Mac’s apartment
Later that evening

Harm was once again comfortably enjoying Mac’s book when Bud arrived with Harriet’s soup.

“How’s she doing, sir?” Bud handed Harm the large Tupperware tub of homemade soup.

“A lot better thanks. She had some toast and ginger ale about three hours ago and it stayed down. She’s been sleeping ever since. We’re thinking it’s just a twenty four hour bug.” Harm signaled for Bud to follow him into the kitchen.

“That’s good. Harriet and I can’t get over the Colonel’s good luck to get sick just when she could use it for an assignment.” Bud grinned happily.

“Don’t say THAT to her.” Harm shook his head, smiling broadly. “I doubt she considers herself lucky.”

“Well, no, sir. What I mean is, if she has to get sick at least there’s some benefit to getting sick NOW.” Bud said in a rush.

“Yeah, still, better not say anything about it to her.” Harm warned, pouring the soup into a pot on the stove.

“I was able to speak with Captain DeNicholo this afternoon.” Bud stepped closer to Harm so he wouldn’t risk waking Mac up.

“It took some doing, but I finally got him to tell me the whole story. At least, I think it’s the whole story. It seams the Captain has been married for about 10 years now. His wife just had their second child last year. Apparently, he was feeling a bit left out of everything and found himself getting closer to his administrative assistant, Petty Officer Margaret Hurley.”

Harm turned from his pot to raise one eyebrow at Bud. “Petty Officer?” Harm sighed.

“Yes, sir. The Captain turned 43 this year, that didn’t help matters.”

“What about the Petty Officer?”

“Twenty Seven years old, she just came out of a very messy divorce.” Bud flipped the page of his pocket notebook. “By the time the two of them came to their senses about what they were risking, the blackmail had already started.”

“How long ago was that?” Harm asked lowering the flame on the soup and waving Bud into the living room.

“About six months ago. It started with them receiving some rather…, intimate photos. I believe the blackmailer enjoys toying with his victims.”

“Why’s that?” Harm had taken a seat in the chair across from Bud.

“Well, sir, after the initial photos, intimidating phone calls started with no request for payment. It’s like he wanted to watch them sweat it out, or squirm if you will, sir.”

Harm nodded his head listening carefully.

“Eventually, a request for $10,000 dollars came with a second batch of photos. He paid that hoping to salvage his marriage and his career. The Petty Officer requested a transfer and they all thought it was behind them, until a new batch of photos appeared again last month. The fee had gone up to $20,000, only this time he was given the option of paying up or resigning. He didn’t have that kind of money, and he didn’t want his wife to find out, so he resigned his commission.”

“The blackmailer gave him the out of resigning his commission?” Harm sat back, the wheels turning in his head.

“Yes, sir. It’s a shame too. Until the incident with the Petty Officer, his record was spotless.”

“It fits the MO we were given, bright and promising careers. Did he save the envelopes, is there anything we can try for a finger print match from? A postal mark? Something?”

“No, sir. He burned all of it as soon as it was received. He considered trying to trace the calls the blackmailer made to the Petty Officer but he never stayed on the line more than 30 seconds.”

“Any luck finding out who some of the other victims are?” Harm had leaned forward again.

“No, sir. He refused to mention anyone by name, but he insisted that national security was not being compromised.”

“As far as he knows. Why would someone want DeNicholo out of the service? What possible benefit could there be?” Harm asked aloud, not really expecting an answer.

“Care to clue me in?” A soft voice carried over from Mac’s doorway.

“MAC, you shouldn’t be out of bed.” Harm jumped up at the sound of her voice.

“I’m much better.” She made her way over to the empty chair. “Give me the abridged version.”

Harm sat back processing what little information Bud had brought, while Mac listened intently to the retelling of events.

“Not much to go on.” Mac glanced at Harm, “but, at least we know what to expect next.”

Harm just looked at her, his brow wrinkled in confusion.

“P-h-o-t-o-g-r-a-p-h-s.” Mac carefully enunciated for Harm.

“Right. Except. Where is he going to get ‘intimate’ photos of us?” Harm retorted back.

“Good point.” Mac pressed her lips, twisting her mouth slightly while she thought. “You got any plans tonight, sailor?” smiling at Harm, she winked to Bud who was now turning beet red.

Shifting to look at Bud, “how intimate were the photos?” Harm asked pointedly.

“He didn’t specify, sir.”

“Find out. I want to know if we’re dealing with a Peeping Tom or if we’re talking public indiscretion. Until we find out we’ll have to do what we can to fill both criteria.” Without realizing it, Harm and Mac simultaneously let out a quiet sigh. This is the part they had both silently been afraid of – filling the ‘criteria’.

“Yes, sir.” Looking down at his watch. “I’d better be going. I don’t think Harriet expected me to stay this long as it is.” Bud nodded to his two superior officers before making his way to the door.

“Thanks, Bud. Keep us apprised of anything new.” Harm waited for Bud to make his way down the hall before closing the door.

“What are you thinking?” Mac tilted her head as though it would make reading his mind easier.

“That you should be in bed.” Harm pointed to Mac’s room.

“Seriously, Harm. Got any ideas.” Mac leaned back in the chair.

In three short strides, Harm was at Mac’s side.

“I seriously think you should be in bed, but, there’s something not right here and I can’t quite place my finger on it. Depending on what Bud finds out about the blackmail photos, we might have to rethink our plan of no public displays of affection.”

“And if the photos are more personal than that?” Mac raised an eyebrow.

“Then you’d better start looking for hidden cameras.” Reaching for Mac’s hand. “Come on marine, let’s get you back to bed.”

“You sure know how to sweet talk a girl.” Mac teased in a southern drawl.

Harm tucked Mac into bed, nice and snug before stepping around to the other side of the bed and stripping out of his uniform.

“You’re staying?” Mac tried to stop the corners of her mouth from smiling.

“Well, we might as well do this right. Good night, DEAR.” He leaned across the bed and kissed her gently on the forehead. After all, spending the night would certainly add to the impression of intimacy. Not to mention, he just plain wanted to be with her.

Chuckling to herself, Mac sunk further down under the covers. “Night HONEY.”

Rock Creek Park
Two days later

“It looks like there isn’t a soul in the building who doesn’t believe we’re pregnant. No matter how many times Harriet and Coates explained it was a twenty four hour flu, no one could be convinced otherwise.” Harm chuckled.

“So Harriet tells me.” Mac didn’t find the situation all that amusing. “You realize when all this is over it’s going to be hell trying to set things right again.”

Mac had indeed begun to feel better by the following day. Since it was Friday, the Admiral suggested she stay home just to make sure she didn’t further contaminate any of the staff. As a reward for the continued progress scuttlebutt was making, Harm and Mac had decided to treat themselves to a Saturday lunch in the park.

“Let’s just take this thing one day a time.” Deep down, this did seem right to him. He knew they were just playing, but the thought of Mac pregnant with his child sent an indescribable thrill up his spine. The thought of actually getting Mac pregnant with his child sent an indescribable thrill a lot of other places too.

“Come here,” Harm tugged at Mac’s hand till she lost her balance. Shifting his position slightly, he encouraged Mac to lay her head in his lap.

“We might as well make this look good in case anyone is watching.” Gently stroking her hair, the initial tenseness at the close encounter gradually fell away until Mac was willingly enjoying his delicate touch.

“This is just what I needed, thank you.” Mac smiled, her eyes closed. “At least now I know why you dragged me to the most secluded corner of this blasted park.” The corners of Mac’s mouth curled up a little further.

“I resent that, I did not drag you.” Harm huffed. “I merely chose an optimal location to enjoy the afternoon and possibly further our case at the same time.”

“I sure wish this thing would hurry up and be over with. If I have to go much longer without coffee at work in the morning I may never recover.” Mac still had her eyes closed.

“Well, maybe we can hurry this guy along.” Almost in slow motion, Harm slid his arm under Mac’s neck and raised her high enough to meet his eager lips.

Delicately savoring her soft lips against his, Harm tried to remind himself, this is just for show don’t get too involved. He might as well have told himself the moon is made of cheese. Her lips were so soft and tender, caressing his with a gentle, teasing pressure.

Before he knew it, her arms were wrapped around his neck and he had laid her down on the blanket, their lips still locked with magnetic force. Unable to resist the pull any longer, his tongue slid out of it’s cavernous home to graze softly across the seam of her lips, the taste sweeter than honey. He was almost startled when Mac’s lips parted slightly allowing him the exploration he so desperately craved.

This is just an act. You have to maintain some control. Sarah MacKenzie reminded herself. Oh God, this isn’t fair. His tongue sweeping across her lips was too much. She wanted to taste him, all of him. Her tongue darted past his lips, deepening the kiss, magnifying the tingling sensations already flowing through her veins.

Public, you’re in public. Harm reminded himself. His hands desperate to travel along her soft skin, to caress her sensuous curves, to bring her all the pleasure he’d ever dreamed of. But he couldn’t. This isn’t real. When he made love to Sarah MacKenzie she would know it wasn’t an act, wasn't because of an assignment.

Grudgingly, Harm forced himself to pull back. Placing a gentle, more chaste, kiss on her inviting lips, Harm took a deep breath. “I, uh..”

“I know.” Mac sighed, kissing him sweetly on the cheek. “We’d better get going. I think we made our point.”

Bethesda Naval Hospital
Later that week

“This was an excellent idea Harriet. You’re sure you didn’t do this on purpose?” Mac teased as the two ladies exited the large building.

“Honest Injun, ma’am. This is totally coincidental, and quite frankly, a bit of a surprise for me too.” Harriet rolled her eyes grinning.

“Well, it’s now official I guess. According to Bethesda, I’m pregnant.” Mac shook her head.

“I can’t get over how easy that was. Sending me into the ladies room first to leave a sample with your name on it was brilliant, ma’am.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call that complex military strategy, Harriet.”

“Do you think it will make a difference? I mean,” Harriet looked around to make sure no one was within earshot. “Do you think the blackmailer has enough connections to get a hold of your medical records?”

“Who knows. I don’t think any of us would have gone through the trouble of falsifying records to bolster our position, but as long as you really are pregnant and this little switch was so easy- it was worth taking advantage of.” Mac clicked her keys, unlocking the car doors.

“It’s been almost three weeks ma’am. If the blackmailer is going to make you and the Commander a target, how much longer do you think it will be before we hear something.” Harriet buckled her seatbelt as Mac pulled out of the parking space.

“Harriet, there’s always a chance the blackmailer will never pick us as a target.” Mac sighed.

“Hmm, I suppose so.” Harriet agreed. If this didn’t help catch the blackmailer, it sure would be an awful lot of trouble, and smearing of their reputations, for naught.

Harm’s office
JAG headquarters

Lost in thought over the quagmire of information on the screen before him, Harm hadn’t heard Bud knock at the door.

“Excuse me, sir.” Bud called, tapping a second time on the doorframe.

“Sorry, Bud. Come on in.” Harm gestured for Bud to take a seat. “Have you got anything new for us?”

“I’m still working on that list of recently retired high ranking officers. I think I may have come across something, but I’d like to check it out some more first.”

“I appreciate your taking the time to help with this. I know your case load is as full as Mac’s and mine.” Harm pushed his seat slightly away from his desk, rubbing his hand across his right temple.

“Is everything alright, sir?” Bud was concerned this case was more stressful for the Commander and Colonel than they were letting on.

Before Harm could respond, Jen was at the door with a large manila envelope in hand.

“Excuse me, sir.” She knocked. “This was left for you at the guard house.”

Stepping into his office, she reached forward and handed the envelope to Harm.

“Thanks, Jen.” He waited a few moments for Jen to leave. Noticing no return address, only his name, he pulled out a handkerchief to carefully hold the envelope in place. Using a letter opener to rip the flap open, Harm scattered the contents on the desk.

Spreading several photos across his desk with the eraser of a pencil, Harm took a deep breath. There was a photo of him and Mac leaving headquarters arm in arm, obviously the day she got ill. Another photo of Harm leaving Mac’s building around sunrise in a somewhat crumpled uniform, also most likely taken the morning after her flu attack. Harm hadn’t brought a sea bag with him so he needed to leave early enough be able to go home and change and still report for duty on time. Most startling though, was a copy of Mac’s positive pregnancy test. How in heaven’s name did they get a hold of that information so quickly?

“Looks like you’ve got someone’s attention, sir.” Bud said, now standing beside Harm, his eyes wide at the photo of Harm and Mac necking in the park.

“Same MO too. No request for pay off.” Ignoring Bud’s dumbfounded expression Harm carefully placed all the items back into the envelope and handed it off to Bud with the handkerchief.

“Have these analyzed for finger prints. Maybe we’ll catch a break and he, or she, will have made a mistake. I’ll let you know which guard accepted the delivery so we can inform the lab to expect to find his fingerprints as well as Jen’s and mine. I’m going to head over to the guard house now and see if he has a description of the person or vehicle that dropped this off while his memory is still fresh.”

Refocused with their individual assignments, the two officers left Harm's office. The games had begun.

“Alright, agreed. Administrative discharge, loss of pay and no brig time.” Mac walked into her office with Sturgis on her heel.

“Even though my client wanted to stay in, I’m sure he can be convinced it’s the wiser man who accepts no brig time and lives to…” Sturgis stopped mid sentence when he noticed Mac frozen, staring into her desk chair.

“Is something wrong, Mac?” Sturgis inched his way slowly, closer to the desk in an attempt to see over to the chair. For only a moment he wondered if Bud had taken custody of another snake. “What is it?”

“Oh, sorry Sturgis. I think this is what we’ve been waiting for. Could you get Harm and Bud for me?” Mac’s limbs seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. Forcing herself to squat down, she examined the envelope as carefully as possible without touching it.

“I see you got one too.” Bud sighed from the doorway, Harm stepping around him.

“You got one too?” Mac backed away allowing Harm better access to her chair and its contents.

“Yeah a couple of hours ago. How long have you been in court?”

“One hour and forty seven minutes. Give or take a few seconds.” She smiled up at Sturgis who was shaking his head.

Carefully lifting the envelope with a pair of first aid tweezers, Harm leaned over and slit the envelope open, much as he had his own earlier that afternoon. Spilling the contents onto Mac’s desk, everyone’s eyes grew round as saucers at the sight of the first photo on the stack of Harm standing slightly to one side as Mac sat on her bed undoing the buttons to her uniform blouse.

Mac’s hand slowly found its way to Harm’s shoulder where she proceeded to squeeze it tightly. Visions of another time, ‘even God forgives,’ flashing through her mind like a neon sign.

Instantly Harm knew what Mac must have been thinking. Once again her privacy had been invaded as Coster had done so many years ago.

“You okay?” Harm reached around placing a hand on the small of her back.

“Yeah, just let me sit down a minute.” Mac responded, dropping heavily in the chair.

“I’ll arrange to have the Colonel’s apartment scanned for all surveillance equipment, sir.” Bud volunteered immediately. Neither him nor Sturgis dared ask the circumstance of the photo.

“This could have been taken from somewhere outside Mac’s apartment as well. See if you can narrow down an angle of vision and check out whoever or whatever is renting the spaces from where these photos could have been taken.” Harm stared at the stack of photos. Except for the one of Mac undressing the night she took ill, the rest of the contents were the same as Harm had received.

Mac had been staring vacantly at the men in the room as they discussed how to proceed. Catching sight of the flashing email icon out of the corner of her eye, without thinking Mac turned to access her computer and email.

A few minutes later Harm, Sturgis and Bud turned to Mac in silence at her loud gasp.

“What now?” Harm asked softly.

“You guys better take a look at this.” Mac sighed, the numbness beginning to take a back seat to her marine fury.


‘My Dear Friends,

I do so hope you've enjoyed these souvenirs of your tender times together.

Do be a little more careful in public. You never know who might be watching.

We wouldn’t want the Admiral to find out, would we? No telling what would happen then.

We'll be in touch again later.

PS. Perhaps I can be the first to offer my congratulations on the bastard Rabb child.’


“Does the Admiral know about any of this?” Sturgis asked, a little overwhelmed by the quick turn of events.

“Not yet, but I think under the circumstances, sooner might be better than later.” Hitting print, Harm watched the printer spit out the foul communication.

“Well, I think it’s obvious you three don’t need a cheering section. Let me know if you need me to do anything.” Sturgis offered, retreating quietly to his own office.

Within minutes, the three officers were standing at attention in front of Admiral Chegwidden’s desk.

“At ease, what have you people got for me?” Chegwidden barked, barely looking up at them. He’d been swamped all day with some inane report the Sec Nav insisted he wanted on his desk by tomorrow morning.

“We’ve been contacted, sir.” Mac spoke up.

Raising his head, his eyebrows stretching to the ceiling, “when?” AJ’s voice came out more softly.

“I received an envelope several hours ago, then the Colonel received a similar envelope shortly after mine. Just now when we were inspecting the contents of her package, this email arrived.” Harm pointed his nose at the paper Mac was waving in front of the Admiral.

Reading it over, “let’s trace this and see where it leads us. I don’t suppose it would be asking too much for it to be from the same email address as the notes to Captain DeNicholo?” AJ looked directly at Bud.

“No, sir. It isn’t. I didn’t really think it would be. This was sent from a web based free internet provider out of Germany.”

Three heads turned simultaneously to gawk at Bud in surprise.

Understanding the root of their confusion. “The email address is [email protected], the de domain name stands for Deutchland, German for Germany. It doesn’t take a computer geek to know freenet probably means just that, free internet.” Bud shrugged one shoulder at his fellow officers.

“You might remember from the fiasco a few years ago over Commander Rabb, and a certain letter to the editor, that any good hacker can easily manipulate the system. We’d probably just be chasing our tails trying to follow the email trail.” Age had mellowed the once eager young Lieutenant.

“Do we have anything on the envelopes?” AJ directed his question to Rabb.

“Mine has already been sent to the lab for analysis. I spoke with the guard on duty who received it. He said a young boy walked up and handed it to him and then just disappeared. We haven’t had time yet to determine how the Colonel’s envelope made it to her office.

“What about DeNicholo and the other victims. Any progress on that front?” AJ sat back in his chair. This whole thing made the hairs on the back of his neck bristle. He didn’t like his people involved in this sort of thing and yet, he knew they were the best people for it.

“Nothing else from DeNicholo, sir, but I have been cross checking the list of recent retirees for any connection and eliminating the officers with legitimate cause.

“Very well, Lt.” AJ sighed again. “Keep me posted on anything, dismissed.”

When he was once again in an empty office, AJ ran his fingers across his scalp. He wished he could shake the feeling that something about this whole mess just didn’t feel right. His instincts were hardly ever wrong, he prayed this would be one time they were.

Harm followed Mac back to her office.

“Are you going to be all right?” Harm crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe.

“Harm, I’m a marine. Of course I’m going to be all right.” Mac huffed.

“Well, all the same, what do you say to going out tonight and doing something fun?” Harm wasn’t convinced she was okay.

“It’s a school night, dear.” Mac shot him a sarcastic glare.

“I know, but we deserve it. Nothing too fancy.”

“I’d really rather just stay in and unwind. How about a rain check and we can unwind on Saturday. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken out my bicycle, we could spend the day on the trails that start at Rock Creek.” The tension in Mac’s shoulders was slowly fading.

“I don’t think that would be considered appropriate behavior for someone in your condition.” Harm suggested very carefully.

“Ugggh, all right.” Mac rolled her eyes, raising her hand to rub away the frustration.

“Dinner at my place tonight and we’ll work on plans for Saturday.” Harm smiled brightly, gave Mac a reassuring nod, and backed out of her office before she could refuse.

Mac forced a smile for Harm’s sake. When he was out of sight, she looked over at her computer screen. What had they gotten themselves into?

Saturday afternoon
George Washington’s house
Mount Vernon, VA.

“This was most definitely a unique idea.” Mac smiled, following Harm up to the main gate ticket window at the edge of the large parking lot.

“Most people never find time to do the tourist things in their home town. I’ve always meant to come here but never have made the time for it.” Placing his wallet in his pocket, “come on, it’s a bit of a hike to the house.” Harm flashed Mac an honest grin and stretched his hand out beside him for her to take hold of.

Warmed from head to toe by the simple gesture, Mac eagerly accepted the proffered hand and began their stroll up the hill to the main house. The only saving grace to this ludicrous scheme of theirs was the amount of time they were spending together off duty. The rhythm of old had returned. They were once again functioning like a fine tuned musical instrument, even finishing, or starting, depending on how you looked at it, each other’s sentences.

Other than the short make out session in the park, this was the first overt gesture of closeness in public they’d shared. Each of them felt the pressure of the assignment fade away as they drew on the strength the other’s hand offered. There was no pretense in the closeness displayed. The best friends were back in full force, maybe stronger. Mac enjoyed the moment for all it was worth.

“Maybe, you should rest a minute.” Harm suggested, exiting the large white house, they stood on the back porch looking out over the Potomac.

“Harm, we’re not at work, you don’t have to pretend now.” Mac almost whined.

“I know, I’d like to think no one’s watching us, but none the less, it wouldn’t hurt to rest here a minute and just admire the view.” Harm hoped he hadn’t ruined the day by bringing up the idea of being watched.

“It is breathtaking isn’t it.” Mac sighed, ignoring the thought of someone watching them, she stared out where Harm was focused.

“It certainly makes you understand why this was George’s favorite place on earth.”

“Everything else seems so far away, so unimportant from here, doesn’t it?” Mac was still staring at the flowing river across from them. “It’s nice that they don’t allow development on the other side of the shore. It wouldn’t be the same to look out and be staring at a condominium complex or shopping mall.”

Harm let out a short chuckle. “No, that would definitely change the impact.”

A few minutes later, he turned to Mac. “Are you ready to head down to the cemetery?”

“Sounds, good. I’ve had enough resting.” Mac shook her head and reached for Harm’s hand. She didn’t notice the small smile that tugged at the edges of his mouth. He had hoped she didn’t mind his holding her hand earlier, now, he felt a thrill rush from his belly when she extended her hand to him. It amazed him how many women he’d known through the years, some more than others, and yet all Mac had to do to start butterflies swooping in his stomach was offer to hold his hand.

After spending a few hours wandering around the expansive grounds and taking in all the different relics of the nation’s history, Mac happily collapsed in the front seat of the SUV.

“I’m sure glad Bud and Harriet invited us over for a barbecue, I don’t think I could find the energy to cook tonight.” Mac smirked.

“What, as if you ever cook.” Harm laughed.

“Watch it sailor. I still pack a mean left hook.” Mac tried to look seriously offended, truth was she rarely cooked and if the Roberts hadn’t invited them they’d most likely be doing take out.

Roberts Residence
1545 hours

“Mom, mom! They’re here!” AJ hollered through the house. He’d been anxiously waiting for Uncle Harm and Aunt Mac by the living room window off and on for the better part of the afternoon. Finding his mom in the kitchen, he grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to the front door.

Laughing to herself at her son’s enthusiasm. Harriet stood at the front door waiting for her friends to make their way up the front path. As they reached the front steps, Harriet noticed Harm’s hand had snaked its way from the small of Mac’s back to around her waist.

“Glad you guys made it.” Harriet smiled, stepping aside so AJ could give them a proper welcome. Harm didn’t move his hand until Mac bent over to hug AJ. Tilting her head slightly in thought, Harriet only wasted a minute contemplating the scene before her, something told her this wasn’t acting. Hearing the calls of a fussy toddler, Harriet forced her curiosity to the back of her mind somewhere, hoping what ever was going on, it was something good.

Not too much later, Harm found himself alone outside with Bud.

“I’ve been wanting to ask you, have you gotten any word on the photos?”

Looking around to make sure the women were still busy elsewhere, Bud proceeded to update his friend.

“Not much. As you suspected, there were no fingerprints of any kind on the envelopes or photos, other than those of us at JAG. The scan of the Colonel’s apartment showed no signs of any surveillance equipment either. I was able to get a hold of the building owner across the street late Friday afternoon. There’s only one building who’s positioning fits the line of sight for the photos. They had to have been taken from either the second or third floor.”

“Could he help us?” Harm asked, keeping his eye on the backdoor in case Harriet or Mac came out.

“Well, they’ve gotten three new tenants in the last year, but only one rented an apartment that could have taken those photos. His name is Robert Hatcher. He appears to be an ordinary 32 year old, white male with no criminal record, not even parking tickets.” Flipping the burgers, bud paused to put cheese on the them. “Want some cheese on your veggie burger, sir?”

“Yeah, thanks.” Harm nodded.

“I’ve gone ahead and sent his name through NCIS to see if they have anything. If you think it’s warranted, I could run this past Agent Novak.” Bud raised a doubtful eyebrow, he knew Harm only turned to the FBI as a last resort.

“No, let’s wait and see what else turns up on this guy first.” Harm sighed, as much as he was enjoying the opportunity to be close to Mac again, something about all this just wasn’t sitting right. Staring blankly at the back door Harm was brought back to the present by the sound of Bud’s voice.

“Foods up! Come and get it!”

Continue to Part 3

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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