2136 Local
Sarah Mackenzie’s Apartment
2136 Local

Dropping onto her couch with a sigh, she ruefully gave her “belly” a rub. That last scene at Harm’s had drained her. The look in his eyes….She dropped her head back against the couch and tried not to cry. Damn him…he really was like that _only_ when she had one foot out the door.

Still, it was unfair of her to leave it like that. She really had stopped by just to reconnect with him for few minutes before taking off to Paraguay with Webb. Harm just managed to throw her off balance. She’d finally made peace with the fact that they were ONLY going to be friends. It was difficult, but she was grateful she had that, at least.

A consultation of her internal clock resulted in the decision to take a shower. She would still have time to pack before meeting Clay at 0200 at Dulles for their flight. With a slight grunt she levered herself off the couch, the pregnancy suit making her unwieldy, and made her way to her bedroom.

With some difficulty, she managed to divest herself of her clothes and the suit. She stood for a moment, looking in the full length mirror, taking inventory, trying to imagine herself really pregnant. It was a dream she had never managed to shake, especially with the “deal” looming close on the horizon.

A knock at the door shook her from her reverie. Grabbing a robe, she slipped it on as she padded barefoot to the door, thinking it must be Clay with some last minute information. She didn’t bother to check the peephole.

She was therefore astonished at the sight of Harm standing there, a look of steely determination in his expressive eyes. She gaped, unable to think of a single thing to say.

He smiled sadly at her obvious surprise. “May I come in?” There was a momentary flash of something in his eyes as they flicked down her body, but she felt sure she must have imagined it.

She nodded and stepped back for him to enter, flustered.

“Umm…would you like something to drink?” The question was automatic, she was nervous.

Again his eyes went over her, lingeringly this time. “No, that’s not what I came for.” The low voice made her quiver. Unlike his usual gentlemanly behavior, his eyes stayed focused on the V where her robe parted.

Self-consciously she fingered her robe, pulling it together. “So what did you come for?” Then she blushed as she realized the double entendre in that question.

The heat in his gaze hit her full force when he lifted his eyes to her face, the intensity making her take a step back.

“Because you were right. I’ve been a coward, and even if you go on this mission I want you to know that I love you.”

She took another step back, stunned by his simple declaration.

This time he followed her, closing in. Reaching out, his fingers touched the soft silk of her robe before his hands came up to cup her face. “Because if you go, I want you to know what you’ll come back to.”

And then he kissed her.

She grabbed onto his shoulders as her knees buckled. He took advantage of this, his arms going around her to pull her close. She couldn’t stop herself from opening her mouth to his tongue, and she almost blacked out when he immediately began a tantalizing tease with his.

“Harm…” Whispering his name when his mouth left hers to travel down her neck, sending endless shivers through her soul.

“Shhh”. Another tremble as he murmured against her pulse point. “Don’t talk…just feel.”

When his hand slipped inside her robe to caress her breast softly, she couldn’t stop her moan. Slowly, tenderly, his fingers roamed, tracing light circles all over her breast before settling in and covering it. He massaged it gently, then cupped it as if testing its weight.

She felt as if she were slowly melting into a puddle under the onslaught.

His hands busied themselves with the tie of her robe, and she took the opportunity to do a little exploring of her own. Impatiently she tugged at his shirt, and he obligingly helped her pull it over his head.

He reached for her immediately, but she pushed him back. For almost all the time she had known him, she had wanted the opportunity to really look at him. And it was worth it, muscled torso, well-defined abs, broad shoulders. The obvious bulge in his jeans almost made her smile.

She allowed her fingers to rove over his chest, sliding over those rippling muscles, leaving a trail of goose bumps wherever they traveled.

“Like what you see?” His amused question made her look up at his face with a smile. If he thought he was going to embarrass her, he was sadly mistaken.

“Yes, actually, I do.” Her sultry tone changed his amusement to desire.

She backed him up against the door and lowered her mouth to his nipple, biting and sucking, then placed feather kisses up his neck as her hands continued to roam. One hand brushed against him intimately, pressing, and wrenched a groan from him. “Mac…you’re killing me here.”

He pushed the robe off her shoulders and began a counter attack. One hand twirled a taut nipple, while the other slid round to cup her bottom and pull her against him, his hips grinding into her.

And all the while he kissed her, tormenting her with his tongue, hot open-mouth kisses that sent lustful messages all through her body.

And she answered them with everything she had in her.

She finally managed to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his jeans. His boxers were no barrier as her questing hand finally touched him unencumbered by clothing. She gripped him tightly, reveling in the knowledge that she was finally going to have him. His hot, hard shaft pulsed as she stroked him.

“Oh God…” His strangled moan was music to her ears, but she was unprepared when he turned the tables on her.

Spinning her around until her back was against the door; he toed off his shoes and kicked the offending pants and boxers out of his way. It was then his hand went to her sexual core, circling her clit before plunging into her. His mouth went down to her nipple, sucking and running his tongue around it.

He stopped for a moment and looked deeply into her eyes. While she watched him, he brought the finger that had been inside her to his lips and licked it. She gasped, and he smiled smugly. “Delicious.”

His other hand was braced against her shoulder, forcing her back against the door. She was grateful for it, without it she would have fallen. He looked like he was going to devour her right there. And oh how she hoped he would!

When he went down on his knees, she thought she would faint. His mouth…there…Oh God.

She placed her hands on his shoulders for support. “Harm…you have to stop…”

But he didn’t.

The room spun crazily around her. All she could feel was his tongue on her, stoking a blaze that took her higher and higher. “Please Harm…”

He slipped a finger inside her, pushing and pulling while he teased her clit with his tongue. She couldn’t breathe.

“Harm…oh please…I can’t…”

She didn’t know what she was begging for. She didn’t want him to stop, but she couldn’t…Oh holy shit…it was going to happen. The explosion arched her back, banging her head into the door, and she couldn’t stop crying out. “Harm, oh God…HARM!”

Before she could collapse, his arms encircled her, holding her up. Then a whole new sensation took over as his strong cock pushed inside her.

Gasping for air now, she couldn’t even moan. He filled her with an exquisite fullness, and when he withdrew she almost whimpered.

Then wave after wave of passion washed over her as he moved into her. Each push sending her higher and higher.

She thought she had reached the pinnacle of orgasm before, but the push and pull of his cock inside her…the way he moaned her name as he pushed into her harder and harder…

She felt him explode inside her and she went over the edge with him. This time she lost control completely and screamed, clawing at his back as she tried to get even closer to him.

She had no idea how long they stayed like that, propped against the door, both of them panting heavily, but she wished they could stay that way forever. In her entire life she had never felt this replete…this total satisfaction and contentment.

He kissed her neck as they slid down the door awkwardly and collapsed, heedless of their whereabouts.

Settling himself against the door, he pulled her into his lap. They were both hot and sweaty, but she didn’t care. This was all she wanted.

He rested his cheek against her hair as she curled against his chest.



“I love you too.”

There was no answer for a moment, and then she heard a soft snore.

Surely he couldn’t be asleep!


A loud snore this time.

She sat up, indignant, and looked around.

She wasn’t at home. She was in a hotel in Paraguay, and it was Webb snoring on the couch.

“Damn it. I’ve really got to work things out with Harm. These dreams are going to kill me.”

The End

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
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