By Nicky Cubit

Through sheer exhaustion and the comfort of holding Mac, Harm also fell into a fitful sleep. He awoke hours later feeling better. His shoulder, ribs and side all throbbed with pain but it was closer to a dull roar than a scream right now.

Needing to relieve himself, he slowly moved himself out from under Mac's arm and found the flashlight. He would need it in this pitch darkness. Struggling to his feet, he made his way to the small bathroom off to the side. He could barely fit in it but it served it's purpose. Stepping back out into the hangar Harm leaned back against the wall and looked around. There had to be something useful here. A bit unsteadily he headed to the workbench and pocketed a wrench, a screwdriver and a hammer. Any of the three could be used as a tool or as a weapon he figured.

Then he remembered the radio that Mac had found earlier that night and he headed in that direction. He tried to be quiet but his movements caused Mac to stir. Quickly she missed the feel of Harm holding her. "Harm?" she whispered loudly in the direction of the small beam of light, concern clearly evident in her voice.

"I needed to use the head," he answered back.

She met him at the radio. "It's not transmitting," he informed her. "I'll take a look at it if you open it up for me." He handed her the screwdriver, leaned back against the wall and slid down to a seated position with a groan. Standing took way to much energy that he didn't have right now.

Relieved that he trying to conserve energy, Mac joined him on the floor where she easily opened the back of the radio and handed it to her partner. He was much better at those things than she was.

Rubbing his eyes to try and clear his blurry vision, Harm squinted in the dim light.

"Connections are corroded. I'll need a brush. Maybe on the workbench." He made an effort to stand but Mac stayed him with a touch to his arm, fireworks going off for each of them at the simple touch.

"I'll look Superman." Mac took the flashlight and headed over to the workbench while Harm leaned his head against the wall and waited.

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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