JAG Library
1400 Local

“Harriet, are you sure you can get that? Maybe I should ask Tiner for help.” Tracy Manetti’s sounded hesitant as Harriet reached for a large volume on the top shelf.

Harriet was standing on the ladder, precariously balanced as she struggled to get a finger on the large book. “No, I think I can get it…almost have it…” She stretched one more time and got a finger hooked under the binding. “AHA! Got it!” The victorious tone changed immediately to a warning. “Look out!”

The book teetered on the edge as Harriet grappled for it and fumbled. Tracy managed to move out of the way as the book fell, but Harm was not so lucky. Stepping around the corner, he was flipping through a file, not paying attention to the surrounding turmoil. At Harriet’s shout, he looked up and got beaned on the noggin with the heavy tome.

He stumbled and fell against the shelves, barely avoiding falling to the ground. “Sir, are you all right? I’m so sorry!” Both Harriet and Tracy rushed to his side to check his wounds.

He managed a smile, a dazed look in his eye. “Yeah, I think so.” Putting his hand to the large bump already present, he gingerly touched it and winced. “What happened?”

The two women exchanged worried glances, and then Harriet spoke up. “It’s my fault, Sir. I was getting a book down and dropped it. I really am sorry.” She put a hand to his elbow when he didn’t reply. “Maybe you’d better sit down, Sir.”

“Uh…no, I’m ok.” Despite his reassurance, both women were concerned; the glassy look in his eyes alarming them.

“Sir, just let us walk you back to you office then. You really should have your head checked.” Harriet meant this in the nicest way, but Tracy had to stifle a giggle.

Harm shot her an amused look before answering. “I’m fine, Harriet. I’ll just get some aspirin.”

“You just go to your office, Sir, and I’ll bring it to you.”

“OK, thanks, I appreciate it.” He turned to go, but then stopped. “Have you seen Mac this morning?”

“Yes Sir, she’s in a meeting with the Admiral and Commander Turner. I believe they are discussing the Anthony court martial.” Tracy answered him. She knew the Commander was aware of the meeting; he’s the one who had told her about it.

A confused look crossed his face. “Oh, right. OK.” He continued to stand there, apparently deep in thought.

“Why don’t I walk with you to your office, Sir? I want to ask your opinion on a case I’m working on anyway.” Again Harriet and Tracy exchanged glances worriedly.

“Um…sure…OK.” Harm continued to stand there, this time staring off into space.

“Come on, Sir.” Tracy put a hand to his arm, shaking him from his reverie. “Harriet, why don’t you call a medic to check him out when you get his aspirin?”

“No, that’s OK. Just the aspirin.” Harm pulled himself together. “Where did you say Mac was?”

“She’s in a meeting, Sir. Why don’t you wait for her in your office?” Tracy pulled gently on his arm, and he went with her, a little unsteady on his feet. Harriet ran to get the aspirin and call for a medic. It was obvious the Commander was a little out of it from the blow to his head.

“Yeah…OK…Are you sure she’s here?” Harm continued his questioning as they walked towards his office.

Harm’s Office

The journey to his office had been calm, but as soon as he’d past Mac’s empty office, Harm had become visibly anxious. “Where is she? I need to talk to her.” Only by constant reassurance that Mac would be there momentarily was Tracy able to get him to his own office, and she prayed Harriet would hurry with the medic.

“Here’s your aspirin, Sir.” Harriet hurried in with a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin. “There’s a medic on the way.” This was a low aside to Tracy as Harm took the proffered medicine and swallowed it.

“Harriet…where is Sarah? I need to talk to her.” Harriet’s eyes widened at his question and the use of Mac’s first name, and she gave Tracy an alarmed look.

Tracy shrugged helplessly. “He keeps asking, and I keep answering, but he doesn’t seem to get it.”

Harriet went around the desk and bent over to talk to him. Speaking slowly, as if to a small child, Harriet replied to his question. “She’s in a meeting with the Admiral and Commander Turner, Sir. She’ll be out soon, and I’ll make sure she comes to see you.”

Harm nodded and rested his head on his forearm for a moment. Harriet breathed a sigh of relief and straightened. Turning, she addressed Tracy again. “Look out for the medic, would you please?”

Abruptly Harm sat up. “I don’t need a medic, I need Sarah. Where is she? I’m going to go find her.”

He got up from the desk, but sat back down as Harriet stopped him. “I’ll call her, Sir, all right? She’ll be here in just a minute.”

He watched her carefully as she picked up the phone, sitting back down as she began her conversation. “Admiral, this is Lieutenant Sims, Sir. I’m sorry to interrupt, but Commander Rabb needs to speak to Colonel Mackenzie as soon as possible.”

Tracy watched sympathetically as Harriet crossed her fingers, hoping the Admiral would accept the simple request at face value and not question it. It was a vain hope.

Tracy and Harm watched as she winced at the Admiral’s sharp tone. He didn’t like to be interrupted. “No Sir, I don’t think it’s an emergency…”

She was cut off as the Admiral let her know in no uncertain terms that it was not acceptable to disrupt his meeting without good cause. “Yes Sir…I’m sorry, Sir…Yes, I’ll tell him…Good bye Sir.”

She hung up and turned an embarrassed and apologetic face to Harm. “The Admiral says they should be finished soon, Sir. You can speak with Colonel Mackenzie then.” It was obvious to Tracy that Harriet was hiding the Admiral’s annoyance, but Harm was oblivious.

“Thank you Harriet, but this can’t wait. I’ll find her myself.”

The two women watched as Harm got up and walked resolutely out of his office. Tracy tried to stop him, but was unceremoniously, if courteously, brushed aside. “Wait Commander, don’t interrupt them. She’ll be out in a minute.”

This last part was called to Harm’s back, as he continued out across the bullpen towards the Admiral’s office. They both followed him, trying to get him to stop, but were unable to convince him. Harriet gestured frantically to Bud, who left his office and joined the caravan.

Tiner watched in astonishment as they passed his desk, too surprised to object. Not many people, even Commander Rabb, walked in on the Admiral unannounced and without an appointment. He got up to follow them as well, anticipating the Admiral’s displeasure and hoping to mitigate it in some way.

Harm didn’t knock, just opened the door and strode in. The others stayed back, preferring to stay out of the direct line of fire, but within sight of the action.

The Admiral was seated behind his desk and looked up in surprise at the intrusion. “Commander, what do you think you are doing?”

Sturgis and Mac, both seated in their customary places in front of the Admiral’s desk, turned around at the disturbance. Too amazed at Harm’s sudden appearance, neither one said a word.

Harm ignored the Admiral, and all the audience surrounding him, coming to a stop in front of Mac’s chair. “I need to talk to you now.”

Dumfounded, Mac managed to get out, “Harm, is something wrong?”

He looked down at her and said seriously, “Yes, something is very wrong, and has been for a long time.”

Still acutely aware of the surroundings, Mac tried to calm him down, having no idea what he was talking about. Glancing nervously at the Admiral, she answered him, “Harm, whatever’s wrong, I’ll help you, but you’re going to get into trouble this way. Just wait a few more…”

He cut her off. “I’m not waiting another minute. I love you, Sarah.”

Stunned, Mac did not say a word. In fact, for all practical purposes, she was unable to say or do anything. It was one of the few times those in attendance had seen her at a total loss for words.

You could have heard a pin drop as Harm ruthlessly pulled her out of the chair and kissed her passionately. She actually struggled for a moment before giving in, good sense and protocol flying out the window, and kissing him back.

Tracy looked around the room from her vantage point at the door, and was surprised to see smiles of approval on everyone’s faces, even the Admiral’s. Harriet and Bud were actually beaming, Tiner was grinning, and Sturgis watched the performance with obvious satisfaction. She shook her head in disbelief.

Harm paused in his kissing to ask her one question. “Do you love me, Sarah?”

Dazed, all she could do was nod her head in acquiescence. Smiling, he resumed his self-appointed task of kissing the fire out of her.

Finally the Admiral decided to take control before his two officers lost theirs completely. “Mr. Rabb!” he barked loudly. There was no response. “COMMANDER RABB!”

Harm turned around without releasing Mac, who was limp in his arms.

“Kindly unhand my Officer and stand at attention!” The Admiral’s tone was sarcastically polite.

Belatedly realizing that his actions might have severe repercussions, Harm looked at the helpless marine in his arms. The big brown eyes were dazed, so he set her carefully back in her chair. Unable to stop himself, he placed a kiss on her nose. She giggled.

Everyone smothered a laugh at that, and the Admiral was hard pressed to maintain a façade of irritation. The whole situation was so bizarre he barely could keep from laughing out loud. Glancing around the office at the smiling faces, he decided he’d better take command of the situation.

“ATTENTION ON DECK!” His voice was loud with irritation. Everyone snapped to attention except Mac, who tried to get to her feet, but apparently couldn’t. He took pity on her, it wasn’t her fault. “Except you, Colonel.” Gratefully, she remained seated.

In spite of himself, AJ couldn’t find it in his heart to be angry at the Harm’s breach of etiquette and total disregard for military protocol. He was glad that Harm had finally managed to get his head out of his six; he just wished he’d done it in a less spectacularly public way.

“Sir, I think I can shed some light on this.” Lieutenant Sims stepped forward, bravely facing the lion in his den.

“I think the Commander can take the heat on this one, Lieutenant.” The Admiral was firm; he did not appreciate anyone trying to take the blame for someone else, however well-intentioned.

“But Sir, the Commander had an accident, he was hit on the head. He’s really not responsible for his actions.” Harriet was trying to give Harm an out with the Admiral and spoke without thinking.

Mac paled as she realized the implication of that statement. She was going to have to request a transfer out if it was true. She doubted she would ever get over the embarrassment of this whole thing, admitting she loved Harm in front of everyone and he didn’t even know what he was doing.

“Is this true, Commander?” AJ doubted that the office would ever recover from the ramifications if Harm disclaimed responsibility for his actions.

“Yes Sir, it’s true I had an accident.” Mac gasped and closed her eyes, mentally trying to prepare herself to start her life over somewhere else. She felt her heart start beating again at his next statement. “But it just knocked some sense into me. I take full responsibility for all of my actions, Sir.”

Harm smiled reassuringly at Mac when she finally met his gaze. “And I stand by them, Sir, completely.”

‘Whew!’ AJ thought to himself. Out loud, he commanded, “Everyone out of here except the Commander and the Colonel.”

As Sturgis joined the crowd outside the door, AJ called out, “And close the hatch!”

The door closed, AJ surveyed his two officers. Harm was still standing at attention, Mac still sitting and looking at him apprehensively.

“Sit down, Commander.”

Harm took a seat, shooting a sideways look at Mac as he did so. He knew he was in big trouble, but he couldn’t care less. He’d finally gotten it right with his marine.

AJ steepled his fingers and considered what to say. In strict military terms, he could have both their asses; conduct unbecoming would just be the tip of the iceberg. But he knew he couldn’t do it. He’d watched these two officers fight their feelings for too long, and he’s always hoped they’d figure it out.

“I trust that something of this nature will NEVER be repeated, Commander.”

“No Sir.” Harm had the good sense to keep his answers short.

AJ sighed. “For God’s sake, keep it out of the office from now on. I’ll think of some suitable non-judicial punishment.” He couldn’t keep the laugh out of his voice. “Thank God the SecNav wasn’t here.”

Neither Mac nor Harm said anything; there was safety in silence.

“Oh go on, dismissed.” He waved a hand at them. AJ was disgusted with himself; he was turning into a soft-hearted idiot.

“Uh…Sir?” It was Harm again.

“What now, Commander?”

“I just wanted to let you know, I’m going to try to convince her to marry me.”

AJ looked at Mac. She’d been dumfounded before, now she looked like she was about to faint.

“Do you think she’ll agree?”

Harm looked at Mac, who was staring at him, open-mouthed in shock.

“I think so, Sir.”

AJ sighed again. “Well, thanks for the warning. I’ll think of something. Dismissed.”

Harm stood by Mac’s chair, waiting for her to get up to leave. “Mac? Are you coming?” He took her
hand to help her up, putting a steadying arm around her when her knees buckled as she stood. Grinning, he couldn’t resist teasing her a little as they left the Admiral’s office. “Say Mac, you don’t think I’m getting too predictable in my old age, do you?”

That same night
Harm’s Apartment
North of Union Station
2300 Local

Harm dragged himself out of his car and made his way into the building, depressed. For a day that had shone with such promise for a wonderful night, the ending had sucked. Out loud. He pressed the elevator button, stepping inside with a sigh.

As the door closed, he leaned on the back wall and considered how he gotten stuck with the idiot ensign in Norfolk. It really wasn’t fair. So what if Sturgis and Bud had court, at least Mac could have been assigned to go with him. So what if she had to depose a Marine General?

Sighing heavily again as the doors slid open, he realized he was being unreasonable. But damn it, he just managed to work things out with Mac, and then to have to LEAVE!!!! Sometimes the Navy really just…sucked. He almost smiled at his juvenile description, but it was apt.

To top things off, he’d dropped his cell phone, smashing it to pieces. He’d been unable to get in touch with Mac, and she thought he was staying in Norfolk. He brightened a little as he unlocked the door. He could call her…at least he could talk to her tonight.

Stepping inside, he flipped on the light. Nothing happened. Almost before he could mutter a curse, the scratching of a match being lit caught his attention. In his living room, a spark ignited and flared.

Startled and on high alert, he gaped in surprise at the sight that greeted him. It was Mac, lighting a grouping of candles on his coffee table. “Welcome home, Harm.” She pointed the remote in her hand towards the stereo, and pressed a button. “I thought you’d never get here.”

The sound of a slow smoky blues piano eased out of the speakers, and a woman’s sultry voice began to croon.

Like a flower….Waiting to bloom…
Like a lightbulb….In a dark room…

Stunned, he couldn’t even move. All he could do was stare at the vision before him. She was dressed (and he used that term loosely) in a simple black satin slip that came about mid thigh. The spaghetti straps didn’t cover anything, and the front dipped daringly, revealing a glorious cleavage he had often dreamed of.

Finally he managed to croak out a few words. “Mac, what are you doing here?”

She glided across the floor to stand in front of him. Reaching up, she removed his cover and let it sail like a Frisbee across the room to the couch. Pressing a finger to his lips, she smiled up at him. “Waiting for you.” The candlelight flickered, casting shadows everywhere, but she was bathed in ethereal light.

I’m just sitting here….Waiting for you…
To come on home, and turn me on.

Of their own accord his hands reached for her, but she stepped back teasingly, wagging a playful finger at him. She gave him a look that clearly stated this was her game, and he had to play by her rules.

Like the desert….Waiting for the rain…
Like a schoolkid….Waiting for the Spring…

Closing in on him again, she pushed his coat off his shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor.
His tie was next, and she untied it and slowly pulled it through his collar, her eyes never leaving his. She dropped it on the floor next to him.

I’m just sitting here….Waiting for you…
To come on home, and turn me on.

His shirt was then unbuttoned; following the path his coat had taken previously, but this time, her hands lingered. Fingers caressed him, delicate tracing of biceps, lingering touches across his chest. And all the time, her luminous eyes never left his, a fiery promise burning in the depths.

My poor heart…it’s been so dark…
Since you’ve been gone…

He failed to stifle the groan when her mouth nipped at his nipple, her tantalizing strokes sliding down his abdomen.

After all…you’re the one who turns me off…
You’re the only one, who can turn me back on…

And then, wonder of wonders, her hands fell to his belt, unbuckling it and pulling it out, dropping it to the floor. His pants were unbuttoned and unzipped, and her hand slipped inside. Her cool fingers contrasted sharply with his heated shaft. They surrounded him, stroked him, and he could restrain himself no longer.

My hi-fi is waiting…for a new tune…
The glass is waiting…for some fresh ice cubes…

He reached out and took her in his arms, crushing her to him and claiming her mouth with his own.

I’m just sitting here….Waiting for you…
To come on home, and turn me on.

Turn me on….

Even as her lips parted, her tongue eagerly meeting his, his mind registered every detail of her. The feel of her breasts as they pressed against his chest, the satin might as well not have been there. The smoothness of her skin as his hands traveled her…the curve of her ass.

“Harm…” His name was a whisper in the night, the huskiness of her voice sending a shiver all the way through him. She slid down his body, pushing his pants and boxers down to the floor.

She looked up at him, smiling devilishly, and then took him in her mouth.

Harm’s mind was already whirling, the unexpectedness of finding her at his home, not to mention the exciting seduction; but when the warmth of her mouth covered him his knees buckled and he felt like he was going to faint. As her tongue swirled around his cock, ecstasy shot through him.

With a superhuman effort he managed to keep from falling to the floor. The little voice in his brain warned him if he didn’t stop her now, this was going to be over in seconds, but he couldn’t bring himself to interrupt her. Pleasure was zinging through him, fire coursing through his veins, and he was damned if he was going disrupt one of the most electrifying moments in his life.

It was Mac that put an end to it when she tasted the first few drops from him. The need to make this moment last made her withdraw reluctantly. She gave one last lick, stood up, and wrapped her arms around him. Panting, both relieved and disappointed that she had stopped, he just held on to her and struggled to regain his equilibrium.

Despite his befuddled state, his hands began to explore her again, and this time it was his mouth that began a journey. He started on her neck, nibbling and kissing, trailing up to her ear. His hands found their way to her breasts, caressing them through the soft satin. This time his name was a moan, not a whisper. “Harm…”

His eager hands pushed the straps off her shoulders, allowing the negligee to drop. He grinned to himself as he heard her moan when his lips closed around her erect nipple, but he almost lost it when his questing fingers sank into her wet center. She was so hot…so wet…and it was all for him.

All he could think of was how much he wanted to ravish her, how badly he wanted to be inside her. In one quick scoop she was in his arms, and he was ready to carry her off to the bedroom. It was then he realized he had a problem.

His pants and boxers were still around his ankles, and his shoes were blocking kicking them off. When she realized his predicament, Mac let loose a giggle. “Maybe you’d better put me down, Flyboy; you’re not quite ready for this.”

Looking down at her smiling face, her head resting against his shoulder, all he could do was laugh back. “Not to worry, adapt and overcome is my motto.” And with a mighty heave, he whipped her up over his shoulder, bringing forth a gale of laughter.

Toeing off his shoes, he managed to kick off his pants and boxers, then decided to deal with the socks later. He strode off towards the bedroom, his stride deliberately bumpy just to hear her giggle some more.

He dumped her unceremoniously on the bed amidst her laughter, enjoying the sight of a naked Sarah bouncing on his bed. He whipped off his socks, and then jumped on the bed beside her, both of them bouncing and laughing.

They ended up face to face on their sides, and the laughter stilled. One look into her dark eyes, so tender and full of desire, and he was lost in her once more. As one they came together, mouths fusing in passion, hands touching everywhere.

Pressing her back into the pillows, Harm worked his way back to her breasts, suckling one while one hand played with the other. He could have played there for hours, and decided he would at a later date. The tawny nipples were exquisitely responsive, and every flick of his tongue drew forth gasps from Mac. But there was another part of her that was calling to him.

Slipping down between her legs, he took a taste of her, sinking his tongue into her depths. He savored her, loving the sexual juice that flowed from her. One of his favorite fantasies had been snacking on Mac, and the reality was even better. A light flick of his tongue on her clit brought his name loudly from her, and he settled in to enjoy the task he had set for himself.

But Mac had other ideas, and pulled at his shoulder. Pleadingly she gazed at him. “Please Harm, I want you in me, now. I want all of you inside me.”

He could hear the desperation in her tone, and it would have taken a stronger man than he to deny her. Rising, he moved until he was on top of her, his cock poised at her entrance.

She took his face between her hands, her eyes deep pools of desire. “Now Harm, I want you now.”

He watched her as he slid inside her, her eyes closing and her back arching up to him. Her arms slipped down to his neck, and then around him. He meant to take it slow, to be gentle, but as her heat surrounded him, the sensations overwhelmed him. His own eyes closed. This was Mac…Sarah…and he was finally…FINALLY…making love to her. The urgency built in him. He pushed into her again, and again, harder and faster with every thrust.

She met him, thrust for thrust. “Yes…Oh God…Yes…Harm…You feel so hard…so good…YES!” Her wild urging spurred him on, and he didn’t even realize he was answering her in kind. “Sarah…Love…My God, you are so tight…Sarah…”

The fire between them rose higher and higher, and she finally screamed his name, “HARM!” and went up in flames. The feel of her orgasm sent him over the edge with her and every muscle in his body clenched as the answering blaze drove through him, the world spinning crazily around him.

Her gentle hands stroking his back brought him back to reality. He was collapsed on top of her, still inside her. Basking in the serenity, he was loath to move. He had never felt more at peace in his life.

Finally he propped himself up on his elbows. Her eyes reflected the same peace he felt, and a smile lurked in their depths. Unable to verbalize exactly how he felt, he expressed it in action. Lowering his head to hers, he kissed her. It was a long, slow, languorous kiss that had everything to do with love and affection, a kiss that expressed what words could not.

When the kiss finally ended, all he could do was tell her the truth. “I love you, Sarah.”

Her quiet response, “I love you, Harm, so very much,” caused his already full heart to overflow.

The End

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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