Harm’s Apartment
North of Union Station
1445 Local

Harm returned the salute of the guard and quietly unlocked his door and went inside, hoping Mac was asleep. He really wanted her to rest. He also wasn’t looking forward to telling her about his day at JAG. She would not be happy about Brumby’s charges against him and would probably think it was all her fault again.

She was on the couch, asleep as he had hoped. A book was resting on her chest, some romance book. He smiled as he saw it. He never would have suspected his no nonsense marine had a closet fetish for trashy romances.

His eyes traveled over her beautiful features. A frown passed over his face as he looked at her bruised eye. Brumby was going to pay for that, and pay dearly.

She was dressed comfortably in sweats and a T-shirt. She looked amazingly sexy to him.

He covered her with an afghan and went to the bedroom to change.

He came about dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. He took another long look at Mac while she slept, debating on whether to wake her or not. He reluctantly decided to let her sleep.

He went to the kitchen to see what he could fix for dinner. Deciding on his favorite – pasta – he pulled a pan to start the spaghetti in.

“Harm?” He heard Mac’s voice and felt her arms come around him from behind.

Turning he slid his arms around her and drew her close. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“That’s OK, I was just asleep from boredom. I have gotten so much sleep lately I may never need sleep again. I’m glad you’re home.” She reached up and gave him a light kiss.

He kissed her back more lingeringly. “I’m glad to be home.”

“Why are you home early? Not that I’m complaining.” She whispered softly against his lips.

He debated about telling her about Brumby’s charges now or later. Later would allow them some time for fun right now, but she would be mad he hadn’t told her. He sighed.

Startled, she drew back a little. “Harm? What is it?”

He gave her an apprehensive glance. “I didn’t want to tell you right away. I didn’t want to spoil your first night home.”

He led her to the couch where they sat down together. He kept hold of her hand.

“Harm, you’re scaring me. For God’s sake, spit it out before my imagination runs wild.” She looked frightened as she said this.

“Brumby has filed charges against me. Aggravated assault and attempted murder.”

“What else?” She looked at him expectantly.

“Everyone knows about our relationship and your pregnancy. Singer is defending Brumby and prosecuting me at the same trial next week. The Admiral thinks fraternization charges could come up.”

She didn’t say anything for a minute, just looked down thinking about everything.

“Mac? Are you all right?” He was so afraid this would send her into that cycle of guilt.

She drew a deep breath. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.” She met his concerned gaze with clear eyes.

“I kinda figured all this would come up. Mic always plays dirty, and the Admiral is probably right about the charges.”

“You did? You didn’t say anything.” He was surprised at how calm she was.

“Why borrow trouble? Enough seems to find us without worrying about stuff that may not happen.”

“Are you all right about this really? I was afraid this would really upset you.”

She regarded him with a slight smile.

“You mean you were afraid I would fall to pieces like I have been doing, thinking everything is my fault.”

He started to remonstrate with her, then gave in. “Well yeah. You’ve been doing that a lot lately. Not that I blame you,” he added hastily. “But you have had this tendency to blame yourself for everything.”

“Don’t you think it’s about time I smartened up?” She actually laughed. “Harm, I love you. I know that with my whole heart and soul. You love me. I’m going to have your baby. I must have done something right somewhere along the way.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss.

“Seriously though, I’ve done a lot of thinking since we had that talk. I’m trying very hard to look at things differently, with a healthier perspective. I can’t promise that will happen all the time, but I am going to give it my all. I want our baby to have a happy life, and only a secure happy mother can give her that, not a depressed guilty mother. I want you to be involved with a strong person who appreciates you and the life we have. I want to be happy, so I’m going to count my blessings and roll with the punches. Got a problem with that?”

For a moment he was speechless. Then a big grin lit up his face. “I don’t think so Mac. It suits me just fine. In fact, I will go so far as to say it’s about damn time.” He pulled her to him and hugged her. “I love you so much.”

Laughing, she hugged him back. “I love you Harm.” Their lips met in a kiss that quickly turned passionate. Her hands slipped up under his T-shirt and caressed his muscled back.

“God help me, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but wait.” He pulled away from her a little.

“What is it? Is there something else?” A puzzled look accompanied her questions.

An idea had come to him and he decided to act on it immediately.

“Yes, but this time it’s something good. Wait here.” He kissed her again for good measure, got up, and ran to the bedroom. Rummaging through the top drawer, his fingers closed on the small jewelry box holding his grandmother’s engagement ring. Offering up a quick prayer for strength he hurried back to Mac.

He sat beside her on the couch, took her hand, and met her questioning gaze.

“Mac – Sarah – we’ve known each other for years. We both know the good and the bad about each other. You just got through saying you were sure you loved me with all your heart and soul. Well, I love you the same way. With everything I am. I’ve never felt this way before, not even with Diane.”

He paused, gathering his nerve.

He put the jewelry box in her hand.

“Mac, will you marry me?”

Stunned, she opened the box and looked at the ring. Tears welled in her eyes and she raised them to look at him once again.

“Harm, you don’t have to. If this is just because of the baby you really don’t have to. I promise you, no matter what happens between us, you will always have our baby in your life.”

He took the box from her and removed the ring.

“Please Sarah. I want you to be my wife. Not because of the baby, but because my life is incomplete without you in it. I need you Mac. I need you now, and I will need you for the rest of my life.”

Unable to speak, she choked back a sob and mutely nodded. He slipped the ring on her finger, raised her hand to his lips and kissed it.

“I promise you Sarah, no matter what life holds for us, we’ll make it together.”

She looked at the ring on her finger for a moment, and then looked at Harm. She got her tears under control. “I promise you Harm, no matter what, I will always love you.”

He gently pulled her into another kiss. He could feel the tears slide down her face and taste the salt of them on her lips.

He knew they were tears of happiness, and allowed a few of his own to fall.

Harm’s Apartment
North of Union Station
Next Morning 0700

Mac was finishing her makeup while Harm had a second cup of coffee waiting for her. He smiled into his coffee thinking about last night. The night had been wonderful and passionate; he just couldn’t seem to get enough of her. And now she was going to be his wife and have his baby. Life couldn’t get much better than this.

He caught a glimpse of Mac in the bedroom. He was just debating on whether or not to go in and make them both late for work when she finally emerged, dressed and ready to go. She looked so prim and proper in that uniform; you’d never guess what a wildcat she really was.

“You ready to go?” She asked him with a smile.

“Not quite”, he replied.

“Harm”, she began in a warning tone, recognizing the gleam in his eye. “We’re not going to be late this morning.”

“What? I just want a kiss good morning, is that so wrong?” He tried to look as innocent as possible while crossing over to her and taking her in his arms. He leaned into her and gave her a gentle kiss.

“See?” He then began to kiss her ear, knowing this was one of her weak spots.

“Harm! We can’t do this now”, she protested even as she felt herself begin to give in.

“I don’t see you fighting me off Colonel.” He continued kissing her ear, nuzzling down her neck where he nibbled at her collarbone.

Somehow his hand slipped up and started unbuttoning her jacket.

“Harm, you’ve got to stop.” Her words said no, but she was kissing him back. Her hand slipped between them to stroke him through his pants, causing him to gasp.

“That’s not making me want to stop Colonel.” His fingers finished unbuttoning her jacket and started on her blouse. Finishing that off he cupped his hand around her breast, slipping it inside her bra.

“Too late to stop now Commander”, her fingers deftly unzipping his pants. She reached through the gap, past his boxers, and grasped him firmly. Her sensuous touches driving the heat between them higher.

He noticed that her bra was a front clasp, and with one flick he loosened it. Pushing her back against the wall, he lowered his lips to her turgid nipple and began to suck, rolling the other nipple with his fingers, teasing it into hardness.

“Harm, oh God, it feels so good.” Her low moans were arousing him further, driving him hotter and faster. She suddenly pushed him away and reached for his belt, unfastening it and unhooking his pants. She dropped to her knees and took him in her mouth, sucking and licking. “Mac!” animalistic moans were the only sound he could make after calling her name.

He pulled her up and pushed her back up against the wall, kissing her as hard as he could. She ground her hips into him. Pushing his hand between them, he pulled up her skirt and started rubbing her clit, circling and teasing it through her panties. Thank God she wore thigh highs.

He pushed the panties down as far as he could without stopping his kisses, their tongues dueling wildly. She kicked them off the rest of the way. He plunged his finger into her wet center, bringing louder moans from her.

“Please Harm. Oh please, I can’t wait.”

“What do you want Mac?” He could barely think he wanted her so bad.

“You, inside me, now. Please, I want you Harm.”

Groaning, he lifted her against the wall and entered her in one smooth push. Unable to wait, he began thrusting urgently, responding to her loud cries and moans.

He felt her insides clench and she screamed out his name as she came. He followed her in an instant, unable to withstand the feeling of her muscles pressing him or her wild urging. “Oh God! Sarah!”

Exhausted, they collapsed against each other, holding each other up.

Mac giggled. “I guess we are going to be late.” She pushed herself away from and surveyed herself and him. I think a little clean up is in order Commander. You’re uniform is not up to par.” She gave him a teasing smile and headed back to the bedroom.

He laughed and hurried after her, pinching her on her posterior, causing her to squeal and laugh.

JAG Headquarters 0845 Local Harm and Mac were in the elevator riding to the office level. She was scolding him for making them late, blaming him for everything. He was smiling.

“And don’t do that again. We can NOT be late all the time. And no more pinching either. It’s not nice.” She shot him a teasing glare.

He couldn’t resist of course. As the doors opened he reached behind her and pinched her again.

“Harm!” She jumped out and ran straight into the Admiral.

The Admiral caught her by the arms as they both stumbled.

“Sorry Sir. I tripped.” Her face flushed red.

He regarded her for a moment before turning an eagle eye on Harm who had exited the elevator and was standing with an expressionless face.

“Quite all right Colonel. How are you doing?” He addressed Mac but continued to look at Harm sternly.

“I’m fine Sir, thank you for asking.”

He looked at her, taking in the bruised eye that was partially camouflaged by make-up. He also noticed the diamond ring on her left hand.

“I take it congratulations are in order?”

She looked at Harm and smiled. He returned her grin. “Yes Sir.”

“Well congratulations to you both. I’m very happy for you.”

“Thank you Sir,” They both replied, still grinning like kids.

“Colonel, as I’m sure you are aware, you are on restricted duty. I’ve called in some assistance since you won’t be able to travel. It’s Commander Lindsay. I trust you’ll be able to work with him with no problem.”

There was a moment of stunned silence. “Of course Sir. I’m sure the Commander will do an excellent job.”

“As I am sure you will do Colonel. He’s waiting for you in your office. Commander, may I have a word with you in my office?”

“Of course Sir.”

Harm followed the Admiral, ignoring Mac’s glare.

The Admiral entered his office and gestured to Harm to have a seat.

Harm seated himself and waited for the Admiral to begin.

“How is she really Harm?”

“She really is fine Admiral. I was surprised at how fine she is. She’s decided to ‘count her blessings and roll with the punches’ as she put it.”

The Admiral broke into a smile. “I’m damn glad to hear that. It’s about time.”

“I couldn’t agree more Sir.”

“One more thing Commander.”

“Yes Sir?”

“You will, in the future, be on time to work?”

“Uh- of course Sir. We were unavoidably detained this morning.” Harm did his best not to stutter or blush as he said this.

“And you will be keeping your hands to yourself while in the office I trust?”

Harm couldn’t help the flush that crept up his neck to his face. “Yes Sir.” He managed not to stutter on this one.

“Then we shouldn’t have to have this discussion again, should we Commander?”

“No Sir.”


Harm turned and gladly made his escape.

Outside Mac’s Office Same time

“Colonel Mackenzie!”

“Yes Bud?”

“I just wanted to say congratulations Ma’am.” He gestured to the ring on her finger. Harriet soon joined him.

“Yes, Congratulations Ma’am. Can I see it?”

With a smile Mac held out her hand. “It’s beautiful!”

“Isn’t it? It was his grandmother’s.”

“How romantic!”

“If you’ll excuse me Ma’am. I think this discussion is better left to you two ladies.” Bud left with a smile.

“So, how did he ask Ma’am? Give me all the details!” Harriet was thrilled for her friend.

“I can’t right now Harriet, I have someone in my office- maybe for lunch?”

“OK, but be prepared- I want all the juicy details!”

“Harriet!” They both laughed as Mac continued into her office.

Commander Lindsay rose as she entered. “Colonel, it’s nice to see you again.”

“Likewise Commander. I appreciate your helping us out.”

There was a moment of awkward silence.

“Colonel, I know there might be some residual feelings of resentment. I certainly can understand this. I just want to assure you that I am here to do a job, not cause you another problem.”

“I have no doubt of that Commander. I harbor no ill will towards you; you were doing the job you had to do. I admit it took me some time to get to that point, but I think we can work together.”

“I’m relieved to hear that Colonel.”

“Why don’t we discuss some of the investigations I was doing? I would like to get you up to speed. I was planning on traveling to Mayport next week for the Jackson investigation. I think you will have to go now.”

“I am at your service Colonel.”

They spent the morning discussing cases and investigations. The conversation was somewhat formal and stilted, but cordial. By lunch time she was convinced he would be OK.

JAG Headquarters Thursday 1035 Local

“Commander!” Lauren Singers called him, halting his trip to Mac’s office.

“Yes Lieutenant?” He managed to keep his tone civil.

“I wanted to ask you something Sir. Do you have a minute?”

“I do, but if this is something to do with the case I would like to have my attorney present.” He was taking no chances with her, he didn’t trust her. The trial began on Monday and he knew she would be questioning him before then.

“Well Sir, it’s just one question. I just would like to know when you’re transfer to the SecNav’s office was implemented.” She gave him an insincere smile.

Harm had known something like this was coming from her. She would have to cause as much trouble as possible; she apparently couldn’t help it.

“I don’t know the exact date Lieutenant. I will have to check and give it to you later.” He knew that fraternization charges were going to come. If things had remained quiet no one would have had the chance to question the timing of their relationship. Unfortunately, Brumby had opened a big can of worms and given Lauren the opportunity to investigate the timing.

“Oh that’s OK Sir. I don’t need an exact date right now, just your best estimate.”

Harm paused, debating on whether he should just tell her or make her dig for it.

“I can help you with that Lieutenant. I was the one who worked the details out with Admiral Chegwidden.” Commander Lindsay’s voice cut into their conversation.

Harm turned and gave him a dirty look. Mac had been able to put her resentment of Lindsay behind her and established a cordial if not warm relationship with him. Harm was having a much more difficult time getting past it.

Commander Lindsay smiled at Harm, ignoring his dirty look.

“It was about three months ago. I’ll get copies of the orders if you need them.” Astonished, Harm could only stare at him. This was an out and out lie. The transfer had only happened last week.

“Oh really.” Lauren’s look conveyed her disbelief. “I believe I would like to see those, if you don’t mind.”

“Not a problem Lieutenant. I’ll have them for you this afternoon.”

“Thank you.” She turned and left with barely disguised irritation.

“Commander Lindsay,” Harm began.

“Not here Commander. In my office please.” Commander Lindsay had been given an office for his use during his tenure at JAG.

Harm followed him to the office and sat down at the other man’s gesture.

“Commander Lindsay, you must be aware that my transfer became effective last week. You didn’t help anything by lying to her. In fact, you only bought yourself some trouble with that.”

“Not really Commander. The papers were only prepared for my signature on Monday. When I learned of the Colonel’s pregnancy and her problems with Mr. Brumby, I backdated the orders. It’s not an uncommon practice for written orders to be done several weeks after a transfer. This is the Navy, after all, a rather large bureaucracy.”

Harm was speechless for a moment. Then he smiled. “I’d have to say thank you Commander Lindsay. You have saved Mac and I a lot of trouble. I appreciate that.”

“Do you think you could call me Ted? I know we’ve had some difficult times in the past, but I like to think we could put that aside and work together.”

“Only if you call me Harm, Ted. I think I owe you an apology as well as a thank you. I haven’t been very forgiving, and I should have understood you were only doing your job. I shouldn’t have taken it all so personally.”

“I’m glad you feel that way Harm. And I’m glad I could do something to help.”

The two men stood and shook hands.


Mac’s Office

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She had been staring at a case file, but her mind was on something else entirely. The whole situation with Mic and Harm.

“Enter” She looked up to see Harm come in, a bemused smile on his handsome features.

“You’ll never guess what just happened.”

“What? Something good I hope?”

He gave her a brief rundown on his conversations with Lauren and Ted.

“Oh Thank God! I was so afraid that was going to come up.” As usual, her eyes filled with tears. She snatched a tissue from the box she now kept on her desk.

Harm just smiled at her, now getting used to seeing her cry over every little thing. It no longer brought him to the point of panic. He still thought it was cute, not that he was going to tell her that. He didn’t think she would appreciate it.

She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. “God, I will be so glad when this stops. It is so annoying.” She gave him an exasperated grin.

Her smile faded after a moment. “Harm, I have an idea I want to discuss with you.”

“Shoot Mac.”

“Just promise me you’ll discuss it with me, not go ballistic on me.”

“Mac, when have I EVER gone ballistic on you?” He was a little offended.

She hastened to reassure him. “Never Harm. I know you would never hurt me, but I don’t think you are going to like my idea. So just promise me please?”

He eyed her suspiciously. “OK, I promise to discuss it with you and not go ballistic. But I don’t promise to agree with you. Is that understood?”

She nodded and began.

“I want to talk to Mic. Alone.”


She waited calmly for the outburst to end. “Just hear me out Harm.”


He was yelling in his frustration with her.

There was a knock at the door.

Mac sighed and called, “Enter.”

A nervous Tiner stuck his head in the door, obviously not wanting to get in between them.

“Sir, Ma’am, the Admiral would like to see you.”

“We’ll be right there Tiner. Thank you.” Mac answered for both of them, as Harm was still too angry to speak.

“We’ll talk about this later Harm.” Mac was not giving up. She had a plan and she wanted to see it through.

“There is NOTHING to talk about.” Harm was able to lower his voice with some effort.

She just looked at him for a moment and then rose to go the Admiral’s office. “Come on.”

Harm followed her out, still sulking.

She knocked at the Admiral’s door and they both entered and stood at attention.

“At ease and have a seat.”

The Admiral looked them both over carefully, taking in Mac’s rather resigned demeanor and Harm’s still angry one.

“Something wrong?” He addressed the question to both of them.

Before Mac could reply, Harm jumped in. “Yes Sir. Mac wants to see Brumby. Alone.” Though he managed to keep his voice low this time, his frustration at the suggestion clearly showed.

The Admiral’s gaze traveled to her face. “Colonel?” He didn’t like the suggestion either.

“Sir, it would be so much easier on everyone if we made this whole situation go away without a trial. I think I can get Mic to drop his charges if we drop ours.”

Harm couldn’t help himself any longer. He leaped to his feat and paced around the room agitatedly. “Drop the charges? Mac, that bastard gave you a black eye and almost made you lose our baby! Not to mention all the lovely things he said to you which I know you didn’t tell me about. I don’t want you to drop the charges! Hell, if I could stick him with more charges I would!”

“Harm, sit down and listen to her. Let’s just talk about it.” The Admiral’s tone left no room for argument.

“Fine.” He threw himself in the chair.

“One more thing.” He just couldn’t shut up. “I can beat these charges Mac. It’s not going to be too hard to do.”

“Harm, you don’t know that for sure. And even if you could know that, the trial is going to be very unpleasant. I’m going to have to get up and tell everyone what happened. Mic is going to deny it. Our relationship is going to be picked apart and judged. It’s not going to be fun.

Now if I thought that any good would come of all this, I would do it without a second thought. But it will be painful and humiliating for you, Mic, and me. Why don’t we try and avoid all this?”

“Because some good WILL come out of it. Brumby will go to jail where he belongs.”

The Admiral just sat back, watching them argue.

“Harm, you may not like this, but I hurt him badly. I don’t excuse or condone what he did, but I have to acknowledge that he was hurting badly and reacted in a way he never has before. Knowing Mic, he regrets it badly. He’s just fighting us to try and save himself.”

“Mac, please don’t make this your fault. There is nothing, no matter how angry or hurt he was or is that can excuse what he did. If you had been sleeping with an entire football team I wouldn’t say he was right!”

“I know Harm. I am not saying it’s OK or excusing it. But like anything else, in a court of law, there are mitigating circumstances. All I’m saying is that these circumstances exist. To deny them is to deny the truth. If I can talk to him, get him to drop the charges and I drop the charges, he can go and live his life in Australia and never bother us again.

I would rather that happen than think of him sitting in jail blaming us for ruining his life. And when he gets out, what’s to prevent him from coming after us again? We could go on and on in a cycle of violence and pain.”

“What’s to prevent him from doing that now if we drop the charges?” Harm shot back.

“Just let me talk to him. I’ll be able to tell when I see his eyes. Please Harm, trust me on this.” She looked at him pleadingly.

“I’m not going to let you see him alone. There is NO WAY I will agree to that.”

Mac looked at the Admiral. “What’s your opinion Sir?” Harm looked at him too, still stubborn.

The Admiral paused and considered everything.

“I think she has a point Harm.”

Harm gave an exasperated sigh.

“But Harm has a point too Mac. The man attacked you. It would be very unwise to see him alone. At the very least your attorneys need to be present to witness any agreement.”

“Sir, Singer cannot stop him from anything. And I trust Bud completely, but Mic is tough. If he really wanted to hurt Mac I’m not sure Bud could stop him. I need to be there.”

Mac rolled her eyes at this. “Harm, you can’t be there. That is just adding gasoline to the fire. It’s guaranteed to make Mic angry and stubborn. And you know you will just get in another fight with him.”

The Admiral interceded before the argument began again. “I think I should be there.”

Surprised, they both gazed at him, then at each other.

“Would you go for that Harm?” Her eyes implored him to say yes.

He gave a heavy sigh and ran his hand through his hair. “All right. I don’t like it, not at all. But at least if the Admiral is there I’ll know you’re protected. And I am going to be very close by, out of sight.”

She reached over and took his hand. “Thank you Harm.”

He raised her hand to his lips, forgetting the Admiral was present. “I love you Mac. Please be careful. I’m worried about you and the baby and this whole damn situation.”

The Admiral cleared his throat, reminding them of his presence.

“It’s settled then. I’ll call Lieutenant Singer and set up a meeting this evening here at JAG. Commander, if you want to be in the building it’s fine. But you WILL stay out of sight of Mr. Brumby. Mac’s right, it will only provoke him if he sees you.”

Harm nodded.

“I’ll let you know when I have the details worked out. Dismissed.”

They both turned and left.

JAG Headquarters
Harm’s Office
Thursday 1646 Local

Harm sat at his desk, a nervous wreck. The Admiral had just informed them that Brumby had agreed to meet Mac, along with the Admiral, Lt. Singer, and Bud at 1800 tonight. They had discussed the meeting in general, but Mac had not said much as to her plans. She wanted to play it by ear.

Mac was sitting across from his desk, calmly waiting for him to explode again. But he wouldn’t. He had agreed to this meeting, under duress it’s true, but he had agreed. He didn’t like it, in fact he hated the very idea of it, but he had agreed.

He drummed his fingers on his desk, not meeting Mac’s eyes.

“Harm, please say something – anything.”

“What do you want me to say Mac? I don’t like this at all. Maybe if I were going to be there it would be easier. But to let you face that son of a bitch alone” –

“I won’t be alone Harm, remember? Lauren, Bud, and the Admiral will all be there. Nothing will happen to me, they wouldn’t allow it.”

“I know, I know. But somehow I think it would be better if I were there.”

She reached over the desk and laid her hand on his nervously drumming fingers. “I understand Harm, believe me. It’s not that I don’t want you there, it’s just I know Mic will just stay angry if you’re there. And you’ll be angry too. It’s just asking for trouble.”

He took her hand in his. “Mac, if I ask you something, will you promise not to get mad?”

She smiled at him. “Like you didn’t go ballistic?”

He gave an embarrassed laugh. “Sorry about that.”

He released her hand, allowing her to straighten in her chair. “I love you Mac. And I trust you implicitly, no reservations. But I have to ask this, and please be honest with me. Do you still have feelings for him? Is that why you are doing this?”

He had a difficult time meeting her steady gaze as he asked this, but he forced himself to. He had to know.

Her gaze never wavered from his, but her face took on a pained expression.

“Harm, you should know by now that I love you, and have for a very long time. I’m with you now, and that is NOT going to change, not by my choice anyway.” She knew he had some insecurities of his own about Mic. She couldn’t blame him.

“There was a time when I DID love Mic. It wasn’t the right kind of love for marriage, but I did love him.”

She got up and paced in the small office, not sure how to express how she felt.

“I don’t love him now, but I don’t wish him ill either. He gave up a lot for me, and showed me he loved me in many different ways.”

He started to interrupt, but she held up a finger to silence him.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I would rather remember the sweet nice man whom I almost married rather than that angry violent stranger who attacked me the other day. I’m trying very hard not to feel responsible, but in a way I am responsible. Not for his actions – his actions are his to live with. But I did have something to do with it. I can’t deny that either. I hurt him, and I hurt him badly. I don’t want to spend my life regretting it. If I can forgive him, and let him live his life with a chance of happiness with someone else, it’s better for me.”

She smiled sadly at him.

“I don’t want our love, our life together, and our child to be at the cost of his freedom or happiness. If it has to be so, I’ll live with it. But I have to make every effort to make sure that’s the only course of action open to us.”

She smiled at him again, the tears welling up.

“I never believed I was capable of loving someone as much as I love you Harm. Without you, I don’t know how I’d survive. Know it Harm. Feel it. Because it’s the God’s honest truth. The reason I’m doing this is to have as clear a conscience as possible. The only reason.”

Mindful of the Admiral’s admonition about keeping his hands to himself, Harm went and stood by her. “If we weren’t in the office right now, I’d have you in my arms kissing you with everything I have. God I love you Mac.”

He reached up and touched her cheek, wiping a tear away. She leaned into his hand, closing her eyes.

A knock at the door interrupted them. As usual.

“Enter.” Harm withdrew his hand from her face.

Bud came in and stood in the doorway.

“Excuse me Sir, Ma’am, but Mr. Brumby is waiting for us in the conference room with Lt. Singer and the Admiral.

Harm met Mac’s eyes. “She’ll be right with you Bud. And don’t worry, Mac can handle it.”

The look of gratitude in her eyes was a gift he cherished. “I’ll be waiting right here for you Sarah. For as long as it takes.”

With one last longing look into his eyes, she turned and followed Bud.

The Conference Room

The Admiral was seated at the head of the table, Mic and Lauren on one side of him. They all stood up as Bud and Mac entered.

There was a moment of awkward silence while they all seated themselves.

Finally Mac spoke. “I guess by now you know why I wanted to see you Mic.” She tried to get him to meet her eyes, but he avoided her gaze.

He didn’t say anything. Lt. Singer spoke up. “I informed my client of your wish to meet Colonel. I discussed your proposal with him, and he is amenable to it.”

Mic was staring out across the table at a point beyond her, still refusing to look at her.

“Is this true Mr. Brumby?” Bud asked. He could hardly believe it would all be this easy.

Mic nodded.

“Just one more thing Mr. Brumby”, the Admiral began. “I want your word as a gentleman and an officer that nothing like this will happen again.” He gave Mic his best intimidating stare.

“You have it Sir.” Mic was still staring at nothing.

“Then all charges against both parties will be dropped. Lieutenant Singer, you and Lieutenant Roberts will see to that please. Mr. Brumby we will need your signature on the official documents. Will you be in town for a while?”

“Actually Sir, I took the liberty of drawing up these documents.” Bud passed a copy to Mic and to Lt. Singer. They basically say that all charges are dropped and neither party will seek any legal recourse against the other.” He gave a copy to the Admiral.

As they looked them over, Mic finally risked a glance at Mac. He took in her bruised eye, flinched, and looked away. She saw him.

“Bud, please take a copy to Harm for him to approve and sign. You’ll have to have his signature on these as well.” Bud rose and left to do as she suggested.

She took the bull by the horns.

“Mic, we shouldn’t have to deal through lawyers. We’ve known each other too long for that”

He looked down at the table, still unable to answer. The Admiral gestured to Lt. Singer and they withdrew to the other end of the table.

“Mic, please. I don’t want the last thing between us to be hate.”

He looked up at that and finally met her eyes squarely. “I don’t hate you Sarah. I never could. But I can’t talk to you, knowing what I did. I am too ashamed.”

“I know you are Mic. Believe me, I understand that feeling. I have felt shame in my life many times. But just because the last meeting we had was bad doesn’t mean that everything was. We had good times Mic. I’d so much rather remember those. Wouldn’t you?”

“Sarah.” His voice cracked with emotion. “Please stop. I don’t want to be like your Father and cry.”

She was quiet for a minute, just watching him. Then she walked around the table and stood next to him. Putting her hand on his shoulder she tried to comfort him. “Mic, you’re not like my Father. Yes, you did something wrong. Don’t let one bad thing define you and ruin your life.”

She sat in the chair next to him.

“Let it go Mic. Go back to Australia and build a life. Find a woman who loves you and make yourself happy. Believe me, that’s all I want for you. I don’t hate you, I just want you to be happy.”

He looked at her again and managed a weak smile. “Yeah, well I think that will take a while.”

“Get started on it Mic. I am happy. I want you to be happy.”

Bud came back in with the papers signed by Harm and handed them to Lauren. She looked them over.

“This looks in order Mr. Brumby. Any questions?” He shook his head.

Mac stood and took his hand. “I guess this is good bye then Mic. Godspeed. I wish you luck and happiness.”

He stood also, and leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I wish you the same Sarah.”

He walked towards the door and stopped. Turning, he took one last look at her. “Good bye Beautiful.”

He left, followed by Lieutenant Singer and Bud.

Mac stayed where she was, trying to hold back the tears. The Admiral came over to her.

“I’m proud of you Mac. You did a good thing.”

She started crying in earnest then. Awkwardly he put his arms around her, trying to comfort her.

Harm walked in. “Mac?” He saw her crying and met the Admiral’s panicked gaze. Answering his unspoken cry for help he walked over and took her from the Admiral, who made his escape.

“Mac?” He asked again softly. “Are you all right?”

She nodded against his chest.

“I am now.”

2 weeks later
JAG Headquarters
1500 Local

Harm was in his office staring pensively at his computer screen. He was supposed to be typing up a brief, but was totally distracted. His thoughts dwelt on Mac.

The last two weeks had been wonderful in a lot of ways. They spent every night together except when he had been called away on a case for two nights. The reunion had almost made the separation worth it. The days had been full of laughter and love. And the nights! The nights had been fantastic.

The only fly in the ointment was her inability to set a wedding date. She kept putting him off, saying they had plenty of time to decide. Didn’t she want to get married? She certainly had given him every indication of willingness until now.

He sighed, turned his chair, and looked out the window as he pondered this.

Maybe she was having second thoughts. Maybe the thought of true commitment scared her. Maybe her experience with Brumby had frightened her enough that she didn’t want to get married. Maybe she didn’t really love him.

He laughed at himself for the last thought. Mac had shown him in a thousand different ways that she loved him. Even he, at his most insecure, couldn’t doubt that. But why this hesitancy?

He decided to find out. Tonight. He was sick and tired of wondering. If she didn’t want to get married he needed to know why.

“Hey Sailor, the Navy doesn’t pay you the big bucks just to stare out the window.” Mac’s teasing voice interrupted his reverie.

Harm turned from the window to look at her. Deliberately and lingeringly he looked her over from head to toe, then smiled at her, allowing the desire he always felt for her to show in his eyes. He didn’t say anything, just smiled, knowing his thoughts showed plainly on his face.

A slow flush crept over her face. “Harm, you can’t look at me that way here.”

“Why not? I’m just looking, not touching.”

“Because.” She found it difficult to think when he looked at her that way.

“Because? Not a very good reason Colonel.”

Deciding to play the game with him, she walked around his desk and leaned against it, her leg pressing against his. As sexily as she knew how, she looked into his eyes and practically purred, “Because it gives me all kinds of ideas.”

Harm knew he was in trouble. Usually she scolded him about ‘professional behavior at the office’ and backed off. That look in her eyes and low sexy voice sent all the blood rushing to his groin area.

He reached over and put a hand on her nylon-clad leg, slowly and sensually massaging it. Her breath caught in her chest at his arousing touch.

“Really? What kind of ideas?” He was sure he was going to regret this, but he couldn’t stop himself.

She leaned over close to his ear and whispered “you and me naked kind of ideas. The kind of ideas that involve a lot of touching and kissing. The kind with you deep inside me.” Her mouth was almost touching his ear, her breath sending small shivers of delight over him. Just before she straightened up, her tongue flicked the inside of his ear lightly.

“Oh God Mac. That really wasn’t fair!” His hand tightened on her leg, then he started a slow tantalizing slide up underneath her skirt, his fingers just reaching bare thigh above her hose.

There was a knock at the door. “Sir? Our 3:30 client meeting is here. He’s in the conference room.”

Bud took in the scene in front of him. Harm had whisked his hand away from Mac, but his face was flushed, his breathing a little heavy. Bud’s face revealed nothing, but his eyes took on an amused look.

“Uh OK Bud. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” Harm was trying to get back into a professional façade.

“Aye Sir.” Bud withdrew from the office, smiling to himself.

Mac suppressed a giggle. “Got a problem Sailor?” She looked down at his lap, smiling at the obvious results of their ‘conversation.’

“Oh no, not at all. I should have jumped up and let Bud see the evidence of our conversation. Get out of here Marine, before I disgrace myself completely and take you right here in the office in front of everyone.”

“I’ll see you at home Sailor. I’ll be waiting for you.” Her eyes still held that sultry look, making it very difficult for him to focus on legal matters.

“Go Mac, please.” His voice took on a pleading tone.

She got up from the desk and walked to the door, swaying her hips sexily. Turning at the door, she smiled, blew him a kiss, and left.

He let his head fall onto the desk with a thump. It was going to be a long afternoon.

Harm’s Apartment
North of Union Station
17:30 Local

Harm hurried down the hallway to his door, his keys already out to unlock the door. His client meeting had run over, and Mac had left before he got out. Bud had been openly laughing at him at his hurry to get home.

“I’ve never seen you in such a hurry to leave Sir. Got plans for the evening?” Bud’s amused look embarrassed him. Then he thought ‘what the hell?’

“Yes I do, Bud. Very important plans.” He grinned.

“Have a nice evening Sir.” Bud didn’t want to push his luck with being too forward with a superior officer, even Harm.

“I will Bud. Good Night!”

He finally got the door unlocked and open. Striding in, he stopped short at the sight of Mac in the living room.

She was dressed in shorts and a tight fitting low cut tank top and barefoot. It was apparent that she was not wearing a bra, her nipples showing tantalizingly.

“Hi there Sailor. Miss me?”

He dropped his briefcase and keys on the floor and shed his coat in one quick move as he hurried over to her. Without saying a word he grabbed her and pulled her into a passionate kiss, his mouth plundering hers.

His hand slipped under the shorts, fondling her smooth cheeks. God, she wasn’t wearing panties. He felt his control slip another notch.

She pushed her hips against him, rubbing against his already erect penis.

She pulled her mouth away long enough to say, “I guess you did!” and then resumed kissing him, their tongues playing together.

That was the final straw. He had to have her. Now.

He wrapped both arms around her and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to the bedroom.

Setting her down on the edge of the bed, he growled “Don’t move from that spot!” and began to hurriedly undress.

As he undressed he stared at her with a feral look in his eyes. She moved back to the center of the bed to make room for him.

“I told you not to move from that spot!” He reached out and caught her foot and pulled her back to the edge of the bed. Then he peeled off her shorts. Kneeling between her legs, he slipped a finger into her already wet vagina and began an oral assault on her clit, teasing it with his tongue and sucking it gently between his lips.

Moaning, she sank back on the bed.

He could feel the tightening of her muscles inside as orgasm hovered. He slipped another finger inside and began drawing them in and out; simulating the act he knew would follow. His tongue never ceased its relentless tantalizing of her clitoris.

The waves of release washed over, bringing forth loud moans. As she came back down to earth he withdrew his hand from her, licking his fingers. She tasted so good.

She continued to lay there, her legs dangling over the side of the bed. Still on his knees he bent over her, pushing up the tank top she still wore. He gently took a now relaxed nipple in his mouth, working it oh so gently, swirling his tongue around it with light touches. As it began to harden, he turned his attention to the other breast, giving it the same treatment.

As he felt her desire heat up again, he slipped his own throbbing shaft into her wet center, sheathing himself in her. She wrapped her legs around him, drawing him in even closer.

Levering herself up, she grabbed his shoulders and pulled herself into him. She put her arms around his neck and began kissing him, her tongue deep in his mouth. She began moving against him, moving her hips in and out as best she could in this position.

Using all his strength, he got to his feet and let them both fall to the bed with him still deep inside her. Rolling her over until he was on top he began thrusting in earnest, unable to slow down. He felt her inside muscles throb again, the wonderful feeling pushing him over the edge with her.

Afterwards, they lay together on the bed, enjoying the closeness.



“Can I ask you something?”

Sensing something serious was coming, she pulled herself to full wakefulness.

“Of course Harm. What is it?”

“Why don’t you want to get married?”

Startled she sat up and looked at him. “Why on earth would you think I don’t want to get married?”

Not trying to hide his misgivings, he met her gaze squarely. “Because you won’t set a date.”

She sighed and looked away for a minute. His heart gave a small flutter of fear.

His fear must have shown in his face, because when she looked at him again she smiled reassuringly and put a hand to his cheek.

“It’s not that I don’t want to marry you Harm. I do, very much.” He felt relief surge over him.

His gaze drifted downwards to her breasts, the tank top still pushed up over them.

Laughing, she pulled the top down and twisted around to sit “Indian style” next to him, the sheet covering her lap. He propped himself up on pillows, ready to listen to her.

She took his hand in both of hers, playing with his fingers. “It’s just – well – I had to plan this big wedding for Mic. I didn’t really want it. Now I have to plan another one, and given that I just canceled one, it’s kind of embarrassing. And you have no idea what a hassle it is.”

“Why do you have to plan a big wedding?”

She looked surprised. “I just thought you would want one. I mean, with all your Academy buddies, and family, and everything.”

“Sarah, the only thing I want is for you to be legally bound to me in every way that is possible. I don’t need a big ceremony for that.”

“But I thought” –

“I just want us to be married. I don’t care about any of the trappings. It’s fine if that’s what you want, but don’t do it for me. I really just want you for the rest of my life.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “Oh Harm, you are getting so good at saying the sweetest things to me.”

Pulling her down into his arms he kissed her gently. “Why don’t we just run off and get married? We could do it this weekend.”

“Are you serious?” Surprise caused her to stop crying for a minute.

“Yeah, I am. We’ll get the Admiral and Bud and Harriet to go and witness everything. And later on we’ll throw a big informal party to celebrate. What do you think?”

“What about your Mom and Frank? And your Grandmother?”

“Mom and Frank are in Europe for a couple of weeks. I haven’t even told them about the pregnancy yet. Gram would have a hard time making the trip with her arthritis. We’ll just go up afterwards and surprise her.”

“Won’t they be mad?”

“My Mom will be thrilled, as will Frank. They’re both crazy about you. Mom will be put out about not having a Wedding until we tell her about the baby. Then she’ll forgive us. Gram is crazy about you too and will just be thrilled for us about getting married and the baby.”

Her tears turned to laughter. “I guess we’re getting married this weekend then. Think the Admiral will give us a few days off for a honeymoon?”

“It can’t hurt to ask.”

He flashed his beautiful smile at her. He finally was getting everything he had ever wanted.

Navy Chaplain’s Home
Baltimore, MD
1900 Local

Mac was wearing a simple white silk sheath dress. Harm had deferred to her wishes and was wearing his dress whites, as were the Admiral and Bud. Harriet was dressed in pink.

Harm met Mac’s eyes as they waited in the Foyer and smiled. The day was finally here. Mac was really going to be his wife. The joy running through him was almost paralyzing. He didn’t know he was capable of being this happy.

Mac smiled in return, her own thoughts mirroring his. It had taken so many years to get to this point. There had been so many times she had thought this would never happen. Happiness seemed to radiate from her.

Harm reached over, took her hand in his. Raising it to his lips he kissed it softly. “Happy, Marine? You’re awfully quiet.”

She withdrew her hand from his and placed it on his cheek. “I never knew what happiness was until now Harm.”

Bud, Harriet, and the Admiral watched indulgently as he drew her into his arms and held her tightly. Mac, of course, could not stop her tears, but they were tears of joy.

As Harm shifted the hug into a kiss, the Admiral cleared his throat. “OK, OK. Save it for after the honeymoon you two.” His voice was gruff to cover his own emotional reaction to the day.

They turned with a smile to their friends, surprised to find all three of them teary-eyed as well.

“We’ve all been waiting for this day a long time,” Harriet explained. “We were really afraid you wouldn’t see what was obvious to all of us. We are all just so happy for you both.”

“Yeah, it’s about damn time,” Bud broke in with a grin. They all laughed together.

“We’re ready for you now.” The Minister’s wife interrupted them. “Please follow me.”

Harm took Mac’s hand in his again. “Ready Sarah?”

“More than ready Sailor. I love you.”

The group followed the Minister’s wife into a lovely room, apparently the library. One side of the room was floor to ceiling bookshelves. There was a large fireplace and a beautiful Oriental rug. A comfortable sofa and chairs formed a seating group around the fire, and one wall had a large desk pushed up against it. All in all it was a comfortable “cozy” room.

The Minister was standing by the fire, dressed in a black robe. He was a tall man with graying hair.

“Take your places please.”

Bud and Harriet, as best man and maid of honor, took their places on either side of Mac and Harm. The Admiral was between Mac and Harm, Mac’s hand resting on his arm. He was giving Mac away.

The Minister began.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered together her in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church: which holy estate Christ adorned and beautified with his presence and the first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galilee, and is commended of Saint Paul to be honourable among all men: and therefore is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or hereafter forever hold his peace.”

The Minister paused here and looked at the joyful faces of the people in front of him. Smiling, he continued.

“I require and charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed, that if either of you know any impediment, why ye may not be lawfully joined together in Matrimony, ye do now confess it. For be ye well assured, that if any persons are joined together otherwise than as God’s Word doth allow, their marriage is not lawful.”

Looking at Harm, the Minister asked him “Harmon, Wilt thou have this Woman to thy wedded wife, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, as long as ye both shall live?

Looking into Mac’s eyes, Harm replied “I will.”

Addressing Mac, the Minister asked her “Sarah, Wilt thou have this Man to thy wedded husband, to live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?”

Returning Harm’s steady gaze, Mac answered “I will.”

“Who giveth this Woman to be married to this Man?”

“I do.” The Admiral took Mac’s hand and gave it to Harm; his eyes shiny with unshed tears. “You better take care of her Son.” Harm nodded in answer, a little too choked up to trust his own voice.

The Minister went on.

“Repeat after me Harmon.”

Harm repeated the vow after the Minister.

“I, Harmon, take thee Sarah, to my wedded Wife, to hand and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.”

Harm’s voice was choked with emotion as he repeated this vow to Mac.

“Sarah, repeat after me.”

“I, Sarah, take thee Harmon, to my wedded Husband, to hand and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth.”

Bud handed Harm the ring.

“With this Ring I thee wed; In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

His voice was choked with emotion. He slipped the ring onto Mac’s finger, his eyes filled with tears.

Harriet handed Mac the ring.

“With this Ring I thee wed; In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

She slid the ring onto his finger; her voice clear and her hands steady, although tears threatened to fall from her eyes too.

The Minister continued with the ceremony, reciting prayers for the success of their marriage.

Harm and Mac continued to gaze into each other’s eyes.

“Forasmuch as Harmon and Sarah have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving a Ring, and by joining hands; I pronounce that they are Man and Wife. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

“You may kiss the Bride.”

Their lips met in a gentle kiss as their arms went around each other. After the kiss, Harm rested his forehead on Mac’s, whispering “I love you Sarah.”

“And I love you Harm.”

They broke apart as their friends descended on them, hugs, tears, and laughter exchanged all around.

Later that night

They had chosen a B & B on the Maryland coast for their honeymoon. The Admiral had given them a few days leave; they had to be back at JAG on Thursday.

They walked along the beach hand in hand. The spring night was cool, but they had been unable to resist the beauty of the full moon shining on the ocean. They had changed into jeans and sweatshirts for the stroll.

They didn’t say much as they walked, just exchanged smiles often. There was a comfortable ease in their quiet. The waves broke on the beach, rolling up to their feet before falling back. The rhythmic sounds soothing.

Harm stopped and pulled on Mac’s hand, tugging her into his embrace. She went willingly into his arms. The sweetness of the kiss didn’t surprise him. His lips lingered over hers, softly nibbling and teasing. “Mac,” he whispered. “Yes?” came her soft response as she responded to his kiss.

He didn’t really know what to say to her. He just wanted to say her name. “I love you.” He continued to softly kiss her.

Her answer startled him. “AAAHHHH!” She jumped and laughed.

Then he felt the shock of the cold water as the wave crested over his shoes, causing him to jump and laugh as well. Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her out of the wet sand to the safety of the dunes, both of them still giggling like children.

“You know, I love it when you do that.” Her eyes were sultry as he set her down, still keeping her in his arms.

“Do what?” He was pretty sure he knew what she meant.

“Carry me like that- the hero to the rescue. It’s just so romantic.” She looked a little embarrassed as she confessed that to him.

“I like that thought- being the hero to you- the fair damsel in distress.” He grinned at her.

She rolled her eyes. “I knew I shouldn’t have told you.”

She shivered slightly. “Cold?”

“Yeah, a little. Mostly from my wet feet.”

“Never fear fair damsel! I will rescue you!” She rolled her eyes again.

He whipped off his jacket and put it on the sand. Picking her up again he set her gently down on the jacket. He removed her sneakers and began rubbing her feet, trying to warm them up.

Laughing, she tried to pull her foot away. “Harm, let go. It tickles.”

“Oh? How about this?” He grasped her foot firmly with one hand and began tickling it unmercifully.

Squirming and laughing, she tried to get away from him. He hung onto the foot and continued tickling.

Deciding a different tactic was called for, she stopped trying to get away. Instead she twisted around until she could grab his hands. When she couldn’t pry his hands from her foot she started tickling his ribs, causing him to squirm and laugh this time. Dropping her foot he reached for hands, only to find himself prone on the sand with Mac sitting on top of him, her hands holding his above his head.

“Ready to give up Flyboy?” She teased.

Rather enjoying this turn of events, he pretended to think it over. “Hmmm, I don’t know.” He waggled his hips under her suggestively.

In the bright moonlight, her eyes looked almost black.

She let go of his hands and ran her hands up under his sweatshirt. Leaning over, she kissed him softly, sliding her tongue into his mouth while her hands slowly caressed his torso.

He felt himself get hard immediately. He reached up to cup her face gently as they kissed, moaning softly as she continued her tantalizing exploration and pressed herself into his groin.

He needed to touch her more. Gently he rolled over, pinning her beneath him. As their tongues and lips met and dueled, his hands began their own exploration under her sweatshirt. She wore no bra. Soft gentle touches to her abdomen and breasts caused her breathing to become hurried. His fingers grazed her nipples, making her catch her breath and match his moans.

He raised his head for a quick scan of the area. There were no visible lights, and they were sheltered from the wind and prying eyes by the dunes.

Slowly his hand crept down as he returned to kissing her. He unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped them. His hand slid under her panties, feeling her curls under his palm, his fingers gently circling her clit, then sliding lower to tease her folds and feel her inside.

“Oh God Harm” she managed to choke out. “We can’t do this here.” It took a superhuman effort to say that, because more than anything she didn’t want to stop.

He didn’t answer her, just feathered kisses down her neck as he continued to caress her moist center, making her writhe and moan beneath his touches.

Leaning up for a moment, he used his other hand to pull her sweatshirt up, baring her breasts. Never stopping his stroking of sexual core, he leaned back down and sucked a nipple into his mouth, bringing forth more groans from her.

“Harm, please” She managed to gasp out. She wasn’t sure what she was asking for at this point. She still felt they shouldn’t do this here, but the waves of pleasure he was causing made her unable to protest further.

He continued his sensual assault until her world began to spin. All she could feel was his hot mouth as he sucked and licked her nipple, occasionally journeying up to her neck to her mouth, and his hand, which never ceased it’s wonderful caressing. He circled her clit, rubbing it gently, sometimes stopping to put a finger inside her, sliding it in and out of her, feeling her heat and slippery dampness.

“Oh God Harm. Oh God, Oh God.” She couldn’t stop herself. She was calling loudly now. “Harm, please, Harm!” With one last long call of his name, she thrust against his hand uncontrollably as she came.

Unwilling to remove his hand from her, he continued to gently stroke her, nuzzling her neck as she recovered.

Reaching up to cup his face, she met his gaze squarely. The raging desire in his eyes was evident, as was his elevated breathing. Smiling at him, she reached down and pushed her jeans and panties off all the way. Sitting up, she pulled off her sweatshirt. She looked magnificent in the moonlight.

Turning back to him, she unbuttoned his jeans and helped him push them off along with his boxers and shoes. He lifted his own sweatshirt off.

She felt the sand shifting underneath her as she kneeled beside him. She took him in her mouth and sucked strongly, only breaking off to run her tongue up and down the shaft and circle the head before engulfing him again. His own gasps and moans were loud as hips thrust against her, moving at a counterpoint to her.

He was just at the point of coming when she stopped. Carefully straddling him, she lowered herself onto him, sheathing him in one long slow slide. “Mac, you feel so good! Oh God, don’t stop Mac, please!”

She continued the torturously slow movement, not allowing him to rush.

At the end of each slide up, she would pause, almost tormenting him, making him beg for her to continue, only to nearly explode as she slowly impaled herself on his shaft.

Finally he could not stand it any longer. Without breaking away from her, he rolled them over and took control of the pace. He couldn’t stop himself any longer, and began lunging into her at a frenzied pace, only to go up in flames in just a moment.

As he came back down to earth, he could hear the gentle crash of the ocean. He could feel the cool ocean breeze on his naked skin. And he could feel sand in every nook and cranny of his body.

He had to laugh, and felt her answering giggle beneath him. “Hey Sailor, wanna go shower and see if we can get some of this sand off of us?”

“Sounds like a plan Marine.”

They got up, brushing sand off as much as possible. They shook out their damp clothes before putting them back on.

Before they started back, he pulled her to him again. “I love you Mac.”

She kissed him lightly and lingeringly. “I love you Harm.”

Leaving their wet shoes off, they held hands as they headed back to the B&B, knowing the future was theirs.

The End

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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