A short time later-

Harm watched impatiently as the large helicopter landed near them. The wait had been agonizing for Harm; every instinct in him yelling to charge in the warehouses and find Mac. He had been on the verge of telling Webb to forget it (only he had a different phrase in mind) and go in himself when the distant sound of the helicopter had stopped him.

Clay turned to Harm with a smirk. “I told you, 30 minutes.” At Harm’s irritable look, he relented a little. “Look Harm, you gotta use your head. We can take this base over in a few minutes and find Mac. If we’d done it your way, there’s no telling what would have happened.” Harm acknowledged this truth with a nod. “Come on, let’s get a plan together and in gear.”

Harm was following Webb over to the helicopter when he stopped in surprise. The first man jumping out of the helo looked a lot like… “Gunny!” He was dressed all in black and carrying an M-16.

Gunny looked over at Harm, surprised as well. “Commander Rabb! What are you doing here?” Men continued to exit the helicopter behind him, all similarly dressed and armed.

“Looking for Colonel Mackenzie. What about you? I thought you were in Afghanistan!”

“I go where they tell me to, Sir.” Gunny’s face was impassive as ever, revealing nothing. His eyes flickered briefly to Webb and then back to Harm. “Is Colonel Mackenzie OK?”

“I don’t know. She’s most likely being held in there, but we’re not sure at this point.” Harm kept the fear out of his voice as best he could, but Gunny seemed to read him anyway.

“If she’s there, we’ll find her, Sir.” Harm took comfort in his words. He knew Gunny, and he knew Gunny’s respect for Mac. It made him feel better to know Gunny was running this group, not some trigger happy CIA operative.

Gunny pulled out some satellite photos of the area and laid them on the hood of the SUV. “The compound is approximately 2 miles from this location. We can see there is an airstrip here.” He pointed it out as he spoke. “And 3 large buildings here, they look like warehouses or hangers, possibly both.”

He shifted the papers, laying out a series of odd-looking photos. “These are infra-red aerial surveillance photos. As you can see, there are 6 figures outside.” He gave a quick look to Harm before continuing. “Of course, we can’t tell who they are, but they are headed back to this building, which we believe to be the main office.” Again he gestured to one of the buildings on the photo. “We also can’t see how many people are inside.”

Harm decided to put his two cents in and hurry this up. “We have the advantage of surprise, Gunny. You know the drill. Spread out, cover each other sixes, and take control of each building as soon as possible. I suggest you split your team into 3 teams, assign each one a building, and we go in. I’m going in the main office.” He figured that was the most likely place for Mac to be.

Webb nodded in agreement. “I’m with you, Rabb. Gunny, you have extra weapons?”

“Yes sir.” He turned and barked out an order, and one of the men ran to the helo, returning with two more weapons. He handed one each to Webb and Harm. “Just let me brief the team.” He left them and went over to the group of men that had been waiting for them. Moments later he returned, followed by the men. “Let’s go, Sir.”

They decided to go cross-country rather than follow the road, using the desert landscape and darkness as their cover. The wind was picking up as well, cloaking any noise from their sneak attack.

Back in the desert-

Mac concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. Early in her trek she had come across an easy exit from the arroyo, and was able to scramble up and out. She scanned the area for any signs of pursuit and then resolutely set out, her distant goal in sight.

She figured it was maybe 5 miles to the mountain. Certainly not that far under normal conditions; in fact she jogged more than that. However, these were not normal conditions. She had lost a lot of blood; she was dehydrated, tired, and scared. On top of all that, she wasn’t sure her phone would work even if she did make it to the mountain.

The chill in the air made her shiver; despite the fact she was sweating. Exhaustion was setting in; she had long since stopped listening for sounds of them tracking her, able only to focus on her goal - reaching the mountain, putting one foot in front of the other.

The full moon had risen early; a light cloud cover causing an eerie yellow haze. The sounds of the night desert were all around her. Coyotes howled in the distance, smaller animals causing rustling in the bushes around her. She tried not to think about the more unpopular denizens of the desert - the rattlesnake, the scorpion. The wind whipped around her as the mountain’s black silhouette beckoned her onward.

Back at the compound-

There was one guard at the entrance from the road. 2 of the marines captured him quickly and quietly, leaving him securely tied up and gagged in the guard shack. Luck was with them, there was no guard patrolling the perimeter of the property, and no fence. Quickly the group of men fanned out, splitting up to approach each building.

Harm, Gunny, Webb, and 2 marines circled the main office building. The sound of a forklift alerted them to the presence of 2 men in the warehouse, apparently unloading a truck. The 2 men around the truck were quickly and silently overcome, a blow to the head of one knocking him out, the other quickly surrendering when the muzzle of a gun was shoved unexpectedly in his face.

4 more men in the office area were rounded up as well. The astonishment on their faces almost comical as the team burst through the doors and aimed their weapons at them. All four put their hands up without a fight, recognizing they were outgunned.

“What do you want?” the apparent leader asked.

Back in the desert

Mac fell again, the resulting pain in her arm taking her breath away. This was the 3rd time she had fallen, and each time it was harder to get up. She lay there a few moments, drained, trying to catch her breath and wait for the throbbing in her arm to die down a little.

Her journey had not been that long, but to her it seemed as if she had been walking for days; each step an effort. The dizziness was the worst though. She was afraid she’d lose her way, unable to see where she was going.

The thought of just staying where she was occurred to her. In spite of the rocks digging into her side, it was infinitely preferable to getting up and trudging on to an uncertain goal. Exhaustion and pain were overwhelming her. She rested, her eyes closed, almost slipping into sleep when Harm’s voice made her jump.

“Come on Mac! What happened to that kick-ass jarhead I used to know? You know, this is exactly why they shouldn’t have women in combat! Because when the going gets tough…”

She almost laughed at the memory. Even when he was saying it the first time, she realized what he was doing. But she had accepted it, because she needed the prodding then, just as she did now. With a heavy sigh she struggled to her feet, each movement sending shooting pains down her arm.

She paused when she made it to her feet, waiting for world to stop spinning. Harm really would kick her six if she just gave up now. She had to keep going. Once she was steady enough on her feet, she took a step, and then another, finally settling in to a slow dogged pace.

Back at the compound-

Before Webb could stop him, Harm had the man by the collar threateningly. “I want to know where she is. And she better be just fine, or you are going to be very sorry.” Aware that they had not identified themselves their captives yet, Harm used the man’s uncertainty and fear to his advantage.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The man looked away from Harm, towards Webb, for help. “Who are you?” Unfortunately for him, he was looking for help in the wrong place. Webb merely smiled at him, pulled out his radio and turned to contact the other marines, effectively giving Harm the opportunity to continue his interrogation uninterrupted.

Harm swung the man around and pressed him face down into the table, twisting his arm behind him. Grimacing in pain, the man grunted out. “Just tell me what you want.”

Yanking the man’s arm harder, Harm ground out menacingly, “I already told you. Where is she?”

“Who do you mean?”

Harm flipped the man over, still forcing him against the table. Before he could say anything more, Gunny stepped forward and shoved the muzzle of his gun under the man’s chin. “Let me ask him, Sir. If he doesn’t answer this time, I’m sure one of his friends will. That is, once I make an example of him.”

Wide eyed with fear, the man managed to get out, “Do you mean Chief Miles? She’s gone…she left.”

Harm and Gunny exchanged a glance, Harm nodded to Gunny, and Gunny pushed the muzzle up a little harder. “Go on. Where did she go?”

“I don’t know where she went. When we found her, she ran off into the desert. We tried to follow her, but she got away. We were going to try to find her in the morning.” Gunny and Harm eased off the guy a little. His story was plausible.

“What’s your name?” It was Webb this time asking the question.

Still shaking, the man replied, “Joe…Joe Snelling.”

“Well, Joe, was she hurt when she left?”

There was a short silence as Joe looked at Harm and Gunny uneasily, trying to gauge if he should be totally honest or no. “Uh…not as far as I know.” To the experienced investigators, it was obvious he was lying.

Harm fought down his rising fear for Mac and took an intimidating step towards Joe. “Are you sure Joe? Because when I find her, if she’s hurt, you’re going to be feeling ten times worse. Maybe if you tell me the truth I’ll go easy on you”.

One look at Harm’s face, and Joe decided to spill his guts. “Look, we found her at the water cooler. At first we didn’t know who she was. When we recognized her, she pulled a gun. I managed to get away from her…” At Harm’s disbelieving look, Joe backtracked a little. “She was sick or something, ok? And she got distracted for a moment. I knocked the gun out of her hand, but we got into a fight.”

Without realizing what he was doing, Joe touched his crotch gently in remembrance of the kick he had received. “She managed to get away. We tried to find her, but we lost her in the arroyo.” He stopped, obviously not wanting to continue.

“And?” This time it was Gunny taking the intimidating step, making sure his weapon was prominent.

“Well, she might have been shot, I can’t be sure. She went over the edge, but we couldn’t find her. We followed her trail a little ways…”

“Trail? Was there blood?” Harm’s voice was tight, he was holding on to control. It was taking everything he had not to beat the crap out of the sob in front of him.

Nervously Joe nodded. “Uh…yeah…a little. It was getting dark, so we decided to follow her in the morning.”

Harm lost it then. Grabbing Joe again, he let his fist fly, knocking Joe over the table. “You son of a bitch, you left her out there to die, didn’t you? I ought to kill you right now.”

“Commander!” It was Gunny, stepping up and taking hold of Harm’s wrist. “The time would be better spent on a search.” He cast a scathing look at Joe. “We can take care of him later.”

Back in the desert-

Mac had struggled on, slowly making her way towards the mountain she had seen. Her body was aching, and crying out for water. Thirst was an ever present torture she could not ignore. The pain in her arm was overwhelming, and she was staggering now, her steps unsteady.

So exhausted and dazed from thirst and pain she never realized that her path had begun to slant upward. All she knew was that it was more difficult than ever to walk, but she blindly continued on, not even aware of what she was trying to do anymore.

Swaying on her feet, Mac stumbled over the rocks. Reeling over the ground, she tried desperately to keep her footing, but couldn’t. One more time she went down. Once again the pain lanced through her arm, and she once again attempted to rise, still hearing Harm’s voice urging her on.

3 attempts to rise failed, and she slumped in despair. “I’m sorry, Harm. I can’t this time. I just can’t.” Delirious, she thought Harm was actually talking to her. “I am trying, I promise. Please…I can’t.” Her feverish mumbling faded away as she lost consciousness.

Back at the compound-

All the captured men had been tied securely and left in the conference room with 2 of the marines as guards. Webb, Gunny, and Harm were walking outside, frustrated.

The darkness and cloud cover meant they couldn’t use the satellite for current photos to locate Mac, not even the infrared. Close perusal of the earlier photos did not give them any clue as to where she might be, and Harm was going crazy.

“Webb, get everyone together and start a grid search. It’s our only option at this point. We have the helicopter too.”

“Sir, respectfully, the helo is no use. You won’t be able to see her in the dark from the air. Searching on foot is all we can do at this point.” Gunny sounded almost as frustrated as Harm.

Webb pulled out his satellite phone one more time. “I’ll get more people down here as soon as possible.” He stopped for a moment, and then gave the phone to Harm. “Just try her cell once. Maybe she made it to high ground and hers will work.”

Harm almost clapped his hand to his forehead at his stupidity. “That’s it. She’ll head towards the mountains. We’ll start our search that way.” He dialed her cell, and it rang. No voice mail immediately, his hope soared. After 6 rings, her voice mail came on and he left a message with Clay’s satellite phone number, just in case. Then he decided to try one more time, and hit redial.

Back in the desert-

Mac lay prone on the ground, unconscious. She was still rambling incoherently from the fever, but not aware of what was going on around her. Beside her, the pack still strapped to her good shoulder, a cell phone started ringing again.

Somewhere, far away, a phone was ringing. Couldn’t somebody answer it? It stopped for a few minutes, allowing Mac to drift back into unconsciousness, before the annoying ringing started again. Damn it! She just wanted to rest, that’s all. She’d tried as hard as she could, but she couldn’t go anymore.

Finally she started fumbling for the phone, rummaging through the backpack without actually sitting up. Her fingers closed around the phone and she flipped it open, eyes still closed. “Hello.”

There was no answer, only silence. Almost relieved, she closed the phone and let her hand drop, still clutching the phone. All she wanted do now was sleep. She was dizzy and tired….

The phone rang again, this time making her jump. Again she flipped it open. “Hello.” Her voice sounding raspy and rough.

“Mac? Are you all right?” It sounded like Harm. Her eyes snapped open, as awareness flooded back. Oh God, please let it be Harm.

“Harm? Is it you?” Her voice broke, afraid to believe in the miracle of his voice.

Harm had never been so relieved in his life; the sound of her voice was like music to him. “Mac, I’ve been out of my mind with worry. Where are you? And are you all right?” He was clutching the phone tightly as he questioned her, desperate to hear her answers.

“I…I…somewhere…” the dizziness and weariness overcame her again; it was hard to concentrate. “Somewhere in the desert.”

“I know, I’m at the base where you were earlier. Just tell me how to get to you, baby.” He could hear the weakness and confusion in her voice, and tried to will his strength to her. He needed her to hold on a little longer.

“I don’t know…” The blackness was closing in on her again, whatever tenuous hold on coherence Mac had was fading fast. “I’m trying, Harm. Honest. It’s just so difficult…” Her voice trailed away.

“Mac! Stay with me, baby. Come on…tell me where you are.” Harm prayed she could keep it together long enough to tell him.

“Don’t know Harm…in the desert…I’m sorry. I can’t anymore, I just can’t.” Her voice dwindling away as her hand dropped the phone into the sand. She had lapsed back into unconsciousness.

“Mac! Answer me! MAC!” Harm grew louder and more frantic as she failed to answer. “MAC!”

A hand on his arm stopped his tirade. It was Webb. “Is the line still connected?” He spoke urgently.

Harm checked the display on the phone and then nodded as he called to Mac again.

“OK. We’ll get a fix on that. Just hang on.” Webb hurried over to the helo and climbed into it. Harm watched him contact someone on the radio while Harm continued to call to Mac, trying to get her to answer.

Moments later Webb stuck his head out of the helo, gesturing to Harm and Gunny to join him. “I’ve got her coordinates plugged into the GPS. We can be at her location within 30 minutes.”

Hurriedly Gunny and Harm climbed aboard while Webb yelled for the recon team’s medic, then helicopter headed out.

The unrelenting black of the desert night was relieved when the helo turned on its spotlight, brightly illuminating the ground below the speeding copter. It was too early for Mac to be near, but that didn’t stop the men from looking.

Harm kept praying as his eyes followed the floodlight over the terrain below. ‘Please, I can’t lose her now. Please, let her be all right.’ It became a mantra, allowing him to maintain some semblance of control. He still kept the phone to his ear as his eyes searched the desert, hoping she would talk again.

The minutes passed slowly, and it seemed like hours before the pilot finally announced, “We’re in the area, Sir. We should see her any minute.”

They descended slowly and hovered close to the ground as all of them piled out with flashlights, the helo ascending back up to illuminate the area with its floodlight. The slope of the mountainside prevented an actual landing. Quickly they split up, fanning out to cover as much territory as possible, the rocky and steep terrain making walking difficult.

Gunny gave a shout as he spotted Mac’s prone form ahead of him, but wasn’t surprised when Harm pushed past him to get to her.

She was lying on her stomach, unconscious, the open phone beside her. Relief shot through him as he realized she was breathing, but it was short lived as he took in the sweatshirt, stiff from blood, wrapped around her arm, her skin hot and dry to the touch.

Gently he rolled her over, holding her close. “Mac?” Tenderly he brushed her hair off her forehead. “Honey, wake up”

Her eyes fluttered open, her hand reaching up to touch his face wonderingly. “Harm?”

He almost laughed out loud in relief. “Yeah. I finally caught up with you.”

He hugged her to him, bringing forth a groan from her. “Oh God, everything hurts. Am I dying?”

He caught the undercurrent of humor, and answered in kind. “You’re not allowed to die.” He spoke in their bantering way, but inside he had never meant anything more in his life. Before she could reply, he added seriously. “I mean it, Mac. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Her eyes met his in complete understanding, but he was grateful when she lightened up the situation for him. This was not the time for a serious discussion about their future. “Now I know I must be dying. That’s the only way you would ever say something like that.”

He laughed and hugged her again, smiling into her hair. “We’ll talk, Sarah. Let’s get you fixed up first.”

Webb, Gunny, and the medic were standing a few feet away, giving them a moment of privacy, but approached as they saw him laugh. “Sir.” The medic was addressing him. “We need to get her onto the helicopter and I’ll check her out there.”

Harm nodded and Mac finally tried to get up. “No you don’t, Marine.” Before she could protest, she was firmly secured in his arms and he was carrying her. He was gratified when she didn’t argue, but just settled in, closing her eyes.

Once in the helo, the medic settled her onto a stretcher and gave her water, making sure she sipped it slowly. He also set up an IV to rehydrate her, then began the painful process of unwrapping the sweatshirt from her arm. The blood had dried, causing the sweatshirt to stick to the wound.

Harm, sitting on the other side of her, winced in sympathy and held her hand. Try as she might, she couldn’t hold back the gasp of pain or stop from squeezing Harm’s hand when the medic pulled the sweatshirt away completely. The bullet hole began seeping blood again.

“Can’t you give her something for the pain?” Harm addressed the medic, never taking his eyes from Mac, who was stoically trying to endure the poking and prodding of the medic, but was white faced from pain.

The medic answered as he began cleaning the red, angry looking wound. “No Sir, I can’t. A doctor has to evaluate her condition first.” Mac turned her head and held her breath; eyes squeezed shut as the medic continued. Harm couldn’t stand it. “Take it easy, will you? She has feelings, you know.”

Gunny and Webb heard the comment, and came to stand behind Harm, both of them glaring at the medic as he persisted his cleaning of the wound.

The medic looked up at the threatening trio and blanched. Stopping for a moment, he tried to explain. “Look, I don’t want to hurt her, but this has to be done. There just is no painless way to do it.” With a shake of his head he returned to his task.

Frustrated, hating to see her in pain, Harm started to argue when Mac interrupted. She tried to smile at him reassuringly. “It’s all right, Harm. I can take it.” Grudgingly Harm subsided, kissing the hand that held his. She looked up at the Gunny and Webb, still glowering at the medic, and caught their eyes. “Stand down guys, he’s just doing his job.”

Webb gave her an embarrassed smile and turned to sit back down, uncomfortable with having shown his feelings. Gunny, on the other hand, smiled fully at her, his eyes flickering down to the clasped hands and then back to her face. He was glad to see they had finally worked things out. Then he, too, turned back to his seat.

The medic finally finished his ministrations to Mac, and she fell back against the pillows with a sigh of relief. “You okay, Mac?” Harm’s voice betrayed his concern. Each wince of pain from her had been like a knife to his gut.

She opened her eyes and smiled wanly at him. “Yeah, just glad that’s over.”

He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Get some rest, baby. We’ve got to drop Webb and Gunny off at the compound, and then at least an hour back to San Diego.”

Looking at him questioningly, she asked, “We? Aren’t you staying to wrap things up?”

The hand clutching hers squeezed briefly before he lifted it to his lips for a quick kiss. “There is no way in hell I’m letting you out of my sight for a good long time. I’m going to make sure you get to the hospital and that you stay out of trouble.”

“I don’t get in trouble!” Her voice was indignant, then a little embarrassed as she continued. “Well, not often anyway.” She shot him a teasing grin. “Not as often as YOU do, that’s for sure.”

Laughing, glad that she was back with him, he ended the discussion. “Just get some rest, Mac. We’ll fight about it later.”

Her eyes closed, and in just a few minutes she was asleep. Harm stayed by her side just watching her as she slept, holding her hand.

San Diego Naval Hospital

Next day

1328 Local

Mac floated on the fringe of consciousness, not wanting to wake fully. It was so comfortable here in the dark, there was not pain, no thirst, no fear. More than anything in the world she wanted to stay in this safe place, where trouble and travail had no way to find her. As she hovered on the verge, she became aware of someone calling to her.

“Come on, Ninja Girl. It’s time to wake up.”

The voice, of course, sounded like Harm, but she was suspicious. It was a trick, she reasoned. Something to force her back to that damn desert, and she wasn’t going back. She’d had enough of that crap. If she was dead, she was staying dead. It was a lot more comfortable. And if she wasn’t…

If she wasn’t, then it really <was> Harm. Abruptly she realized that she wasn’t in the desert anymore, and it really was Harm’s voice calling her, his hand holding hers.

Harm looked up at the doctor when she didn’t respond, worry creasing his brow. “She’s not waking up.”

“Keep trying, Commander. The surgery went fine last night, and she’s going to be fine. The combination of that, dehydration and the stress of her ordeal is just making it hard to come around.” The doctor smiled at Harm, his eyes kind.

Harm looked back at Mac, reaching out with his free hand and smoothing her hair away from her face. “Mac, honey…please wake up.”

As reality seeped in, her hand tightened on his. She struggled to open her eyes. “Harm?” She became aware that every part of her body hurt, and her arm felt as if the bone had been replaced with a red hot poker. She blinked a few times to clear her vision, and then the welcome sight of his smiling face came into focus. “Oh Harm…”

Unexpectedly she felt tears well up. She wasn’t sure why she was crying. Instantly his smile changed to concern, and he leaned into to hold her, careful not to jostle her as he slipped his arms around her. “Baby…don’t cry. Everything’s okay now. I’ve got you, honey.”

Instead of soothing her tears, his tenderness only increased them, and she choked back a sob. “I’m sorry…I don’t know why I’m crying…” She wrapped her good arm around his neck and held on for dear life as she hid her face in his shoulder.

He just held her, whispering, “It’s okay, Honey. I love you.”

The sound of a throat clearing reminded Harm that they were not alone, and reluctantly he loosened his arms. Mac heard it as well, and gave an embarrassed laugh. “I got you all wet, Flyboy.”

He smiled as he straightened up, still holding her hand. “Not a problem, I’ll dry off.” Relieved that she was able to smile, he gently wiped the tears from her cheek. “I think the doctor here wants to take a look at you.”

The doctor stepped forward. “Colonel, I’m glad to see you’re awake. You had quite a traumatic experience.”

Mac merely smiled at him, a little uncertainly.

“I’m Dr. Galenski. I did the surgery on your arm, and now I want to check my handiwork. But for the record, you’re going to be fine. I’m going to keep you here one more night to be sure you’re rehydrated fully and suffer no ill effects from the surgery, but you should be able to leave tomorrow.”

Mac’s gaze shifted to Harm. “Couldn’t I leave today? I’m sure I’ll be okay.”

“Mac…” Harm began warningly, but he was interrupted by the doctor’s good natured laugh. “I’m sorry, Colonel, but there’s no escape until tomorrow. Now Commander, if you’ll excuse us for about 30 minutes, I need to check my patient.”

Harm leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be right outside. Don’t go anywhere without me.” He laughed at her pretend glare and stood up. “Be careful, Doctor. She can be mean if you tick her off.”

He gave a last smirk at Mac’s outraged expression as he left.

Harm entered the waiting room and spotted 2 familiar figures, Webb and Gunny. They wasted no time on small talk. “How’s Mac?” It was actually Webb that asked, but Gunny’s intense interest in the answer left no doubt as to his concern.

Both men relaxed as Harm smiled at them. “She’s going to be fine. They’ll keep her overnight to be sure, but she should get out of here tomorrow.”

Gunny broke into a smile, but then frowned. “Uh…Sir? Maybe you should have her stay here a few more days, or let her return to DC immediately.”

At Harm’s puzzled look, he tried to explain. “Sir, I wouldn’t want her on the base right now. We don’t know for sure that Benton didn’t crack and tell Lieutenant Sanders what’s gone down. Given the fact that Sanders is already implicated in one murder, we need to make sure the Colonel’s safe. I don’t think she’s in any danger, but there’s no sense in taking chances.”

Webb nodded his agreement. “It’s a good point, Harm. She probably shouldn’t even stay here tonight. If Sanders has any inkling that we’re on to him or who she really is, it’s not safe for her. I’m sure he knows we discovered the base by now, but doesn’t know we are aware of his involvement.”

Harm thought for a moment, then answered. “All right. I can take her to my parent’s in La Jolla.” He gave a small grimace. “My Mother will have a great time trading stories about me with Mac.”

Gunny attempted to maintain the proper “marine” attitude, but Harm could see the amusement dancing in his eyes. Webb apparently felt free to smirk. “That should be fun. Maybe I can bug the house and get the lowdown on the conversation.”

Harm shot him a warning glare. “Just stay out of it, Clay. I have enough to deal with.” Again he grimaced, silently resigning himself to the fact that his Mother would be ecstatic to spend time with Mac. He’d never hear the end of it, he was sure.

Then the naval officer in him took over as he thought out what had to be done. “Look, I’ve got to call my Mother and let her get ready. Then I’ve got to get Mac out of here. I’m not going to tell the doctor, I’m just going to take her out of here. I’ll also inform the Admiral of our plans.”

He thought for a moment, realizing he had no transportation. “Either one of you have a vehicle? Mine is back at the base.”

Webb spoke up. “I do.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out his keys. “I’ve got to make sure Benton is taken care of tonight, but I can help you with Mac first.” He handed his keys to Gunny. “You meet us at the south entrance in about 45 minutes.”

“Yes Sir.”

Gunny took off as Clay looked at Harm. “Make your calls, then let’s break your marine outta here.”

Webb took a stroll down the hall as Harm made a quick call to the Admiral to update him on Mac’s condition and the current state of their investigation. That call went quickly, with the Admiral instructing him to call once he got Mac settled in La Jolla. Then he dialed his Mom’s number.


“Hi Mom.”

“Darling! How wonderful to hear from you. How are you?”

“I’m fine; Mom, but I need a big favor.”

“What is it, dear?”

Praying she wouldn’t need a lot of explanation right now, he sketched out what he needed and why, keeping it as short as possible.

There was a short silence as his Mother took in everything. “Is she seriously injured? Are you sure it’s safe to move her?”

“She’s in a lot of pain, but it should be all right. And it’s a lot safer to move her than to leave her here.”

“All right Darling. When will you be here?”

Closing his eyes in relief that she didn’t demand more information, he answered, “Around 2 hours.”

“OK, I’ll have everything ready for her. Dr. Jameson lives 2 houses down, I’ll have him here to check her, just to be on the safe side.”

Gratitude filled him at her thoughtfulness. Sometimes he forgot what an amazing person his Mother really was. “Thanks Mom. I really appreciate it. I mean it.”

Her tone was light when she answered. “Oh, it’s my pleasure, Darling. Now I’ll get to grill Mac about your life. I wonder where those naked baby pictures of you are? I’ll have to dig them out.”


She laughed heartily. “Oh this is going to be fun, I can’t wait!”

Groaning, he finally sighed in resignation. “I’ll see you soon, Mom.”

“Bye Darling.”

He hung up, wondering what the hell he was letting himself in for.

Dr. Galenski was exiting Mac’s room as Harm and Clay approached. He turned as Harm called out to him.

“Yes, Commander?”

“Is she really all right, Doctor?” Harm needed the reassurance, especially since he was moving her.

The doctor smiled. “Yes, she’s going to be fine. I did give her something for the pain, so she’s going to be a little out of it for a while, but she’ll be fine.”

“Thank you Doctor, I really appreciate all you’ve done.” Harm shook his hand, feeling slightly guilty, but Mac’s safety was the most important thing. Dr. Galenski would get over having a patient walk out on him.

“You’re welcome, Commander.” The doctor gave a friendly nod to Clay before turning and walking down the hall.

Harm pushed the door open and entered the room, Clay following him. “Mac?”

She looked asleep, but opened her eyes with a smile. “Hi.”

Taking her hand, he sat on the edge of the bed. “How are you feeling?”

She surprised him with a giggle. “I feel great.”

He looked closely, noticing her pupils were widely dilated, making her already dark eyes seem black. “Dr. um…Galoshes gave me something for pain, and it really works.” Her gaze shifted to Webb. “Hey Clay, what’s new in spy land?” Then she dissolved into giggles.

Harm shot a dismayed look at Clay. “The doctor wasn’t kidding; he really did give her something for pain.”

Clay rolled his eyes and smothered a smile. Mac was still giggling, and it was infectious. “Well, she’s definitely not feeling any pain. Have you got any clothes for her? Not that I would mind the view, but she might find that hospital gown a little drafty.”

Harm almost groaned. “No, damn it. They had to cut her clothes off her. The only thing I got is her pack with all the papers in it.” He released Mac’s hand, got up, and walked over to the closet and pulled the pack out. “We better not forget this.”

He paused as he remembered something. “I saw a linen closet down the hall. I’ll check and see if they have any scrubs in there.” "He returned to Mac’s bed, leaned down, and told her slowly and clearly, “I’ll be right back, honey. OK?”

She looked back at him, her big brown eyes suddenly very solemn, then just as slowly and clearly answered him as if he was 5 years old. “OK. I understand, honey.” Then she started laughing again.

Harm straightened with a smile. It was almost impossible not to laugh with her. He glanced over at Clay. “Watch her, please.”

Mac looked at Clay too. “Yes, watch me, please.” Chuckling to herself, she subsided, and closed her eyes, still smiling.

Harm met Clay’s eyes as they shared a grin, but Harm’s eyes held a distinct warning. Clay held both hands up in innocence. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

Harm just sighed. “I’ll be right back.”

He left in search of clothes as Clay approached the bed. Sitting on the edge where Harm had been, he reached out and brushed some of her hair away from her forehead. He had always had a soft spot for Mac, and it bothered him to see her injured. The bandaged arm in the sling, her paleness, it all bothered him. Not that he was going to admit it to anyone.

Mac’s hand moved and accidentally knocked the nurse’s call button to the floor. He bent down to pick it up, when his sixth sense warned him he’d been had, but it was too late. The sharp pinch to his butt made him jump, causing him to jump and hit his head on the bedside table, as Mac’s voice proclaimed triumphantly, “Gotcha!”

He stood up, rubbing his head ruefully as he looked at the giggling unrepentant marine. He heard another laugh from the door where Harm stood, apparently having witnessed the whole incident. He was pushing a wheelchair with some scrubs piled in the seat.

At Clay’s warning glare Harm decided not to comment. Valiantly reining in his amusement, he only said, “Why don’t you step outside while I get her dressed?” He pushed the chair over towards the bed. “I thought it would be less conspicuous than carrying her.”

He turned around to pick up the scrubs as Clay made his way to the door when he felt a sharp pinch on the posterior. “Mac!” He turned to face a grinning Mac. Her eyes twinkling mischievously, she announced, “Clay has a really cute butt, but I like yours better.”

This time it was Clay’s turn to laugh as he walked out the door.

15 minutes later Harm stuck his head into the hallway where Clay was loitering. “Come on, I’ve got her dressed.”

“Sheesh, Rabb. What the hell took you so long?” Clay noticed that Harm’s face was flushed and he was breathing heavily.

“She kept trying to pinch me! Do you have any idea how hard it is to dress someone who’s trying to pinch you all the time?”

By this time, both men were having a hard time controlling their amusement. When Clay followed Harm back into the room, Mac was sitting demurely in the wheelchair, her legs covered by a blanket. She still had the hospital gown on; Harm had just added the pants to complete the outfit. She wiggled her toes, grinning at both of them, then raised her good arm with a shout, “YAHOO! LET’S MOVE…”

Harm clamped a hand over her mouth, cutting her yell off short. Leaning down, he whispered urgently in her ear. “Mac, we have to be quiet now, OK? Please?” She nodded, and he removed his hand.

“Yahoo! Let’s move ‘em out!” This time she broadcast it in a loud whisper.

Clay opened the door and looked out. “Let’s go.” His eyes glinted with amusement as he glanced back at Mac. “Yahoo.”

They made it to the SUV without further incident, mostly because Mac started to doze in the chair.

As they approached, Gunny jumped out, leaving the motor running. “That took a long time, Sir. Is she all right?” The sun was setting; Harm hadn’t realized how late it was.

He brought the wheelchair to a halt by the back door as he answered. Mac’s head was tilted forward, she still hadn’t woken up. “Yes, she’s feeling no pain right now.” He managed not to look at Clay as he said this, but heard Clay’s smothered snicker.

As Harm maneuvered the wheelchair closer, Gunny turned and opened the door. Noticing Webb’s briefcase on the floor, he bent down to move it out of the way.

Harm caught the slender hand that reached out to administer the apparently required pinch before it could do any damage to Gunny’s marine dignity. Mac looked up at him, all innocent. “Spoilsport.” Clay laughed out loud as Gunny turned back around, puzzled. “Ma’am? Did you need something?”

Mac freed her hand and gestured to him to come closer. He stepped forward and leaned down to her. “Yes Ma’am?”

Mac met his gaze seriously. “Gunny, did I ever tell you what a cute ass you have?”

Harm and Clay went off into gales of laughter at Gunny’s stunned expression. Not knowing the protocol for this particular situation, he answered her. “No Ma’am.”

She broke into a beautiful smile and reached out and pinched his nose. “Well, you have a really cute one.”

She let go of his nose as he straightened up. “Uh…thank you Ma’am.”

Harm managed to stop his laughter for the moment. “Sorry Gunny, the doctor gave her something for pain, and it seems to work a little too well.”

For a moment Harm thought the stern marine façade would falter as Gunny’s eyes revealed his amusement, but Gunny managed to hold on. “Yes Sir. I see.”

Before anything else could be said, Harm stepped around to the side of the chair. Bending down, he slipped one arm underneath Mac’s legs, the other around her back. “Hold on, Marine.” He lifted her, making sure her good arm was against his chest, and settled her into the SUV.

Shutting the door, he looked up with a smile at Webb and Gunny. “To quote a certain marine lieutenant colonel, yahoo, let’s move ‘em out!” Then he walked around and got in the SUV next to Mac. Gunny took the driver’s seat and Webb rode shotgun. And they moved ‘em out.

On the way to La Jolla

1835 Local

“Mac, are you all right?” She was pale, and leaning her head back against the seat.

“Yeah, just dizzy.” She put a hand to her head as if to steady it. “I’m OK.” She gave him a little smile. “But I think I’m gonna take a little nap.”

The lights of the city illuminated her face. Reaching over, he picked up her hand and brought it to his lips to kiss softly, grateful to have her back. The time they had been apart while he was in DC had been difficult, but the hours when she had been missing had been sheer hell. “Go ahead; I’ll wake you when we get there.”

Quiet ensued as Gunny concentrated on driving, Harm watched Mac, and Webb was lost in his thoughts. The ring of a cell phone interrupted the silence. Mac jumped, then slid down the seat, laying her head on his leg. Harm guided her down, then answered his phone. “Rabb.”

“Commander, I’ve been waiting for an update.” The Admiral’s voice was stern, but Harm wasn’t fooled. He knew AJ had called to see how Mac was.

“Sorry Sir. It’s been a little hectic here. We’re moving Mac to my parents now.”

“What took so long?”

“The doctor gave her some rather strong medication, and that delayed us a little.”

Mac stirred, then mumbled, “Is that the Admiral? Tell him I like his ass, too.”

Webb was laughing openly and even Gunny had a hard time stifling his laughter. There was no comment from the Admiral, but it was obvious he had heard Mac’s comment. Harm was unable to speak, afraid he would laugh too.

“Uh…tell the Colonel I would like to speak to her when she’s a little more…coherent.”

“Yes Sir.” Harm’s voice was strained, but he managed to sound calm. Just barely.

“I’ll expect a full report from you tomorrow, Commander.”

“Aye Sir, I’ll be calling.”

They hung up. All three men burst into laughter as Harm stroked Mac’s hair gently. She was already back asleep.

20 minutes later

“Turn in here, Gunny” Harm instructed.

Gunny turned into the gated estate with a low whistle of appreciation. “Nice place, Commander.”

A little diffidently, Harm replied, “Thanks. Too bad it’s not mine.”

Frank and Trish were waiting on the steps, along with another man Harm didn’t recognize. “Mac, we’re here. Wake up.”

There was no response, not even a flicker of movement. She was out cold.

As gently as he could, he lifted her off his lap until she was sitting upright in the seat. Backing out of the car, he picked her up, then turned to greet his Mother, Mac in his arms. “Hi Mom, Frank.”

His Mother took one look and immediately turned into the “mom” he remembered from his childhood. “Harmon, why didn’t you tell me how badly she was hurt? Bring her in here.”

Opening the door wide, she lead him into the house as she called to the man Harm didn’t know, “Arthur, follow us, please. You can check her once we get her settled in the guest suite.”

Once in the guest suite, Harm laid Mac gently on the bed. She was still out of it, and didn’t move. He tried once more to rouse her, calling her name quietly and patting her hand. Trish pushed him out of the way. “Let Arthur take a look at her, Darling. Arthur, this is my son Harmon. Harmon, this is Dr. Jameson.”

Relinquishing his place by Mac’s side, he allowed Dr. Jameson access, but hovered behind the Doctor. Dr. Jameson began checking Mac’s vital signs, then finally gave an exasperated sigh. “Harmon, I’m going to take good care of her. Relax.”

Trish finally shooed him from the room. “Go see to your friends, Darling. I’m sure they want to know how she is.”

“But…” He didn’t want to leave Mac.

Trish cut him off. “I know, Darling. But Arthur is a wonderful doctor and will check her thoroughly. He’ll be down shortly to give you an update.”

He found himself on the outside of the room looking at a closed door before he knew what hit him. He debated about barging back in, then gave in to the inevitable. His Mother had spoken. Reluctantly he made his way downstairs.

0425 Local

Before she opened her eyes, Mac was aware that she wasn’t at the hospital. For one thing, the bed was way too comfortable, and the sound of waves breaking on the beach weren’t audible there. Neither were the sheets so sinfully soft.

She glanced around the dimly lit room, blinking a few times to clear her vision. She wasn’t sure where she was, but it was a beautiful room. It was obviously designed to be a refuge from the world.

Her eyes settled on the man sleeping in a chair near the bed. Fortunately it was a comfortable easy chair, with an ottoman. A shadow of a beard covered his face, and the uniform he wore was rumpled, but he still looked wonderful to her. He also looked tired.

Wanting to let him rest, she decided not to wake him. She needed to go to the bathroom, but surely there was one close by. As quietly as possible she struggled to sit at the edge of the bed, grimacing from the effort. The painkiller had worn off, and every move hurt her arm. When she finally made it, she had to stop and let the dizziness fade.

“Mac? What are you doing?” His voice startled her, but she turned to him with a smile.

“I didn’t mean to wake you. I just need the bathroom.”

He was by her side in an instant, helping her to stand and steadying her with an arm around her waist. “I think I better help. You don’t look too steady on your feet.”

He helped her to the bathroom, then stood waiting outside while she took care of her business. When the door opened, he placed his arm around her waist and helped her back to the bed. He sat next to her, just wanting to be close for a moment.

“Harm?” She leaned her head on his shoulder, reveling in the closeness.


“Where are we? I mean, this is obviously not the hospital.” She took another look around at the beautiful room. “Not that I’m complaining.”

He chuckled a little. “You don’t remember how you got here?”

She gave him a little nudge. “Obviously not.”

“We’re at my Mother’s house.”

“Why?” She was honestly perplexed.

“Webb and Gunny pointed out that discretion is the better part of valor. Until we have this case wrapped up, I’d prefer to have you someplace safe.”

She was quiet for a moment, digesting this. “How did I get here?”

“Webb, Gunny, and I brought you, after the doctor had given you something for pain. It kind of knocked you out.” He decided to wait about telling her the rest; she could use a break. Of course, he would tease her unmercifully later. “Mom has a doctor friend who checked you over, and left some pain pills here if you need them.”

She made a face. “I’ve had enough of those, thank you very much. I’ll just see if I can make it without.” Her hand started tracing a pattern on his thigh. “I missed you.”

Catching her hand in his, he leaned over and kissed her tenderly. “I missed you too, Sarah.” The kiss began to turn passionate, but he broke it off. Leaning his forehead against hers, he told her. “I love you, but you need to rest.”

She gave a disappointed sigh. “I love you too, and all I’ve done is rest.” Reaching up, she placed her hand on his cheek, pulling him for another kiss. She turned more towards him, and he felt rather than heard the small sound of pain she made.

Breaking off the kiss, he stood up. “As much as I want you, I want you to feel better. This can wait.”

She gave in, albeit unwillingly, and started to lie back in the bed. He pulled the covers over her and began to retreat to his chair when she caught his hand. “Stay with me.” Her dark eyes were luminous. “I need you, Harm.”

He couldn’t resist her, not when she said that. “All right, but we’re sleeping, that’s all.” He lay down next to her, and she nestled as close as she could.


“Hmmm?” God it felt good to hold her.

“I mean it. I really do need you.”

“Not half as much as I need you.”

And they went to sleep.

Burnette Residence

La Jolla, CA

0600 Local

Harm was deeply asleep. Mac safe and in his arms allowed him to rest more comfortably than he had since this whole crazy case started. He felt a hand shake his shoulder, and he groggily opened his eyes to look into his Mother’s amused face.

Instead of saying anything, she held her finger to her lips, then pointed to the digital clock on the nightstand. It was 0600 and he had to get up. He nodded to her in acknowledgement, then looked at Mac as his Mother left the room.

She was snuggled up to him, her good arm holding his arm which was stretched across her middle. She looked pale and fragile to him, and once more he thanked God that he had been able to find her. This whole episode had been too close a call. He leaned over and kissed her forehead, then gently extricated himself without waking her.

He headed for the bathroom, grateful that Webb had remembered to pull his suitcase out of the SUV before leaving last night. A shave and hot shower, along with a fresh uniform, should put him into the frame of mind to get back to business. He was to meet Webb and Gunny at Webb’s hotel in San Diego at 0730.

25 minutes later

The smell of hot coffee lead him to the kitchen, where he discovered his Mother was making him breakfast. He poured himself a cup as she ladled an omelet on to a plate, added toast and set it on the table for him. “Morning Mom, thanks.”

She smiled as she seated herself at the table, sipping her own coffee. He recognized the smile, and inwardly flinched as he sat down to begin breakfast. The interrogation was about to begin.

“So Darling, when did you and Mac get so close that you sleep together?” The smile that accompanied this question let him know she was not in the least bit upset at this particular turn of events. Even so, he felt himself start to blush.

“Mom, at least let me get some coffee down before you start this.” He realized he sounded like a whiny teenager, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

She rolled her eyes. “Harmon, don’t be an ass.”

He finally got some coffee down, then busied himself with the omelet. He was surprised to find he didn’t mind sharing as much as he thought he would. “Well, it actually only started a couple of weeks ago, then she had come to San Diego on a case, so it hasn’t been that long.”

“How did it happen? How did you finally get together? I’ve been waiting so long for this! You’ve got to tell me everything!” Trish’s excitement was evident, and her enthusiasm for his “start” with Mac infectious, but he didn’t have time to get into it. Thank God.

“Mom, I have to go. Duty calls, you know.” He shot her a disarming smile, but relented a little in the face of her obvious disappointment. “Look Mom, I love her, OK? And she knows it. You can grill her about it when she wakes up.”

Trish brightened at that. “So I can. And I found those naked baby pictures, did I tell you? Go on, Darling, Mac and I will get to know each other today. What time will you be home?”

“Mom…” He began warningly before realizing it was useless. His Mother was going to be alone with Mac all day, and nothing he said was going to stop her from anything. He heaved a heavy sigh as he pushed his chair back and stood up. “I’ll be home around 5, hopefully. I’ll try to call, but no guarantees. Tell Mac I had to meet Webb, we’re going to move on Admiral Sanders today. And tell her I…” He stopped, but then thought ‘what the hell’, “Tell her I love her.”

Trish’s pleased smile did not escape his attention, but he managed not to comment. “Bye Mom. Thanks for the loan of the car.” He picked up the keys off the counter along with his cover and escaped out the door.

North Island Naval Air Station

CincPac Headquarters

0920 Local

Harm, Gunny, and another marine stepped out of the car. This was it. It wasn’t too often that they had the duty of arresting a three star Admiral for treason. As much as Harm was angry at Admiral Sanders for his betrayal, he was also sad. It hurt to think that someone of Sander’s rank and experience could sink to this level.

He met Gunny’s eyes, and nodded, including the other marine. “Let’s go.” They headed for the entrance.

Benton had sung like a canary, and had agreed to testify fully. Webb had spent the better part of the night getting his statement. Fortunately, their fears of a widespread conspiracy were allayed. According to Benton, Sanders only needed a few people to carry out this devious scheme.

As Harm walked down the long corridor to Sander’s office, the 2 marines behind him, he went over it all in his head again. With Benton’s assistance, false requisitions for air craft parts were created in the system. These parts were then crated separately by certain enlisted men, and trucked to the warehouse/air strip in Mexico. The border guard was also on the payroll, and allowed them through with no questions.

Once there, the parts were picked up and shipped by air cargo to Iran. The Mexican government, a corrupt institution in the best of times, was easily persuaded to look the other way as aircraft came and went without going through international customs.

Approximately 15 Americans were implicated. Webb, along with a contingent of marines, was at NLC picking them up now. Admiral Sander’s son would be included in that sweep. Harm took a particular pleasure that Benton had implicated Lieutenant Sanders in the murder of PO Charles. Apparently the Lieutenant had told Benton about it, trying to intimidate Benton.

Harm opened the door to the Admiral’s office and entered. A young petty officer, obviously the Admiral’s yeoman, leaped to his feet immediately. “Sir. How can I help you?”

“At ease, Petty Officer. We’re here to see Admiral Sanders.”

The petty officer relaxed his stance marginally. “I’m sorry, Sir, but Admiral Sanders is busy. Did you have an appointment? I will be glad to reschedule it for you, Sir.”

“No, Petty Officer, we did not have an appointment, and I’m afraid that this can’t wait. We’ll see him now.”

Obviously disconcerted, the petty officer began to protest. “I’m sorry; Sir, but you can’t see him now.”

Harm cut him off. “Yes, we can.” He brushed by the protesting yeoman, and entered the Admiral’s office; Gunny and co. right behind him.

Burnette Residence

0930 Local


The soft voice woke her. Instantly aware that Harm was not with her, she opened her eyes to Trish’s smiling face. “Good morning. I thought you might like to get up and have some breakfast.”

Sleep befuddled, Mac nevertheless managed to answer, “Good morning, Ma’am,” and pull herself up to an upright position. Slightly confused, she looked around the room for Harm, thinking he must have gotten up earlier.

A look of mock horror came over Trish’s face. “You simply cannot call me ‘Ma’am’. It makes me feel ancient. Call me Trish.”

Brushing her hair out of her eyes and attempting to smooth it down, Mac replied, “Yes Ma’am…er…Trish.”

Trish took pity on her and answered the unasked question. “Harm had to leave early this morning to meet Webb. Apparently they are going to move on Admiral Sanders.” The last part was actually a question; Trish was relaying a message she didn’t really understand.

“Admiral Sanders of CincPac?” Mac was surprised; she hadn’t gotten all the information on the case yet. It was obvious she was out of date. Wishing she was in on everything, Mac rubbed her forehead, trying to put all the pieces together.

“I don’t know.” Trish’s face took on a self-satisfied expression. “He also said he’d try to call, he’d be home around 5, and to tell you that he loved you.”

Caught off-guard, Mac felt the blush start at her toes and work its way up to her face. She tried to answer coherently, but couldn’t get a word out. Suddenly the covers on the bed were fascinating.

Trish laughed and decided to give her a break. At least a short one. “Come on, let’s get you up and fed. I have a very full day planned for you.”

Mac struggled to the edge of the bed and looked around, hoping that by some miracle some of her clothes had made it to the bedroom. Trish seemed to read her mind. “I’ve got all the toiletries you could use, and I’m sure I can find something comfortable for you to wear that would be nicer than that hospital gown.”

Smiling her appreciation, Mac answered, “Thank you. That would be wonderful.”

Her stomach rumbled loudly, bringing another laugh from Trish. “Harm has spoken often of your appetite. Would you rather eat first or freshen up?”

Still not over her last blush, Mac vowed silently to make Harm pay for his big mouth. “Freshen up first, please. It will feel so good to finally be really clean.”

Trish put a hand out to help her. “How’s the arm feel?”

Mac flexed her hand and experimentally moved her arm in the sling, grimacing. “It’s not too bad. A little stiff, but I can stand it.”

“Well, you don’t have to ‘stand’ it. I’ve got some pain medication here, and later today the doctor will be here to check you.” Trish was sympathetic, still horrified by the story Harm had related about Mac’s injuries. “I’ll make sure you have everything you need, don’t worry.”

Warmth flowed through Mac at the caring evident in Trish’s speech and manner. “Trish, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I’m so sorry to be…”

“Mac.” Trish cut her off. “I’m so happy you’re here, please don’t apologize. Believe me; I know what you mean to Harm, and what you’ve done for him.” A mischievous look crossed her face. “Have you ever seen any of his baby pictures? I’ve got some great ones that ought to give you loads of ammunition to use against him.”

The two women laughed, already feeling like friends. “Oh good, because I’m sure I’ve got some stories you can use against him.”

North Island Naval Air Station

CincPac Headquarters

Admiral Sanders Office

0930 Local

Harm pushed past the protesting yeoman and opened the door to Admiral Sanders’ office; Gunny and co. right behind him.

The Admiral was sitting behind his desk and talking on the phone. At the interruption, he looked over in irritation. “Just a minute, someone just barged into my office. I’ll call you back.” Slamming the phone down, he barked out, “What is the meaning of this, Commander? Since when do you enter a senior officer’s office without permission?”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I tried to stop them…” The petty officer tried to apologize, but was unceremoniously cut off.

“Dismissed, Johnson. I’ll handle this.” There was a dangerous glint in the Admiral’s eyes. Tall and imposing, he was obviously used to command. ‘In fact’, Harm observed, ‘Admiral Sanders looked like the epitome of a dashing Navy Admiral. Too bad he’s a crook.’

Webb’s sources had also managed to track the Admiral’s finances, and while no definitive tracking of outside income could be located yet, the Admiral owned a lovely home in San Diego, a large ranch in the San Fernando Valley, a home in Key West, and a cabin in the Rockies. It didn’t take a genius to realize that an Admiral’s salary couldn’t cover these expenses.

Admiral Sanders stood up and continued his harangue. “I asked you a question, Commander, and I expect an answer.”

Far from being intimidated, Harm stood before the Admiral, meeting his gaze steadfastly. “I’m Commander Rabb, Admiral. I’m with JAG.” He paused to let that sink in, noting the quick flash of fear in the other man’s eyes.

The fear was replaced quickly by steel; Sanders didn’t get to be an Admiral by caving in at the first sign of danger. “I don’t care who you are, you don’t have the authority to enter my office without permission. Get out.” He sat back down and reached for his phone, the other hand under his desk.

“Admiral Sanders, it is my duty to inform you that you are being charged with treason and conspiracy to commit fraud on the United States Navy. You will have to come with us.”

“I don’t think so, Commander.” The hand under the desk reappeared with a gun in it. “I don’t have to do anything. It’s you that had better listen to me.” The hand holding the pistol was steady, and Harm had no doubt he would use it.

Gunny’s voice chimed in. “Sir, I think you should reconsider your actions.”

Harm had requested Gunny accompany him for the arrest, and now he thanked his lucky stars he had. Gunny was behind him, a little to the side. He was also holding his sidearm and pointing it at Sanders. The other marine was in a similar position.

Harm turned back to the Admiral. “I think, Admiral, that you’ve lost this round. Give it up.”

The gun in Sander’s hand didn’t waver. “I’m not going to go through a trial, Commander. I’d rather go down in a fight.” The desperation in Sander’s eyes suddenly showed clearly, and Harm knew what he was going to do.

“Admiral, don’t do it!” Even as he grabbed for the gun, Harm knew he was too late. The sound of the shot was loud, and seemed to echo in the small office.

Burnette Residence

1330 Local

A long soak in the bath and a comfortable designer cotton sweat outfit of Trish’s had made Mac feel a lot better. The huge breakfast Trish had fixed her, complete with bacon and pancakes had even helped more. However, the poking and prodding by the doctor as he checked the gunshot wound and replaced the bandages had not been pleasant. The antibiotic shot had not been fun either.

But now, with the worst over, she was stretched out in a lounge chair on Trish’s deck overlooking the Pacific. Her arm was finally comfortable in a sling, and the pain medication took all the ache out. Fortunately, this medication was not as debilitating as the last she took.

The soothing sound of the surf, the warm sun, and the gentle breeze were all combining to relax her completely. If Harm had been with her, it would be perfect.

“So Mac,” Trish’s voice broke into her reverie, “I think I’ve been very patient. Now I want the scoop.” Trish sat down in a chair opposite her after setting a cup of coffee down on the table next to Mac. “Here’s the coffee, now we talk.” The last phrase was said in a truly awful Brooklyn accent, imitating Mike Myer’s “Coffee Talk” sketch from Saturday Night Live.

Mac laughed easily. The morning spent together had made the women fast friends already. Trish’s obvious concern and her sympathy when the doctor had been torturing Mac had quickly reduced Mac’s normal reserve. “What do you want to know?”

“Everything, of course. How it started, when, what did he do. Just start at the beginning.” Trish gave her a brilliant smile. “Every time I mentioned your name over the years all he would say is, ‘don’t start, Mom.’ I mean, I could see how he felt, but he would never admit it.” Trish frowned for a moment. “Even when he was dating other women, I could see it.” The frown cleared up. “I could never figure it out, but I’m glad you two finally have.”

Blushing a little, Mac agreed with her as she sipped her coffee. “I’m glad too.” As much as Mac liked Trish, her natural reticence made it difficult for her to open up. “I mean…it wasn’t all his fault. I guess I had…have my own problems, and there was my resemblance to Diane.”

“It doesn’t seem to bother Harm.” Trish adopted a neutral tone, knowing this had to be a sensitive subject.

“In the beginning, I was a shock to him. He managed to get some closure on her death after a while, and that helped, I think.” Mac wasn’t sure how much Harm had told his Mother, and she didn’t want to be indiscrete. It was Harm’s story to share, not hers.

“I know. He told me about it. Another one of those times you saved him from himself. I’ve never had the opportunity to thank you, for that, and for Russia.” Trish’s gaze was warm. “And I’m sure there are many other things he never told me about.”

Uncomfortable with Trish’s praise, Mac shifted in her chair and took another sip of coffee. “Yeah, well, he’s done more for me than I could ever do for him.” She took a deep breath and decided to go for it. Trish might as well know it all. “There’s a few things about me that Harm probably never mentioned.”

Calmly Trish took a drink of her own coffee, sensing the young women’s hesitation. “I’m sure there is nothing that could change my opinion of you, Mac. I know what you’ve done for him, and I can see what you’re made of. And you don’t have to confess anything to me.”

“I know I don’t. It’s just…I don’t want there to be any surprises for you. I…um…have made some big mistakes in my life.” Mac looked down at her coffee, a little afraid to meet Trish’s eyes.

“You mean like almost marrying that Australian?” There still was no condemnation in Trish’s tone.

Mac actually laughed a little. “Well yeah, that was a big one. But that isn’t what I’m talking about.” She took a deep breath and then plunged in. “I’m an alcoholic. I don’t come from a ‘good’ family, my Father was an abusive alcoholic and my Mother left him when I was fifteen. She left me with him.”

Shocked, Trish tried to interrupt. “Mac, you don’t have to…”

But Mac was determined by now to get through it. “I spent a few years living a life no one could be proud of. It wasn’t till my best friend died in a car wreck that I sobered up. My Uncle made me dry out.” Unable to look up at Trish, Mac kept her eyes down on the coffee cup she now held in her lap. “I was married to a real loser, but I never divorced him. He showed up at JAG, and I…I…I shot him. It was Harm that defended me, that saved me.” Her hands were trembling now, and she grasped the coffee mug firmly, trying to stop them. “I’m sorry…I know you don’t like…”

But Trish had heard enough. Getting up, she came over to Mac’s chair and sat on the edge. Placing her hand on Mac’s wrist, she interrupted her again. “Stop it. You had a difficult life, and you overcame it. My son loves you, and you make him happy. And that’s all I need to know.”

She paused for a moment, then continued. “Mac, the past doesn’t matter. All of us have things in our past we’d rather not remember, or things we wish we hadn’t done. The important thing is that we learn from those mistakes, and move on. Leave the bad things in the past, where they belong, and look for your future. You’ve got a wonderful one, I’m sure.”

Trish had a mischievous smile when she wanted, and she used it now. “On to more pleasant things, please. I’ve got some marvelous pictures of Harm and some great stories. I’ll share them with you if you’ll tell me some of yours.”

Mac blinked away the tears that had threatened to spill over. It was impossible to stay depressed in the face of Trish’s unfailing good cheer. An answering smile lit up her face. “Oh, I think I’ve got a few you’d enjoy.” Feeling that she had to acknowledge Trish’s open acceptance of her past, as well as her help, Mac sobered for a moment more. “Thank you, Trish. For everything.”

The heartfelt sincerity was evident to Trish, and she didn’t brush it aside. “You’re more than welcome, Mac.” The two women hugged for a moment, each reveling in the new friendship. Finally Trish sat up. “Now where did I put those pictures? Oh yes, hang on. I’ll be right back.”


San Diego, CA

1520 Local

Wearily Harm climbed into the car and started it. It had been a long, long day. He looked down at his blood-spattered uniform and sighed. It had not been a pretty day, either.

Admiral Sanders had pulled the trigger and almost succeeded in committing suicide right in front of him. It was only a stroke of luck that he had managed to deflect the gun slightly, resulting in a serious head wound instead of death. It was touch and go for a while, but Sanders was going to make it.

Pulling out into the traffic, he once again thanked god for his foresight in asking Gunny to accompany him. If Gunny hadn’t been there, Sanders would probably have started out by shooting first and trying to get away. Gunny’s quick thinking had prevented Harm from being seriously injured or killed. Not to mention the Gunny’s help in first aid to the Admiral probably saved his life.

As he crested the big bridge to the mainland, the ocean view stretched out clearly before him. A submarine was gliding into the submarine base, and there were a few destroyers heading out to sea. And of course, the civilian traffic, mostly sailboats.

He could feel the tension of the day slipping off his shoulders. The worst was over. The Admiral was in the hospital, with a guard. Webb had Benton in protective custody singing like a canary, Lieutenant Sanders and the rest of the crew had been rounded up and placed in the brig. A large staff of auditors from NCIS had descended on NLC and was going through reams of paper, comparing them to reams of papers from other ships.

All in all, it was a very satisfying wrap up to the case. Mac was safe and at home…oh shit. Mac was at home…with his Mother. He chuckled to himself. He was sure they had a wonderful time picking him apart.

The traffic on I5 wasn’t bad, for once, and again he allowed his mind to wander. The last 2 weeks without Mac had been awful. Bearable, since he knew where she was and talked to her every night, but still lonely and awful. The 2 days when he didn’t know where she was or if she was alive were totally unbearable. He repressed a deep shudder of fear as he thought about how close he had come to losing her.

Once again he turned it over in his head. He didn’t want to be without her…ever. She was it for him, and he was sure of it. They’d already waited six years, he wasn’t going to know her any better then he did right this minute. And she already knew him better than anyone on the face of the planet did.

Closing in on his Mother’s house, he pulled in through the gates as he made the decision. Undoubtedly it would shock Mac, who probably thought he’d never do it in a million years, but has happy with the idea. He would ask Mac to marry him. Now he just had to figure out the best way to do it.

Exiting the car, he walked up to the front door and opened it. The sound of feminine laughter hit his ears, his mother’s easy laughter, and Mac’s lower, sexier laugh. He smiled, the last of the day’s tension completely washed away by the sound. If ever laughter sounded like music, this was it.

Yes, he definitely wanted that music for all the rest of his life.

Burnette Residence

1600 Local

Harm entered the kitchen and surveyed the two women sitting at the table, both helpless from laughter. Mac, her arm in a sling, was pushed back from the table, doubled over giggling. His mother, also doubled over, was clutching a photograph. The table was covered old photos too.

It was impossible not to smile, their laughter infectious. “Just what is going on here?” He tried to sound stern, but it was difficult. He was sure he failed miserably at the attempt.

Mac and Trish looked up at him and burst into fresh gales of laughter. His mother waved the photo in her hand at him, and managed to choke out, “This.”

Knowing it was going to be embarrassing, Harm almost didn’t look at it, but he had too. He took the photo from his Mother’s trembling hand and looked at it, dreading what he was going to see. It was bad. He closed his eyes in mortification and heaved a sigh, eliciting even more hilarity.

The picture was of Keeter, Sturgis, and himself, their first year at the Academy. They had lost a bet, and had to dress up as the 3 Stooges. Sturgis as Moe (complete with a slicked down wig), Keeter as Curly (complete with shaved head), and Harm as Larry (complete with curly wig). Sturgis was pulling on Harm’s ear while Harm was attempting to poke Keeter in both eyes. Keeter was blocking his attempt with the classic move of placing his hand perpendicular to his eyes. “How did you get this picture? I didn’t even know you had it.” His tone was one of long suffering.

“Keeter sent it to me. I never showed it to you, I was afraid you’d tear it up.” His Mother was recovering a little, but Mac still seemed unable to talk. She looked up at him, wiping the tears of laughter away from her eyes.

Her beguiling smile made him lose the embarrassment and share in the joke. Leaning over to give her a kiss, a picture on the table distracted him. “MOM!”

His outraged cry sent both women into fits of mirth again. He picked up the offending picture and glared at his Mother. It was Harm, about 4 years old, buck naked on the beach, proudly displaying the sand castle he had just built.

“What? I told you I found them!” His Mother sounded surprised at his indignation.

Unable to resist the opportunity to amuse his Marine, he played into the whole scene for a few minutes, feigning annoyance, and enjoying the sight of Mac laughing so hard.

Finally Trish stood up. “I have to see about dinner.” Still chuckling, she kissed Harm on the cheek and began to shoo both he and Mac out of the kitchen.

“Do you need any help?” Harm stifled a laugh at Mac’s question, the thought of her cooking, especially one-handed, amused him greatly. She shot him a quelling frown, aware of his thoughts.

“No Dear, you and Harm go sit on the patio. I’ll be out shortly.” Affectionately she kissed Mac on the cheek. “I had a fun afternoon. I’m sorry you got hurt, but I’m so glad you’re here.”

Mac smiled and gave her a one-arm hug. “I did too. Thank you for everything.”

Harm put his arm around Mac and started out to the patio. Stopping in the hall, he pulled her into his embrace and kissed her tenderly. At least, it started out that way, but quickly escalated into something a little more heated.

Aware that his Mother was not far away, they broke the kiss off. “I missed you.” Harm was already a little breathless as he whispered this to her.

“I missed you like crazy. You should have woken me before you left this morning.” Her reproach was equally breathless, and she planted small kisses on his neck between words.

“You need your rest.” It was difficult to think when she was doing that.

“I need you.” The low husky voice sent shivers down his spine, and their lips met again in another passionate kiss.

“Ahem.” Frank cleared his throat, meeting Harm’s eyes in an amused glance. “Sorry to interrupt, I was just going out onto the patio.”

Mac hid her blushing face against Harm’s chest as Harm answered a little defensively, “So were we.”

To Harm’s relief, Frank did not laugh or make a sarcastic remark; he just nodded. “Well then, perhaps we can go together.” He gestured to them to precede him, and they all made their way to the patio.

Same night

2130 Local

In all her life, Mac had never had a more wonderful evening. Dinner, shrimp fettuccini, had been delicious, but the company is what made it all wonderful. Shared stories, laughter, the warmth of family…all of it combined into something Mac had never experienced - the simple joy of being with family. Her hungry soul was starved for this, and she wanted the evening to never end.

Harm had never left her side. They were currently sitting together on the patio swing, gently moving back and forth as Trish and Frank regaled her with stories of Harm’s growing up years. Harm’s fingers traced a delicate pattern on the back of her neck and played with her hair, leaving a trail of goose bumps wherever he touched.

Although she never wanted the evening to end, Harm’s touch was slowly driving her crazy. She needed to be alone with him. Whether it was the familiar touch in the small of her back as he followed her out to the patio, or the way he held her hand under the table during dinner. He seemed different tonight, although she couldn’t exactly pinpoint what the difference was. The affection in his gaze seemed more pronounced, and his love was transmitted without words through his touch.

Perhaps he had just been scared of losing her, but it seemed more than that. Allowing her head to fall back on his arm, which was now around her, she gazed up at the starry sky and allowed the pleasure of the evening to wash over her again. The slow rock of the swing coupled with the reassuring warmth of Harm next to her lulled her to sleep without her realizing it.

Harm looked down to see Mac asleep, her head resting on his arm. Carefully he snuggled her closer, enjoying the feel of her. He had gone so long without her. Silently he made himself the promise that that would never happen again.

Trish’s low whisper caught his attention. “Is she asleep? Poor thing, she doesn’t have her strength back yet.” Her eyes revealed the depth of her understanding about his feelings. He smiled a little; his mother had known his feelings about Mac long before he had been ready to face them himself.

“I guess I’d better take her up.” He shifted slightly, laying a gentle finger on Mac’s soft cheek. “Mac, honey”.

She stirred, and opened her eyes, smiling drowsily at him. “Yes?” Her eyes opened wide as she realized she had fallen asleep. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” Flustered, she started to straighten herself up.

“It’s all right, Mac.” Frank’s voice broke in. “We know you’ve had a rough time.” A wry note entered his voice. “We’ll try not to take it personally.”

Trish reached over and slapped him lightly on the arm. “Stop it, Frank. Harm, take her straight up to bed.”

“Boy, those are words I never thought I’d hear come out of your mouth.” Frank’s teasing brought a chuckle all around, then Trish frowned at him before glancing back at Harm. “You know what I mean. She needs her rest.”

Still smiling, Harm stood and pulled Mac up by her good arm. “Come on, Marine. We have our orders.”

“Trish, Frank, thank you for a lovely evening, and everything you’ve done.” Mac smiled at them as she spoke, wanting to hug both of them, but feeling a little shy.

Neither Trish nor Frank felt shy, however, and rose also. Trish hugged her. “Mac, it’s been such a pleasure spending time with you. My only regret is that it took an injury for my son to bring you here.”

Frank kissed Mac’s cheek, adding “You had better come here often. We’ve gotten quite fond of you.”

Trish laughed. “And you don’t have to bring Curly with you. You’re a part of the family now.”

Harm rolled his eyes at the 3 stooges reference, but kissed his Mother and shook Frank’s hand. “Good night, Mom…Frank.”

Retrieving Mac’s hand from his Mother, he led her towards the bedroom.

As they walked down the hall and up the stairs, the silence between them took on a highly charged electricity. They hadn’t been together in what seemed like years. Harm stole a glance at Mac, catching his breath at the intensity he saw there.

She had missed him, as much as he had missed her. He could see that clearly. And she wanted him, he could see that too. But he could also see the tiredness in her step, the way she valiantly tried to disguise her exhaustion and the pain in her arm.

In that instant, he made another decision. Not as drastic as the decision to marry her, but one he had never really made before. Tonight would be for her. His own desire could wait.

He closed the door to the bedroom after they entered and turned to face her. Picking up her hand, he started at the fingertips, covering her hand with soft delicate kisses, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Harm…” her husky whisper cut through the stillness of the room, her eyes winsome in the moonlight that flooded through the open windows. The soft sound of the surf was the only music that would have that night, and the moon was the only light. But it was more than enough.

“Sssshhhh.” Laying a finger across her lips, he let his mouth trail to her wrist. Slowly he moved closer to her, his hands cupping her face. As he lowered his mouth to hers, he could feel her tremble, and the sweetness of that kiss would stay with him for the rest of his life. It was almost as if it was the first time he kissed her.

Languorously he kissed her, savoring the taste and feel of her. He moved up to kiss her nose and both her eyes, running his hands through her hair. He kissed her as if he had all the time in the world. Sliding his hands down her neck, caressing her, he finally began unbuttoning her blouse.

Her hand came had been pressed against his chest, and began to unbutton his shirt, but he pulled back a little and caught her hand in his. Meeting her gaze, he answered her unspoken question in a whisper.

“No, let me.”

Her nod was all he needed, and he went back to his task, his lips nibbling at her neck. The blouse was finally open, and she wore no bra. Carefully, mindful of her sling, he cupped both breasts, his thumbs brushing against the already hard nipples.

Her quiet gasp made him smile as he bent his head, taking a rosy peak into his mouth. He focused all his attention on it, running his tongue around and suckling it.

“Please Harm…” She wasn’t even sure what she was asking for, but he seemed to understand. Giving one last flick of his tongue to her nipple, he straightened and kissed her again. Then he slid her blouse off one shoulder, his hands caressing each inch of skin as it was revealed. He walked around behind her, making sure that the collar didn’t get caught in the sling, and stopping to drop a lingering kiss on the back of her neck. Tenderly he helped her get the blouse off and her arm back in the sling.

Each movement was accompanied by a caress and a kiss, sending shivers down her back. Slowly he grasped the waist band of her sweat pants and slid them down her legs with her panties, his big hands stroking her. He lifted her feet, removing her sandals.

The light touch of his hands left a trail of fire as he skimmed them back up her legs. He paused when he reached her thighs, sliding his hands around to grasp her taut bottom firmly, pulling her to him. A low moan escaped her when he tasted her, rubbing her clit gently with his tongue, then sucking it. Her knees started to buckle and she braced herself with a hand on his shoulder.

He rose swiftly when he felt her weakness, catching her in his arms and kissing her passionately. Again she reached between them, this time for his belt, and again he stopped her. “Wait.” Guiding her to the bed, he watched as she lay back. Once she was settled comfortably and waiting for him, he began to remove his shirt. His eyes never left her as she watched him strip.

Her gaze roved over his muscled torso, and slipped lower down as he removed his pants. He turned to throw his pants on the chair. When he turned back to her, he caught her admiring his butt. Grinning arrogantly at her, his thoughts flew briefly to her exit from the hospital. Apparently she really did think he had a cute ass.

Not in the least embarrassed, Mac held out her hand to him. “You are so beautiful.” Her words touched him, but he could see the sincerity shining in her eyes, along with the love. “I think that’s my line, Sarah.”

He joined her on the bed, lying next to her. She turned on her side to face him, reaching out awkwardly to stroke his erection, but he pushed her onto her back. He leaned over to kiss her ear, sending another shiver of delight through her. “Just relax, Sarah. Let me have my way tonight.”

“But…” He cut off her protest with a kiss, and began his assault. To Mac, it seemed that his lips and hands were everywhere at once. Soft butterfly touches, his warm hands stroking everywhere. Nuzzling her neck, a delicate wet suckle on her breast. She was slowly melting under the onslaught of sensation, unable and unwilling to resist the burning fire within her he was so carefully stoking…the occasional nip or pinch only inflaming her further.

She ached for him to be inside her, but he stubbornly avoided the juncture of her thighs. She tried to be quiet, mindful of their location, but it was so difficult. When he finally did run his finger deep within her, she couldn’t contain herself and gasped.

She was so warm and slippery; Harm lost himself in the feeling of her. Unable to resist the temptation, he moved down and gently lay between her legs. Dipping his tongue inside her, he relished the taste of her wetness. He slipped a finger, then two inside her, and flicked the tiny bundle of nerves with his tongue.

Her whispering call of his name stirred him even more, and he moved his fingers in and out of her, loving the tightness and contractions as she neared orgasm. He licked and sucked at her clit until she went over the edge. He waited as she came back to earth, lapping gently at her sexual juices, inhaling her scent.

His cock ached to be inside her, but the pleasure of savoring her held him back. As her breathing slowly returned to normal, he moved back to his place beside her and tenderly laid his arm across her. He could see she was now totally out of it, and struggling to remain awake.

“It’s OK, Mac. Just go to sleep.” One part of him protested mightily as he said this, but he could wait. This really was for her.

“I want you, Harm. Just give me a minute to catch my breath.” Even as she whispered this to him, her eyes were closing.

“I’ll be here, Sarah. Just rest.” And strangely enough, it really was OK with him. Yes, he wanted to be inside her, and badly, but he was content to wait.

Her breathing evened out into sleep, and he caught a whisper from her. “Love you, Harm.”

“I love you too, Sarah.” And he stayed close to her, just holding her until he fell asleep.

0227 Local

Mac woke up, having to use the bathroom. Harm was still holding her, and she tried to slip out of his embrace without waking him. It didn’t work.

“Mac?” His voice was thick with sleep, his eyes not opening. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, just need to use the bathroom. Go back to sleep.” He rolled onto his back, and threw one arm over his head. “OK.”

When she returned, he was still in the same position, and she stood by the bed just watching him sleep. He really was beautiful, she mused as her eyes drank in the sight. Her eyes opened wide as she realized that she had fallen asleep before making love with him. Vaguely she remembered his whispered reassurances, and something sweet pulled at her heart. No one had ever done that for her.

A smile crossed her face as she thought of a way to make it up to him. After all, turn about is fair play. She pulled the sheet away from him, once again admiring his nude form. He didn’t stir.

With her arm, this was going to take some logistical thinking. Kneeling by the bed, she reached out and touched his penis. As her hand caressed him, it slowly began to stiffen and lengthen. Before he reached full erection, she leaned over and took him in her mouth.

It was a strange sensation to be sound asleep, and then suddenly be awake fully aroused. Harm wasn’t sure exactly what was going on at first, he was only aware that the warmth of her mouth was wonderful, and the stroke of her tongue delightful. “Mac, what are you doing?”

She paused and giggled. “I think you can figure it out, Flyboy.” She resumed her mission, engulfing him totally in her mouth; bring forth a choked intake of breath from him. “Oh God.”

Slowly she slid her mouth up and down, stopping only briefly to swirl her tongue around the head, her good hand circling the base. She licked him up and down like an ice cream cone, then surrounded him again with her mouth, allowing her teeth to graze the sides gently. “Jesus, Sarah…”

He lost himself in the heated push and pull of her lips, the room whirling crazily around him until he exploded into her mouth. “Oh God…Mac!” He struggled to regain his breath while she rested quietly beside him, knowing he was too sensitive to touch right now. As his labored breathing returned to normal, she struggled to her feet, an awkward task with one arm in a sling.

She lay down beside him and he cuddled her close, kissing the top of her head which was resting on his chest. “You never fail to surprise me, Sarah.” She felt the low rumble of his laugh. “That was something else.”

She laughed with him. “I hope that means you enjoyed it.”

He smiled against her hair. “Oh definitely. Much better than an alarm clock.”

The two lovers drifted off to sleep in safe in each other’s embrace.

Harm’s Apartment

North of Union Station

2 Weeks Later

Saturday 0730 Local

The sunlight streamed through the blinds, lighting the room the early morning glow. As Mac sleepily opened her eyes, she became aware of the sound of the shower running, which then abruptly cut off. After a few moments, Harm came out, a towel wrapped carelessly around his hips.

She allowed herself the pleasure of admiring him before saying in an aggrieved tone, “We usually shower together. Are you trying to tell me something?”

After a few more days in San Diego Harm had wrapped up the investigation and they had returned to DC. The Admiral Sander’s trial would be in a few months; Harm and Mac would both be key witnesses, as well as Clayton Webb.

Since their return to Washington, Harm and Mac had spent every night together; sometimes at his place, sometimes at hers, but always together. ‘In fact,’ Mac reflected, ‘they might as well have been married.’ Feeling flustered at the thought, Mac tried to divert herself by watching Harm search for clothes.

Harm grinned over at her as he dug through his dresser drawer. “I’ve got a busy day today, and I thought you could sleep in if you wanted to.” Tossing the jeans he pulled out onto a chair, he made his way over the bed and pulled her into a hug. “And the only think I’m trying to tell you is you need to get your rest.”

She nuzzled his neck, enjoying the closeness and inhaling the fresh clean male scent of him. “I’m fine now, Harm. The doctor released me back to full duty, and the arm is just a little sore.”

He just nestled her closer and allowed one of his hands to slip under the T-shirt she wore, caressing the bare curve of her bottom. “Well, you still need to get your rest.” He had tried very hard not to hover the past two weeks, but it was difficult. He had almost lost her.

Responding instantly to the touch of his hands, she kissed his neck and trailed her hand up his leg to creep under the towel. “I’ve gotten plenty of rest, maybe now I need something else.”

He caught her hand with a regretful laugh. “As tempting as that is, I have to get to the airfield and get ‘Sarah’ ready. Bud’s picking me up in…” he glanced at his watch, “28 minutes.” Pausing for a moment to get a reading on how she was feeling, he asked, “You’re okay with this, right? I mean…Bud flying with me.”

Harm had been invited to perform with ‘Sarah’ in a local air-show, and Bud was flying with him as co-pilot. He needed Bud for his plan to come together, but he was afraid he’d hurt Mac’s feelings by not asking her. He needn’t have worried.

“Of course, it’s okay.” She shot him a smile. “Besides, look how easy it will be to make you feel guilty when I want something.” She sniffed the air. “I don’t smell coffee.”

Laughing, he gave her a kiss. “Yes Ma’am. I’m on it.” He slipped a pair of boxers on and went to the kitchen.

Still smiling, she got up and began to sort through her own clothes, of which a large amount had managed to find a home here. She’d take a shower after he left. All she had to do was pack a cooler full of soft drinks and pick up Frank and Trish around 10. They had flown in last night and were staying at her place.

Harm had participated in air-shows before, but for this one he’d invited everyone they knew to attend. He was like a little kid about it, nervous and excited. She’d never seen him this way before, but it was endearing just the same. Everyone from Tiner all the way the Admiral was coming.

A loud clang of a spoon on a metal pot was followed by Harm yelling at her, “If you get your six out here, I’ll fix breakfast for you. I’ll even leave the yolks in the omelet.” The smell of coffee wafted gently in the air.

“Coming, dear.” Laughing, she went to join him in the kitchen.

Air Field

1100 Local

Mac tugged the large cooler of soft drinks in the back of the SUV to the edge of the hatch, but was interrupted almost immediately. “I don’t think so, Colonel. That arm isn’t up to that yet.”

Turning to face the Admiral with a smile, she answered, “Thank you, Sir, but I think it’s a 2 man job.”

“Then I’ll help him, Mac.” Frank volunteered. “You really shouldn’t be doing any heavy lifting.”

Mac stepped out of the way as the 2 men heaved the heavy cooler out of the SUV and headed for the grandstand. The rest of the JAG crew was setting up there.

Trish reached out and hugged Mac. “I’m going to the hanger to see Harm, I’ll join you in a minute.”

Surprised at the gesture, Mac hugged her back. “OK. Tell him I’ll be there soon.”

Wondering what was up with Trish and Frank, Mac followed the Admiral and Frank. There had been an air of suppressed excitement ever since she picked them up, and she was at a loss as to explain it. They had seen Harm fly in air-shows before, but she guessed they just were happy to see him again.

“Hey Mac.” Sturgis greeted her with his usual calm. “How’s the arm?”

She stretched the limb in question. “Fine, thanks. How are you doing?” Glancing over, she saw Harriet, Bobbi, and Meredith in a huddle. They looked up at her and laughed, then huddled again. “And what is with everyone today?”

“What do you mean?” Sturgis gave her an amused glance. “And I’m fine, thanks for asking.”

“I don’t know exactly. Everyone seems so…excited.” Tiner passed her with a huge smile. “Ma’am, you’re looking nice today. Beautiful day out, isn’t it?” He gave a nod to Sturgis. “Sir.”

“Thank you Tiner. Yes it is.” As Tiner moved on, she remarked to Sturgis, “See?”

“I don’t know what you mean, Colonel.” He laughed suddenly. “Maybe we’re all just happy to see Harm flying.”

Eyeing him suspiciously, she nodded sarcastically. “Um hmm, Sure.”

She was distracted by the sight of Webb and Gunny walking up. “Clay, Gunny, I didn’t know you were coming. It’s good to see you.”

Webb made a show of walking up and turning around in front of her. “Just wanted to make sure you got a look at your favorite part of the CIA.”

Harm had filled her in on her exodus from the hospital, and she flushed bright red. “Come on, give me a break, will you Clay?”

He laughed and kissed her cheek affectionately. “Some day I will, but that day is a long way off.”

“Ma’am, it’s good to see you.” Gunny faced her with his usual marine exterior, only the amused twinkle in his eye gave him away. “I hope you haven’t been the butt of too many jokes.”

The Admiral walked up as everyone except Mac burst into laughter at Gunny’s seemingly innocent remark. She was still blushing furiously. “OK people, that’s enough. Let’s put an ‘end’ to this discussion.”

More laughter and more blushing on Mac’s part. “Umm…excuse me, please. I’m just going to go meet Harm at the hanger.” She made her escape quickly and thankfully, sure she was not going to live that episode down no matter how long she lived.

On the way to the hanger she passed Trish, who gave her a wide smile. “Oh Mac, isn’t this just a beautiful day? I can’t wait to see the show. This is so exciting.”

Mac, still not sure as to why Trish was so enthusiastic, agreed. “Yes it is, and I’m so glad you’re here for it.”

Unexpectedly tears welled up in Trish’s eyes. “I am too, you don’t know how happy I am.”

Startled at the unexpected emotion, she hastily moved to comfort Trish. “Hey, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

Embarrassed by her display, Trish waved her away. “Oh, don’t mind me. Sometimes I just get too emotional.” She smiled through the tears. “It’s a mother’s prerogative. Go…see Harm and ignore me. I’ll see you later.” She gave the astonished Mac another hug and continued on to the grandstand.

She could see Harm checking the engine on Sarah as she approached. “Hey Flyboy, you ready to go?”

“Mac!” He stopped what he was doing and came to greet her, glancing back at Bud who was tinkering with something around the tail of the plane. “What are you doing here?”

“Well that’s a fine welcome! I just came to wish you luck.” She pouted a little.

He shot her a smile and swept her into a hug, then bent her over backwards to kiss her. “Is that better?”

“Harm!” She was blushing again as she caught Bud’s smile at their antics. Everyone knew they were seeing each other of course, but neither Harm nor Mac were ones for public displays of affection.

Harm gave her the cocky flyboy grin. “Bud can handle it, can’t you Bud?”

Bud stopped what he was doing and leaned up against the tail, blocking Mac’s view. “Yes Sir, everything is handled.”

“OK then, all we have is the pre-flight check and we’re ready to go.” Harm turned serious for a moment. “Mac, you know I love you, don’t you?”

She was surprised by the nervousness in his eyes. “Harm, of course I do. And I love you.” He leaned down to kiss her tenderly this time, stopping before the kiss got out of hand.

“Then let me finish this, woman. I’ll talk to you after we’re finished.” He turned her around and smacked her on the rear. Laughing, she gave him a warning glare before taking off. He just gave her another cheeky grin.

Shaking her head, she made her way back to the grandstand to await the show.

20 minutes later

Mac still couldn’t figure out what was going on. Frank, the Admiral, Clay, Tiner, and Gunny were sitting together in a row behind her. Trish, on one side of her, kept squeezing her hand with excitement, and Harriet, on the other side, kept giving her mysteriously smiling looks. She was about to call them on it when the show started and Harm began to fly.

He kept the audience enthralled with all the tricks. Flying upside down, loop de loops, even adding a little smoke upon occasion. There were lots of oohs and aahhs from the crowd, and Mac felt her heart swell with pride for him. Everyone was on their feet to watch him, riveted by the Harm’s feats of flying.

Sarah swept down the runway and then headed almost straight up, going so far as to almost be out of sight, then falling to the side in a “hammerhead” move. Then the dive back down as the nose of the plane swung around and the momentum picked up. In spite of herself, Mac grasped Trish’s hand as the plane headed straight down, the whine from the velocity clearly audible. At the last moment, Harm pulled her nose up and leveled off to fly in front of the stands.

Mac barely had time to let out a gasp of relief when a long sign came fluttering off the back of the plane. It read:


Stunned, Mac sank down in her seat, almost unable to breathe.

Eager hands pulled her back up, and Trish hugged her. “You will, won’t you?”

“Of course she will!” Harriet answered for her whiling pulling her into a hug. Before Mac knew what was happening, she was being passed around for hugs. Still trying to catch her breath and stop the whirling in her head, she came to a stop before the Admiral.

He gave her a hug too, and then turned her around to face the airfield where Harm had just landed and was climbing out of Sarah. “You better go give him your answer, Mac.”

She managed to gasp out, “Yes Sir,” before turning around on shaky knees to cross the tarmac where Harm was waiting.

Still in a daze, she began to run to him while he ran to meet her halfway. As they met in the middle he swept her up into his arms. “You will, won’t you Sarah?”

All she could do was nod her head, the tears pouring down her face. In a million years, she never expected this from him. Her arms around his neck, they kissed fervently as the crowd roared their approval.

8 months later

JAG Headquarters

Harm pulled in to the parking lot, eager to see Mac; he’d been gone for 2 weeks on an investigation. Exiting his SUV, he headed into the building.

Since their marriage six months ago, life had been pretty wonderful. The small wedding on a hill at his Grandmother’s farm in Pennsylvania had been idyllic. The spring flowers had all been in bloom, friends and family had all attended, and he couldn’t have asked for a more romantic setting.

A smile spread over his face as he thought about the honeymoon. They’d had a long weekend at a Virginia coastal Bed and Breakfast, and it had been pretty romantic as well.

There had been some major adjustments, of course. Mac had been made a judge, transferring her out of A.J.’s chain of command but allowing her to remain at JAG. They had both been grateful for that.

Living together had been a challenge at first, both of them were strong willed and used to living alone. The resultant arguments had been rough, but the resolution of those arguments had been fun, to say the least. All in all, Harm reflected, his life was better than it had ever been.

The elevator opened, interrupting his thoughts. A silence descended over the normally bustling bullpen at his entrance, then several smiles broke out, and the noise resumed. Wondering what was up, Harm made his way toward his office, intending to drop off his briefcase and cover and then find Mac.

“Sir, it’s good to see you!” Gunny caught up with him and extended a hand.

“Gunny, this is a surprise. Are you back here permanently, or just visiting?” Harm dropped his briefcase and shook the proffered hand heartily.

“Back permanently, Sir, and happy about it. Things are always happening here”

Gunny’s wide smile seemed to be suggesting something, but Harm couldn’t put his finger on it. “Glad you’re back, Gunny.”

“Thank you Sir. There’s a staff meeting in the conference room in thirty minutes.” Gunny actually looked embarrassed. “It’s actually a little welcome home party for me.” Gunny’s grin was back in a second though. “The Colonel is in Court, but she should be able to make the party.”

“Thanks Gunny. I’ll see you at the party, then.”

“Aye, Sir.”

Harm continued on to his office to stow his gear and get settled. There was always a mountain of paperwork after a long absence, and he wasn’t looking forward to it. He comforted himself with the thought he’d be seeing Mac shortly.

20 minutes later

Harm couldn’t help noticing the looks into his office as he worked. He’d kept an eye out for Mac, and so he’d caught several people staring into his office, then stopping to whisper to another person. Frankly, it was starting to get on his nerves. It was with some relief he glimpsed Bud heading towards his office.

“Sir, glad to see you back. You’re coming to Gunny’s little get together, aren’t you?” As always, Bud’s cheerful face beamed good will.

“Of course, wouldn’t miss it.”

As Bud turned to leave the door of his office, Harm called out, “Hey Bud.”

“Yes Sir?”

“Um…is there something going on around here?”

Bud was either better at hiding things than he used to be, or it was all Harm’s imagination. “Like what, Sir?”

“Oh…never mind. Let’s go to the conference room.”

Harm rose and joined Bud, and they walked toward the conference room. Apparently everyone had gone a little early, because the bullpen was already empty. There was a hum of conversation emanating from the conference room as they approached.

As they entered Harm spotted Mac immediately and made his way to her side. Unable to kiss her because of their surroundings, he settled for taking her hand for a moment. “Hey Marine, I missed you.”

Her happy smile warmed his heart as she squeezed his hand in welcome. “I missed you too. It’s been a lonely 2 weeks.” A teasing glint entered her eyes. “I’ve got a little surprise for you.”

A warm glow shot through him. “I look forward to it.” Even now he wondered how he could have waited so long to be with her. He could barely remember what it was like to be without her.

She laughed easily as her eyes took on another kind of warmth. “I wasn’t talking about that, but I’m looking forward to it too.” She nodded her head towards the door. “That’s what I was talking about.”

To his surprise, Trish, Frank, and Grandma Sarah stood in the doorway. Harm and Mac hurried over to greet them. “Wow, this is a great surprise. What brings you down this way?” Harm leaned over to kiss his mother’s cheek, and then his grandmother’s.

“We wanted to see our daughter-in-law, of course. You’d better get used to seeing us more often.” Trish’s teasing didn’t fool him for a minute. Something was up.

Smiling, he started to answer but was interrupted by the Admiral. “Attention, everyone. We’d like to welcome Gunnery Sergeant Galindez back into our midst. Gunny, you were sorely missed.” There was a round of applause and some cheers as the Admiral shook the Gunny’s hand.

“Colonel,” the Admiral continued. “I believe you wanted to add a few words of welcome.”

“Yes Sir.” With a quick squeeze of Harm’s hand, Mac went to stand near the conference table, under the banner that read:


“I’m sure we’re all glad to see Gunny back here. I know I am, it’s a relief to see some marine green among all these squids.” There was a short burst of laughter, followed by a few good-natured catcalls.

“I did have one announcement to add, however.” And Mac stepped back and pulled a string that was hanging down from Gunny’s welcome banner. Another banner rolled down underneath Gunny’s.

It read:


Before his stunned mind could take it in, Harm felt his Mother and Grandmother hugging him and Frank shaking his hand heartily. Other JAG people crowded around, thumping him on the back and congratulating him. It wasn’t until he finally managed to look over at Mac that it hit him.

She was standing quietly, observing the chaos around him with a smile. Breaking free of the crowd, he walked over to her. Completely disregarding protocol and the Admiral, he caught her up into a hug and kissed her soundly to the cheers of his friends and family.

“When?” He managed to get out when he stopped kissing her.

“I found out last week, I’m 7 weeks along.”

“Fine way to tell me,” he said teasingly, “you could have given me a heart attack.”

“Payback is hell, Flyboy.”

And they lived happily ever after….

The End

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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