The house at the top of the hill

"Oh drats!" Katie Belle exclaimed. "That stupid gate opened just as they were about to kiss. Sixty years we STILL don’t have our timing right."

"As I recall you never did, even when you were alive," Millie cackled as she floated into the hall way and down toward the dining room.

"Now, you wait just a minute. I had great comedic timing!" Katie Belle followed along behind her.

"Yes, you did. Too bad the plays you were in were supposed to be dramas," Millie laughed even harder.

"That is not funny, Millicent," the younger ghost pouted.

"Oh all right," Millie rolled her eyes. "You were a wonderful actress, no one better has ever graced stage or screen. Now will you put some of that great timing to use and help me finish this table before they get here?!"

Katie Belle batted her eyelashes. "Well, when you put it like that..."

The trek up the driveway was treacherous, but Harm handled it like a pro, not letting his thoughts drift at all to the woman beside him...or her stocking clad thigh. He was damn proud of himself too...because that was one hellava world class thigh.

He’d always known Mac was a beautiful woman, but he’d always kept his feelings and...urges, at bay. Until recently. Now that he’d finally admitted he loved her, it was taking all of his iron control not to grab her and do all the wicked things he wanted to with her every time he saw her.

"So, Harm...we going to sit here with the car idling all night, or are we going to try to go in?"

Realizing he’d been caught lost in thought, Harm colored a bit and tried to recover. Shutting the car off and leaning across the seat, his face was right next to hers as he looked out the window and up at the house. "Well, as long as you’re not scared, I guess we’ll see if anyone is home."

His nearness and the smell of his after shave was doing funny things to her. Drawing a shaky breath she answered with as much spunk as she could muster. "I’m a Marine, Harm. Don’t worry, I’ll protect you," she said with a wink.

When he faced her their noses were only inches apart. Staring deeply into her eyes he murmured, "I don’t know, Mac...maybe you’ll be the one that needs protecting."

Her heart started galloping wildly at the husky rumble of his voice. She leaned in a fraction of inch closer, their lips were almost touching. Just as she was about to close the distance between them a crack of lightning illuminated the sky and the loud thunder caused her to jump.

Nervous laughter filled the car as Harm moved away. "All right, guess we need to get out of this car and see what’s really in there."

Mac grabbed the umbrella at her feet, thankful for the few seconds to get herself squared away. Tonight was turning out to be hell on her nerves. "Ready when you are."

Smirking slightly at her comment, Harm took the umbrella out of her hands. "Sit still, I’ll come around for you."

Before she could utter a protest he was out of the car and coming around to her door. With a woosh the door opened and Harm helped her out of the car, tucking her into his side as they walked toward the house. Even with all of the clothes between them she could feel the heat off of his big body. She tucked her head in closer to his shoulder and let him lead her.

Soon they were standing at the massive front door, huddled together under the umbrella. With shaking fingers Mac reached out and pulled the bell, hoping to signal someone inside the old home. No lights appeared to be on, but still she rang it again. "Doesn’t look like there’s anyone here."

Harm took a hold of the knob and tried it. It cracked like a seal, the door creaking open as he pushed it with just the tips of his fingers. "Well, it’s not locked. Guess all we can do is head in and hope no one shoots us."

"Great plan," Mac mumbled as they both stood there just looking into the dark house.

After a few more minutes with neither moving, Mac finally asked, "So, we going in or what?"

Harm laughed. "I’m waiting for you, Marine. I thought you were going to protect me."

Shoring up her courage Mac straightened and pulled away. "All right." Then she mumbled something about courage and the Navy that would make most sailors blush.

"Don’t worry, I’m right behind you." Harm replied, amused.

It was dark, no light anywhere except for the flickering of one lonely candle sitting on a table at the end of the long entryway. Waiting for her eyes to adjust, Mac squinted, trying to see past the foyer into the rest of the house.

"Well first thing, help me find a light switch or something," Mac whispered to Harm, whom she hoped was still behind her.

A big hand on her backside confirmed he was. "Oops, sorry, Mac. I to find the wall."

She couldn’t help it; she chuckled. "Aim a little higher, would ya?"

"Do you really want me to do that?" he asked, tongue in cheek.

"Ha ha, you’re just so funny, Rabb," but even her gruff voice couldn’t hide her smile.

"Thanks, I think so." A comedy of errors ensued, both of them fumbling in the dark for the switch. "Geez, where are the lights in this place any..."

Harm had barely got the words out when on their own, one by one, the lights began to turn themselves on down the wall. By the end, the pair stood with their mouths open, again unable to move.

When Mac was finally able to get her throat working she croaked, "Did you..?"

Harm shook his head ‘no’. "Did you...?"


Taking her by the hand, he gave it a squeeze before starting forward. "Well, let’s go see what else is here, shall we?"

Not wanting to look as scared as she felt at the moment, Mac nodded her consent. Together they walked further into the house, taking in the art and the ornate furniture around them. Beautiful gilded mirrors lined the way, and Mac watched their reflection as they passed each one. They made a striking couple, there was no question about that. Their costumes only added to the illusion.

Reaching the end, the hallway opened up, and all there was was dark space all around them. "Now what?" Mac asked.

As if by magic more lights sprang to life around the room and Mac gasped. It was absolutely beautiful. Large and spacious, the room spread out around them in every direction. "Wow."

"Yeah," he agreed.

There wasn’t much in way of decoration, but what it lacked in detail it more than made up for in atmosphere. Somehow the room gave off the impression of being outdoors, the high domed glass ceiling adding to the effect. There were doors at every turn, and a winding staircase directly in front of them leading to the open second floor.

"So, where to now?" Harm asked, looking around for some sort of sign. Again, lights twinkled brightly around one of the doorways, and Harm chuckled. "Kind of like a landing strip, leading the way. Isn’t it?"

Mac scoffed, "Leave it to you to turn something like this into a metaphor about flying."

"Well, what would you call it?" he challenged.

"Weird," she stated, not elaborating.

"But kind of cool. You know, being in a real haunted house on Halloween," he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

She gave him that look that, without words, told him he’d lost his mind. Although unbelieving, she still played along. "Yeah well, lights coming on by themselves is okay, but if anything flies about the room I am out of here!"

He laughed out loud at that, his eyes shining with mirth, and Mac felt her heart tumble in her chest. That smile was incredible, and it took everything in her not to reach up and touch her fingers to that mouth.

Instead she said, "I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself, Harm."

Tilting his head, the ghost of that smile still on his lips, he said, "And you’re not...enjoying yourself?"

Surprisingly, she realized she was. More than she had in a long time. Unable to resist it any longer, she reached up on tip toe and gave him a peck to the cheek. "Things with you are never boring, that’s for sure."

Touched by the small gesture, Harm raised their joined hands to his lips, brushing her knuckles with a soft kiss. "Gosh, Mac, I feel the same way about you."

"You’re such a sweet talker, Harmon." She batted her eyelashes at him.

Both of them laughing this time, they walked over to the door side by side.

"You ready?" he asked her.

"Ready as I’ll ever be," she assured him.

Holding up the umbrella like a weapon, Harm put his other hand on the doorknob and spoke up. "Okay, Monty, we’ll take what’s behind door number one."

Continue to Part 3

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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