Harm’s apartment

“Would you consider staying with me to help with David?” Harm watched her swallow her mouthful, hard.

“Where?” She reached for some water, even though the lump in her throat was more than the pasta.

“Wherever.” He was still gently rubbing her back.

“You really think you’ll need me.” She set the dish and the glass of water on the coffee table.

“I could probably do it alone. Lots of single parents now a days, but I’d rather not have to.” Harm’s gaze had been steady and sure. Mac didn’t know what to make of it.

“You’re going to do this house thing anyway aren’t you. I mean even though it looks like Catherine may recover and knowing David isn’t yours.” She shifted slightly to better see his face but stayed close enough so he wouldn’t stop touching her.

“I don’t love Mattie any less because she’s not my biological child.” His gaze looked steady, but his stomach was doing 9 G’s.

“True.” She took a cleansing breath. “I suppose there’s plenty of room for me at the house.” She tilted her head pensively.

“You could have the master bedroom, and I’ll even install a whirlpool tub for you.” One eyebrow inched up slowly.

She wasn’t so sure a whirlpool tub was a suitable substitute for sharing his bed, but maybe it could be a start. Maybe this wasn’t such a crazy idea.

“I could build that sandbox you suggested for David too. ” The corners of his mouth twitched nervously in an effort to smile.

“Could we get a pool table for the second floor landing? Bud and Sturgis would love that.” A trace of a smile was slowly appearing on Mac’s face.

“Yeah, there’s probably hardwood under that carpet, I could pull it up and refinish the floors.” His stomach was settling down, but his mouth wouldn’t stop. “If I re-seed, the yard will be great for barbecues.”

“You’ll have to redo the kitchen first if you’re planning on barbecues.” Mac shifted again leaning her back further into Harm’s touch. Maybe this could work.

“Okay, tub, kitchen, floors and sandbox. Anything else?” Harm raised his other hand to her back and began rubbing her shoulders in earnest.

“That will do. For Starts.” Now she was grinning.

Eyes closed, her mind envisioned the entire scene:

*A warm summer day, not too hot, not too cold. She could see Harm through the kitchen window flipping burgers and chatting with Sturgis.*

“Mac, ….MAC…. MAACC!

“Oh, sorry. Guess I was lost in thought.” Mac didn’t really want to come back from the dream.

“So you’ll help me?” Harm inquired timidly.

“I’d like to, but..”

“But, what?” Harm’s stomach was back to doing summersaults again.

“There’s a lot to consider here. You’re not just talking about hanging out for a little while to help you out, you’re talking about me moving into a house with you indefinitely, lock stock and barrel. This changes things.” Mac really wanted to do this but the implications this could have, not only in their lives but their careers, were starting to hit her.

Harm wasn’t sure what to say. What would convince her? He didn’t want to say too much too soon, but saying too little has never helped either. God he didn’t want to blow it.

“We could make it work.” He opted for the slow but sure approach. Some habits don’t change easily.

Mac had to take a deep breath. She needed to decide what did she want, the chance at the dream with Harm or her damn safety net, and she needed to decide fast.

“Look Mac, I’ve bought the big house. Well, at least I will have when we close in 27 days. You said yourself it’s bigger than I need, even with Mattie and David. I promise you can have all the space and privacy you need.” Harm was still gently massaging her shoulders, waiting for some reaction.

“Look at it this way, all the free back rubs you want.” Even though Mac couldn’t see it, Harm was smiling for all he was worth.

“You really wouldn’t mind me having the master bedroom?” He was only offering her friendship, but she had never been happier than the last few days she’d spent with Harm, despite some of the more trying moments.

“No, you can even have another bedroom for an office if you’d like.” Harm would give her the moon if she’d just say yes.

“Whirlpool tub does sound nice.” Mac was trying not to let her mind wander off into the future again.

“What happens when Catherine gets better and takes David back?” Mac’s shoulders tensed slightly.

Harm couldn’t help letting out a small sigh.

“It will be a long time before Catherine will be in any shape to take care of a baby. It’ll probably be months before she’s even out of the hospital system.”

Mac didn’t say anything, he hadn’t really answered her question, and Harm pretty much knew it.

“Even when David is gone, I’ll still have a teenage girl to deal with, and no matter how hard I try, you fit the description of mother better than I do.” Taking on a baby was one thing, now he’s clearly asking her to take on a teenager as well. Harm wondered if Mac realized he wanted it all with her. David, Mattie, and he hadn’t forgotten their deal.

“What if you sublet your apartment. Then if Catherine recovers more quickly than we expect, and being room mates isn’t working, you’d still have your old apartment.”

Fighting the butterflies doing a ballet in her stomach, “that could work.” Mac really did want this to work. “How would we explain this to the admiral?”

“Last time I looked, two officers being roommates didn’t break any rules. Besides, he seems to have a soft spot for David. I’m willing to bet he’ll cut us some slack.” Harm smiled at the memory of the admiral playing on the floor of his office with the baby.

A low whimper could be heard coming from Harm’s room. Within moments, the sound had swollen to a loud wail.

“David.” The two voices echoed in unison.

“I’ll get him.” Mac stood up and was practically at the bedroom steps before Harm had time to react.

Having changed, rocked, and fed the baby, Mac strolled back into the living room with David cradled in her shoulder.

“He doesn’t seem to want to go back to sleep.” Mac stood closer to Harm as she began swaying with the baby.

Standing up and putting one arm around Mac’s lower back and the other hand softly patting the baby’s back, “So what do you say? Up to the challenge marine?” Harm’s confident flyboy grin was visibly spread across his face. If he couldn’t convince her, he knew she couldn’t say no to David.

Taking a deep breath, “yeah, let’s at least try.”

The two friends stood side by side frozen in the moment, dreams of their futures filling their minds.


Harm’s apartment
Next morning

Harm and Mac were moving about the apartment in their now usual morning routine when Mattie came through the front door.

“Morning guys.” She immediately went over to the carrier to googol and gah at David.

“He really is such a cute baby. You sure he’s not yours?” She raised one eyebrow at Harm.

“Believe it or not Mattie, there are cute babies in this world that I have not fathered.” Harm rolled his eyes before returning his attention to the eggs he was scrambling.

“You’re running on-time this morning. Any reason in particular?” Even though this was only Mac’s third school morning ritual, she was well aware of the fact that punctuality was not one of Mattie’s long suits, much to Harm’s chagrin.

“Go figure, everything just worked,” she shrugged, taking a seat at the table and reaching for some toast.

“It’s probably a good thing, because we need to discuss a few things,” Harm said, carrying the frying pan over to the table. Scooping some eggs onto everyone’s plates, he looked towards Mac for a little encouragement. Reassured by her soft smile, he continued.

“On Saturday, Mac and I took a look through a house for sale next door to David’s new babysitter. It’s really much bigger than what you and I would need. But…” he said proudly, “it’s in need of some minor repairs and major updating, so it’s a great bargain.”

He looked at Mattie chomping away happily at her eggs and toast, wondering if it was a good or bad thing that she didn’t seem very interested.

“Even though it looks more hopeful for David’s mother to recover…”

“Cool. But I’m gonna miss him,” Mattie said, scowling between mouthfuls.

Well, at least now Harm knew her lack of reaction was directly related to her need for fuel and not her indifference to the situation.

“That’s what I was getting to. Even though his mom will probably recover, her injuries are so severe that it will be a long while before she’ll be able to care for him herself.”

“Not that I’m glad she’s going to be sick so long – but it’s been neat having a baby brother around.” Mattie smiled and reached for her juice.

Mac held back a small smile, encouraging Harm to continue with a nod of her head.

“Well, that baby ‘brother’ requires a lot of care, and without Mac I don’t think I could have pulled this off.” He glanced over at Mac, who had finished her breakfast and was now slowly sipping her coffee.

“Okay, so what’s the point?” Exasperated, Mattie looked at Harm.

Harm’s eyes flew wide in astonishment. Teenagers! If she’d stop interrupting he’d have been finished already.

“The point is, if Mac is going to keep helping me with David, we can’t keep sharing a one bedroom apartment. She needs her own room. I put an offer in on the house and it was accepted. We’ll all be moving in about 30 days.”

“COOL!” Looking from Mac then to Harm. “So you guys are finally going to get together!” She jumped up and hugged Mac, whose eyes were as wide as saucers. Then turned to hug Harm.

Accepting the heartfelt embrace, Harm answered in her ear. “Not the way you mean, no. Mac’s coming to help us, all of us. She’ll have her own room.”

“Oh. That bites.” Mattie pulled away, frowning.

“Mattie! Your language.”

Mac’s initial shock at Mattie’s declaration had quickly changed to sheer amusement at watching Harm in father mode.

“Well, I mean, you guys have been sleeping together for days. Don’t stop on my account.”

Mac spit her coffee out. Harm’s jaw dropped to the floor.

“What? You didn’t think I could tell no one’s been sleeping on the couch? Come on Harm, I may be young but I’m not stupid. Any idiot can see you two have the hots for each other. Besides, you’ve been getting along REALLY well since Mac moved in here.”

Looking over at Mac and then down at his watch, Harm finally found his voice. “You don’t want to be late. Gather your things up and we’ll discuss this in the car on the way to school.”

Mac nodded her head. “As soon as I drop David off at the sitter’s, I have to meet with the technician at the lab over the Mensen case. What if we meet later for lunch?”

“See you then.” Harm nodded following Mattie out the door.

Harm’s Lexus
On the Road

“Okay young lady, the first thing we need to get straight is that Mac is not moving in with us to be with me.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Mattie was staring intently at Harm. “Mac doesn’t strike me as the kind of woman who would sleep with just anyone.”

“That’s another thing – she’s not sleeping with me. We’re sharing a bed. I mean, we do sleep in the same bed, but that’s ALL we do.”

Stone faced, Mattie was still staring at Harm.

“Look, I can’t let chivalry go down the drain and force Mac to sleep on a sofa just because I’ve punched out three times and my almost 40 year old back can’t take consecutive nights on a short couch. We’re both adults and have been friends for a lot of years. We can share a bed and only sleep. Got it?”

Mattie’s lip twitched a little somewhere between skepticism and total disbelief.

“For heaven’s sake Mattie, Mac’s just found out her boyfriend is dead. Do you really think I’m such a cad that I would take advantage of that vulnerability to have sex with her?” Harm looked at Mattie pointedly.

“Let’s say for now that maybe I buy into this ‘no sex, just sleep’ bit.”

“Mattie…” Harm practically moaned.

“At least admit you have the hots for Mac and wouldn’t object to really sleeping with her. That is what you want, isn’t it?”

“Mattie, we are not having that conversation.” Harm’s grip on the steering wheel tightened. Of course he wanted to be really sleeping with her! He’d have to be dead not to want that.

“We are doing whatever we have to do to get through this difficult situation. From now on you mind your manners and keep your opinions about my personal life between us. Is that clear?” Harm finished as they pulled up to the school.

Grabbing her backpack and lunch, Mattie opened the door to get out.

“Okay, we’ll do this your way. For now.” Tapping the now closed car door, she turned and headed into school.

Why did he ever believe he was qualified to raise a teenager? Shaking his head as he pulled out of the parking lot, Harm set off for the office.

JAG Headquarters
Outside patio
1300 hours

“Do you think she finally believed you?” Mac asked as she took a bite out of her sandwich.

“I hope so. It’s going to be difficult enough without her romantic teenage imagination.” Harm wasn’t really eating. It was more like he was playing with his salad.

“This is really bothering you, isn’t it?” Mac put her sandwich down.

“Yeah, I guess it is.” He sighed softly. “I just don’t like the idea that she would think that one minute you and I would be just friends and the next minute I’d be jumping your bones.” Harm’s eyes shot open at the bluntness of his own words.

“Relax Harm, I know what you mean. You can’t really blame her for making the assumptions she did. I don’t think it says anything about how she sees you or what you’re in for. She’s a good kid with a level head on her shoulders. She’ll come around to understanding. You’ll see.” Mac reached out to gently stroke his arm. In the few days they’d spent together, on what was often an emotional roller coaster, they’d become less apprehensive about touching and comforting each other.

This gentle show of support and affection felt perfectly natural to both of them. Had they not both been in uniform, Mac would have readily put her arm around Harm for a hug.

“Do you think the admiral will react the same way?” Giving up on the salad, Harm set his fork down.

“The admiral is many things, but a melodramatic teenager isn’t one of them. I’m sure he’ll understand what we’re doing.” Mac started cleaning up the lunchtime mess.

“Just the same, let’s wait until tomorrow to tell him. I think I could use a good night’s sleep to recover from telling Mattie.” Harm threw a few things in the trash as they turned back into the building.

“Yes, Chicken Little.” Mac giggled to herself, walking inside ahead of him.


JAG Headquarters
Next day
Admiral Chegwidden’s office

Harm and Mac had explained the entire situation to Jennifer Coates the night before over dinner. Thankfully, she had not assumed her two superior officers were hot bunking. At least if she did, she didn’t let on, and that gave Harm some hope for facing the admiral.

Originally concerned that on her own Jen would face her previous roommate struggles, Harm and Mac offered her a room in the new house. The place really was big enough for a small hotel if they were so inclined. After some discussion, it was agreed that Coates would sublet the Colonel’s apartment and share it with a friend from the Seahawk who would be reassigned to DC in a few weeks. Mac had been living at the apartment so long her rent was reasonable enough for Jen to afford with the help of only one other person and the neighborhood was more appropriate for two single females.

Confident they had all their ducks in a row, the two sat patiently in front of the admiral’s desk waiting for his undivided attention.

The admiral put his glasses down on the desk in front of him.

“What can I do for you two? I presume this has something to do with Master David.” The admiral placed his clasped hands on the desk beside his glasses.

“Yes sir, in a round about way, it does.” Harm replied.

“How about you tell me what it is in a not so round about way, Commander.” Harm and Mac both noted the sharpness in the admiral’s tone.

“Well sir, as you know I have enough of a challenge keeping up with my responsibilities for Mattie. Although I’ve come a long way in just a few days in my understanding of handling a young infant, I still have much to learn. Between Mattie, David, and Catherine, I really do need the Colonel’s help.”

The admiral hadn’t moved a muscle. His face was expressionless. There was some doubt as to whether or not he was even breathing.

“My one bedroom apartment wasn’t really appropriate for a teenager, and it’s certainly not big enough for a teenager and a baby. In order to properly care for both wards and have Mac’s help as well, I’ve bought a house here in Falls Church.”

“And exactly how does the Colonel fit into this new picture you’ve painted?” His eyebrows raised just a tad at this question.

“She would be taking one of the spare bedrooms, sir.” Harm sat ramrod straight in his chair.

Admiral Chegwidden sat back in the chair crossing his arms in front of him.

“I see.” He looked carefully at Harm then over at Mac. Both officers were focusing intently on some unknown spot behind AJ. Years of military training hid any traces of discomfort they might be feeling.

“Am I to understand you will be sharing separate quarters?” His tone was much softer now.

“Yes, sir.” Mac answered. “I’ve sublet my apartment to Petty Officer Coates. This way the apartment will still be available to me when the Commander doesn’t need my help anymore.” Mac had turned to look AJ in the eye.

AJ thought he saw Harm flinch when Mac said, ‘until he didn’t need her anymore’. How could these two come so far and still be so blind? Was there anything on this earth that would make them realize how much they would always need each other?

“Do you intend to keep your personal affairs out of this office?” That might have been a poor choice of words, but he was sure he was making his point.

“Yes, sir.” They replied in unison.

“Then I do not see where it is any concern of mine who you choose for a roommate. If that’s all, dismissed.” He put his glasses back on and picked up some papers in front of him.

“Aye, sir.” Was heard as they turned, promptly leaving his office.

Looking at the now closed door. If this didn’t get these two together, nothing short of a direct order to make love would get them to face their feelings for each other. AJ prayed that David would be the answer. He didn’t know how many more years of this dance he had left in him.

Coming out of the Admirals office, Mac winked at Jennifer Coates. She and Harm made their way to her office.

“Well, that wasn’t as bad as it could have been.” Mac said keeping pace with Harm.

“No, I suppose we could both be packing for Alaska.” Harm chuckled.

“Three down and three to go. Who do we tackle next?” Mac asked. “Bud and Harriet or Sturgis?”

“I don’t think I’m up to Harriet just yet, how about Sturgis?”

“Sturgis it is. Lead the way.” Biting back a laugh at Harm’s unease at facing Harriet, Mac waved her arm yielding the lead to Harm.

“You know buddy, I’ve had my doubts through the years about you ever settling down. You’ve proven to be quite the family man. I’m proud of you.” Sturgis shook Harm’s hand, patting him firmly on the back with his free hand. “Seriously.”

Mac sat back grinning at the two.

“So, the admiral was okay with this arrangement?” Sturgis looked at his two friends.

“Apparently. As long as we keep any issues out of the office, he doesn’t care who we choose as a roommate.” Harm was starting to feel more and more comfortable sharing the details of the situation with people. He’d begun to think Mac was right and he shouldn’t use Mattie’s reaction as a barometer for measuring their friend’s responses.

“How is Catherine doing?” A seriousness draped over Sturgis’ eyes as he asked the question.

“The doctors are hopeful. She’s still in a coma, but they improve her odds daily. I stop by the hospital on my way home every night and talk to her a little about how David is doing. The nurses say that helps.” This was something Harm was painfully aware would be difficult if it weren’t for Mac picking David up from daycare every day.

“I hate to break this up, but if we don’t want to get chewed out by the admiral for bringing our personal affairs into the office, we’d better at least try and look like we’re getting some work done.” Mac stood up to make her way back to her own office.

“Wait up, Mac.” Harm said while she still stood in the doorway.

“Why don’t you ask Harriet to join us for lunch later outside and I’ll ask Bud.” Harm lightly placed his hand on her forearm.

Sturgis smiled to himself watching the exchange before him. He was pretty sure Mac still hadn’t told Harm their little secret. Maybe this whole situation would finally knock some sense into them. Still smiling, he returned to the work on his desk.

Patio Outside JAG

“Oh sir, that’s wonderful news. You did such a great job on your apartment. I know you’ll do wonders on the new house.” Harriet’s gleeful smile spread to everyone at the table.

“I’ve been so wrapped up in Catherine and David that I haven’t really sat down to think about it, but you’re right. I really enjoyed fixing up the apartment, this will be fun for me.” Harm and Harriet were wearing matching grins.

“What will you do with the apartment sir?” Bud asked.

“Sell it. I should make a nice profit which will help pay for the remodeling of the new place.” Harm was enjoying today’s meal with more enthusiasm than the previous day’s salad.

“Will you be needing help to move? Harriet and I are both available for whatever you need.” Bud added.

“With two kids and moving two apartments, I think we’re going to let the professional’s do it.” Harm continued eating his lunch.

“Two apartments? Oh you mean Mattie and Jen’s?” Harriet’s brow flickered from confusion to understanding in a flash.

“Ah, no. I guess I wasn’t clear. When I said Mac was going to be helping, I meant, she’ll be moving in also.” Harm stopped eating and concentrated on the various thoughts playing out in Harriet’s eyes.

Slowly the edges of Harriet’s mouth began to inch upward until her eyes and smile were so bright she could have lit up half of DC in a blackout.

Deciding to cut Harriet off at the pass before she jumped to any conclusions.

“Mac will have the master bedroom with its own bath and I’ll take the room next to the nursery.”

Harriet’s eyes squinted slightly but the smile never faded. She didn’t know who they thought they were fooling, but her friends were finally moving in the right direction and she was happy for them.

Clapping her hands together enthusiastically. “So when is moving day? We have a house warming to plan for.” Harriet pulled out a pen and some paper from her handbag and began scribbling.

Noticing the look on Harm and Mac’s face. “You might as well accept it sir, once Harriet’s made up her mind, well, it’s made up.” Bud shrugged his shoulders asking forgiveness with his eyes.

“It’ll be lots of fun. We’re all due for a good party.” Mac reassured Bud with her smile, then glanced at Harm to do the same.

The small gestures, and non verbal communication between Harm and Mac was not lost on Harriet. They’d always had a special connection, but now it seemed more constant. She practically bounced in her seat as she wrote out her plans. This was going to be better than Christmas.


That evening
GW Hospital

Harm came down the new hallway. Catherine had moved from intensive care to critical care. It was still serious, but the rules for visitation were more lax. Being in a regular room gave everyone the sense that she was making progress.

As usual, Andy was sitting by Catherine’s side.

“Hi there.” Andy stood up to greet Harm.

The two had fallen into a routine. Andy would give up his seat close to Catherine so that Harm could tell her all about David. He enjoyed hearing the stories as well. There wasn’t really much to tell. At three months, the stories consisted mostly of smiles and sounds, the best entertainment arising from who was spit up on.

“Anything new?” Harm asked as he took his seat.

“Not much, they’ve changed the settings on the respirator. She’s mostly breathing on her own now. I think it’s set to kick in only if she takes longer than a certain amount of time to take a breath. It’s nice not seeing her chest heave so forcefully anymore.” Andy sat on the foot of the bed, gently rubbing his sister’s leg.

“Did they mention when they’re going to take her off it?” Harm was stroking Catherine’s hand as he and Andy spoke.

“If she holds her own, maybe in a couple of days.”

Andy noticed how tenderly Harm was stroking Catherine’s hand. He could tell Harm’s heart belonged to Mac, yet it was obvious he held great affection for Catherine. He hoped David turned out to be Harm’s. Harm hadn’t told him about Catherine’s letter.

“Porter Webb came by again today.” Andy commented casually. “She sat with Catherine while I went to get something to eat.”

“That was nice of her.” Harm’s gut was starting to tell him something.

“She asked about Catherine’s relationship with her son.” Andy saw Harm shift in his seat. “I explained, I didn’t know anymore than she did. As far as I know, they were business associates, worked for the same company.”

“As far as we know.” Harm mumbled to himself.

“Any word on the DNA yet?”

“No, we sent it through our regular source in hopes of getting the results sooner. If we’d sent it to a private lab it could take up to six weeks.”

Andy whistled. “I didn’t realize it could take that long.”

“That’s why we didn’t go through a private lab. We could hear back anytime now from our lab, it just depends how backed up they are.”

“Sooner would definitely be better than later.” Andy shifted wondering if Clayton Webb could really be David’s father. Sooner would be good.

JAG Headquarters
Late Thursday morning
Harm’s office.




“I see.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Staring down at his desk, Harm didn’t notice Petty Officer Coates standing in his doorway.

“Anything wrong sir?” She didn’t like the look on his face.

“No, Jen. What can I do for you?”

“The admiral told me to give these to you.” She handed the Commander a stack of files. “He said you’d know what to do with them.”

“Thank you, Jen.” He watched her turn towards the door. “Jen, would you please ask Colonel MacKenzie to come to my office when she has a minute.”

“Yes sir.”

“Thanks. Also, I’m expecting a confidential fax. Would you see it gets to my office as soon as it arrives.”

“Yes sir.” Something was not right, she was sure of it. She was so lost in her own musings that she didn’t see Colonel MacKenzie standing outside her office until she had plowed into her full speed ahead.

Grabbing each other for stability. “Sorry ma’am. I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

“Obviously, want to share what had you so deep in thought?”

“It’s nothing ma’am. Commander Rabb needs to see you in his office when you have a minute.” Jen straightened her shoulders in an attempt to hide her disquietude.

“Thank you, Jen.” Mac turned immediately for Harm’s office. Her instincts told her Jennifer’s demeanor had something to do with Harm’s request to see her.

When she reached Harm’s office, he was staring out the window, his back to her.

“You rang?” She teased, trying to hide her concern.

Turning to face her, he saw she was still standing. He waited for her to sit down before speaking.

“I heard from the lab. They’re faxing the results to me but knew I’d want to know as soon as possible. They found a match… Clayton’s David’s father.”

Mac didn’t know what to say. She watched Harm’s face carefully for some hint of what he might be thinking.

“Are you okay with that?”

“I was prepared for it. Clayton being David’s father won’t change anything.”

Harm was a little surprised to find he wasn’t really all that upset. His previous anger at Clayton for taking Mac and David had passed. David was a wonderful baby, but Harm wanted his children to have their mother’s brown eyes. He wanted children with Mac, no one else. He was still holding out hope that it just might happen yet.

Still focusing intently on Harm’s face, Mac was relieved to notice a sense of calm wash over him. Maybe he really was prepared. She breathed a small sigh of relief.

Admiral Chegwidden’s office
1600 hours

“The report looks pretty cut and dry.” The admiral commented, still looking over the paper.

“Yes, sir. The petty officer has no alibi, he was seen by several witnesses with the victim only two hours earlier, we’re still awaiting the DNA results.” Sturgis reported concisely.

“The media is having a field day with this. I want this handled quickly and as quietly as possible. Turner, you’ll prosecute, Rabb, defend.” The admiral walked around behind his desk.

“If the DNA comes back conclusive, I expect to have this settled outside of court.” The admiral sat down in his chair.

“Yes sir,” The two senior attorneys chorused.

“Dismissed, and tell Coates to bring me some aspirin.” The admiral put his hand up to the bridge of his nose.

Closing the door behind them, Harm walked up to Jennifer’s desk.

“Sir, you’ve had several phone calls. This one woman has called three times in the last hour. I explained you were in a meeting with the admiral and I’d give you the message as soon as you came out.”

Harm sorted through the stack of messages he had been given. “Oh, I almost forgot, the admiral needs some aspirin.”

Finding the three messages from the persistent woman. He turned to Jennifer, who was getting ready to enter the admiral’s office, bottle of aspirin in hand.

“Did this caller say what she wanted?” Some of the color had drained from his face.

“No, sir. She was very polite, almost pleasant, but made it very clear she wanted to speak to you today.”

“Thanks Jen.” Harm took all the messages and marched straight to his office.

Twenty minutes later he was standing in front of Mac’s door.

“Got room for a tired sailor?” Harm joked unsuccessfully.

“Always.” Mac smiled back. When she saw Harm close the door behind him she knew something else was up.

“When I came out of the admiral’s office earlier Jen handed me three messages from a woman who was rather insistent she speak to me today.”

Mac held her breath waiting for the other shoe to fall.

“It was Porter Webb. She met with the family lawyer this afternoon and wants to meet with me this evening.”

Mac swallowed hard looking for her voice. “What for?”


“She wouldn’t say over the phone. What do you say we ask Jen or Mattie to stay with David and you come with me?” His eyes were pleading.

“If you want me there, of course I’ll go with you.” Mac was trying not to look as panicked as she felt.

“I’d rather not have to face her alone. Mac, she didn’t come out and say it, but I’m sure she knows.”


Porter Webb’s home
Suburban Washington DC

Mattie and Jen were both delighted to baby-sit David. Mattie took great pleasure in teasing Harm about how much money she was going to earn.

Harm and Mac had driven to Porter Webb’s home in total silence.

The Webb family home was an impressive edifice. The wealth and stature of the inhabitants was evident in even the smallest detail.

Riding up the drive, past the well-manicured lawn, Mac reached over to hold Harm’s hand. "It will be fine. You’ll see."

Harm smiled over at her. He would never have managed any of this without her.

The interior of the home was considerably less formal than it’s outside appearance. Much to their surprise, the living room in which they waited for Mrs. Webb was comfortable and inviting.

"Somehow, I remembered this house to be more stiff. I don’t know why." Harm said studying the room. Maybe it had something to do with three-piece suits.

"Commander, thank you so much for coming." Porter Webb attempted to smile as she made her entrance.

"May I offer you something to drink?" she asked sitting down on the sofa across from Harm and Mac.

"No, thank you." Harm answered for both of them.

"Clayton didn’t have many friends, but of course you must know that." Turning her gaze from Harm to Mac, "he was especially fond of you, Colonel."

"Clay was special to me too, ma’am." Mac was beginning to feel very uncomfortable.

"I will get straight to the point. As I told you on the phone earlier today, I’ve been to see our family lawyer. Clayton had always told me if anything happened to him before I passed on he didn’t want a fuss. He said anything I would need to know would be in his will." She took a few deep, calming breaths.

"There will be no memorial services. He was very specific, he didn’t want people bothering over him more in death than they did in life. However, there will be a small graveside service tomorrow for family only. I would like you to please bring David." She was trying not to fidget with the handkerchief she was holding.

"I’ve been told I have a grandson." She said proudly raising her chin.

"Yes, ma’am." Harm confirmed softly.

"I also understand, Catherine has named you guardian. My son’s instructions to me were quite clear. He felt Catherine was a wonderful mother and wants me to support her in any way I can." She paused to see if Mac or Harm had anything to say.

Harm and Mac were in military mode, their feelings unreadable, their posture rigid.

"It is my intention to see to it that David is raised in the image of his father and the Webb heritage. I also intend to do everything in my power to ensure Catherine gets the best medical attention available. For now I have every confidence that you and the Colonel will take excellent care of my grandson." Once again her gaze went from Harm to Mac.

"I am especially thankful that Catherine has chosen someone, and in this case two someone’s, who were so close to my son." She turned to face Harm again. "However, if Catherine does not recover, we shall revisit the conditions of this arrangement."

Harm was numb. He believed Catherine would recover and this woman’s veiled threats were a moot point. Still, he had to fight the fear rising in him that this woman might take over rearing David and turn him into another suit-wearing spook. The lawyer in him quickly recognized saying nothing to antagonize Porter Webb, at this time, was the best approach.

"What time will the service be tomorrow?" He asked, his voice stronger than he would have thought.

"Eleven. I would appreciate it if you could arrange for me to visit with David after the service. Honestly, I never expected I would live long enough for Clayton to make me a grandmother." Porter Webb looked directly at Mac when she said this.

Mac couldn’t help but wonder if she knew more about Mac’s relationship with Webb than Mac was comfortable with.

"I’m sure it won’t be a problem." Standing up, "if you will excuse us, I need to get home and help Mattie with her homework." As it was, he was feeling guilty that he would not be able to visit with Catherine tonight, he really didn’t want to let Mattie down.

"Certainly, Commander." Mrs. Webb rose to accompany Harm and Mac to the door. "I appreciate your coming so promptly." Extending her hand to him, "I hope we understand each other."

"Yes, ma’am. I believe we do." He placed his hand on the small of Mac’s back and escorted her to the car. Mac didn’t really need any help to the car but Harm desperately needed to feel her, and this was the only touch he felt acceptable under the present scrutiny.

Porter Webb’s home
Next day
1200 hours

The service for Clayton Webb was simple, and thank God, brief. There were only four or five other people in attendance besides Mrs. Webb, Harm, and Mac. Harm didn’t know who they were and wasn’t particularly curious to find out. David was a perfect angel the entire time.

When the service was over, Harm and Mac followed Mrs. Webb back to her house. David sat on her lap. She cooed, and gahed over the baby, looking like any doting, loving grandmother would. It was the total antithesis to her socialite persona.

If Harm had taken any time to think about it, he’d admit there wasn’t really anything that said wealth and good manners precluded love and maternal instincts. He just hadn’t pictured Porter Webb as having either of the latter. He still wasn’t pleased with the idea of the woman who raised Clayton Webb being allowed to raise David. Without knowing exactly when he had decided, Harm realized he would not relinquish custody of David to anyone but Catherine without a fight.

This realization gave Harm a peaceful sense of calm. Mac could see it in his face the moment he felt it.

After only half an hour, David began fussing a little. Recognizing he was probably tired and hungry, Mrs. Webb returned him to Mac suggesting they call it a day and perhaps set up another visit.

"Are you okay?" Mac asked as they walked to the car.


Mac strapped David into the carseat before stepping into the car herself. Harm closed the car door for her.

"Do you want to go home and get my car or shall we ride to work together?" Mac had almost stumbled over the word home. That was something she was going to have to get used to. She and Harm would be sharing a HOME.

"Unless you really want to, I don’t see any reason we can’t take my car to the office." Hearing the indifference in his own voice, Harm smiled at Mac to soften his words. He could see the relief in her face when she smiled back.

"Shall we stop and eat somewhere or do drive thru?"

"I’m swamped, would it be okay if we just went through Beltway Burgers. You can have whatever dead animal makes you happy and I’ll have a mandarin salad." The weariness in his voice showed the stress of the day, despite the smile trying to hide it.

"Sure. I’ve got a lot to catch up on too." Mac leaned back in an effort to give Harm whatever space he required.

JAG Headquarters
1330 hours

Harm was barely off the elevator when Jennifer practically accosted him.

"Sir, you have quite a few messages. The Sec Nav has called twice. I think he wants to know if you and Commander Turner have worked out a plea yet. The majority of these can probably wait, but there’s a Mr. Stevens who said you hadn’t returned his call from yesterday and it’s rather important.

Sitting at his desk, Harm shuffled through today’s, and yesterday’s messages. Mr. Steven’s had indeed called both days. According to today’s message, he was with Stevens, Tate, and Bellamy.

Quickly dialing the number, Harm sat listening to the repeated ringing.

“Yes, Harmon Rabb calling for Mr. Stevens.” Years of courtroom trials had taught Harmon Rabb to sound in full control when the truth was, he was anything but.

“Hello, Mr. Rabb. Thank you for returning my call.” The lawyer sounded pleasant enough.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get back to you yesterday but it’s been a busy few days and I had to attend a funeral this morning.” Harm didn’t know why he felt the need to explain.

“Yes, it’s so sad about Mr. Webb.” His voice sounded truly distressed by Clayton’s death.

Harm said nothing waiting to hear why this man knew Clayton Webb.

“I represent the Webb family. I would like to see you at your earliest convenience.”

Good grief. That woman couldn’t even wait 24 hours to change her mind and go after David. Harm’s afternoon was pretty busy but he also knew he wouldn’t get much done thinking about what Mrs. Webb was up to now.

“I could make some time late this afternoon, would that work?” Harm asked, his tone still showing the confidence he didn’t have.

“Yes that would be perfect. I have to do some business in your neck of the woods around four o’clock. Would it be okay if I stopped by then?”

“Yes, four o’clock will be fine. Thank you.” Harm hung up not letting go of the handset. Sighing deeply, he stared at the phone. ‘Not even 24 hours.’

Continue to Chapters 6-10

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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