By Milady JAG

Through the night, Mac kept vigil over Harm; the fever had begun to rage, and the infection was becoming more visible as the hours passed.

"I can't..."

"You can and you are. Help is coming- we are going to make it!" Mac's voice was in a low roar, but the meaning was there, and so was the hope that he was going to make it. 2 DFC's, and now he was fighting for his life, again. First time, it was a ramp strike that took the life of his RIO, the second was the plane went into the ocean as he was trying to make it back for Mac's cancelled wedding to Bumby, and now, he could lose his life in some abandoned hanger on the edge of Camp LeJeune. The anger rose in her, but for Harm, and for her, it was again buried, to be used in an emergency.

"Can't let Palmer..." As Harm tried to move at the invisible figure of Clark Palmer, he fell back wrentched with pain from the bullet holes.

As Mac made it to his side, he let out a breathe and let the darkness reclaim him.

During the late hours of the night, Camelion had not only contacted the Admiral, but members of the rescue team that would assure the Colonel and Commander of a safe return and recovery of their injuries.

"Gentlemen, here is what we have for you. Two JAG lawyers were investigating a drug ring, that was using a hanger on our base. One smuggler had shot and wounded one of the investigators, a Commander Harmon Rabb. His partner, Colonel Sarah MacKenzie was able to get a distress call out to me at about 2350 hours last night. These dealers are suspected Marines, and will only ooperate at night. We are going to do this during the rescue." As the plan was being revealed, one tryed to make a call on his cell phone,but he was intercepted by an MP.

"Miguel, what is it?..." the voice on the other end was that of a vietanese accent.

"Tell him the plan is going nicely, you are learning the location now." The MP was listening in on the conversation. When the
conversation ended, the MP took him and as tehy took him away, 3 others were implicated as being involved in the ring and as well were taken into custody for drug smuggling, and other charges were pending, one depending on the recovery of a certain Commander.

"Admiral, General, we have all ready for the extraction." The young Marine saluted the gentlemen that had entered the room.

"As you were." The men went to at ease."Sirs, we have in custody several suspects of the alleged drug ring, and are finalizing plans for the rescue."

"You have til 0545 for the rescue extraction to commence."

"Has Naval been informed about this?" One asked.

"Yes, they are on full alert now as we speak.ER has been informed of the situation and has called in all available medical staff to

"We are going to get them out Admiral. Come hell or high water."

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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