USS SeaHawk
Ship’s Fantail
0130 Local

The wind ruffled her hair. It was chilly with the breeze coming in off the water, and she shivered slightly as she pulled her jacket together.

The night sky was fully laden with stars; the crescent moon cast a thin silvery shadow across the water.

The insomnia that had always plagued her kicked in full force tonight. The events of the last few days tangled in her mind. The tribunal, her near death experience, and most of all, Webb’s certainty of another attack on the US.

Leaning over the guardrail, she watched as the powerful engines churned the water white below her, the wake of the ship gleaming almost phosphorescently in the dark night.

She was aware that the world was not a nice place. She had learned that at a very young age. The personal turmoil she had suffered through in her own life had only reinforced that lesson. She rubbed her arms, struggling to keep warm, even though it was not really the night air that made her shiver this time.

She tried to accept that she was luckier than a lot of people. If her personal life was not as she hoped it would be, at least she was in a position where she could do some good for her country. And she was grateful for that. In the short term, she could live with that.

It was the long-term aspects of her life that she feared. It looked so lonely. The dreams she had cherished for so long, a husband, a family, seemed so unreachable now.

She almost smiled to herself. Jeez, what a pity party.

The door behind her opened and a light cut through the darkness surrounding her, only to be cut off as the door closed. Startled, she swung around. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness again, a familiar shape took form.

“Hello Colonel. A little late for stargazing, isn’t it?” The well-known voice immediately relaxed her.

“Yes Sir. I just couldn’t sleep. Too much on my mind, I guess.”

AJ stepped forward towards her. “Do you mind some company?”

“I’d be glad for it, Sir.” They both turned and leaned on the guardrail, gazing out over the water.

The quiet between them was comfortable.

Finally AJ turned his head and looked over at her. Even in this light he could see her eyes were pensive, almost sad.

“Something wrong Mac?”

He watched as she turned and smiled at him, trying to shield her thoughts. “No Sir. Just thinking.”

Still leaning on the guardrail, he turned sideways to face her. “It’s been an eventful few days.”

She didn’t answer at first, keeping her eyes on the sea, away from him. She finally settled for the easy answer. “Yes Sir.”

He knew, of course, about what happened on the mainland. In fact, he had a very good idea about what she was thinking. The loneliness was etched in her face, as much as she tried to hide it.

Without thinking, he reached over and took her hand in his. The delicacy of her hand surprised him for a moment. “It will be all right, Mac.”

“Will it Sir?” He could see the unshed tears in her eyes. Stubborn marine that she was, she wouldn’t cry. He knew that.

As firmly as he could, he answered her. “Yes, it will. Webb will continue to dig, and we will leave no stone unturned. Whatever they have planned, we will prevent it.” He didn’t mention her personal life; not sure if she would appreciate it.

She took a deep breath to steady herself. “I believe that Sir. I guess I was just indulging in a little self pity.” She still didn’t look at him. “I just…I mean…” A rather forced laugh escaped her. “My life has been in turmoil for so long, and it seems like such a selfish thing to feel, but…I’m” She stopped abruptly. “Just tired Sir. Sorry for the melodrama.”

The hand he still held trembled slightly as he pulled her gently to him. He felt her hesitation, but also her need for some human contact. He dropped her hand as she came near, and put both arms around her in a gentle hug. “It’s okay, Mac. Believe me, I understand. I’ve been there many times myself.”

The feel of her laying her head on his chest, her arms pressed between them, was amazingly comforting at first. He was as lonely as she was, perhaps more so, and the Tribunal had been very hard for him. Having to defend that son of a bitch was the last thing he wanted to do. He rested his cheek against her hair, inhaling her subtle perfume.

Mac felt the solace he was offering. She trusted him as she had trusted no one else, not even Harm, and his understanding was gratefully accepted. The ache in her heart eased a little as his strong arms soothed her weary soul.

They stood together for a few minutes silently, two lonely people offering comfort to each other.

AJ had meant the hug to be a rather avuncular gesture, but he was rapidly becoming aware that he was not feeling in the least like an uncle. Mac was a beautiful woman, one he not only respected, but also cared for. And it had been a long time.

The sudden shift in attitude did not escape Mac, but it had been a long time for her too. And although AJ had always been off limits to her, she was not blind to the fact that he was an attractive man. It was almost painful when she felt his arms loosen and his cheek leave her hair.

She pulled back a little and looked up into his eyes, intending to thank him and escape to her room before she did anything embarrassing. It was the look in his eyes that stopped her from saying anything.

It was a look of yearning, of desire. When he slowly lowered his lips to hers, she didn’t stop him.

AJ couldn’t stop himself. The sweetness of her lips momentarily overwhelmed him, and when she opened her mouth and their tongues met, all thoughts when out the window. He crushed her to him.

He buried one hand in her hair; the other held her securely against him as his mouth left hers to trail kisses down her throat. The soft moans coming from her only inflamed him further, and when she pressed her hips against his hardness he thought he was going to go crazy right there.

Pushing her back against the guardrail, he snaked a hand between them and unsnapped her pants. He slipped his hand inside, brushing over her curls and then inserting a finger inside her. She was hot and wet already, and she cried out at his intimate touch.

“Ssshhhh Sarah.” He whispered, continuing to tantalize her. So lost was he in kissing and touching her that he didn’t feel her unbutton his own pants, but he was instantly aware when he fingers circled his hard shaft. “Oh God.”

He felt her smile under his lips. “Ssshhhh AJ.” He almost laughed, but couldn’t as her hand began a torturous movement up and down. Her movement stilled as began his own torture on her, circling her clit with his finger, wet from her sexual core.

His other hand pushed her jacket apart and swiftly unbuttoned her blouse. He didn’t bother unfastening her bra, just pushed the shoulder strap down and freed one beautiful breast. His lips fastened on her raised nipple quickly, sucking and nipping.

She was close, he could feel it. He pushed two fingers inside her this time, and used his thumb to rub her clit. He desperately tried to concentrate on her pleasure, but the closer she came to orgasm, the more frenzied her hand was on him.

He felt the warm rush of her sexual fluids over his hand as she came, trying to stifle her moans. Her hand continued to circle and stroke him, and with his own cry stifled against her mouth he came with her.

“Oh God, Sir.” She was panting as she got that out.

He had to laugh. “Mac, considering where our hands our, I think you can call me AJ.”

She joined him in laughter for a moment as they withdrew their hands from each other. “Oh God, AJ.” She corrected herself, still chuckling.

He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to her. With an embarrassed smile she took it and wiped her hand, then stuck it in her own pocket.

Fastening his pants back quickly, he snuck a look at her as she tried to settle her own clothing. Her pants were already zipped up, and she was fumbling with her buttons. He brushed her hands aside and fastened them for her, then drew her back into his arms for a moment.

“You know this can never happen again, don’t you Sarah?” He hated to say that, but he knew he was right. There was no possible future for them.

“I know, Sir.” Her voice was sad, but strengthened with the next sentence. “But I’m glad we had this moment anyway.”

She took his face between her hands, and pulled him down for a kiss. It was full of sweetness and farewell. Then she released him and stepped back. “I think I can sleep now. Good night Sir.”

He raised a tender hand to her cheek, wishing things could be different. “Good night Mac.”

Their eyes held for a moment more before she stepped back and went into the ship. With a long sigh, he turned and looked out over the water. Life was very hard sometimes.

The End

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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