Navy Brig
Harm’s Cell
2325 Local

Lights out was at 2100 hours. Harm had tossed restlessly on his cot ever since, too tense and worried for sleep. The complete and utter ruination of his life was at hand if something didn’t break soon. He knew his predicament was his fault. If he hadn’t been so intent on protecting Sergei none of this would have happened.

Heaving a heavy sigh, he gave up trying to sleep and sat up. He could just see the full moon through the little window at the top of the cell. Clouds blew across it, but it still illuminated his cell brightly, bathing it in a luminescent eerie fashion.

The sound of the cell door opening caught his attention. There was a guard standing there. Instantly, his senses were on alert. They’d put him in solitary confinement as he wasn’t too popular with the other inmates, and this little after hours excursion had his radar up instantly. “What is it?” He hoped he didn’t sound as nervous as he felt.

The guard advanced into his cell. He stood in front of Harm, still sitting on the cot, and slapped his nightstick in his palm. The implication was clear. “Lie down and grab the headboard.”

“What?” This definitely did not bode well for the future.

A hard poke in the ribs with the nightstick was his answer at first. “You heard me.”


“Just do it!” The guard pushed him roughly down and waved the nightstick threateningly.

Unwillingly, and thoroughly apprehensive, Harm finally complied. There was little point in resisting.

Once he was down, the guard fumbled with something he couldn’t see, but he felt the coolness of steel as handcuffs were quickly snapped on him. Startled, and actually scared now, Harm pulled at the handcuffs, but only succeeded in clanking them against the metal bars of the headboard.

The guard stood up and looked at him, then smirked. Harm broke into a sweat. This definitely wasn’t good.

But instead of beating him, or worse, the guard merely turned and walked out, closing the cell door behind him with a clang.

Left alone, Harm wondered what the hell was going on. Pulling fruitlessly on the handcuffs again, he noticed that the guard had never turned on the light. Again, an omen that boded ill. Still, the moonlight had everything bathed in light; it gave everything an otherworldly feel that unnerved him.

The door opened again, a feminine silhouette outlined against the stark light of the hall. He breathed a sigh of relief; he’d know that figure anywhere.

“Mac! Thank God! Get these off me.” Again he pulled at the handcuffs noisily.

She didn’t do anything at first, surprising him. Then she slowly sauntered in the room, closing the door behind her. A lock snapped behind her.


She said nothing; only walked slowly over to him with a sort of smile on her face.

“Mac?” This was whispered apprehensively. “Aren’t you going to help me?”

Her high heels clicked on the floor as she walked over towards him. They looked higher than the ones she usually wore with her uniform. In fact, her uniform looked different too. The skirt was shorter, and way tighter. The jacket fit her like a glove, accentuating each curve of her body.

She came to a halt beside him and smiled down at him.

This was just so…weird. “Mac?” He barely managed to squeak her name out this time.

“I’m going to help you, Harm. Just be patient.” The low husky tone of her voice made him shiver.

He opened his mouth to speak again, but she laid a finger against his lips. “Hush. We haven’t got that long.”

He hushed.

A low throbbing in his loins had started at the first sound of her voice, but when the finger that was on his lips trailed down to his chest, the throbbing increased to an insistent beat.

Sitting on the cot next to him, the hand that was now softly caressing his chest began to unzip the front of the orange jumpsuit he wore.

“Mac-” His whisper cracked. This time it was her mouth that silenced him.

The moment her full lips touched his he was lost, under her control completely. His mouth opened to accept her questing tongue, and when their tongues finally met he just forgot about where they were. He wanted so much to hold her, but the damn handcuffs wouldn’t let him.

“Sarah, let me loose. Please.” His voice was ragged when she finally pulled away.

Instead of releasing him, she stood up. Every movement was slow, almost surreal. Her jacket was slowly unbuttoned, and dropped to the floor. Her tie followed. When her fingers began pulling her blouse out of her skirt, he began to beg.

“Please, Sarah. I want you, I want to do that. Please.” Frustrated, he tugged on his bonds.

Tantalizing him with her slowness, each button was undone until finally the blouse was hanging loose.

This was torture. He could just see the laciness of the bra cupping her full breasts.

Her hands went around behind her, and he heard a quiet zip. The skirt dropped to the floor, only to be followed by the shirt.

He was speechless, gazing at her beauty. Tawny aureole peaked out from the confines of her bra. The high cut lace panties only emphasized the tiny waist and long legs. She wore no stockings, only those impossibly high stiletto heels.

He watched as she stepped out of the heels, slipped off the panties, and finally shed herself of her bra.

She stood there, naked, bathed in the ethereal moonlight.

He was so hard he ached, the throbbing in his groin almost overpowering him by now. He groaned and shifted on the cot, trying to ease the pressure in some way, but helpless to do so.

Approaching him again, she leaned over him and kissed him deeply, then drew back slightly, rubbing her lips gently against his. He moaned and leaned up to capture her mouth again. “Sarah…please.”

Shifting her position, she let one of her breasts rest against his lips. He suckled fervently, desperately. It was then he finally got a moan out of her. He nipped lightly on her nipple, then ran his tongue around it.

She was breathing heavily now and he heard his name escape her lips in a whisper. “Harm…”

Trying to push the advantage, he tried one more time to get her to release him. “Untie me, Sarah. I can do so much more to please you with my hands free.”

She pulled back and smiled at him. “Oh, you’ll please me, Harm. I have no doubts about that.”

Her sultry tone set him to trembling, and reminded him of the deep ache in his cock. If possible, he got even harder.

He didn’t know where she got them, but suddenly there was a pair of scissors in her hand. Slowly she snipped the jumpsuit across his waist, then angled up his torso to each of his arms.

The coolness of the metal contrasted sharply against his fevered skin, and the soft ‘snick’ of the scissors sounded loud in the room. Finally the material fell away, and his upper body was bare.

It was then that the real torture began.

Her fingernails traced patterns on his chest, trailed to the muscled torso, then slid down to tweak his nipples. Goosebumps broke out wherever she touched, and he could barely make himself stay still.

But then, Oh God, her mouth descended on him. She kissed his neck, nibbling experimentally. Feather kisses trailed across his torso. She paused to bite gently at his nipple, and then continued down to his navel. Her tongue played there a moment.

“Oh God, Sarah, please. Mac…” She was making him loose all control, he couldn’t even make a coherent plea. He squirmed under her, frantic for more.

He needed her touch now. If he couldn’t touch her, and God, how he wanted to touch that satin skin, she simply had to touch him, stroke him. The pulsating heat in his cock was demanding attention.

She stopped the torture, and picked up the scissors again. Breathlessly he watched as she snipped down the outsides of the legs of the jumpsuit. Now the material was free, but was just lying on him. He held his breath to see what she would do.

Slowly, she pulled the clipped material away, the brush of the fabric against his penis sending little zinging sensations through him. He could see his boxers now, tented by the tangible proof of his desire.

Again the scissors snipped, this time dangerously close to him, but he didn’t care. He wanted to be naked with her. He wanted her…had to have her, and it didn’t matter how at this point.

The light white fabric was whisked away, and he was out there in full glory. Reckless with desire, he pushed his hips up at her, silently begging.

She touched him gently, caressing him, and he almost came right there. Delicately, she leaned over and lapped up the few drops of pre-cum, and he almost dislocated his shoulder when he jumped at the sensuous touch of her tongue.

Drawing back, she smiled at him again. Then carefully, slowly, she straddled him. His tip was poised at her entrance when he stopped her. “Wait!”

A confused look crossed her face as she looked at him.

“Sarah, please, I want to taste you. At least give me that if I can’t touch you.” Giving her his best pleading look, he was relieved when she nodded.

Still straddling him, she moved up his body until she could grasp the metal rungs of the headboard. She looked down at him. “Are you sure you want this?”

His grin threatened to go all the way around his head. “Oh yeah. I’m absolutely positive.”

With that, she lowered herself to his mouth.

And Oh Lord, she tasted wonderful! So wet…so hot. He buried his tongue in her, thrusting his face up into her wet core as hard as he could.

Vaguely he could hear her soft moans and cries, but nothing deterred him. Shifting slightly, he flicked her clit with his tongue, gratified to hear her calling his name, but he didn’t stop. “Come on, Baby. Give it to me,” he murmured against her.

In all his life, Harm was sure he’d never forget this moment. He was surrounded by her, engulfed by her scent. Breathing became unimportant as he strained to give her the ultimate pleasure.

Her body jerked spasmodically and there was a warm rush of fluid that he struggled to catch. He wanted every drop of the honey that flowed from her.

Panting, she attempted to withdraw, but he shook his head. “Uhuh, don’t move.” Again he thrust his tongue into her, savoring her.

But she still moved away, and he could barely contain the disappointment.

Until she slid down his body and lowered herself onto his shaft.

Holy shit…the hot velvety wetness…she was so slippery…she was so…he lost the train of thought completely when she began to move.

The friction…the feel of her…oh God…he wasn’t going to last long. He thrust up as hard as he could, pumping himself into her luscious body, unable to stop himself. Harder, and harder.

The sweat poured off him as he tried to hold off, but she was working him, and the sound of her begging him got to him. “Yes Harm…Oh God…Yes…Fuck me Harm…You’re so hard…So good…I’ve never felt it like this before…

And that was it. He couldn’t hold off. The orgasm started in his toes, arching his back with the force of it. Oh God…He’d never come so hard in his life!

With a start Harm sat up in the bed and looked around. All was quiet, but he was sweating profusely. The morning light was shining in the little window, and he was a mess.

Finally realizing what had happened, he rubbed his face with both hands and gave a laugh. He really needed to work things out with Mac. These dreams were going to kill him.

The end

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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