around to finally fondle her breasts. As he pinched her nipples, her head fell back, and he used the opportunity to kiss and suckle her neck.

Her breath was coming in huge gasps now, and one of his hands traveled down to the juncture of her thighs, circling her clit. “Tell me, Sarah. Tell me you want this. You want me.” His hands continued the torture as his voice rasped sensuously in her ear.

Trembling now, afraid her knees would buckle, she answered the only way that was possible. She opened her eyes and again met his in the mirror. She could see he was looking at her, every part of her. “Oh God Harm. I want you so bad. Please…I need you…”

Opening her legs further, she arched her back to give him maximum access. He could see every emotion as it passed across her face, the mirror giving him a view he would never forget as long as he lived. Sarah Mackenzie, dressed only in garters and stockings, waiting for him. Slowly he slid inside her, the warm wet sexual core of her, his fingers still teasing her clit.

She bit her lip as her eyes closed again, reveling in the feel of him entering her. “Oh God…Harm…you feel so good…so hard…oh yes! OH YES! OH GOD! FASTER HARM!

Frantically he tried to cover her mouth with the hand that had been playing with her nipples. He might have known she was a screamer. Not that he didn’t like that. He’d imagined her screaming his name in this kind of situation too many times not to love it, but he vaguely remembered a need for quiet.

He pumped harder against her, one hand over her mouth, the other circling her bundle of nerves. Her stifled screams of pleasure and frantic urging drove him on and on, and he tried to muffle his own moans of her name. God, she felt so good. So tight, so hot.

She went up in flames in his arms, and he managed to hold on to her when the orgasm came over her. He felt himself go over the edge with her as her inner muscles pressed him. Realizing he was close to falling as well, he held on to her and stumbled backward and fell into the loveseat with her on top of him.

He just sat there with his arms around her, panting for breath, jumping a little when his now flaccid
penis slipped out of her. She lay on top of him, the back of her head resting against his shoulder as she too gasped for breath.

After a few minutes, she laughed. “I guess I’ll buy this lingerie. It certainly is a bargain for what you
get with it.”

The End

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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