Dec 21, 2001
McMurphy’s Bar
2200 Local

The JAG Christmas party was winding down. Everyone from JAG had gone home. Only Harm and Mac were left, sitting at a table talking. They hadn’t noticed that everyone had left yet. Other patrons were still there, making the JAG absence less noticeable.

Mac became aware of the time and looked around.

“Looks like everyone’s gone Harm. Maybe we should head home ourselves. It’s a school day tomorrow.”

Harm had noticed everyone leaving, but had chosen to ignore it. He was having too good a time with Mac. Since the Jagathon they had become friends again. He had really missed that part of their relationship, when they could talk about anything and everything.

Of course, he was still missing a certain part of their relationship. Or rather, he wanted to rectify the fact that there was nothing to miss. He had deliberately kept Mac talking, hoping she wouldn’t notice how late it was.

“It’s not that late Mac. You don’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight, do you?” he teased.

She rolled her eyes at the bad joke. “Not quite Harm, but I do have the Davidson case tomorrow. I think I should be awake for it.”

She didn’t really want to leave, but it was getting late. Although she regretted the fact that Harm and she couldn’t make a relationship work, she was happy to have him back as her friend.

Harm searched for an excuse to keep her with him for a little while longer. “How about a game of darts before you go?”

“I really have to go, but thanks Harm. It’s been a lot of fun.”

She picked up her purse and coat and rose from the table. He got up to walk her to her car.

She stopped at the door to put on her coat. He reached over to help her with it and suddenly stopped, looked at her and grinned.


He gestured up, still grinning at her. She raised her eyes and blushed profusely. There was a large sprig of mistletoe above her head.

“Harm, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Not that she didn’t want to, she just didn’t trust herself.

“Come on Mac. What’s a kiss between friends? And it’s a tradition. You can’t break with tradition.” As he spoke, he took the lapels of her coat in his hands.

“Harm” –

She was cut off as he pulled her close and settled his lips over hers. Still in the middle of a sentence, her mouth was slightly open when he kissed her. He quickly took advantage of this and slipped his tongue sensuously into her mouth, driving all rational thought from her mind.

She opened her mouth fully to his kiss, responding with her tongue, teasing him. He made a sound deep in his throat, slipped his arms underneath her coat and pulled her closer. One hand crept under the back of her sweater, caressing the smooth bare skin.

Of their own volition, her arms crept around his neck, pulling him even closer to her. She molded her body to his, feeling his arousal through their clothes.

They probably would have gone on and made love right there in the bar, but the whistles and cheers from the other patrons brought them to an awareness of their surroundings. They broke apart, breathless, Mac blushing beet red.

Ever the showman, Harm turned and gave the crowd a big grin and a bow. Then he turned to Mac, bent down and threw her over his shoulder. The crowd went wild, yelling and cheering.

“Harm! Put me down!” She spoiled the seriousness of this command by giggling.

He ignored her command. After waving at the crowd again, he turned and exited the restaurant with her still over his shoulder. A burst of laughter sounded along with more cheers when Mac lifted her head and blew a kiss to the crowd.

The door shut behind them, cutting off the noise from the bar.

He walked quietly, not saying anything.

“Uh – Harm” she began, not really knowing what to say. It was difficult to think clearly slung over his shoulder and hanging upside down.

“Quiet Mac.” He continued walking until he reached his SUV. He set her down carefully, leaning her against the driver’s side door, then put his hands on either side of her, effectively trapping her against the car.

She looked up into his stormy blue eyes and saw raw desire reflected back at her. She shivered, not sure if it was fear or delight. Or both.

“Harm,” she tried again.

“I said Quiet, Mac. I always screw it up when we talk. I promise we’ll talk later, not now.”

He leaned in and kissed her again. She knew she should stop him. She knew she should force him to talk to her, admit his feelings. She knew that she should get in her car and go home. BUT DAMN IT! SHE HAD WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS!

Her mind shut down as he began a determined assault on her senses, kissing her deeply. His hands slid under the front of her sweater and cupped her breasts, releasing a wave of desire in her.

Skillfully he unclasped her bra and filled his hands with her breasts, slowly massaging them, taking the nipples in his fingers and rolling them, pinching them. “Harm,” she gasped.

The cold of the car was creeping into her back, but he was keeping her front so very warm. Again she shivered. He felt her shiver.

Pulling one hand reluctantly away, he dug in his pocket for his keys. Still kissing her and keeping the other hand on her breast, he used the remote to unlock the doors to the SUV.

He put the keys back in his pocket, moved her down and opened the back door, never pausing in his kissing. He helped her maneuver into the SUV and shut the door behind him, hitting the automatic door lock.

He pulled her close again and nuzzled her neck; sucking and nibbling while his hands found her breasts again and resumed the sensual caressing.

Up to this point she had essentially been putty in his hands. She decided to take a more aggressive approach herself. She reached up and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. She allowed herself the pleasure of touching and caressing his muscled torso, and then decided to indulge herself in it completely.

She began her own slow torturous assault on his body, kissing his neck, slowly working her way down to his nipples. She sucked them and nipped them, bringing moans of pleasure from him.

He pushed her away and grabbed the bottom of her sweater, yanking it over her head. Her bra soon followed. Like a starving man he descended on her, fiercely drawing the nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue and gently biting.

Her breasts had always been an extra sensitive spot, and she thought she would come just from the pleasure he was giving her with his mouth there. But his hand slipped down between her legs, rubbing her through her slacks. She could not stop herself from the moans of desire escaping her.

Eager to return the favor, she unbuckled his belt, but fumbled with his pants button. “Damn it! Help me Harm!” She felt like a teenager.

Laughing softly against her lips, he reached down and unbuttoned his pants. His laugh stopped abruptly as she quickly unzipped them and reached in to touch him. “Scoot up Harm.” Obligingly he lifted his hips as she pushed his pants down. She took him gently in her hand, fondling him, running her fingers up and down the shaft and rubbing him.

The only sounds were their heavy breathing and moans of pleasure.

He managed to get her slacks undone and pushed off her as well. He plunged his finger deep inside her. God, she was so wet and hot.

Pushing her back so that she was lying on the seat, he placed her legs on his shoulders. He leaned down and took a taste of her sexual core, running his tongue inside her and up to gently flick her clit.

She couldn’t wait another minute. She was going to die from the ecstasy of this moment. “Please Harm, come inside me. I have to feel you inside me now. Please.”

He sat up on the edge of the seat and settled her astride him. Putting her hands on his shoulders she leaned in and kissed him, tasting herself on his mouth. This only inflamed her further.

Reaching down, she took his penis and positioned it carefully, then settled on it slowly. She started a long slow slide as she took him inside, and equally slowly drew away.

They both were moaning loudly now as their mutual delight completely engulfed them.

He put his hands on her hips and steadied her rhythm as they went faster and harder. He thrust up wildly, calling her name. He felt her as her inner muscles throbbed in orgasm and her nails dug into his shoulders. Throwing her head back she gave a long loud moan of his name. “HARM!”

He followed almost instantly, unable to resist her, also calling her name.

She collapsed against him, still astride him. He cradled her gently, stroking her back as their breathing returned to normal slowly, coming back down to earth.

She felt him smile, his breath stirring her hair as he spoke. “It’s been a while since I’ve steamed up the windows of a car like this Mac.”

She giggled, then realized where they were. “Oh my God! Anybody could have come by! I can NEVER come here again!”

“Relax Mac. I’m sure it’s not the first time the parking lot of this bar has seen two people making love. Besides,” he drew back and leered at her. “I WANT you to come here again. And again. And again.”

She punched him on the shoulder. “Bad Harm. Very bad.”

They were quiet for a minute, just enjoying each other.

Finally she said, “Don’t you think we should get going? It really is getting late.”

“OK, but you’re coming home with me, aren’t you?” He looked at her pleadingly.

“Yes, but you have to fix breakfast.” She smiled at him.


The End

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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